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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Updated Timeline for Future Temple-related Events

Hello again. Between the new temple announcements last weekend and the developments that are continuing to happen with temples around the world, I have revised my timeline for future temple-related events. I also felt slightly guilty about the fact that my previous timelines have not been timelines, but rather a litany of detail about the nuances of future events. So I completely redid it, changing the format. I have also taken the liberty of including the dates of each future General Conference within the timeline, which, according to past General Conference dates, do seem to be streamlined to the last Saturdays in March and September (for the General Women's Meeting) and the first weekends in April and October (for the other five sessions). And I have included President Monson's 90th birthday, which, in light of what has happened with temples since he became Church President 9 years ago (with the number of operating temples then at 124 and the number of operating temples when all in any status are completed will be 182) definitely makes me feel that the milestone birthday is very noteworthy for this timeline.

I should mention that for future temple dedications and groundbreakings, I am running on little more than my own hopes and desires that have been based on the best research I could have done, and by running some calculations of the typical time periods by which previous events have happened for other temples. As with anything else I post that is similar to this, I welcome any and all feedback. Thanks so much for your continued interest and feedback. The fact that this blog of mine ranks as one of the top Google search results for future temple-related events is so much more a credit to you who read and comment than it is an acknowledgement that my theories, such as they have been, have any merit. I cannot count the number of times when an insightful comment from so many of you has changed completely the direction of my line of reasoning previously. And I hope it will continue to be so. Thanks again.

Here's the timeline. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

PRELIMINARY NOTE: As I pondered the newest five temples announced last weekend, and as I did further study, I realized that my estimated timeline for future temple-related events needed to be revised. I have also simplified things a lot in this version, giving the year for such events, followed by a brief description of what the event is and when it will happen, along with a brief note about such events, when applicable.

2017—Events already scheduled:
Now: Reservations being accepted for the Paris France and Idaho Falls Temple Open Houses
Anytime soon: Construction expected to begin in earnest for the Rio de Janeiro Brazil and Arequipa Peru Temples, which both had a groundbreaking ceremony on March 4.
Saturday April 22-Saturday May 13 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 & 30 and May 7): Paris France Temple Open House
Saturday April 22-Saturday May 20 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 & 30 and May 7 &14): Idaho Falls Temple Open House
Monday May 15: Reservations will begin to be accepted for the Tucson Arizona Temple Open House
Saturday May 20: Paris France Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday May 21: Paris France Temple dedication (the Church’s 156th operating temple)
NOTE: I am anticipating that President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, our European apostle, will preside at this event and be accompanied by Elder Neil L. Andersen, who served his mission in France, and Bishop Gerald Causse, our French Presiding Bishop.
May or June: Construction expected to begin in earnest for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple, following the conclusion of the really bad Canadian winter.
Saturday June 3-24 (excluding the Sundays of June 4, 11 & 18): Tucson Arizona Temple Open House
Saturday June 3: Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday June 4: Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Rededication
NOTE: It is my belief that President Henry B. Eyring or Elder David A. Bednar, who have ties to Idaho, may preside at this event, and that either or both will be accompanied by Elder Neil L. Andersen, an Idaho native.
Saturday August 12: Tucson Arizona Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday August 13: Tucson Arizona Temple Dedication (157th operating temple)
NOTE: Since President Dieter F. Uchtdorf broke ground for this temple, it is not unreasonable to assume that he will return to dedicate it.
Monday August 21: President Monson’s 90th birthday
NOTE: While this is not, strictly speaking, a temple-related event, it is on this list because of President Monson’s extensive contribution to the worldwide number of temples. With the 124 that were operating when he became Church President, and, noting that the total number of temples in any phase is now 182, it is fitting that the milestone birthday of this Church President, who has so well carried on the legacy of his predecessor President Hinckley, should be included on this timeline.
September 23 and 30 and October 1: 187th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: This event made the list since there is every possibility that new temples could potentially be announced during this time.
Saturday October 21-Saturday November 11 (excluding the Sundays of October 22 and 29 and November 5): Meridian Idaho Temple Open House
Saturday November 18: Meridian Idaho Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday November 19: Meridian Idaho Temple Dedication (158th operating temple)
NOTE: It would not surprise me, as I have before noted, if President Eyring, Elder Bednar, and Elder Andersen were all in attendance at this event.
Friday October 27-Saturday November 18: Cedar City Utah Temple Open House
Saturday December 9: Cedar City Utah Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday December 10: Cedar City Utah Temple Dedication (159th operating temple)
NOTE: With this event being the dedication of a Utah temple, it is anticipated that several general authorities will be in attendance. I have felt that the temple will be dedicated by either President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, or Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a native of St. George, a close sister of Cedar City.

