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Friday, May 26, 2017

Following Through on Posting the Latest Version of My Projected Timeline for Future Temple-related Events

I know it has been long overdue, but I am finally keeping my promise to post the latest version of my timeline for upcoming temple-related events. I wanted to ensure that it would be clear that these are merely my own thoughts and theories, based on the facts I have available to me at the moment and on the average time-frame by which temples in various parts of the world have been completed up to this point. All the unknowns make putting together something like this more difficult. I am doing my level best to keep an eye on developments as they unfold. And based on what I learn, subsequent edits and alterations will be made as more is known. I just want that clearly understood. For now, this is what I have been able to put together. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated. If I have overlooked something, or if any of you know anything about any of these temples of which I might not be aware. please let me know, and I will try to incorporate those insights into subsequent versions of this timeline. For now, here it is, such as it is. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

PRELIMANARY NOTE: In light of new information I received this month, I am convinced we could see as many as 4 groundbreakings later this year. Because of this, I will be offering my best estimate for when those might happen. I want it absolutely and clearly understood and appreciated that these are merely my own thoughts, which are not endorsed, supported, or confirmed by the Church. It would be wonderful if any or all of these predictions as set forth in this timeline proved to be correct. But obviously, the Lord knows better than I do when He needs things to happen. New information has also led to adjustments as necessary to this timeline. Once more is known, alterations will be made. As with everything else, I am trying to keep abreast of all the latest developments and will alter any of this information as more is known about temples in the future. If I have overlooked or bypassed any consideration or factor, please let me know. Here is what I have come up with for this version:

