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Saturday, December 5, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Elder and Sister Renlund Diagnosed with COVID-19

Hello again, everyone! A short while ago, the Newsroom provided another COVID-19 update. Elder Dale G. Renlund and his wife, Ruth L. Renlund, have tested positive for the virus. According to the statement from Church spokesman Eric Hawkins, that diagnosis came despite the fact that Elder and Sister Renlund have been taking all of the necessary precautions.  Elder Renlund reportedly has mild symptoms, and Sister Renlund is presently asymptomatic. 

The release also notes that other Church leaders are being tested as a precautionary measure. The second paragraph of that statement notes that the Church and its' leaders are following all recommended guidelines related to COVID-19, including social distancing, wearing a mask, frequent handwashing, and all other recommendations of healthcare profressionals. Although it is not incidcated in the news release, I imagine that Elder and Sister Rnelund are also actively involved in contact tracing. 

So that now makes two apostles (who happen to be seatmates in the Quorum of the Twelve) who have tested positive for the virus. We now have three apostles this year alone (from what we know) who have had significant health challenges. I hope that is another clear indicator that the Brethren are not exempt from issues that afflict and affect so many. 

I also hope that this news is enough to convince any who may have any remaining questions or qualms about following COVID-19 protocols that this is something that needs to be taken seriously. During a time when there has been a spike in cases, hospitalizations, and even deaths here in Utah, it has troubled me deeply to hear so much about people that are cavalier, casual, or downright obstinante about following COVID-19 guidelines.

The leading Brethren of the Church have set the example right off the bat in following the guidances of local health professionals and governmental leaders, and so many still seem to think there is no danger in disregarding those receommendations, or that the offering of such recommendations is a medical or governmental overreach.  

There are even some leaders of governments in certain parts of the world that flat out aren't taking any of this seriously, and the results have been the devastation of their nations and extensive losss of life and widespread devastation in the wake of the effects of the virus. Let me be as frank as I can be: I am deeply disturbed to see the fulfillment of biblical prophecy happening. 

So many seem to be saying "All is well in Zion" when that is clearly not the case. And we know from scripture what the result of that attitude will be. Elsewhere in the scriptures, the Lord outlines the clear duty that we as His children have in terms of taking care of ourselves, looking after one another, and being good and responsible citizens who take wise advice from any of our leaders seriously. 

In a day where it seems that even the very elect are being deceived, I think it's high time we look at ourselves in the mirror, reevaluate our motives and actions, make any course corrections that are necessary, and do what we can to show how much we love our neighbors. The Lord always showed respect to the laws of the land, and it behooves us to follow His example and injunction: "Go and do thou likewise."

Since I am in the vulnerable demographic for COVID-19 due to longstanding respiratory issues, my wife and I have been tested, and my wife actually recently got a second test., all of which came back negative. Even so, we have made a concientious effort to stay at home where possible, and to always wear a mask if we are ever out in public and outside of our car. We feel we cannot afford not to take those precautions.

But as the community-at-large, I feel all citizens of the world need to recognize what we owe to each other as COVID-19 conntinues to be an issue. Part of loving God and loving our neighbors as we love ourselves involves recognizing that we need to stand with and take care of each other. And so, if any of the readers of my blog have not been taking the necessary precautions in accordance with recommendations from health experts, government leaders, and leaders of the Church, the time to start doing so is now.

That being said, I'll get off my soapbox now. I hope and pray that all who read my blog may remain healthy and well during this COVID-19 pandemic. I continue to monitor all Church news and temple updates and will be sure to bring word of those to you all as I become aware of such developments.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Groundbreaking Held for Okinawa Japan Temple

 Hello again, everyone! Yesterday, I reported on the December 2 groundbreaking for the Bengaluru India Temple, which had taken place on Tuesdayy December 2. On this Saturday morning, I am pleased to report that the groundbreaking for the Okinawa Japan Temple took place a short while ago. As had been previously announced, the Asia North Area President, Elder Taksashi Wada, presided thereat. The news release covering today's event reiterated the details on the temple: "The Okinawa Japan Temple will be located on a half-acre site at 7-11, Matsumoto, Okinawa Shi, in Okinawa-ken, Japan. Plans call for a two-story, 10,000-square-foot temple. A temple-patron waiting area will also be added to an adjacent existing meetinghouse that was completed in 2013."  