Likely to be scheduled later this year:
November 2017: Groundbreaking for Harare Zimbabwe Temple

2018—Exact event timeline unknown, but I offer my best estimate
Late January or early February: Rededication of the Jordan River Utah Temple
Early February: Renovation begins on the Oakland California Temple
Late February or early March: Dedication of the Rome Italy Temple (160th operating temple)
Early March: Renovation begins on the Washington DC Temple
March 24 and 31 and April 1: 188th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid May: Rededication of the Freiberg Germany Temple
Late May or early June: Dedication of the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo (161st operating temple); groundbreakings for the Port-au-Prince Haiti and Bangkok Thailand Temples
NOTE: As Winter 2018 ends in the northern hemisphere near the end of March, it is my feeling that we might see the groundbreakings for the temples in Port-au-Prince Haiti (where a site has already been confirmed) and Bangkok Thailand (where an existing building might be rebuilt and renovated into a multi-purpose edifice) during this time. That said, with so much unknown about future temples, it is only my best-effort prediction.
Early August: Dedication of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple (162nd operating temple)
Mid-to-late August: Groundbreaking for the Brasilia Brazil Temple
NOTE: Though this temple was just announced this past weekend and the temple site has yet to be officially confirmed by the Church, local leaders have identified where it will likely be located, opening the possibility that the groundbreaking could happen at around this time, especially if that site confirmation happens soon.
September or October: Groundbreakings for the Greater Manila Philippines and Pocatello Idaho Temples
NOTE: While the official sites have yet to be confirmed, the Facebook page for the Philippines indicates that the newest Filipino temple will be built on the southern side of the Manila metropolitan area in the area known as Alabang, Muntinlupa City. And while many options are under consideration for the next Idahoan temple, one of the most likely locations is the 10-acre land parcel that neighbors the meetinghouse on which the Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake Center sits. So it is very likely that these two groundbreakings could happen around this time, as identifying a site is half the battle. It all depends on how quickly the Church is able to confirm these sites. But it wouldn’t surprise me.
September 29 and October 6 & 7: 188th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid November: Dedication of the Concepcion Chile Temple (163rd operating temple)
Late November-Early December: Groundbreaking for the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple
NOTE: As the Church reportedly owns several acres of land in this community, the temple could be built on any of those developments. It is not impossible to believe that a groundbreaking could happen by the end of 2018, but I could see the Church pushing that back perhaps to sometime early in the year following. I will keep an eye on all of that and try to make a better prediction later on when more is known.
Early December: Dedication of the Durban South Africa Temple (164th operating temple) 

2019 (NOTE: This gets more speculative as it is two years out, but again, I offer my best estimate based on the information I have)
Late January or early February: Groundbreaking for the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple
NOTE: While the site for this temple has yet to be confirmed, the official name of it seems to indicate that it will be built within the district of the same name in the Peruvian capital city. If a site confirmation happens between now and then, I could definitely see a groundbreaking at this time. But that will largely depend on what happens between now and then. More to come once more is known.
Late March: Dedication of the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple (165th operating temple) and groundbreaking for the Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple
NOTE: If construction for the Winnipeg Temple starts as anticipated in May or June of this year, with the 20-month estimated timetable for construction, the dedication could happen there. As for the groundbreaking for the Ivory Coast’s first temple, while I recognize that an official site has not yet been confirmed, temples in Africa are having construction commence in relatively short order. I have mentioned above the likelihood that the Church will break ground for the first Zimbabwean temple by the end of this year. And given that that temple was announced one year after this one, it is not hard to believe that Abidjan could have a groundbreaking by this time, especially since this projection would allow for it to happen during the final days of the summer season for Africa.
March 30 & April 6 & 7: 189th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid May: Dedication of the Fortaleza Brazil Temple (166th operating temple)
Late May: Groundbreaking for the Quito Ecuador Temple
NOTE: We have had two temples whose time span between the announcement and the subsequent groundbreaking have spanned 14+ years, and one of them was Ecuador’s first temple in Guayaquil. With that in mind, I don’t think such a delay will apply in any way to this temple in the capital city. If the groundbreaking happens here at this time, it would hold true for the latest patterns in that regard for South American temples.
Early-to-mid September: Rededication of the Oakland California Temple
Mid-to-late September: Dedication of the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple (167th operating temple) and groundbreaking for the Belem Brazil Temple
NOTE: Brazil seems to be highly favored of the Lord due to the wide-spread reception of the gospel by its citizens. Temples in particular are important to the Saints there, and the many announcements of Brazilian temples in the last few years has been amazing to see. With some exceptions (the Fortaleza Brazil temple being one), it has generally be the case that Brazilian temples progress fairly swiftly from announcement to groundbreaking to construction to dedication. It is therefore not only possible but highly probable that both of these events could take place at around this time, especially in light of the fact that they would be held during the Brazilian spring.
September 28 & October 6 & 7: 189th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early December: Dedication of the Lisbon Portugal Temple (168th operating temple) 

