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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Temple Progress

I know I haven't yet posted the general update I've been promising since the beginning of the month, but there have been some exciting developments in temple progress that I just had to post about. Hang on to your hats! This will be a wild ride!

First off, the Star Valley Wyoming temple groundbreaking will be held this Saturday. It is unclear who will preside at this groundbreaking. President Monson did say he wanted to be the one to dedicate that temple because the fishing is good there. So he may decide to do it himself and get some extra fishing in, if he feels up to it. President Eyring might be asked to do it, or President Uchtdorf might have his first opportunity to break ground for a temple. Any members of the Twelve could do it. None of them have any ties to Star Valley as far as I know, but if a member of the Twelve is sent, there are possibilities there. Any member of the Presidency of the Seventy could do it, as they all have equal authority to preside over the areas in the US and Canada. Of course, it could be Elder L. Whitney Clayton, who has specific supervisory responsibility for the Utah North Area, where the temple is situated. Or it could be any member of the First or Second Quorums of the Seventy or the Presiding Bishopric. The Presiding Bishopric has direct responsibility for being part of the temple site selection process.

In the meantime, the Cordoba Argentina Temple open house is underway and will be completed on May 2, with the dedication to follow 15 days later. The Payson Utah Temple is currently being toured by VIP and the media. It will open for the general public this Friday. Tours will go until May 23, with the temple to be dedicated 15 days later. The Trujillo Peru temple will also have its open house starting May 8 and running until the 30th, and the dedication of that temple will take place on June 21. With three temple dedications in the near future, the question arises, which First Presidency member will dedicate each of these temples, and who will accompany them? I could easily see President Monson presiding at the Payson dedication, but I honestly don't know whether he's up for out of state events like the Cordoba and Trujillo dedications. So it'll be interesting to see what happens with those dedications.

In the meantime, no significant progress has been made on the under construction or announced temples. Provo City Center could be dedicated by the end of this year, but it's difficult to say. We have two other dedications and one rededication by the end of the year. Other temples are progressing as follows:

Temples Undergoing Renovation:
26. Mexico City Mexico Temple: Scheduled to be rededicated Sunday September 13, 2015.
86. Montreal Quebec Temple: Anticipated to be completed in late 2015.
91. Suva Fiji Temple: Anticipated to be completed in early 2016.
33. Freiberg Germany Temple: Anticipated to be completed in mid-2016.
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Anticipated to be completed in late 2016.

Under Construction:
145. Cordoba Argentina Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday May 17, 2015.
146. Payson Utah Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday June 7, 2015.
147. Trujillo Peru Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday June 21, 2015.
148. Indianapolis Indiana Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday August 23, 2015.
149. Tijuana Mexico Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday December 13, 2015.
154. Provo City Center Temple: Projected to be completed in late 2015-early 2016.
150. Rome Italy Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2016.
155. Hartford Connecticut Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2016.
156. Fort Collins Colorado Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2016.
151. Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-to-late 2016.
152. Sapporo Japan Temple: Projected to be completed in late 2016.
157. Paris France Temple: Projected to be completed in late 2016.
158. Meridian Idaho Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2017.
153. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Projected to be completed in 2018.

166. Star Valley Wyoming Temple: Building permit approved; groundbreaking scheduled for April 25, 2015.
167. Tucson Arizona Temple: Construction approval phase; general contractor selected; groundbreaking pending.
169. Cedar City Utah Temple: Local government approval phase; site plan presented at January 2015 meeting; groundbreaking pending.
159. Concepcion Chile Temple: Approval phase; temple and site design plans complete; groundbreaking pending.
160. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Planning and approval phase; land purchase finalized; groundbreaking pending.
168. Arequipa Peru Temple: Planning and approval phase; final piece of land for temple site acquired; groundbreaking pending.
163. Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Planning and approval phase; temple and site designs complete; groundbreaking pending.
162. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
165. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
170. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
161. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
164. Durban South Africa Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
171. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
172. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
173. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.

According to this, two other temples could potentially have their groundbreaking ceremony this year, with several more to follow by the end of next year. As soon as Urdaneta, Durban, Abidjan, Port-au-Prince and Bangkok have their sites announced, they will join the queue. And more temples are sure to follow. I will keep you all updated on this as events occur. Look for the updates here.

In the meantime, if I don't do it before then, you can count on me doing a substantially large general update on Sunday. Until I post again, all the best!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

General Conference Predictions Results

I'm sorry to be getting back to this so late. Life caught up with me in a major way, and I simply have not been feeling up to posting lately. But the storms have calmed down, so now I can get back to things. After last general conference, I posted the result of my predictions. So this post will serve the same purpose. First, Church membership for the end of 2014 was announced as 15,372,337. This is 24,363 less than the prediction I made of 15,396,700. In all fairness to me, though, my method for predicting the increase in Church membership is somewhat obscure and not based on any particular method. The only factor determining my prediction is the average church membership increase of previous years. If the Deseret News was still putting out a Church Almanac, then that would list Church membership up to the end of the 3rd quarter of each year, which would give me a much better number to base my prediction on.

