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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: President Nelson & Elder Holland to Tour Europe, Africa and Asia in April

Hello again, everyone! Not sure when this was posted on the Church's official website, but my local news ran a story about half an hour ago sharing that President Nelson and his wife, accompanied by Elder Holland and his wife, would be touring Europe, Africa, and Asia in April.

According to this news release from the Church website, the tour will go from April 10-23, and will allow these Brethren to visit Church sites in these nations, which will almost certainly involve looking over temples under construction in Africa and also perhaps scouting out potential future locations for future temples in all three continents, in addition to holding gatherings for members and missionaries in these areas.

This is exciting news, primarily because it has been a while since a Church president has been able to travel extensively like this. I have not verified this through personal research, but I seem to recall that President Monson began gradually scaling back his duties in 2014 or so, which included limiting his travel and the number and length of his addresses in General Conference. So it may have been a couple of years prior to that that President Monson traveled to such an extent.

And this is the first time since 2006 or so that I can recall an older Church president doing such extensive traveling. This suggests that, in accordance with what he said in the press conference for him and his counselors on January 16, he is earnest in his desire to be out among the people as long as he can be, and to understand the local issues members throughout the world are dealing with.

I observed this on Facebook, but it is worth mentioning here as well: The fact that President Nelson is intent on serving and being out among the people for as long as he can has been perfectly verified by how fully he and his counselors have gotten right to work to get things done.

And that is no more evident than in the fact that he has done quite a bit since his ordination. He has spoken at the funerals of the longest-serving Area Seventy of the Church (Jon M. Huntsman) and of Elder Von G. Keetch, who unexpectedly passed away from a brief, sudden, and fatal illness. He and his counselors have also announced the rededication for the Houston Texas Temple and the renovation that is scheduled to occur for the temple in Hamilton New Zealand.

I never got around to mentioning this before now, but just a couple of days ago, Mormon Newsroom shared this report about how President Nelson and his wife spoke to a group of young adults in Las Vegas.

So it is plain that President Nelson is very committed to ministering to Church members. And it is interesting that this tour will begin about 1.5 weeks following his first General Conference as Church President. Mormon Newsroom indicated in the release about the tour plans that articles about that tour would be published as the tour progresses. So you can be sure to find coverage there.

Additionally, you can be sure I will be keeping my eyes open for more information on that tour, and on any and all other Church and temple news and updates and I will continue to do my best to pass those updates along to you as I become aware of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Additional Temple Updates

Hello again, everyone! I am pleased to post today to share some updates on the status of several temples, both new ones that are undergoing the construction process and one temple undergoing renovation as well. So let's get right into all of that.

We start first with the Rome Italy Temple, which had a slight but still significant update on its' status. The latest information I have found shows that landscaping and interior work continues. The new part of that temple's updated status shows that part of that interior work is the installation of more art glass.

Based on that update,  I feel confident that those construction workers on this project were not far off in their assertion that this temple could be finished in enough time to be dedicated in October. But I will keep my eyes open for news in that regard, and will pass along any updates to that prospect as I find out about them.

Moving on now to the Lisbon Portugal Temple, mid-section steeple walls have reportedly been poured, and a netting for the scaffolding of the temple has been attached. This update gives me hope that perhaps this temple could (and likely will) be completed more towards the earlier side than the later side of its' completion estimate (mid-2019 rather than late 2019).

The final update I wanted to pass along relates to the renovation process for the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple that is making steady progress. The newest information I have found shows that construction efforts have turned to the entrance lobby, which is being framed.

As I have repeatedly observed in other posts on this blog, it is great to see the day-to-day updates that are provided for temples everywhere. The subject of that progress is close to my heart, not just because of my time serving as a temple worker, but because the construction of temples is a very important part of Church history. And I will continue to keep my eyes open for all developments in that regard and will post them here as soon as I can after learning of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Oakland California Temple Closes for Renovation

Hello again, everyone! For those who are not aware of this fact, I wanted to note that, while all temples worldwide are closed on Sunday, most (if not all) of the temples within the United States are also closed on Monday as well. My purpose in mentioning this is to note that, while the closure for the Oakland California Temple was officially set to begin tomorrow, because that temple traditionally is closed on Sunday and Monday, the closure has essentially gone into effect.

As we also know, when this temple's closure was announced roughly a year ago this month, the stated purpose for the renovation is to upgrade electrical and mechanical systems upgraded and for its' finishes and furnishings to be refreshed. According to that news release, the temple is anticipated to be rededicated before the end of the next year. But because this is the first time this temple is being renovated, and because the first renovations for older temples have had a history of taking longer than anticipated, it has, as I have observed, been my feeling that this temple's rededication may only occur during early-to-mid 2020. I will keep my eyes open for more information on this process as it unfolds and will do my best to pass it along as I learn of it.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.