Given the relatively smaller size of this planned project, I'm going to assume that, if all goes well, the temple could be completed in mid-2023 at earliest or mid-to-late 2023 at latest. Of course, that will depend on how soon full-scale construction is able to begin, and a number of factors relative to any temple project. Between COVID-19 on the one hand, all kinds of natural disasters on the other, and any factors specific to Japan being added in, it will be interesting to see how all of that works out. Having noted that, we are barely 5 days into December, and reports have aloready been provided on two of the four remaining groundbreakings for 2020 already having taken place. 

This leaves just the Harare Ziimbabwe and Mendoza Argentina Temples in the queue, and with any luck, the next week will see both of those groundbreakings occur, unless either or both are postponed into early 2021. And with respect to those two groundbreakings, I have diligently checked the Argentina and Zimbabwe Newsroom pages, and have frequented the South America South Area page for any news on the specifics of either, and have not yet heard anything solid beyond what has been previously announced for the Mendoza Argentina and Harare Zimbabwe temples. 

As previously discussed on this blog, in some mentions of temple groundbreakings that were to take place this year, the Mendoza Argentina Temple was conspicuously absent, leading me to believe that it was possible that the groundbreaking might be delayed on that temple. Given that November specifically came and went without any word on that, and that there has been no subsequent information provided to suggest otherwise, I'm now going to assume that the Mendoza groundbreaking has merely been delayed, perhaps by local COVID-19 restrictions or some other reason. 

But as soon as I have anything solid to report on either temple, you can count on my bringing word of that to you all here. I also continue to monitor any other temple updates and all Church news and will be sure to pass along those updates here as well. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, December 4, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Additional Information Provided About the 3 Global Church Magazines

Hello again, everyone! As I mentioned in the comment thread of my last post, more information has been provided on the 3 global magazines that the Church will start using next year: the Liahona (for adults), For the Strength of Youth (for youth), and the Friend. It appears that more content will be made available digitally, and that each printed magazine will be slimmed down somewhat in terms of the number of pages. 

With the exception of the May and November editions that cover General Conference, the Ensign for the other ten months of the year has been an 80-page volume. The number of pages in most editions of the Liahona (which will now be the standard magazine for adults) will be reduced to 48 pages, with digital supplementary content available as well. Not sure what that might mean for the General Conference editions in May and November, but those editions will likely be the exception to the new standard. 

Likewise, where the New Era has had between 48-50 pages a month, For the Strength of Youth will be reduced to 32 pages. A similar reduction in pages is also anticipated for the Friend magazine. It will be interesting to see how things work with the new magazines. As I previously mentioned, it appears that the Church has expanded the number of individuals assigned as advisers to the Church magazines, which makes sense due to the upcoming changes.

I am grateful that the Church has again made an effort to correlatte, streamline, and unify Church materials on a global basis. The new magazines will surely be a blessing to all who will utilize the content therein. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Groundbreaking Held for Bengaluru India Temple

Note: This post was originally published at 10:00 AM, with subsequent updates added roughly 2 hours later.

Hello again, everyone! This morning, the Newsroom reports that ground was broken for the Bengaluru India Temple two days ago (December 2). As previously announced, Elder Robert K. William, an area seventy based in Bangalore, presided at the groundbreaking ceremony for this temple, marking the first temple groundbreaking held in the month of December since 2016.  It also might be of interest to some of you to know that, with the report of this temple's groundbreaking, the number of temples under counstruction (32) now exceeds the number of those announced temples left in the queue (31).  

But the count of those under construction also technically includes both the Rio de Janeiro Brazil and Winnipeg Manitoba Temples, both of which are awaiting the announcement of their revised opening dates. So if those temples are not considered, then there are 30 under construction and 31 announced, with 2 completed and awaiting dedications.  Getting back to the first temple in India, as many of you may recall, during President Nelson's first Global Ministry Tour in 2018, he visited the Saints in Bengaluru. 