Now I will share how my predictions for changes in general Church leadership panned out. Below are my predictions, with each followed by a note that highlights what actually happened. All things considered, I didn't do too badly. See for yourself:

April 2015 Predictions for Changes in General Church Leadership
First Quorum of the Seventy: New members added from Second Quorum of the Seventy, Area Seventies, or Church at large.
NOTE: Kim B. Clark, Von G. Keetch, Alan D. Haynie, Hugo Montoya, and Vern P. Stanfill were sustained as new members of the First Quorum of the Seventy.
Second Quorum of the Seventy: New members added from Area Seventies or Church at large.
NOTE: No changes.
Area seventies: Releases and sustainings.
NOTE: Releases and sustainings occurred.
Young Men General Presidency: David L. Beck, Larry M. Gibson, and Randall L. Ridd released; new Young Men General Presidency sustained (perhaps with Randall L. Ridd remaining as President or Counselor).
NOTE: Young Men Presidency was released. New Young Men General Presidency: Stephen W. Owen, Douglas D. Holmes, and M. Joseph Brough.
Primary General Presidency: Rosemary M. Wixom, Jean A. Stevens and Cheryl A. Esplin released; new Primary General Presidency sustained.
NOTE: Sisters Stevens and Esplin were released. Rosemary M. Wixom remains as Primary General President, with Cheryl A. Esplin as First Counselor and Mary R. Durham as Second Counselor.

The biggest surprises here were that there were no members added to the Second Quorum of the Seventy and that only the counselors in the Primary General Presidency were changed, rather than the whole presidency. I guess the Church has made a decision as much as possible not to have two new auxiliary presidencies called during the same conference. Which makes sense in a way, but it was still surprising. I wouldn't be surprised if we got a new Primary General Presidency next April, after this one has functioned for a year.

Now I will share how my predictions for General Conference speaking order turned out, followed by my analysis of them.

April 2015 General Conference Predictions

General Women’s
Bonnie L. Oscarson
[Linda K. Burton]
Cheryl A. Esplin

[Carole M Stephens]
Carol F. McConkie

[Bonnie L. Oscarson]
Carole M. Stephens

[President Henry B. Eyring]
President Thomas S. Monson
Saturday Morning
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
President Thomas S. Monson [President Henry B. Eyring]

[President Boyd K. Packer]
Elder L. Tom Perry

[Linda K. Burton]
Bishop Gérald Caussé

[Elder Dallin H. Oaks]
Linda K. Burton

Elder L. Whitney Clayton

[No one]
Elder Richard G. Scott

[Elder L. Tom Perry]
President Henry B. Eyring
Saturday Afternoon
President Henry B. Eyring
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Sustaining of Church Officers)

Church Auditing Department Report, 2014
Kevin R. Jergensen

Statistical Report, 2014
Brook P. Hales

[Elder David A. Bednar]
President Boyd K. Packer

[Elder D. Todd Christofferson]
Elder David A. Bednar

[Elder Wilford W. Andersen]
Elder Kevin W. Pearson

[Elder Dale G. Renlund]
Elder Rafael E. Pino

[Elder Michael T. Ringwood]
Elder M. Russell Ballard

[Elder Quentin L. Cook]
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Saturday Priesthood
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Elder Russell M. Nelson [Elder M. Russell Ballard]

Elder Ulisses Soares

Larry M. Gibson

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

President Henry B. Eyring

President Thomas S. Monson
Sunday Morning
President Henry B. Eyring
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf [President Thomas S. Monson]

[Rosemary M. Wixom]
Elder Quentin L. Cook

[Elder Jose L. Teixeira]
Rosemary M. Wixom

[Bishop Gerald Causse]                                                                                   
Elder Jose A. Teixeira

[Elder Brent H. Nielson]
[Elder Jeffrey R. Holland]
Elder Neil L. Andersen

[President Dieter F. Uchtdorf]
President Thomas S. Monson
Sunday Afternoon
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Elder Robert D. Hales

[Elder Kevin W. Pearson]
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

[Elder Rafael E. Pino]
Elder Jorge F. Zeballos

[Elder Neil L. Andersen]
Elder Mervyn B. Arnold

[Elder Jorge F. Zeballos]
Elder Yoon Hwan Choi

[Elder Joseph W. Sitati]
Elder Brent H. Nielson

[Elder Russell M. Nelson]
Elder Dallin H. Oaks

[No one]
President Thomas S. Monson

  77% accuracy on these predictions.

 The biggest surprises with these predictions were that President Monson spoke only twice, rather than the five times I had predicted, that Elder Scott did not speak, that there were 3 apostolic speakers Saturday Morning and 3 Saturday Afternoon (typically there are 2 and 4, respectively), that there were several seventies I dd not predict that spoke to us, and that we had a few more speakers this conference than is typical for an April General Conference. The closest I came to having a perfect prediction for a session was the Priesthood Session, where I only got the first speaker incorrect. As I explained last conference, I give myself 3 points per speaker: 3 if I got the right person in the right position in the right session, 2 points if I got them in the right session but the wrong position, 1 point if I got it right that they spoke at all, even if the session or order was incorrect, and no points if there was a wild card, or person I did not predict. So for the Priesthood Session, for example, there were 21 points possible. I got 18 because I got all the correct speakers in the correct position, except for getting the first person incorrect. As shown above, I was 77% accurate with these predictions. Which falls right in with my typical accuracy range of 60-80%. Not bad at all. I usually have my predictions for next conference made by this time, but haven't started on those yet. I will post those closer to October General Conference.

