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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Another Update Provided for the Concepcion Chile Temple

Hello again, everyone! I am pleased to be able to post with a third temple update today. I recently became aware of additional progress that has been reported on the status of the temple under construction in Concepcion Chile. This is another small but still very significant update.

While landscaping and interior finish work is still ongoing, the last time I provided an update on this temple's status, I had noted that plastic sheeting had been removed from the decorative fence that is being put up around the temple.

Tonight I am pleased to report that netting has been removed from that decorative fence, which (unless I am mistaken) means that at some point in the near future, perhaps within the next few days, installation of that material may commence.

As previously noted on this blog, the dedication for this temple has been set to occur on Sunday October 28. So there are around 6.5 months or so between now and then, and we are certain to see additional milestones in this process in the days ahead. And you can be sure I will be keeping my eyes open for any and all such updates, on all temples around the world, and will bring those to you as soon as I can after I learn of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Additional Update Provided on the Status of the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple

Hello again, everyone! In addition to the already-reported closure of the Washington D. C. Temple, I became aware a short while ago of yet another update (slight though it is) on the status of the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple. According to that updated information, the walls of the steeple are currently being poured.

With this update, it is again apparent that the Lord's hand is at work in the day-to-day changes in temple construction. I will continue to follow any and all temple-related developments and will bring those to you as I am able to once I become aware of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Miscellaneous Church and Temple News

Hello again, everyone! In view of my personal need to slow down in the last few days and recuperate from illness, there have been a number of Church and temple news stories that I have not passed along on this blog. It is time to remedy that right now. So let's get right into it.

First of all, with today being March 4, 2018, I can now confirm that the Washington D. C. Temple has officially closed for its' renovation process, which is anticipated to last about two years. When announcing this closure a year ago, the First Presidency indicated that it would reopen in 2020.

With that said, it is a comparatively larger temple, so I have set my general estimate for the completion of that process for this temple as mid-to-late 2020. The purpose of the renovation is to upgrade and update electrical and mechanical systems and refresh the furnishings.

Second, a general note for you all regarding the full temple construction progress report I am keeping and have frequently updated as I find out more information. As I considered how best to track the information on that report, it made more sense to me to eliminate the notes under the status of each temple, since I generally post separate updates on time-frames for such events. So I have simplified that report quite a bit.

Next, we move on to several excellent Church news stories from Mormon Newsroom which are well worth mentioning. In this blog post, the Church mentions the publication of a unique volume containing a number of talks given specifically by the women of the Church. That volume will be available in full PDF version on the Church's website later this year.

I read some articles after the announcement of the new First Presidency that were less than complimentary about how President Nelson handled the question put to him about the place of women in the Church, and hopefully this volume helps to show how highly the counsel provided by the women of the Church is valued among the leading Brethren.

We next move on to news releases highlighting the ministry of our apostles. This article shares how Elder Andersen ministered to the Saints and friends of other faiths in Mexico following an earthquake in that region. And Elder Stevenson was asked to represent the First Presidency in ministering to Church members and friends of other faiths who were impacted by the horrific school shooting in Florida.

In connection with the Church's disaster relief efforts, members of the Presiding Bishopric (who, among other responsibilities, oversee the Church's Welfare efforts and disaster cleanup) have been busy as well. Bishop Dean M. Davies, who serves as First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric. had a "homecoming" of sorts when he was asked to minister to the people of Puerto Rico recently; he had been a mission president in San Juan prior to his full-time Church service. This report shares more about his recent visit there.

Presiding Bishop Gerald Causse, meanwhile, has given two significant addresses to vastly different groups. He spoke at a religious symposium in response to an invitation to explain to those gathered there how the Church's welfare and humanitarian programs work to help provide for the poor and needy, both inside and outside of the Church.

And more recently, Bishop Causse spoke at a Church history symposium on Mormon economic history. During his remarks, he particularly focused on how the Church's finances are handled, and highlighted principles of welfare and self-reliance that how the Church cares for the poor and needy, both inside and outside of the Church.

The final thing I wanted to mention is that the Church held its'  annual RootsTech gathering within this last week or so. Among the featured speakers were President and Sister Oaks, who gave the keynote address highlighting their own experiences with family history.

In a leadership session for Church leaders and for those called as Temple and Family History Consultants, Elder Quentin L. Cook and Elder Dale G. Renlund, who (unless I am mistaken) serve on the Church's Temple and Family History Executive Council provided key counsel regarding the many efforts the Church is making to help people find their roots and to take names to the temple.