During that visit, he provided insight into the impromptu impression he received the night before General Conference was to begin that led to the announcement of a temple in India. He also talked about how it is easier for the Church to build a temple than it is for the Church to build a people who are ready for the temple.  Subsequently, in January of this year, an exterior rendering for that temple was released. In that release, the location and design of that temple were first provided. The news release on the rendering and location noted: 

"The 38,670-square-foot temple will be built on a 1.62-acre site at 2-B, Garudachar Palya, Mahadevapura, Bengaluru, Karnataka, in India. The temple was announced in April 2018 by Church President Russell M. Nelson.

"In addition to construction of the temple, existing Church offices and a meetinghouse on the site will be removed. A new two-level meetinghouse will be built, along with new Church offices, a distribution center and housing for patrons. The site will also include new residences for the temple president, temple and service missionaries and the mission president."

With that verb Iatim quote in mind, based on the exterior rendering and the plans for the temple project, I'm anticipating that, once construction is underway, it could take anywhere from 2.75-3.75 years to complete. In the portion of the news release I quoted above, it mentioned that the temple had been announced in April 2018. So I wanted to also note that, of the 7 temples originally announced in April 2018, 4 of those 7 (Salta Argentina, Bengaluru India, Layton Utah, and Richmond Virginia) have had groundbreakings in 2020.

And although it may be anyone's guess how soon action could be taken on the Cagayan de Oro Philippines and Russia temples, it's worth noting that, if the information I have is correct, ground could be broken on  the temple in Managua within the first half of next year, if not sooner than that. It is also worth noting that the Church is now down to 3 temples that have groundbreakings scheduled to occur before the end of this year (Mendoza Argentina, which had been announced to occur last month, but which has not seen that occur), Harare Zimbabwe, and Okinawa Japan.

I have no idea what to expect in terms of how soon any annnouncement may be made about the first groundbreaking(s) that may occur next year, but hopefully that might occur soon. I continue to monitor all Church news and temple updates and will be sure to pass word of those along to you all as I become aware of all such developments. 

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Honoring Elder Jeffrey R. Holland on His 80th Birthday

Hello again, everyone! With today being December 3, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland is observing his 80th birthday. I know that the Lord is no respector of persons, and doesn't play favorites, but on a personal level, I wanted to reiterate again that Elder Holland is one of my favorite apostles. I have a couple of familial connections to him. My dad was born and raised in St. George, and his father (Dean Stokes), was Elder Holland's home teaching companion when "young Jeff" was an Aaronic Priesthood holder. According to my dad, his father often expressed his wonder that a boy like Elder Holland had been could become an apostle of the Lord.

I know that at times, it may seem that some members of the Church, to varying degrees, have put the leading Brethren of the Church on a pedestal, but I am reminded in accounts, such as that which was shared by my grandfather, that these men may have been foreordained to the apostleship, but they are no different than any other member of the Church; the Lord just ordered their lives based on their personal choices in such a way that when such calls came to them, they were qualified through years of service in the Church and living what they believe. That is important for all of us to remember.

My mom is a freelance proofreader, and in the early days of her marriage to my dad, she worked on many projects for the Church Educational System. Since that occurred at the time when Elder Holland was the Commissioner of the CES, he was essentially my mom's "boss." And she speaks warmly of the experiences she had working with him on such projects. Personal connections aside, I wanted to share a brief biographical sketch of Elder Holland.

Jeffrey Roy Holland was born in St. George, Utah to Frank D. and Alice Bentley Holland on December 3, 1940. He served a full-time mission in the British Isles. His mission president was Marion D. Hanks, (who at that time was a member of the now-defunct First Council of the Seventy and later served in the First Quorum and Presidency of the Seventy). One of young Elder Holland's missionary companions was Quentin L. Cook, alongside whom he would later serve in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Of Elder Holland, Elder Cook has remarked that it is interesting to him that he, as the previously-senior missionary companion to Elder Holland, is now the junior apostle to his former junior companion. Following the concusion of Elder Holland's missionary service, he attended BYU, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in religious education.