2017—Events already scheduled:
Now: The open house for the Idaho Falls Idaho Temple concluded last Saturday. That temple is now being prepared for its rededication, which is scheduled for June 4. Reservations are also, as noted below, being accepted for the Tucson Arizona Temple open house.
Saturday June 3-24 (excluding the Sundays of June 4, 11 & 18): Tucson Arizona Temple Open House
NOTE: Reservations are being accepted right now for that open house. This will be a unique circumstance, where the dedication for this temple will follow the conclusion of the open house by 7 weeks, in view of the annual July recess that the General Authorities have each year.
Saturday June 3: Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday June 4: Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Rededication
NOTE: It is unclear who might dedicate this temple. It could be either Presidents Eyring or Uchtdorf, or a senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In the meantime, I learned that one of our newest apostles, Elder Gary E. Stevenson, was married in this temple, so it is not hard to believe that he will accompany whoever presides. President Eyring and Elders Bednar and Andersen also have ties to different areas of Idaho. If I had to venture a prediction, I think it would be safe to say that Elder Bednar might preside at this rededication, as he is a senior member of the Twelve and presided at the Star Valley Wyoming dedication last year, and that Elder Stevenson will accompany him. Elder Ulisses Soares, who, as a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, supervises the Idaho Area, will likely be in attendance as well, along with at least one representative from the Temple Department. More to come once more is known.
Saturday August 12: Tucson Arizona Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday August 13: Tucson Arizona Temple Dedication (157th operating temple)
NOTE: Since President Uchtdorf broke ground for this temple, it is highly probable that he will return to dedicate the temple. I have looked but have not been able to find which of our apostles might have ties to Arizona in general, and the city of Tucson in particular. If any of you know any, let me know. We are sure to see at least one apostle attend, possibly two (if a senior member of the Twelve is asked to preside), and it is not impossible to believe that Elder Lynn G. Robbins, who represents the Presidency of the Seventy in overseeing the North America Southwest Area, will be in attendance as well, along with a representative from the Church’s Temple Department. More to come once more is known.
Monday August 21: President Monson’s 90th birthday
NOTE: The Church announced on May 23 that President Monson would no longer attend meetings at Church headquarters nor take an active role in decisions. He will still make any major ones that require his approval and consent, but is delegating everything else to his counselors and the other 12 apostles. It is therefore unclear whether or not any major celebrations will be held to commemorate this milestone birthday for the prophet who has followed in his predecessor’s footsteps in taking us from 124 operating temples to 182 in various stages. More to come on this once more is known. For now, it seems appropriate to note this milestone on this timeline.
Saturday September 23 and 30 and Sunday October 1: 187th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: Even though every temple announced between 2015 and now has had an announcement during the April General Conference, future temple announcements are always possible at any time during the year, especially during General Conference.
Friday September 29: Memphis Tennessee Temple Renovation Closure
NOTE: The Church’s official website for this temple noted in mid-May that this would be the official closure date. I am anticipating that a few others scheduled for closure will also soon have a more specific closure date announced and will update this timeline with that information when it becomes available. In the meantime, this closure date lends credibility to the timeline I have previously proposed for its rededication. That said, I was recently reminded that temple rededications can often be unpredictable to determine. I will keep an eye on things and adjust as necessary in the future.
Early October (possibly Friday October 6 or Saturday October 7): Tokyo Japan Temple Renovation Closure
NOTE: On Wednesday May 17, the LDS Church Temples site put this temple ahead of the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple. This seems to be a clear indication that this temple’s closure will happen prior to the already announced closure of the temple below. I am trying to ascertain more on this and will post more once I know more.
Saturday October 14: Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple Renovation Closure
NOTE: This was confirmed by the Church as the official closure date for this renovation. I am keeping an eye out for all developments and will be providing updates as more is known. And since renovations can take longer to complete than new temples, there will also be an adjustment to my estimate for the completion of this renovation.
Saturday October 21-Saturday November 11 (excluding the Sundays of October 22 and 29 and November 5): Meridian Idaho Temple Open House
Late October/Early November (possibly either Friday October 27, Saturday October 28, Friday November 3 or Saturday November 4): Asuncion Paraguay Temple Renovation Closure
NOTE: The spacing of the closure of the three other temples whose renovations were announced with this one indicates that such closure dates are not always as cut-and-dried as I thought. Therefore, it seems wiser to adjust this estimate until more is known. I could potentially see this temple closing during the last few days of October, but the timing of it will be easier to figure out once more is known. In the meantime, until more is known, it will likewise be difficult to accurately predict when a subsequent rededication might happen. But I offer my best estimate for the moment later on in this document.
Saturday November 18: Meridian Idaho Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday November 19: Meridian Idaho Temple Dedication (158th operating temple)
NOTE: Since Elder David A. Bednar broke ground for this temple, it is not hard to believe that he might return for the dedication. What is not so clear is whether or not he will preside at this rededication. To me, it would make more sense if a more senior apostle or member of the First Presidency presides, and Elder Bednar is the accompanying apostle. I could also see the First Presidency having other apostles in attendance instead of Elder Bednar. More to come once more is known.
Friday October 27-Saturday November 18: Cedar City Utah Temple Open House
Saturday December 9: Cedar City Utah Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday December 10: Cedar City Utah Temple Dedication (159th operating temple)
NOTE: It seems to be a safe assumption that, with this being a Utah temple dedication, it will be widely attended by Church leadership. Whether or not a member of the First Presidency presides, I could see at least two apostles being in attendance, Elder M. Russell Ballard, who gave a magnificent address to the Utah South Area in 2015, and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, who grew up in St. George, which has been termed as somewhat of a “sister-city” to Cedar City. Other apostles might also be asked to be there, and obviously, the most senior apostle or First Presidency member there will preside. We will also likely see Elder Craig C. Christensen, who presides over the Utah South Area, in attendance, and also Elder L. Whitney Clayton, Senior President of the Seventy, who broke ground for this temple. Any number of other general authorities could be in attendance as well, including at least one representative from the Temple Department. More to come once more is known.