I apologize for the length of this post, but these stories needed to be covered. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Worldwide Youth Devotional Featuring President & Sister Nelson Announced

Hello again, everyone! As many of you may recall, a Face-to-Face Event for the youth of the Church featuring President & Sister Nelson had originally been set to occur on February 3, 2018, when President Monson would have celebrated a decade of service as Church president. Following President Monson's passing, President Nelson announced that would be postponed and rescheduled for a later date. Today, I learned that that event, which will be instead a worldwide youth devotional, has been set for June 3, 2018. You can find more information on that here.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Washington D. C. Temple Prepares to Close for Renovation

Hello again, everyone! As some of you might recall, over a year ago (on February 23, 2017), the First Presidency announced the renovation closures for the Oakland California and Washington D. C. Temples. With the closure of the Oakland Temple having taken place on February 19, the closure of the temple named for the US capital city will occur this Sunday.

Since it is an older and comparatively larger temple, the renovation process is only anticipated to conclude during 2020, and it has been my long-held opinion that that temple will only be rededicated during the final quarter of 2020.

Of course, if the renovation proceeds more quickly than expected, that would, in turn, allow the dedication sooner than I anticipate, which would be wonderful. I will be sure to pass along any updates in terms of temple progress as soon as I can after learning of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Elder Renlund Dedicates Barbados for the Preaching of the Gospel During a Caribbean Area Review

Hello again, everyone! Elder Dale G. Renlund has a supervisory role over the Caribbean Area of the Church. The Church News has shared in this report that, as part of conducting the annual review for that area, Elder Renlund dedicated Barbados for the preaching of the gospel.

The island nation had been informally included in a dedicatory prayer in 1988, but the First Presidency felt that a dedicatory prayer specifically for that nation would be appropriate, and so they sent Elder Renlund to take care of that.

Aside from the above link to this article, I will not be attempting to provide any type of in-depth or extensive analysis on this exciting development. But it is almost certain that Matthew Martinich, a well-respect Church growth expert who has a blog devoted to that subject, will (if he has not done so already) post such an analysis in the coming days.

The article detailing this area review may or may not have mentioned this, but I am sure Elder Renlund's visit included a chance to visit the site of the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple as well. Regarding that temple, I had reported the formal beginning of construction efforts there roughly one month after its' groundbreaking.

As I have also previously noted, construction of that temple was only anticipated to take around 12-18 months, and it is currently anticipated that that temple will be the third new one to be dedicated next year.

So we can see that the Church is progressing well in the Caribbean Area. I look forward to learning more, along with all of you, regarding how the dedication of Barbados affects the spreading of the gospel in that nation. And you can rest assured that whatever Church and temple news might come to my attention will be passed on to you all as soon as I can make that happen.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Additional Temple Updates Provided

Hello again, everyone! I am pleased to be able to bring you some additional temple updates that have crossed my radar today. We start first with the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple, where roof shingling continues, the driveway and parking areas have been outlined, and where stone and tile work are underway inside the temple. Based on this update (and on the fact that this temple has progressed fairly consistently of late), it is easy to see why this temple's completion is anticipated in early 2019.

In the meantime, the one other update I wanted to pass along is regarding the status of the Rio de Janeiro Temple, where the walls of the steeple are being poured. I mentioned in an earlier post on this blog that I had found out that this temple was larger in size than was originally anticipated, which is why this temple has been shifted down to the bottom of the list and is only anticipated to be dedicated in early 2020.

And finally, now that March has officially begun, it is worth noting that, if all goes well, full-scale construction efforts for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple may begin within the next 1-3 months or so. It will be exciting to see how that occurs, and I am (as I always do) keeping an eye out for more information & updates on temples and will pass along such news as I become aware of it.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: Open House and Dedication Dates Announced for Concepcion Chile and Barranquilla Colombia Temples

Hello again, everyone! Although I just barely posted updated thoughts about the time-frames for temple-related events, I knew they were subject to change. Regular readers and followers of this blog have no doubt seen the comment on the last post indicating that the open house and dedication dates have been announced for both the Concepcion Chile and Barranquilla Colombia Temples. Let's dive right into the details of that information.

First, I wanted to note that both dedications are set to occur a little later than I had been projecting. The Concepcion Chile Temple will host open house tours for exactly four weeks: between the Saturdays of September 15 and October 13, with no tours being conducted on the Sundays of September 16, 23, and 30 and October 7.