Additionally, shortly after his release from missionary service, he married his high school sweetheart, Patricia Terry, in 1963. They are the parents of a daughter and two sons, one of whom, Matthew, has served as the President of Utah Valley University and as president of the North Carolina Raliegh Mission. During General Conference in April of this year, Matthew Holland was sustained as a General Authority Seventy, marking the first time a fahter-and-son duo have served together as general authorities since the July 2015 death of President Boyd K. Packer. 

Once Elder Holland earned his bachelor's and master's degrees, he went on to earn a doctorate degree in American studies from Yale. He then became a professor at BYU, serving as Dean of the College of Religion. He served as Commissioner of Church Education from 1976-1980. In 1980, President Dallin H. Oaks, who was then serving as President of BYU-Provo, announced his intention to move on to other opportunities. Commissioner Holland was put in charge of the committee to find the new BYU President. 

Two days later, he was stunned when the First Presidency appointment him to that assignment. He had reportedly been favored for the position by President N. Eldon Tanner, who was then serving as First Counselor in the First Presidency, and was the protege of then-Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, who at that time was the senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles asssigned to the Church Board of Education. Elder Holland would go on to serve as president of BYU for 9 years himself, until his April 1, 1989 call as a General Authority and member of the First Quorum of the Seventy. 

Prior to his call to general Church service, Elder Holland also served as a bishop, counselor in a stake presidency, and regional representative. After the First Presidency was reorganized following the death of President Ezra Taft Benson, President Howard W. Hunter took immediate action to fill the apostolic vacancy. In the space of a few short hours on Thursday June 23, President Hunter issued a call to the apostleship to Elder Holland, gave him his apostolic charge, set apart and ordained him to that calling,  and had him join the other 14 apostles in their weekly meeting at the temple. That action was sustained by Church membership during the Solemn Assembly that was held exactly 100 days later.

Elder Holland has given a total of 56 addresses in General Conference.  Of those, 3 were prior to his apostolic call. The first time he spoke during General Conference was in April 1983, while he was serving as the President of Brigham Young University. He spoke alongside his son during that session, and for unknown reasons, that talk is not listed with the others in the first link I shared at the start of this paragraph. He gave the remaining 53 General Conference addresses as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. 

To me, it always seems as though the talks given by Elder Holland are specifically focused on something I have been dealing with personally at the time. As a consequence, listening to him speak every six months is one of my favorite things about General Conference weekends. The last thing I want to mention about Elder Holland is that he is currently the second most-senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the fourth in seniority among all current apostles. 

He is also the fourth-oldest member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and is the seventh-oldest among all living apostles. Interestingly enough, although he is the most senior of the three apostles born in 1940 (with Elders Uchtdorf and Cook being the other two), he is the youngest of the three. His apostolic seatmate, Elder Uchtdorf,  obsrved his 80th birthday just under one month ago, with Elder Cook having done the same two months prior to that.

Given his age and current apostolic seniority, some, myself included, have suggested that Elder Holland could one day serve as Church President. Right now, the only apostles senior to him are Presidents Nelson, Oaks, and Ballard. If President Nelson does indeed the lead the Church for the next decade or two, our current prophet may outlive a few more of the apostles junior to him. So it will be interesting to see what happens there. I am grateful for the life and ministry of Elder Holland, and for the chance I had to write this post in his honor today 

I continue to monitor any and all Church news and temple updates and will do my best to bring you all word on those developments as they occur  That does it for now. Any comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Some Thoughts in Advance of the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional

Hello again, everyone! As many of you are no doubt aware, the First Presidency's 2020 Christmas Devotional is coming up on Sunday. Through 2012, the devotional featured addresses from the entire First Presidency. But in 2013, the Church announced that the format would change to allow other general Church leaders to participate. Beginning in 2014, and clear through last year, almost every year has seen 4 speakers: 1 member of the First Presidency, 1 member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 1 member of the Presidency of the Seventy, and 1 of the 15 General Officers of the Church.

The one exception to that general pattern occurred in 2017. For that year's devotional, aside from a member of the First Presidency, only 1 General Officer of the Church and 1 of the Church's General Authority Seventies were selected to speak. But since that was the sole exception to the general format, I have a rough standard template to draw on when considering who might speak each year. What might the general pattern tell us about the potential speaking lineup for this year's devotional? That is a question I will attempt to answer in this post.

