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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: First Presidency Announces Additional Temple Reopenings Which Will Occur Throughout July

Hello again, everyone! As many of you are no doubt aware, in recent weeks, every Tuesday, that the Church has released the latest updates on the ongoing process of reopening temples. Since the Church switched the weekly announcements from Monday to Tuesday, those announcements have traditionally been made around or within the 10:00 AM hour. 

I don't know if there was a lag today due to the recent federal holiday in the United States, but the announcement was made today just a short while ago. At the time this post was published, the updats from this week were only available through the Newsroom. Whenever coverage of these updates is available in the Church News, I will be sure to pass that along.

Update (added at noon): Apparently, while I was composing this post, the corresponding updates have been shared by the Church News, including coverage of the latest reopening announcements and the updated status tracker. The latter two updates additionally mentioned that 19 more temples had opened in phase 3 this week. 

They include the following, broken down first by area, then listed in alphabetical order within those areas (except in cases where two or more temples in any states are announced, in which case those in the same state are listed together, followed then by temples in other states in each area)::

North America Central: Denver and Fort Collins Colorado; Bismarck North Dakota; Chicago Illinois; Regina Saskatchewan; St. Paul Minnesota

North America Northeast: Manhattan and Palmyra New York; Boston Massachusetts; Columbus Ohio; Detroit Michigan; Hartford Connecticut;  Indianapolis Indiana; Philadelphia Pennsylvania; Washington D.C.

North America West: Columbia River and Seattle 'Washington; Los Angeles California; Portland Oregon

The information from the Church News also specified that the Medford Oregon and Spokane Washington Temples, which had previously been announced for phase 3 reopenings before the end of July, have had that channge pushed back into August out of concern about COVID-19 conditions and restrictions.

The Anchorage Alaska Temple will begin phase 3 operations next Monday (July 12, after having been in phase 2-B since May 24). On that same date, the Calgary Alberta Temple will transition to phase 2-B, which will allow all living ordinances and limited proxy baptisms by appointment. Additonal note (also added during the noon hour): The Church News coverage also reiterated that, as previously announced, the Manila Philippines and Stockholm Sweden Temples will transition to phase 2-B next Monday (July 12), assuming COVID-19 assessments allow that to occur on scheduled. The Church News also provided an updated list of 21 temples for which phase 3 openings have been set for later this month or sometime next month. Having added that, let's return to the previously-published content.

Meanwhile, plans have also been announced for 3 temples in Canada (Calgary and Edmonton Alberta and Halifax Nova Scotia) 2 in the North America West Area (Medford Oregon and Spokane Washington) and one in Asia (Sapporo Japan) to transition to phase 3 on yet-unspecified dates in July or August, depending on COVID-19 conditions in each location..As of next Monday (July 12), the Church's temple reopenings will break down as follows (Please note: In the initially-published version of this post, I used the breakdown of numbers provided by the Newsroom, which mistakenly listed the data as if all the announced phase changes has already occurred. The corrected numbers below are featured courtesy of the Church News):: 

8 temples closed for renovation (6 of which have been granted phase 3 designation, which allows those residing in those districts to schedule proxy work at whichever temple closest to them is in phase 3); 9 temples remain "paused" in their reopenings (of which 4 had reached phase 3, with 2 more in phase 2-B and 3 others in phase 2); 3 others in phase 1; 10 in phase 2; 38 in phase 2-B; and the remaining 100 in phase 3.

I am grateful for these latest updates, and for the Church's measured methods of reopening temples through using a week-by-week, temple-by-temple consideration of relevant factors. I am also likewise grateful for all other Church news updates and temple developments, and will be sure to bring you all word of those as I become aware thereof. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Review of Temple Construction Progress Which Has Occurred in the FIrst Half of 2021

Hello again, everyone! As the final moments of June 2021 wind down, it is time once again for a review of temple construction developments which have occurred between the beginning of this year and now, at the half-way point of this year. Let's get right into all of that. First, we look at where things stood as 2021 began,, the progress noted on temples a few days before the April 2021 General Conference, and the developments which have been reported to close out the first half of this year. 