Events that could potentially be scheduled later this year, unless these events are pushed back to 2018 for any reason:
Late August (perhaps Saturday August 26): Groundbreaking for the Harare Zimbabwe Temple
NOTE: As mentioned in previous versions of this timeline, a site announcement is anticipated any day now for the first Zimbabwean temple. If that site announcement happens at any time during the next couple of months, the odds are very good that we could see a groundbreaking follow at around this time. It would not surprise me at all in any way if the site announcement and the groundbreaking for this temple were to be delayed beyond this point. As always, once more is known, this potential time-frame will more than likely change. I am keeping an eye out for any and all developments and will adjust this estimate again as needed. And unless a member of the First Presidency or Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is asked to do so, this groundbreaking could be conducted by any member of the Africa Southeast Area presidency (which by then will be comprised of Elders Kevin S. Hamilton (who is the most likely possibility, as he was the one who first indicated that the site announcement and groundbreaking would likely take place later this year), S. Mark Palmer, or Joni L. Koch). More to come once more is known.
Mid-September (perhaps Saturday September 16): Groundbreaking for the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple
NOTE: There is a possibility that this groundbreaking could take place sometime later this year, though there is an equally likely chance that event could be pushed back until sometime next year. A site has already been confirmed, making it more likely than not, but time will tell. Again, I will be keeping an eye out for any new information and update this timeline if and when such information becomes available. For now, this seems like a safe revised estimate. As for who might preside at this groundbreaking, I could see any of the 15 apostles or a member of the Caribbean Area Presidency (which will then be comprised of Elders Walter F. Gonzalez, Claudio D. Zivic, and Jose L. Alonso). More to come once more is known.
Mid-October (perhaps Saturday October 14): Groundbreaking for the Urdaneta Philippines Temple
NOTE: With the end of delays that had hindered progress on this temple in the almost 7 years since its announcement, all that is needed for this temple is to have a site confirmed and a groundbreaking set. If all that happens anytime soon, we could see a groundbreaking at around this time. And unless an apostle is asked to preside at this groundbreaking, it will likely be done by a member of the Philippines Area Presidency, which will then be comprised of Elders Shayne M. Bowen, Allen D. Haynie, and Evan A. Schmutz. There is also an equal likelihood that we will not see this groundbreaking until sometime next year. I am doing my level best to keep informed on developments in this regard and will adjust this information once I know more.
Early December (perhaps Saturday December 2): Groundbreaking for the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple
NOTE: As indicated on the LDS Church temples site, the contractor working on the Arequipa Peru temple has been hired to work on the second temple for the Peruvian capital. That contractor indicated it would take around a year to prepare the site. If that meant a year from its announcement, then the groundbreaking could happen anytime soon. If he meant a year from when he made the statement, then this groundbreaking could be pushed back to sometime next year. For now, I will stick with this estimate, which is only my own thoughts and feelings. Whenever this groundbreaking does take place, unless an apostle presides at that event, it will take place under the direction of the South America Northwest Area Presidency, which will then be comprised of Elders Carlos A. Godoy, Enrique R. Falabella, and Hugo Montoya. Once more is known, I will provide an update.