Firstly, since the new format and general template for the Christmas Devotional was introduced in 2013, only the counselors in the First Presidency have conducted the devotional, generally alternating each year. We also know that since President Nelson became Church President, he has only opted to conduct 1 session of General Conference (the Sunday Morning Session in April 2018). 

Since his almost three years as Church President, he's done an excellent job of delegating things, so I think it may safely be assumed that, for the most part, President Nelson will leave the task of conducting each year's Christmas Devotional to either of his counselors on an alternating basis. With President Oaks having conducted the 2018 devotional and President Eyring conducting the one held last year, I am predicting that President Oaks will be the one to conduct this year's devotional. And since President Nelson spoke during the 2018 deovotional and President Oaks did so last year, it seems safe to predict that President Eyring will be the representative speaking on behalf of the First Presidency.

In terms of the speakers from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, we have heard from then-Elders Nelson and Oaks, along with Elders Bednar, Christofferson, Stevenson, and Soares. Based on which Quorum mebers have spoken, among those who have not done so are President Ballard and Elders Holland, Cook, Andersen, Renlund, and Gong. You may note the omissions of Elders Uchtdorf and Rasband. In listing the current Quorum members who have not spoken, I didn't include Elder Uchtdorf, since he previously spoke twice during that devotional while he was serving as President Monson's Second Counselor in the First Presidency. 

While it is also true that Elder Rasband has not yet been tapped to speak in the Devotional since his call to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in October 2015, he was the first member of the Presidency of the Seventy assigned to speak when the noew format first took effect in 2013, so I'm considering that in my analysis. Although any of the others I mentioned could speak, for some reason, the thought occurred to me that Elder Neil L. Andersen might do so this go-round. But any of those who have not yet done so would be great to hear from this weekend.

Meanwhile, the mmbers of the Presidency of the Seventy who have spoken to us have included Elders Ronald A. Rasband (as noted above), Richard J. Maynes, L. Whitney Clayton, Craig C. Christensen, Terence M. Vinson, and Patrick Kearon. Only two of those just mentioned remain in the Presidency of the Seventy. In 2017, General Authority Seventy Elder Kevin R. Duncan was asked to speak. From among the ranks of the General Authorities of the Church, only the Presiding Bishopric has not been represented in aan assignment to speak during the devotional. In view of that fact, I am predicting this go-round that Presiding Bishop Gerald Causse may be tapped to do so this go-round. 

As far as general officers of the Church are concerned, we have heard twice from the Primary General President (the current one and her immediate predecessor), and once each from the since-released Young Women and Relief Society General Presidents and the since-released First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, the current Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency and First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency .

Although we have not yet heard from a member of the Sunday School General Presidency, the last time we heard from the Young Women General President in the Christmas Devotional was 6 years ago, so I'm predicting that Sister Bonnie H. Cordon may be tapped to speak this time around, though I would not in any way be shocked to see something else happen. 

In summary, I am predicting that, for this year's devotional, which will be held this Sunday, that President Oaks will conduct, and that the speakers will be Sister Bonnie H. Cordon, Young Women General President, Presiding Bishop Gerald Causse, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

Anyone interested in doing so is more than welcome to look over the history I have kept on these Christmas Devotionals, and if any of you have any thoughts on the predictions I've laid out for this year, I'd love to hear from you. I look forward to this Sunday's devotioynal regardless of whether or not I correctly predicted any or all aspects of this devotional. Whatever might happen in that respect, you can count on my passing along whatever is reported after that is made available.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Monday, November 30, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: First Presidency Announces 2021 Dates for Churchwide Events; Provides Phased Reopening Updates for Templesa

Hello again, everyone! In these early morning hours, I have two breaking news developments to report. Firstly, I have previously mentioned that the Church had not yet released a formal schedule of Churchwide events for next year, and as recently as within the last week, I had suggested that the scheduled events being added to the Newsroom events page apparently replaced the formal announcment of events for 2021. Any theories I previously offered in that respect are now incorrect and irrelevant.