The information largely speaks for itself, but I will note that the quarterly reports I share here relating to temple construction are seeing more significant changes per quarter than those which have applied to each quarter in the past years I've covered all of that. And it seems that other reports this year will demonstrate even more signficant updates. It's already been quite a year for temple developments and other major Church news, and I look forward to seeing what may be next in terms of future marjor announcments related to temples and anything else.

I remain committed to monitor all of these developments and to pass them along to you all here as I become aware thereof.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Additional Temple Reopenings Announced

Hello again, everyone! This morning, the latest temple reopening updates were released through the Newsroom, with those same updates noted in the Church News and reflected as well in the temple reopening status tracker, with each of those showing the changes that will go into effect during the first couple of weeks in July.

The Church has annrounced today that 17 more temple transitioned to phase 3 this week include 6 in Arizona (The Gila Valley, Gilbert,  Mesa, Phoenix, Snowflake, and Tucson), 4 more in Utah (Draper, Jordan River,   Oquirrh Mountain, and Salt Lake) and the following 7 elsewhere:Birmingham Alabama,  Houston Texas, Montreal Quebec, Nauvoo Illinois,  Panama City Panama, Star Valley Wyoming, and Tegucigalpa Honduras).

For the Mesa Arizona and Salt Lake Temples, still closed for renovation, their phase 3 designation will allow those rresiding in the two temple districts to schedule phase 3 proxy work at the next closest temple to them. Today's announcement means that all but 2 of the Church's 60 temples which were originally anticipated to open by the end of July. The remaining two are Los Angeles California and Port-au-Prince Haiti, which join the 36 temples announced last week for which reopenings are also planned by the end of July.

Today's announcement also indicated that the Manila Philippines and Stockholm Sweden Temples would move to phase 2-B, allowing all living ordinances and limited proxy baptisms by appointment. Both temples will shift to that phase on July 12. And the Church's plan to reopen The Hague Netherlands, Mexico City Mexico, and Vancouver British Columbia Temples in phase 2-B and the Kyiv Ukraine Temple in phase 1 next Monday remans intact.<

Additionally, the Durban and Johannesburg South Africa Temples have paused in their rheir reopenings due to local COVID-19 (both temples had recently transitioned to phase 3). As a result of changes announced today, next Monday (July 5), the Church's breakdown of temples by reopening status will stand as follows: 8 temples remain closed for renovations (4 of those 8 temple districts have been given phase 3 status, with 2 others in phase 2-B); 10 temples are currently paused in their reopening, of which 5 had been in phase 3, 2 had been in phase 2-B, and the final 3 had been in phase 2.

With 3 temples operating in phase 1, 13 in phase 2, and 50 in phase 2-B, the remaining 84 temples are all in phase 3. I am grateful to have learned about this updates and to have been able to pass them along to you all here. I continue to monitor all Church news and teple updates and will be sure to pass word of all such developents along to you all here as I becoe aware threof.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

UPDATED: Significant Temple Developmnts Reported Days Before the End of the Second Quarter of 2021

Hello again, everyone! Although we are now just days away from the conclusion of the second quarter, also the first half) of this year, and although I will be bringing a special report to you all to mark that milestone on June 30/July 1, in the last 24 hours, new information and updates have changed the entire layout of the quue of temples now under construction. There is so much that has changed that the easiest way to relay the information is to provide a report from yesterday (Saturday) that demonstrates all of these changes. 

Perhaps most significantly, the position of many temples previously anticipated to be completed next year or the year after have been dramatically altered because of the progress (or lack thereof) or the availabe information (or the lack thereof). And particularly, the newest updates have dtrastically borken up the previously-larger queue of temples anticipated to be completed next year and the year after that. That queue will continue to change based on all the factors that led to the changes demonstrated in the latest report. 

Hopefully at least the information will be of interest to some of you. I continue to monitor all Church news updates and temple developments and will be sure to pass those along to you all as I become aware thereof.. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. 

Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Opening Arrangements Announced for the Mesa Arizona Temples

Note: This post was originally published at 10:02 AM, and updated with additional analysis throughout that afternoon.