Here's the interesting thing about that: In lieu of a cultural celebration, the Church has announced that a devotional for the youth will be held on Saturday October 27. The temple will be dedicated in three sessions the following day, and will be broadcast to all congregations in Chile.

As for the Barranquilla Colombia Temple, the open house will run for three weeks: between the Saturdays of November 3-24, with no tours on the relevant Sundays, November 4, 11, and 18. Again, a youth devotional will be held in lieu of a cultural celebration, and that devotional will take place on Saturday December 8, with the dedication in three sessions following the next day, which will be broadcast to all Colombian Church members.

It is wonderful to have heard of this announcement, and I am grateful to have been able to pass this information along to you all. You can find more information about this on the official news release from Mormon Newsroom.

I did want to note one additional thing: In the estimated time-frames for future temple events that I adjusted and published earlier today, I had again referenced the news article from the Italian newspaper that featured an interview with those working on the Rome Italy Temple. That article had stated that the Church might be dedicating that temple prior to the end of this year.

So I can see two options: Either the Church is keeping November open in case the dedication could be held in the middle of that month, or else the completion of that temple will only occur in early 2019. I am keeping my eyes open for any information that would point to either option and will pass that along once I find out about it.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Updated Completion Estimates for Future Temple-related Events

Hello again, everyone! I am back as promised, with the updated completion estimates I have put together for future temple events. I have based these revisions on a number of factors, but primarily on the climates of the cities in which these temples are being constructed or renovated and the progress (or lack thereof) for each of them. Those estimates follow below.

So as not to disturb the flow of that information, I will close now as I always do. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Future estimates for known temple-related events

Sunday March 4: Washington DC Temple Renovation Closure (date has been confirmed)
Sunday April 22: Houston Texas Temple Rededication (private; date has been confirmed; President M. Russell Ballard will preside at this event)
April or May: Full-scale construction anticipated to begin on the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple
Sunday May 20: Jordan River Utah Temple Rededication/Mesa Arizona Temple Renovation Closure (both have been confirmed)
July: Hamilton New Zealand Temple Renovation Closure (official closure date confirmation is pending)
Sunday September 16 or 23: Concepcion Chile Temple Dedication (160th operating temple)
Sunday October 14 or 21: Barranquilla Colombia Temple Dedication (161st operating temple)
Sunday December 9 or 16: Rome Italy Temple Dedication (162nd operating temple)
Note: An article published in an Italian newspaper featured interviews with construction workers. As part of that interview, one worker noted that the Church would likely dedicate this temple before the end of 2018. While the general consensus seems to be that this could occur in October, in view of the progress (and at times the lack thereof) in terms of this temple’s construction, it has seemed wise to be more conservative in my estimates. If I see a need to revise this estimate again, I will do so.

Mid-February: Kinshasa DR Congo Temple Dedication (163rd operating temple)
Mid-March: Memphis Tennessee Temple Rededication
Mid-to-late April: Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple Rededication
Early-to-mid May: Fortaleza Brazil Temple Dedication (164th operating temple)
Mid-to-late May: Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple Dedication (165th operating temple)
Mid-June: Frankfurt Germany Temple Rededication
Early-to-mid August: Lisbon Portugal Temple Dedication (166th operating temple)
Mid-to-late August: Raleigh North Carolina Temple Rededication
Mid-September: Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple Rededication
Mid-to-late October: Asuncion Paraguay Temple Rededication
Mid-November: Durban South Africa Temple Dedication (167th operating temple)
Mid-December: Oakland California Temple Rededication
Note: This temple closed for renovation on February 19, 2018 and the renovation process was officially underway as of February 28, 2018. When its’ closure was announced by the First Presidency, the announcement indicated that this temple would be rededicated in 2019. That said, it is an older temple, and if anything delays or prolongs that process, another adjustment to this estimate would be necessary.
Mid-March: Arequipa Peru Temple Dedication (168th operating temple)
Mid-to-late April: Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple Dedication (169th operating temple)
Mid-May: Tokyo Japan Temple Rededication
Early-to-mid June Winnipeg Manitoba Temple Dedication (170th operating temple)
Note: Full-scale construction efforts on this temple have been anticipated to begin since its’ groundbreaking in December 2016, and, as noted above, that could occur in April or May 2018. Once those efforts are fully underway, we will know more regarding how (if at all) the 20-month estimate originally given for this temple might be affected, and any subsequent adjustments that may be needed will be made.
Mid-August: Mesa Arizona Temple Rededicatiom
Mid-November: Washington DC Temple Rededication