2018—Exact event timeline unknown, but I offer my best estimate
Late January or early February (Friday January 26, Saturday January 27, Friday February 2 or Saturday February 3): Renovation begins on the Oakland California Temple
NOTE: The Church announced this renovation earlier this year. With the way other renovations have been announced and already scheduled, we have the possibility that this renovation could begin during either the latter part of January or during the first part of February. More to come once more is known.
Early February (perhaps Saturday February 3): Groundbreaking for the Brasilia Brazil Temple
NOTE: This temple, though announced in April 2017, had a site identified very quickly by local priesthood leaders. That is all that is needed for the Church to schedule a groundbreaking at around this time. At this point, it might be too early to tell, but it is my best guess for the moment. I will never rule out the possibility that a groundbreaking could happen sooner or later than this, but I will be keeping my eye out for developments and will make adjustments when needed.
Mid-February (perhaps Sunday February 11): Dedication of the Rome Italy Temple (160th operating temple)
NOTE: In previous versions of this timeline, I felt confident enough to assert that the rededication of the Jordan River Utah Temple would be the first temple-related event of 2018. Having recently been reminded that the time-frame for the completion of a temple renovation and its subsequent rededication are often more tricky to pin down than the potential dedication time-frame for new temples, it is more likely that the dedication of the temple in Italy’s capital city will be the first such event in 2018. With 2018 still more than half a year away, it is anyone’s guess how soon we might see any temple events. It is more than likely, however, that whenever this dedication is set for, the announcement of that event will take place before the end of 2017. I am doing my level best to keep an eye out for all developments as they relate to this timeline, and I will be sure to adjust this estimate as necessary in the future. In the meantime, I could see this dedication being presided over by either President Eyring, President Uchtdorf, or a senior member of the Twelve. More to come on that when more is known.
Late February-early March: Renovation begins on the Washington DC Temple
NOTE: This renovation, anticipated to begin sometime in March, could potentially begin as early as the end of February. It will be harder than I anticipated to estimate a probable rededication time-frame. With that said, it seems safe to assume that this temple, being within the US, will be rededicated before a rededication happens for the Tokyo Japan Temple. More to come on that when more is known.
Mid-March (possibly Sunday March 11 or 18): Rededication of the Jordan River Utah Temple
NOTE: This temple has been closed for renovation since February 15, 2016. Originally anticipated to be rededicated during the middle to later part of 2017, the renovation process ran into some delays. As noted above, I had anticipated and asserted in previous versions of this estimated timeline that one of the first temple-related events for 2018 would be this rededication. Having been reminded in the interim that time-frames for rededications are harder to pin down than dedications of new temples, this seems like a safe adjustment. As with everything else, I am doing my very best to keep an eye out for anything that would solidify this timetable, and will be happy to make adjustments as needed going forward. One thing seems certain, and that is that this event, whether it happens at this time or any other time this year, will be widely attended by Church leadership, including several of the 15 current apostles, the most senior of whom will preside at this rededication. In view of all the unknowns about how soon this renovation might be finished, I will keep an eye on this and make adjustments once more is known.
Saturday March 24 and 31 and Sunday April 1: 188th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid May (possibly Sunday May 6 or 13): Dedication of the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple (161st operating temple)
NOTE: While it might be too early to tell if this temple could be completed at this time, we do know that it is set to be completed during mid-2018, and it could be that this dedication could take place at around this time. Depending on what other temple-related events happen between now and then, a case could be made for any one of the 15 apostles to preside at this event, whenever it happens. I will keep an eye out for information in this regard and update my thinking as needed. For now, this seems a plausible time-frame. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-May (perhaps Saturday May 12 or 19): Groundbreaking for the Greater Manila Philippines Temple
NOTE: The second temple for the Filipino capital city was announced in 2017. With a site having been confirmed, the likelihood increases that a groundbreaking could happen at around this time. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early June (possibly Saturday June 2 or 9): Groundbreaking for the Pocatello Idaho Temple
NOTE: While no site confirmation has happened for this temple as of yet, the probable site has been identified and was recently annexed into Pocatello City. Another site is reportedly under consideration as well, but the first site indicated seems to be the most likely possibility. It is therefore very probable that a groundbreaking could happen for this temple at around this time, especially when considering that temples in the United States, particularly those in the “Mormon corridor” get started much faster generally than temples elsewhere. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-to-late June (possibly Sunday June 17 or 24): Rededication of the Frankfurt Germany Temple
NOTE: While much is yet to be determined about how soon the renovation of this temple might be completed, this seems to be a safe revised estimate from what I have previously stated. If not during this time, then the temple could be rededicated at any point after the annual July recess of the General Authorities Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early August (possibly Sunday August 5 or 12): Dedication of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple (162nd operating temple)
NOTE: This temple, anticipated to be completed during mid-2018, may have a similar situation as what will have happened previously for the Tucson Arizona Temple, with the open house held in June, and the temple dedicated in August, after the annual July recess for the General Authorities. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-to-late August (possibly Saturday August 18 or 25): Groundbreaking for the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple
NOTE: Until more is known about this temple (as the only fact we have about it is that the Church owns several acres of land in this community), it will not be easy to predict if this is a feasible timeframe for this groundbreaking. Once more is known in terms of the design and any potential sites, we will be able to perhaps make a better prediction. For the moment, knowing that Utah County temples usually go up pretty quickly once they are started, this seems to be a pretty safe estimate. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Saturday September 29 and Saturday & Sunday October 6 & 7: 188th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Late October-early November (possibly Saturday October 27 or November 3): Groundbreaking for Bangkok Thailand Temple
NOTE: While not yet confirmed, Thai members have speculated that an existing Church office building could be rebuilt and renovated into a multi-purpose edifice housing not only Church offices, but also a meetinghouse and temple as well, in the mold of existing temples in Manhattan New York and Hong Kong China. If that is confirmed at any point in the near future, that makes more likely the possibility that we could see a groundbreaking for this first Thailand temple at around this time. This is especially true given the fact that November marks the start of Thailand’s three coolest months of the year Adjustments will be made when more is known.