Hello again, everyone! This morning, the First Presidency announced the reopening dates for the Mesa Arizona Temple. At some point shortly after the Newsroom reported those arrangements, subsequent additional coverage on the announcement was provided through the Church News. I was surprised by the timing of both the arrangements being announced and by the parameters of when that will take place. Let's get into the details. 

I want to note right at the outset that I had believed and asserted as recently as earlier this week that the reopening of the Mesa Arizona Temple seemed likely to be delayed into 2022, primarily because I knew Arizona has had some issues getting COVID-19 properly controlled. At the same time, however, I recognize that the First Presidency likely has some information that may not be available to those of us not privy to the relevant discussions that has led them to surmise that this temple can be safely reopened.

Getting into the specifics of this morning's announcement, the Church announced plans to dedicate the Visitor's Center on Thursday August 12 @ 7:00 PM PDT.The use of Pacific Daylight time in those arrangements may require a bit of explanation. Time works differently in Arizona. Most of the year, Arizona aligns with Mountain Standard time, as a result of which the time in Denver, a majority of Arizona, and here in Utah is exactly the same. 

But because Arizona does no spring forward or fall back time-wise, when daylight savings time impacts Denver and Utah, most of Arizona (including Mesa) does not shift, and the time during those months aligns with Pacific time (which is impacted by Daylight Savings).. So during Daylight Savings time, although most of Arizona doesn't observe that, given the shifts in Denver and Utah, the Pacific Daylight time applies to Arizona.

The open house for the Mesa Arizona Temple will be held in the weeks between the Saturdays of October 16 and November 20, 2021. That is a period of 35 full days, but tours will obviously not he conducted on any of the applicable Sundays (October 17, 24, and 31 and November 7 and 14), which brings the number of open house tour days down to 30.

A youth devotional is set to occur on Saturday December 11, with the rededication set for the following day. Three rededicatory sessions will be held (at 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 3:00 PM). Presiding over that weekend's events will be President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency. The youth devotional and rededicatory sessions will be carried to all meeting houses in the temple district, which will allow a smaller number of guests to safely gather for each session in the temple proper.

And it appears that in-person attendance in the temple proper will be by invitation only. The announcement notes that additional details will be announced closer to that temple's opening. Given that the rededication of this temple is occurring roughly one month after the recently-announced dedication of the Pocatello Idaho Temple, it will be very interesting to see what happens in terms of opening arrangements for temples that are or will sonon be completed, and for the rededications of the Washington DC, Tokyo Japan, and Hamilton New Zealand Temples.

I imagine that the First Presidency is waiting a little longer on announcing arrangements for the Hamilton temple because more needs to be done to move it towards completion, but since New Zealand has the pandemic well under control, the Church could probably fit that in to the schedule wherever it might make sense. We additionally know that Brazil still does not have the pandemic under control, nor is that likely to occur until April of next year, so the dedication of the Rio de Janeiro temple might be postponed until that time. If Washington DC (technically Maryland), Japan, Manitoba, Ecuador, Guam, San Juan, and Praia all continue to see improvements in COVID-19 conditions, those temples could ee opening dates announced in the coming months as well.

The one big question, to which we might not have an answer in the near term, is whether any of these other temples to which I referred might be able to have their openings before the end of the year. My gut feeling is that the Church will likely hold off on announcing reopening arrangements for the Tokyo temple until after the rescheduled 2020 Olympic Summer Games in that city conclude. And it will be considerably easier for the Church to schedule openings for smaller temples. So I'm thinking that we might see the Church dedicate the Quito temple and rededicate the Tokyo and/or Hamilton temples by the end of this year, and that other temple openings or reopenings might be deferred until the early months of next year.

But the Lord has surprised us in the recent past, and He can and definitely will continue to do so in the future. In the meantime, I am grateful to have learned of and been able to cover this announcement today, and I was intrigued by the mention that "additional details" will be announced on the Mesa reopening closer to the time it is set to occur, so we'll look forward to seeing what that means. Aside from that, I will continue to also monitor all Church news updates and temple developments and will bring word of those to you all as I become aware thereof.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.