2020 (NOTE: With this being 3 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
March: Dedication of the Arequipa Peru Temple (169th operating temple); Groundbreaking for the Nairobi Kenya Temple
NOTE: Temples in Africa always take a little while between announcement and groundbreaking. While I am hoping and praying that Kenya’s first temple has its construction commence sooner than this, it may not happen that way.
March 28 & April 4 & 5: 190th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
June: Rededication of the Washington DC Temple and groundbreaking for the Urdaneta Philippines Temple
NOTE: The renovation on the temple of the US capital is anticipated to take two years, so this is a very conservative estimate on my part. And while I certainly hope it will not take another three years to see the groundbreaking for this Philippines temple that will have had almost ten years since its announcement by this time, there are no clear signs that it will happen any sooner than this. I will monitor that situation closely and go from there.
September: Dedication for the Harare Zimbabwe Temple (170th operating temple)
NOTE: The completion timeline for this temple will depend entirely on how soon we see a site announcement, when ground is broken, what the design entails, and how swiftly construction progresses. But it seems to be a safe initial prediction.
September 26 & October 3 & 4: 190th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
December: Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple Dedication (171st operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. The only other Caribbean temple was completed within a similar time frame to what I have suggested here.

2021 (NOTE: With this being 4 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
February: Pocatello Idaho Temple Dedication (172nd operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which temples in Idaho are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
March 27, April 3 & 4: 191st Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
May: Saratoga Springs Utah Temple Dedication (173rd operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Utah temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
August: Bangkok Thailand Temple Dedication (174th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Asian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
September 25 & October 2 & 3: 191st Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
November: Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple Dedication (175th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which African temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.

2022 (NOTE: With this being 5 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
February: Brasilia Brazil Temple Dedication (176th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Brazilian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
March 26 & April 2 & 3: 192nd Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
May: Quito Ecuador Temple Dedication (177th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Ecuadoran temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
August: Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple Dedication (178th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Peruvian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
September 24 & October 1 & 2: 192nd Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
November: Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple Dedication (179th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which African temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.

2023 (NOTE: With this being 6 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
February: Nairobi Kenya Temple Dedication (180th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which African temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
March 25 & April 1 & 2: 193rd Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
May: Belem Brazil Temple Dedication (181st operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Brazilian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
August: Urdaneta Philippines Temple Dedication (182nd operating temple)
NOTE: As this temple is currently stalled in the planning and approval phase, it is anyone’s guess as to when a site announcement and groundbreaking will happen. That said, if a groundbreaking can take place according to the timeline suggested above, it is very possible that this temple will be completed within the general time frame in which other temples in the Philippines have been known to be completed.

FINAL NOTE: Any other temple-related event is too far distant to be predicted, as the dedication above will mark that of the last temple we currently have announced. While I have based the timeline above on my observations for the timelines of temples worldwide, it is by no means a perfect or infallible system. With that in mind, I hope to see events happen much sooner than indicated here. And it is sure that I will make every effort to report any changes as more information comes to light. Thanks for reading this. Any comments are welcome and most appreciated.

Possible Table of Contents for May 2017 Ensign

As per my usual custom, with the availability of the transcripts of General Conference talks that confirm the titles of each address, I have taken the opportunity to work up a possible table of contents for the General Conference Ensign that will be published later this month and will be delivered to all of us early next month.

I have based this table of contents on the past patterns that have prevailed with previous ones. I have noticed these patterns because it is something I have followed extensively. I have particularly noticed that the May General Conference Ensigns have typically been a 144-page issue, and that the November versions have only contained 128 pages.

For the counselors in the First Presidency and many of the apostles, the talks span three or four pages. Everyone else's talks, except President Monson's, span two or three pages. President Monson's talks have typically been either one or two pages since he has had his health issues. Also, for May issues, the chart of the General Authorities is contained on page 72, while it appears on page 64 for the November issue.

The locations of the features at the back of the magazine have sometimes switched in order, but there is enough consistency there to enable me to make a relatively safe prediction. And the other news section for each issue vary in content but have the same general features. I have felt confident enough to provide, for the first time, some of the things I think will appear as news items in this issue. Enjoy, and please let me know your thoughts.