Mid-to-late April: Hamilton New Zealand Temple Rededication

Final Note: I heard that 2018 and 2019 could be big years for temple groundbreakings. If that proves correct, then many other new temples could also be dedicated during 2020 and 2021. It also seems safe to assume that other temple renovations will be announced, which will in turn necessitate subsequent rededications. As the next two years unfold, I will have a better idea of when such events may occur, and they will then be added to the other estimates above.

Temple Construction Updates Provided; Additional Revision of Completion Estimates Necessary

Hello again, everyone! I am pleased to be able to report today many exciting developments in terms of temple construction around the world. Before I pass along what those details are, I wanted to note that some of these updates involve a shift in the more general completion estimates for those temples that have and have not had progress reported recently. This in turn necessitates yet another reevaluation on my part in terms of the more specific estimates I have provided, which I hope to post later today.

With that said, let's get to the updates. We start first with the Barranquilla Colombia Temple. A report has come in today that last Saturday, members offered free health services and supplies to around 550 individuals near the temple site, after which those giving and receiving such services toured the temple grounds. That was great to hear about.

And if that was not enough good news, an update has been provided on the status of that temple as well. The latest report notes that more plants and trees are being added to the grounds of the temple, that art glass installation continues, and that interior work is making progress.

Based on that update, I may be rethinking the more specific time-frame which I offered for this temple's dedication. When I last posted those estimates, I had indicated that the Rome Italy Temple might be dedicated before this one, but since both are progressing steadily, another evaluation of that is likely needed.

Regarding the Rome Italy Temple, in view of the article quoting a member of the construction team for that project, it has seemed very safe to assume that that temple will almost certainly be dedicated before the end of this year, rather than the beginning of 2019. So I will be keeping that in mind when I work on the updated estimates.

We next turn to the Lisbon Portugal Temple, where steeple walls have been poured and the scaffolding around the steeple has been removed. Because this temple has progressed so steadily lately, the general completion estimate for this temple has been changed yet again.

As those who have followed such changes might recall, this temple has moved up on the list a couple of times. As recently as around a month or so ago, it was noted that this temple could be completed in mid-2019, which was subsequently changed to mid-to-late 2019.

With the progress that has been noted, today that more general estimate has been pushed up again to mid-2019. I was grateful to learn about that.

I should also note that, since the two have been somewhat neck-and-neck in their completion estimates, the estimate for the Durban South Africa remains at mid-to-late 2019, meaning the Lisbon temple will likely be completed several months prior to Durban.

Another update has been provided for the Arequipa Peru Temple as well. While still noting that the cupola has been installed atop the tower walls, it has also been noted that interior work is underway. But the big surprise with this temple is that, while as recently as yesterday, its' general completion estimate was set during late 2019-early 2020, there is now reason to believe that it may only be dedicated in early 2020. So that is something else I will be reevaluating.

We now turn to temples undergoing renovation. Surprisingly enough, reports have come in of progress on both the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple (where the spire and the marble cladding have been removed) and on the Oakland California Temple (where a construction fence has been put up and the water fountain feature has been removed).

Because of the confirmation that both temples have their renovations underway, it makes sense that the more general estimate for the completion of the Baton Rouge renovation is mid-2019. And because the renovation efforts are officially underway for the temple in Oakland, it has felt more reasonable to me to alter my general estimate for its' rededication to sometime between late 2019 and early 2020.

I should also note that, because no progress has been reported on the Asuncion Paraguay Temple (although such progress may have been made but has just not been reported yet), it has felt wise to shift my general estimate for that temple's completion to mid-to-late 2019. But depending on the progress (or the lack thereof) on this temple, that could be pushed back further.

It is also worth noting that we are still waiting for confirmation as to whether or not the Asuncion Paraguay and Baton Rouge Louisiana Temples will have a change in their exterior looks to match other temples built and originally dedicated during the temple building boom of the late 1990s-early 2000s. It seems safe to assume that will be the case, but time will tell.

This update was slightly longer and more detailed than I intended it to be, and I apologize for that. But that does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time.

Until my next post (which will, barring anything unexpected, be published later today and will focus on more specifically updated estimates for future temple-related events), I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.