Mid-to-late November (possibly Sunday November 11 or 18): Dedication of the Concepcion Chile Temple (163rd operating temple)
NOTE: This temple is anticipated to be completed around the same time as the Durban South Africa Temple. They are interchangeable at the moment. But since the Durban temple is now below this one, it seems safe to assume that this dedication could happen at around this time. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early-to-mid December (possibly Sunday December 2 or 9): Dedication of the Durban South Africa Temple (164th operating temple)
NOTE: Unless this temple overtakes the Concepcion Chile Temple and is rededicated first, it is very possible that this dedication could take place at around this time. Adjustments will be made when more is known.

2019 (NOTE: As these events would be two years away, the likelihood of any of them happening at around the times projected here remains to be seen. Based on what happens in the next year or so, subsequent versions of this timeline will make adjustments as necessary.)
Early-to-mid February (Saturday February 2 or 9): Groundbreaking for the Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple
NOTE: While the site for this temple has yet to be confirmed, the official name of it seems to indicate that it will be built within the district of the same name in the Peruvian capital city. If a site confirmation happens between now and then, I could definitely see a groundbreaking at this time. But that will largely depend on what happens between now and then. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early-to-mid March (possibly Sunday March 3 or 10): Dedication of the Fortaleza Brazil Temple (165th operating temple)
NOTE: Recent developments relating to the construction progress of this temple have me convinced that this dedication could happen at around this time. I am keeping an eye out for developments as they happen. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
March 30 & April 6 & 7: 189th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Late May (possibly Sunday May 19 or 26): Rededication of the Memphis Tennessee Temple
NOTE: The renovation of the Memphis Tennessee Temple is anticipated to take at least a couple of years. With so much unknown about when during 2019 it might be finished, this seems to be a pretty safe initial prediction, especially considering the fact that temple renovations in the US are generally completed more swiftly than temples do elsewhere in the world.
Early-to-mid June (possibly Sunday June 2 or 9): Dedication of the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple (166th operating temple)
NOTE: Construction on this temple, which formally began earlier this month (April 2017), is anticipated to last around two years. So it would make sense if this dedication happened sometime during this timeframe. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Late May (possibly Saturday May 18 or 25): Groundbreaking for the Quito Ecuador Temple
NOTE: We have had two temples whose time span between the announcement and the subsequent groundbreaking was 14+ years, and one of them was Ecuador’s first temple in Guayaquil. With that in mind, I don’t think such a delay will apply in any way to this temple in the capital city. If the groundbreaking happens here at this time, it would hold true for the latest patterns in that regard for South American temples.
Late June (possibly Sunday June 23 or 30): Rededication of the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple
NOTE: The Church will have started renovations on four temples during the final months of 2017, and since no temples simultaneously undergoing renovation are completed at around the same time, it is reasonable to believe that this rededication could happen at around this time. I will be keeping an eye out for developments and make readjustments as necessary.
Early-to-mid August (possibly Sunday August 4 or 11): Dedication of the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple (167th operating temple)
NOTE: Full-scale construction on this temple is anticipated to begin anytime now, once the effects of the really bad Canadian winter have cleared. With construction anticipated to take roughly 20 months to complete, it is not hard to believe that we could see an open house happen sometime during June, as with prior temples, and the dedication following at around this time. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-to-late August (possibly Saturday August 24 or 31): Groundbreaking for the Belem Brazil Temple
NOTE: While this temple has yet to have a site announced, Brazil as a nation has had a lot of temples announced of late. This is a clear indicator that the acceptance of the gospel and the use of temples is high in that nation. Once more is known, this estimate will be revised. For now, it seems to be a safe revision.
Late August or early September (possibly Sunday August 25 or Sunday September 1): Dedication of the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple (168th operating temple)
NOTE: At the moment, it seems that this Brazilian temple will be dedicated prior to the Winnipeg temple, which has not even had full-scale construction commence. However, if construction on that temple gets underway within the next month, that smaller temple will likely be finished before this one. So this seems like a good revised estimate. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-to-late September (possibly Sunday September 15 or 22): Rededication for the Oakland California Temple
NOTE: Renovation of the Oakland California Temple is anticipated to last roughly a year, so 1.5 years seems to be a very good initial estimate for that rededication. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
September 28 & October 6 & 7: 189th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid November (possibly Sunday November 3 or 10): Rededication of the Asuncion Paraguay Temple
NOTE: With the renovation for this temple starting in late September of this year, and with the knowledge that a rededication will take place in 2019, this seems to be a better revised estimate. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early December (possibly Sunday December 1 or 8): Dedication of the Lisbon Portugal Temple (169th operating temple)
NOTE: This temple is anticipated to be completed in mid-to-late 2019. If construction picks up at all, it is possible that we could see the dedication happen as soon as September of this same year. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-to-late December (possibly Saturday December 7 or 14): Groundbreaking for Nairobi Kenya Temple
NOTE: Africa has seen the announcement of one new temple per year for the last three years. With so much unknown about how soon any temple-related event might take place, it is anyone’s guess whether or not this groundbreaking will happen at around this time. It does seem safe to assert that this temple will be the last of the current group to have a groundbreaking, which means that every subsequent event in this timeline will be a dedication or a rededication. Adjustments will be made when more is known.