This morning, the First Presidency authorized the release of the official list of Churchwide Events for 2021. The lsit of events inluce the following highlights:

January 10, May 2, and September 12: Worldwide Devotionals for Young Adults. Additionally, the speakers for the January 10 event have been announced as Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Susanr, and that the September 12 event will be combined with a Face-to-Face Event.

February 21: New Event for the children of the Church entitled "Friend-to-Friend", the equivalent for Face-to-Face events for Youth and Young Adults of the Church. The event will feature Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, alongside the Primary General Presidency (Sisters Joy D. Jones, Lisa L. Harkness, and Cristina B. Franco). 

Parenthetically, I should note that since Sister Jones will have served as Primary General President for five years in April, despite the changes to her First and Second Counselors in 2016 and 2017, some change may be made to the Primary General Presidency during the April 2021 General Conference. With that said, here are some other events that will occur in 2021:

February 25-27: RootsTech Connect (to be held virtually, with Temple and Family History Leadership Training set to occur on February 25, as previously detailed)

,March 17, 2021: Youth Music Festival

March 26-27: Handel's Messiah

April 3-4 and October 2-3, 2021: General Conference Weekend, with the Priesthood Session in April and the Women's Session in October as usual. The April General Conference will again coincide with Easter Sunday, as it did in 2018, so the speaking lineup may be altered from what has been typicl.

April 29-30: 2021 BYU Women's Conference

June 13, 2021: Face-to-Face Event for Single Adults, which is another new event for a specific group in the Church.

July 22 & 23: Music for a Summer Evening (Pioneer Day Commemoration)

November 14: Face-to-Face for Youth

December 5: First Presidency Christmas Devotional

So that is the overview of the 2021 Churchwide events, as provided today. But temple reopenings have been announced this week, with the Newsroom and the Church News have also provided this week's update on temple reopenings, which, given the substance thereof, I thought would be best mentioned in this new post as well rather than the commentsts. 2 more temples will reopen under phase 1 next Monday, which allows husband-to-wife sealings where both have been previously endowed, with limited guests in attendance. The two temples are Barranquilla Colombia and Caracas Venezuuela.

Additionally, one temple (Guatemala City Guatemala) is shifting from phase 1 to phase 2, which allows the performance of all living ordinances, in the following priority order: indviduals preparing to be married who have not yet received their own endowments, missionaries already out in the field who departed before receiving their own endowments, those preparing to enter the mission field who need to receive their own endowments, and then any others who may need that done for any other reason.

And finally, on a not-so-postivie front, the Church has reported thath four temples previously upgraded to phase 2 will be downgraded to phase 1: Calgary and Ednomton Alberta, Baton Rouge Louisiana, and Ceub City Philippines. Additionally, seven other temples have gone back into a "puased" status in their reopenings due to local COVID-19 conditions and govermental regulations. Those seven temples include the following: 3 in California (Fresno, Newport Beach, and Oakland); 2 in England (London and Preston), along with the Haifax Nova Scotia and Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temples.

So, it's a bit of a mixed bag of good news, interesting news, and some difficult news this morning. I continue to montitor all Church news and temple updates and will keep doing my level best to pass word of those along to you all as I become aware of it. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, November 27, 2020

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Groundbreeaking Held for the Antofagasta Chile Temple

Note: This post was originally published here at 3:20 PM, with updates being added thereunto at 6:00 PM MST.

Hello again, everyone! A short while ago, the Church's official Newsroom confirmed that ground had been broken for the Antofagasta Chile Temple today, as anticipated. Elder Juan Pablo Villar, a Chilean native and Second Counselor in the South America South Area Presidency presided at that event today. When the Church announced the groundbreaking arrangements for that temple and the Mendoza Argentina Temple, the rendering for the Antofagasta temple was released for the first time.

The temple, which will be built on a 2.2-acre site around Avenida de Las Palmeras 44 in Antofagasta, Chile, is set to be a two-story edifice with an approximate area of 23,000 square feet, making it slightly smaller in square footage than the Bentonville Arkanasas and Brasilia Brazil Temples, so I anticipate it will be another temple that could have its' construction completed at some point in 2023. 