So there you have it: a report on my predictions and how they turned out. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will post probably within the next day or two with a much-needed update on how our lives have gone since my last general update. Until I write again, all the best!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

General Conference News

A bit later than promised, here's my recap of the major news from General Conference. During the sustaining of Church officers, we had some very vocal dissenting votes. This has not happened in general conference since the days of President Kimball. Back then, if an individual had a dissenting vote at general conference, he was invited to meet with a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to explain his or her reason for so voting. Now that the Church is more global, it has become necessary to transfer that responsibility to stake presidents. I have heard that the dissenters felt they could not trust their local leaders with why they were dissenting. But I don't know if they would have been sufficiently mollified if they were able to meet with an apostle to discuss their dissent. These people just seemed bent on stirring up trouble. President Uchtdorf handled the situation beautifully.

During the sustaining, five new members were added to the First Quorum of the Seventy. Elder Kim B. Clark served as an Area Seventy in the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy (Idaho Area) from 2007-2014. He became President of BYU-Idaho on August 19, 2005, succeeding interim president Robert M. Wilkes, who was installed to replaced Elder David A. Bednar when he was called to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Elder Clark will be released as BYU-Idaho President on April 13. I found it interesting that he was called at this time of his life. He is 66 years old, considerably older than most members of the Seventy when they are called as general authorities. Because of his age, he will likely only serve four or five years before receiving emeritus status. But he was a good choice.

Elder Allen D. Haynie is 56 years old, so he will likely be a general authority for at least 14 years. He was serving in the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy (North America West Area) at the time of his call. His Church service has been quite extensive. He could still be an actively-serving general authority at the time of the Church's 200th anniversary. We'll have to see.

Elder Von G. Keetch is 55 years old, so he will likely also serve at least 14 or 15 years and still be serving at the time of the Church's 200th anniversary. At the time of his call, he was also serving in the Fifth Quorum of the Seventy (Salt Lake City Area). He has also served quite extensively in the Church, and is from Provo, Utah.

Elder Hugo Montoya is also 55 years old, so it's not unreasonable to assume that he too will serve 14 or 15 years and still be serving at or near the time of the Church's 200th anniversary. When he received his call, he was serving as an area seventy in the Fourth Quorum (Mexico Area). His Church service has been extensive as well.

Elder Vern P. Stanfill is 57, so he will likely serve for at least 13 years. His extensive Church service has included most recently his call as an area seventy in the Sixth Quorum of the Seventy (North America Central Area).

The Young Men General Presidency (David L. Beck, Larry M. Gibson, and Randall L. Ridd) were released. A new Young Men General Presidency was sustained. Additionally, Jean A. Stevens and Cheryl A. Esplin were released as First and Second Counselors in the Primary General Presidency. Sister Stevens' husband has been called to be a mission president. I thought the entire Primary General Presidency might be released, but Rosemary M. Wixom will continue to serve as Primary General President. Cheryl A. Esplin is the new First Counselor, and Mary R. Durham is the new addition to the presidency as the Second Counselor. How long they will serve together, I don't know. But time will tell,

The new Young Men Presidency are Stephen W. Owen, 57; Douglas D. Holmes, 53; and M. Joseph Brough, 51. All of them have served extensively in the Church and are excited to be called to work with young men and their leaders throughout the world. Sister Durham is 61 and is excited to have the chance to work with children and their leaders throughout the world. She has served extensively in the Church.

Also announced were the release of 49 and the calling of 53 area seventies. I take a biannual interest in geography when I determine which area each new seventy belongs to. I keep a list of currently serving area seventies in my copy of the Church Almanac.

Church membership at the end of 2014 was announced as 15,372,337. This is 24,363 less than the number of Church members I guessed there were. But it's always interesting to me to witness the growth of the Church.

But by far the most significant announcement to me came as President Monson delivered the second of only two addresses he gave during this conference. He talked about the progress of temples, then announced three temples in locations where they are badly needed. They will be in Abidjan Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire), Port-au-Prince Haiti, and Bangkok, Thailand. In the Ivory Coast, members currently drive twelve hours each way to get to the Accra Ghana Temple. In Port-au-Prince Haiti, members currently drive almost a day's journey to the nearest temple, the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Temple. In Bangkok Thailand, the members have to travel 1,000 miles one way to get to the nearest temple, the Hong Kong China Temple. The Bangkok temple will serve members in mainland southeast Asia. Interestingly enough, it is one of the five that was proposed by President Hinckley but never came to fruition until now. Each of these temples is significant.

So that's just a brief overview of the major General Conference news. Hope you enjoyed it. I will post the results of my general conference predictions perhaps tomorrow, with a general update about our situation to follow hopefully before the end of the week. Until I write again, all the best!