2020 (NOTE: With this being 3 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
Late February or early March (either Sunday February 23 or March 1): Dedication of the Arequipa Peru Temple (169th operating temple)
NOTE: The Arequipa Peru Temple began construction in earnest in April of 2017, and is anticipated to be completed sometime between late 2019 and early 2020. This seems like a safe adjusted prediction. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early May (either Sunday May 3 or 10): Dedication of the Harare Zimbabwe Temple (170th operating temple)
NOTE: Based on additional research I have been able to do, this seems like a safer, more accurate estimate, but it is based on the belief that a groundbreaking will happen at around the time proposed earlier on in this timeline. If the groundbreaking takes place later than that, it would change the timeframe for completion. This current estimate is based on the general average timeframe within which African temples have previously been completed. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
March 28 & April 4 & 5: 190th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Mid-June (perhaps Sunday June 14 or 21): Rededication of the Washington DC Temple      
NOTE: This renovation, for the temple named for the US capital, is anticipated to be finished well before the renovation for the Tokyo Japan Temple. So this seems to be a safer, more accurate estimate.
Early-to-mid August (perhaps Sunday August 2 or 9): Dedication of the Urdaneta Philippines Temple (171st operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only happen at around this time if ground is broken for it around the time-frame indicated earlier in this timeline. If ground is broken at around that time, having a subsequent dedication at this point would be in perfect conformity with the general time-frame in which Filipino temples have usually been completed. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-September (perhaps Sunday September 13 or 20): Rededication of the Tokyo Japan Temple
NOTE: The renovation of the temple in Tokyo is anticipated to be the last renovation to be completed among those currently scheduled. Since this renovation is anticipated to last until sometime in 2020, revising this estimate to this timeframe seems more appropriate. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
September 26 & October 3 & 4: 190th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early December (possibly Sunday December 6 or 13): Dedication of the Greater Manila Philippines Temple (172nd operating temple)
NOTE: If the groundbreaking for this temple happens at around the time previously indicated, then it is very reasonable to predict that a subsequent dedication could happen at this time, especially since it would conform perfectly to the timeframe within which Filipino Temples have usually been completed. Adjustments will be made when more is known.