There are now 6 temples total for which full-scale construction is pending: San Pedro Sula Honduras, Brasilia Brazil, Salta Argentina, Davao Philippines, Coban Guatemala, and Antofagasta Chile. I am hopeful that consutrction on half of those 6 could begin in full at some point next week, with the others perhaps follwing before the end of the year.

This leaves only the Mendoza Argentina Temple in the queue of those for which a groundbreaking had been set for November. And with no word on an exact date when that could occur, unless it has happened this evening, it is now approaching 10:00 PM Argentina time, so if the Mendoza groundbreaking does occur by the end of this month, that will likely happen either tomorrow or Monday, since those are the only viable days left in NOvember for such an event.

It is also worth noting as a quick aside that we do not yet have exact dates identified for the three temple groundbreakings set to occur in December, but I anticipate that all of them will be done before Sunday December 20 in order to not interfere wth the Christmas and New Year's celebrations in the Philippines, Aisa, and Africa. And I am also confident that, once next week rolls around, the Church will begin announcing the first temple groundbreakings that may occur in 2021.

I will do my level best monitor all of that and bring you word of updates on those developments and any additional Church news, in addition to all of the December blog projects I have planned for publication prior to the end of this year It has been a busy 2020 already, and I look forward to seeing whatever might be next. 

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Groundbreaking Held for the McAllen Texas Temple

Hello again, everyone! As confirmed in a new report from the Newsroom a short while ago, this morning, ground was officially broken for the McAllen Texas Temple by Elder Art Rascon, an area seventy. Since Texas is one state that has seen severe outbreaks of COVID-19, local regulations prevented a large gathering, so a video of the proceedings will be made available later this week. In a recent comment about that temple on the Church Growth Blog, someone living in Texas noted that the temple was anticipated to be completed in late 2022. It seems as though a lot of temples have a window of late 2022-early 2023, so it will be interesting to see what actually happens in that respect.

As previously announced, the temple is anticipated to be one story, and approximately 25,000 square feet in area, and will include an adjacent meetinghouse on the site. It will be interesting to see how quickly full-scale construction can begin for this temple. As some of you might recall, in the days leading up to this groundbreaking, the Church was still working on obtaining a conditional use permit for the property. Insofar as I am aware, that permit has not yet been obtained, which may or may not lead to a delay in the construction for that temple.

The McAllen Texas Temple, in addition to being the fifth for the state of Texas, is also the sixteenth temple to have a groundbreaking this year alone. The Church now has five temples left that are on the docket for a groundbreaking this year. And for the first time since Halloween, this week ground was broken for only one temple. I had mentioned in the threads of my previous post that the exact date of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Antofagasta Chile Temple had been confirmed as this upcoming Friday, November 27. That means that only the Mendoza Argentina Temple groundbreaking remains in the queue for November, and will occur at an as-yet unspecified date.

One other note may be of interest to you all here: with this latest groundbreaking, there are now 30 temples in the current construction queue, and 33 others are announced. If the Church remains on track in breaking ground for the other five temples this year (Antofagasta Chile, Mendoza Argentina, Okinawa Japan, Harare Zimbabwe, and Bengaluru India), then the Church will end the year with more temples under construction than there will be just in the announced section. 

With that in mind, given the efforts this year to clear that queue in the midst of a global pandemic, and in consideration of the number of temples for which groundbreakings might soon be announced, we could easily see a large number of new temples announced during the April 2021 General Conference. I am still putting together some updates on my temple files, and evaluating how and to what extent recent precedents and developments might factor into my April 2021 General Conference predictions, but if all goes well, hopefully, I'll have something posted soon.

In the meantime, that does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, November 20, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: President Nelson Shares "Spiritual Prescription" for Temporal and Societal Issues #GiveThanks

Hello again, everyone! As had been previously announced, President Nelson addressed the world this morning through a video posted on social media and shared by all official Church Youtube channels. In the days leading up to this morning when that video was posted, I saw many comments about the upcoming address. In those comments, many people expressed what they hoped or expected to hear from the address.