Possible Table of Contents for May 2017 Ensign
[Text in brackets indicate the actual page numbers and features]

Conference Summary for 187th Annual General Conference


Highlights from the 187th Annual General Conference

Trust in the Lord and Lean Not
Bonnie H. Cordon

The Beauty of Holiness
Carol F. McConkie

Certain Women
Linda K. Burton

“My Peace I Leave With You”
President Henry B. Eyring
Gathering the Family of God
President Henry B. Eyring

His Daily Guiding Hand
M. Joseph Brough

Our Father’s Glorious Plan
Elder Weatherford T. Clayton

Our Good Shepherd
Elder Dale G. Renlund

Confide in God Unwaveringly
Elder Ulisses Soares

Brighter and Brighter until the Perfect Day
Elder Mark A. Bragg

Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives
President Russell M. Nelson
The Sustaining of Church Officers
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Church Auditing Department Report, 2016
Kevin R. Jergensen

Statistical Report, 2016
Brook P. Hales

Becoming a Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Elder Robert D. Hales

Songs Sung and Unsung
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Stand Up Inside and Be All In
Elder Gary B. Sabin

The Language of the Gospel
Elder Valeri V. Cordon

Overcoming the World
Elder Neil L. Andersen

Return and Receive
Elder M. Russell Ballard
Kindness, Charity, and Love
President Thomas S. Monson

Called to the Work
Elder David A. Bednar

Prepare the Way
Bishop Gerald Causse

The Greatest among You
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Walk With Me”
President Henry B. Eyring
The Power of the Book of Mormon
President Thomas S. Monson

A Sin-Resistant Generation
Joy D. Jones

Don’t Look Around, Look Up!
Elder Yoon Hwan Choi

Let the Holy Spirit Guide
Elder Ronald A. Rasband

Whatsoever He Saith unto You, Do It
Elder L. Whitney Clayton

The Godhead and the Plan of Salvation
Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Perfect Love Casteth Out Fear
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Voice of Warning
Elder D. Todd Christofferson

To the Friends and Investigators of the Church
Elder Joaquin E. Costa

Then Jesus Beholding Him Loved Him
Elder S. Mark Palmer

How Does the Holy Ghost Help You?
Elder Gary E. Stevenson

And This Is Life Eternal
Elder C. Scott Grow

That Our Light May Be a Standard for the Nations
Elder Benjamin De Hoyos

Foundations of Faith
Elder Quentin L. Cook

General Authorities and General Officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

They Spoke to Us

Conference Story Index

News of the Church
131: Taylor G. Godoy/Joni L. Koch
132: Adilson de Paula Parrella/John C. Pingree Jr.
133: Brian K. Taylor/Taniela B. Wakolo
134: Jean B. Bingham/Sharon Eubank
135: Reyna I. Aburto/Christina B. Franco
136: Other Church News (Including changes in Church leadership, the new Church Headquarters mission, Teachings for Our Times, any new scripture translations, and an update on temple progress worldwide, with special emphasis on the 5 new ones announced this conference)

Last page in Ensign

General Conference Talk Transcripts Available Online

Transcripts of General Conference talks are now available online, which is excellent news. Click here to review those talks. What a wonderful time we live in where the words of our Church leaders are available so swiftly following each Conference. Enjoy!

Length of Apostolic Talks for last weekend's General Conference

One thing I do shortly after each General Conference is to track the lengths of the addresses given during each conference by our 15 apostles. This will be the very first time I have posted those times on my blog.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (SPH)—20:08
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (SUM)—19:14
President Henry B. Eyring (SPH)—18:24
President Henry B. Eyring (SAM)—18:01
Elder Quentin L. Cook—16:24
Elder David A. Bednar—16:15
Elder M. Russell Ballard—16:10
Elder Neil L. Andersen—15:52
Elder Ronald A. Rasband—15:43
Elder Gary E. Stevenson—15:28
Elder Dale G. Renlund—15:21
Elder Dallin H. Oaks—15:19
Elder D. Todd Christofferson—15:18
President Russell M. Nelson—14:50
President Henry B. Eyring (GW)—14:39
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland—14:33
Elder Robert D. Hales—11:07
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (SAA—Sustaining of Church Officers)—8:53
President Thomas S. Monson (SPH)—4:04
President Thomas S. Monson (SUM)—3:28

As you can see, President Uchtdorf's two talks in the main sessions were the longest, followed closely by President Eyring's two talks from the main sessions. All four of those addresses spanned around 20 minutes each, which has been typical for First Presidency members. Most of the talks by members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spanned 14 minutes at shortest to just over 16 at the longest, and President Eyring's address from the General Women's Session was about the same length. Elder Hales spoke for just over 11 minutes, which has been typical for his talk lengths in the recent past. The Sustaining of Church Officers usually spans between 5 minutes (in October) to 10+ minutes (in April). And President Monson, as before noted, spoke for a combined total of less than 10 minutes between his two addresses, which has also been very typical.

So there you have it. A first for this blog that I hope at least a few of you will find interesting. Thanks for reading this.