2021 (NOTE: Again, this gets more speculative as it is four years out, and events during this time will only take place as suggested here if the prior events unfold anywhere close to what I have suggested up to this point.)
Early-to-mid February (possibly Sunday February 7 or 14): Dedication of the Pocatello Idaho Temple (173rd operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. It should also be noted that the Pocatello temple is anticipated to be a larger temple, in the mold of the one in Meridian. Therefore, for this temple, it would follow a similar timeframe for construction as the Meridian temple, rather than the typical average time for other Idahoan temples. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
March 27, April 3 & 4: 191st Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Mid-to-late May (possibly Sunday May 16 or 23): Dedication of the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple (174th operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in generally conformity with the average time within which other Peruvian temples have been constructed. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early-to-mid June (possibly Sunday June 6 or 13): Dedication of the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple (175th operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. The timeframe for this temple may also be different than proposed here depending on the size and design of this temple. I have made this estimate a little shorter than the time-frame by which the only other Caribbean temple was completed because that seemed to be safe. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Early-to-mid August (possibly Sunday August 1 or 8): Dedication of the Brasilia Brazil Temple (176th operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in generally conformity with the average time-frame within which other Brazilian temples have been constructed. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Mid-September (possibly Sunday September 12 or 19): Dedication of the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple (177th operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in generally conformity with the average time-frame within which other Utah County temples have been constructed. Adjustments will be made when more is known.
Saturday September 25 and Saturday and Sunday October 2 & 3: 191st Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid November (either Sunday November 7 or 14): Dedication of the Bangkok Thailand Temple (178th operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in general conformity with the average time-frame within which other temples within that same area (it is closer to Filipino temples) have been constructed. If, as members have speculated, an existing building is rebuilt and/or renovated into a multipurpose building, that could push this dedication up by as much as a year. I am keeping an eye on developments, and, as with everything else, adjustments will be made once more is known.

2022 (NOTE: Again, this gets more speculative as it is five years out, and events during this time will only take place as suggested here if the prior events unfold anywhere close to what I have suggested up to this point.)
Mid-January (possibly Sunday January 10 or 17): Dedication of the Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple (179th operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in general conformity with the average time-frame within which other African temples have been constructed. I am keeping an eye on developments, and, as with everything else, adjustments will be made once more is known.
March 26 & April 2 & 3: 192nd Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Mid-May (possibly Sunday May 9 or 16): Dedication of the Quito Ecuador Temple (180th operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in general conformity with the average time-frame within which other South American temples have been completed. I am keeping an eye on developments, and, as with everything else, adjustments will be made once more is known.
Early August (possibly August 1 or 8): Dedication of the Belem Brazil Temple (181st operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in general conformity with the average time-frame within which other Brazilian temples have been completed. I am keeping an eye on developments, and, as with everything else, adjustments will be made once more is known.
September 24 & October 1 & 2: 192nd Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeframe within which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid November (possibly Sunday November 7 or 14): Dedication of the Nairobi Kenya Temple (182nd operating temple)
September: Dedication of the Nairobi Kenya Temple (182nd operating temple)
NOTE: This dedication will only take place at this time if the groundbreaking takes place as indicated above. But if it does, this will be in general conformity with the average time-frame within which other African temples have been completed. I am keeping an eye on developments, and, as with everything else, adjustments will be made once more is known.

FINAL NOTE: Any other temple-related event is too far distant to be predicted, as the dedication above will mark that of the last temple we currently have announced. While I have based the timeline above on my observations for the timeframes in which temple events have happened in various world regions, it is by no means a perfect or infallible system. With that in mind, I hope to see events happen much sooner than indicated here. One thing I want to make absolutely clear: these are merely my own thoughts and feelings, nothing more, nothing less. It will not come as any surprise to me if none of these events unfold as I am anticipating they will. You can be sure that I will make every effort to report any changes as more information comes to light. Thanks for reading this. Any comments are welcome and most appreciated.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Church News Updates include article about New GA Seventy Elder Taniela B. Wakolo

Hello! I am here again to report some Church news. This article shares the text of the dedicatory prayer for the Paris France Temple. The facts relating to the Paris France Temple are laid out in this article, although it should be noted that the groundbreaking date for this temple refers to the day when work formally started, as an actual groundbreaking did not take place. In this article, Elder Ballard shares a timely message with the young adults of the Church. This article introduces us to Elder Taniela B. Wakolo, who was sustained as a new General Authority Seventy last April. And then, from the Mormon Newsroom, we have this article, which details how Mormon History Day was observed recently in California.

That is all I have for now. Thanks for your readership and support.

Updated List of Temple Presidents that have been or might be called during 2017

Hello, all! With the callings of new temple presidents that were announced today, it has become necessary to post an updated list of those who have been or may yet be called. Enjoy! Let me know what you think.