Many of those comments noted the hope that President Nelson would reiterate proper health measures for these COVID-19 conditions, despite the fact that Church leaders have repeatedly demonstrated their personal support for and adherence to those measures in word and deed, and by example. One or two comments expreessed the hope that the Lord would prompt the prophet to send out the apostles around the world to per0ssonally heal individuals and families afflicted by the virus.

In expressing the latter hope, those who made those comments cited the way in which the Prophet Joseph Smith, assisted by the apostles, participated in what became known as a "day of God's power" when malaria and its' impact had laid up so many Church members and those of other faiths. Though the Prophet and his family had been similarly affected, following several days of illness, the Prophet rose from his sickbed, having been healed by the Lord, then administered to each member of his family, who were also immediately healed.

The Prophet then went out home-by-home providing healing blessings, counsel, or words of comfort to several more who were afflicted, which included many members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. After being directly involved in that process for a period of several hours, although there were more people who needed the healing measures provided personally by the Prophet, Brother Joseph felt inspired to step back from doing so personally, and commissioned the members of the Twelve to extend those same meausres to others who needed them. 

The efforts of the Twelve to expand the healing efforts and minister as direct4ed by the Prophet proved successful in every casee. Getting back to the expressed hopes for today's prophetic address, in a way, I can see why some expressed the hope that the prophet and apostles would similarly spread healing efforts throghout the world. My personal thought was that it wouldn't be wise for 15 men in the vulnerable age demographic for COVID-19 to go out into the world in that kind of scenario, which seemed to be verified by the fact that all Church leaders have avoided international travel during this period of time.

And some who made other comments on the upcoming addresss seemed to agree, noting tithat if any of us approached the upcoming address with preconceived notions about what we expected or felt we needed to hear, we likely wouldn't find satisfaction, comfort, or inspiration in the message that would be delivered. And so many others expressed excitement for the upcoming message, saying that whatever President Nelson had prepared in the way of today's message would be inspiring and just what is needed.

When thinking about some of those comments, I was reminded of the biblical story of Naaman the Syrian. Being afflicted with leprosy, Naaman requested healing from the prophet Elisha, who in turn instructed Naaman to wash himself seven times in thI am ge River Jordan. Naaman, who had expected a personal healing from the prophet, and noted that other rivers might be better suited for the task, was reluctant to follow the offered counsel, until his servant pointed out that if Elisha had instrctued Naaman to do any greater task, Naaman would have done it. 

His servant then asked Naaman why he was resisting the counsel of the prophet to do something as simple as washing himself in the river Jordan seven times in order to be healed, Properly chastised, Naaman followed the counsel and came up out of the water completely healed. With that scriptural story in mind, I was pleased to see the comments leading up to the address that hoped all of us were ready to receive any message that President Nelson, as the current prophet, would provide this morning.

Given that we are now less than one week away from Thanksgiving Day in the United States and elsewhere, it is not surprising that President Nelson's full remarks focused on the healing power of gratitude, and that the address included two more prophetic invitations upon which all should act.  The invitations included flooding social media for the next seven days with expressions of gratitude and to unite in prayers of gratitude, accompanied by petitioning the Lord for healing from all negative wordly conditions.

As someone who has made no secret of my admiration for the leading Brethren of the Church, and who has covered multiple developments relating to their apostolic ministries, I am grateful for the prophet's loving invitations. In our ongoing efforts as soldiers in the army of the Lord, and as members of His battalion, we have now received our latest marching orders, and it is time we muster together in our rank formations and follow them. 

I was similarly inspired by the powerful prophetic promises made by uur prophet for those of us who will act on the counel we've received, and by the fact that President Nelson chose to conclude his inspired message with a prayer of gratitutde, thanksgiving, and a petition to the Lord for His healing power. I am grateful for a prophet who tells us what we need to hear when we need to hear it, even if what is said is not what others wanted or expected to hear. 

I am also grateful for the inspired invitations, and the petitionary prayer offered by President Nelson on behalf of the human race. I aam likwise grateful for a prophet who receives inspriation for our day for all of us as children of God. I know that as we follow the counsel from our beloved prophet that the Lord will bless us with what we need to overcome all wordly circumstances, and I share that witness gratefully, and express gratitutde to all who may read this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.