New Temples whose presidents will begin serving later this year:
1.      Paris France (President announced in 2016; will begin formal service on May 21)
2.      Cedar City Utah (President  announced in March; will begin service on December 10)
3.      Tucson Arizona (President announced in March; will begin formal service on August 13)
4.      Meridian Idaho (President announced in April; will begin formal service in November 19)

Operating Temples whose president was changed earlier this year:
1.      Calgary Alberta (president changed sometime during March for an undisclosed reason, likely because the previous president died or became incapacitated)

General Note #1: The president of the Tokyo Japan Temple died during his active service in late April of this year. The Church has no doubt called one of his counselors as the new president so that the work of the temple can go on uninterrupted. Once I learn of that information, I will add that temple to one of the lists above.

General Note #2: Other operating temples, as has already been announced, will be getting a new president later this year as well, and if those changes take place as they did during my six-year service in the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple, the new presidents will start their service on the first Monday or Tuesday of November, which fall this year on the 6th and 7th. Those temples that will have a new president this year include the following:
1.      Apia Samoa
2.      Logan Utah
3.      Vernal Utah
4.      Toronto Ontario
5.      Snowflake Arizona
6.      Phoenix Arizona
7.      Salt Lake
8.      Bern Switzerland
9.      Quetzaltenango Guatemala
10.  Louisville Kentucky
11.  San Diego California
12.  Mount Timpanogos Utah
13.  Madrid Spain
14.  Bogota Colombia
15.  Edmonton Alberta
16.  Newport Beach California
17.  Adelaide Australia
18.  Kona Hawaii
19.  Caracas Venezuela
20.  Bismarck North Dakota
21.  Mesa Arizona
22.  Columbia South Carolina
23.  Ogden Utah
24.  Lubbock Texas
25.  Guayaquil Ecuador
26.  Fort Lauderdale Florida
27.  Los Angeles California
28.  San Salvador El Salvador
29.  Manila Philippines
30.  San Antonio Texas

General Note #3: Temple presidents generally serve for around three years. With that in mind, I feel confident in predicting that the following temples may also have a new president announced:
1.      Baton Rouge Louisiana
2.      Buenos Aires Argentina
NOTE: The current president has been serving since this temple’s rededication in 2012. As that is well beyond the standard 3 years of service, it seems reasonable to assume that there will be such a change this year.

General Note #4: The presidents of the following temples would be marking their third year of service had they not closed previously for renovations. A new president may or may not be called this year for those temples.
1.      Freiberg Germany (Closed for renovation in 2014 and rededicated last year)
2.      Idaho Falls Idaho (Closed for renovation in 2015 and will be rededicated in less than a month)

General Note #5: The presidents of the following temples would be marking three years of service later this year if those temples were not closing for renovations within the next ten months. Therefore, there may or may not be a change.
1.      Asuncion Paraguay
NOTE: The current president has served since 2014, which means that this year would mark time for a charge. But this temple will close for renovation in October, one month before usual changes are made. As a subsequent rededication of this temple is anticipated sometime in 2019, it is more than likely that the Church will hold off on naming a new president until that time.
2.      Washington DC
NOTE: Though this temple president will have marked three years of service later this year, the temple will close for renovation next March. With that in mind, I could see the Church calling a new president this year for a few months prior to that renovation, or holding off on calling anyone until after the renovation is completed sometime during 2020.

General Note #6: The following two temples closed for renovations in the middle of their current president’s active service. Were it not for that, we would likely be seeing changes there as well.
1.      Jordan River (president has served since 2014; temple closed in 2015 and will be rededicated sometime next year, so a new president may not be called until sometime during 2020)
2.      Frankfurt Germany (president has served since 2013; temple closed in 2015 and will be rededicated sometime next year, so the president could be changed sometime within the next two years)

General Note #7: Temples that will most likely be dedicated during the early or middle part of next year and might therefore have their first presidents announced at some point during the fall of this year (since the first president of the Paris France Temple had its’ first: president called during the summer of 2016):
1.      Rome Italy
2.      Kinshasa DR Congo
3.      Barranquilla Colombia