Hello again, everyone! While I last reported a status update for the Arequipa Peru Temple just last Friday, when I was double-checking for any additional progress on temples anywhere in the world, I found yet another update had been reported for that temple. So it would appear that things are moving along very well indeed for that temple's construction.
The update shows that temporary windows have been installed to enclose the structure, which will allow for interior work to make progress. Additionally, that temple's steeple framework is currently being assembled as well. With all of this progress that this temple has seen in such a short time, I feel more confident than ever that we will see a dedication for it take place before the end of 2019.
Since there are no other temple updates to report at this time, that does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.
On this blog, I, James Stokes, share insights and analysis covering the latest news and developments reported about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My specific emphasis and focus is on the ministry of our current apostles, General Conference, and up-to-date temple information. This site is neither officially owned, operated, or endorsed by the Church, and I, as the autthor thereof, am solely responsible for this content.
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Monday, January 1, 2018
Yet Another Update Reported on Construction of Arequipa Peru Temple

Happy New Year 2018
Hello again, everyone, and Happy New Year as we welcome the start of another year (though technically speaking, the time zone off of which my blog operates appears to be an hour behind Utah time). As a Latter-day Saint, one of the things I love about the gospel of Jesus Christ is the opportunity each of us has to repent of those things we have done which are wrong, and to make a resolution that we will do better in the future. All of us are given the regular opportunity to be made worthy again, and to declare anew our resolve to do and to become better to the best of our abilities. So we have as many opportunities as we might need to declare anew our commitment to the process of repenting an changing for the better.
For that reason, each of us who accept the validity of Christ's atonement can, in a very real sense, make goals and commitments which, by the world's definition of them, can be seen as "New Year's resolutions", or as we might more effectively term them, "Renewed Us Resolutions". And while it is up to each of us as individuals and in our families to determine what those changes we need to make should be, the gospel gives us a solid basis upon which each of us are able to effectively go through that process to become the best we can be.
In that regard, I hope that all of us will be able to determine what that process will involve for each of us and our families, and that whether on these New Year's Days or at any other time, we will always find ourselves willing to continue to do so.
That said, with 2017 having ended, I wanted to renew my commitment to all of you that one of my New Year's resolutions which I don't see myself failing to keep is that for my part, I will continue to do my level best to bring you the latest Church news and developments as they occur this year, just as I will be counting on all of you to keep your great comments coming with your responses to the information I share.
With 2017 having been my biggest year for blogging since I started to do so, and with no chance whatsoever that Church or temple news will be slowing down at all during this new year, I will do my level best to continue to stay on top of it all, and to bring you the latest ASAP after I hear about it.
That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.
For that reason, each of us who accept the validity of Christ's atonement can, in a very real sense, make goals and commitments which, by the world's definition of them, can be seen as "New Year's resolutions", or as we might more effectively term them, "Renewed Us Resolutions". And while it is up to each of us as individuals and in our families to determine what those changes we need to make should be, the gospel gives us a solid basis upon which each of us are able to effectively go through that process to become the best we can be.
In that regard, I hope that all of us will be able to determine what that process will involve for each of us and our families, and that whether on these New Year's Days or at any other time, we will always find ourselves willing to continue to do so.
That said, with 2017 having ended, I wanted to renew my commitment to all of you that one of my New Year's resolutions which I don't see myself failing to keep is that for my part, I will continue to do my level best to bring you the latest Church news and developments as they occur this year, just as I will be counting on all of you to keep your great comments coming with your responses to the information I share.
With 2017 having been my biggest year for blogging since I started to do so, and with no chance whatsoever that Church or temple news will be slowing down at all during this new year, I will do my level best to continue to stay on top of it all, and to bring you the latest ASAP after I hear about it.
That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Sunday, December 31, 2017
Year-end Review of 2017 Temple Progress
Hello again, everyone! A little earlier than I thought I would be able to, I am posting what will likely (but may not turn out to be) my final post for 2017. In this post, we will be taking a look back at the differences between the first temple construction progress report I published on this blog this year, and the one that is updated with the latest information I could find as of this New Year's Eve. It is wonderful to see the massive progress that has taken place in terms of temple construction developments, and I hope you will all enjoy reading about them. Those reports follow below, with the older version appearing first. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time, and for your continued interest in all I have "sounded off" about on this blog. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best, pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do, and extend my most fervent wishes that each of you will have a happy, healthy, and safe new year ahead in 2018.
Temple Construction Progress Report (current as of 1/3/17)
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; 1 scheduled for dedication; 11 under construction; 1 scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 10 announced; (NOTE: Up to 3 additional temples may soon have a groundbreaking announced).
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; 1 scheduled for dedication; 11 under construction; 1 scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 10 announced; (NOTE: Up to 3 additional temples may soon have a groundbreaking announced).
Dedication scheduled:
156. Paris France Temple: Exterior lighting system operating; interior work underway; scheduled to be dedicated on Sunday May 21, 2017.
Under Construction:
157. Meridian Idaho Temple: Light fixtures hung; interior trim underway; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
158. Cedar City Utah Temple: Fencing progressing; entrance plaza created; landscaping areas defined; hanging drywall; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
159. Tucson Arizona Temple: Pouring walkways; erecting fencing; installing art glass windows; hanging drywall; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
160. Rome Italy Temple: Interior work progressing; completion anticipated sometime in early-to-mid 2018.
161. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Building the exterior walls; completion anticipated sometime in early-to-mid 2018.
162. Concepcion Chile Temple: Attaching building wrap to exterior walls; adding landscaping structures; completion anticipated sometime in mid-2018.
163. Durban South Africa Temple: Pouring temple foundation; setting rebar for missionary housing walls; palm trees planted along entrance road; completion anticipated sometime in mid-2018.
164. Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Pouring walls for steeple base; completion anticipated sometime between late 2018 and early 2019.
165. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday December 3, 2016; completion anticipated sometime between late 2018 and early 2019.
166. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Second floor exterior walls poured; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.
167. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Excavation underway for temple and utility building; structural framing going up for meetinghouse; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.
Scheduled for rededication:
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Closed for renovation; finish work underway; rededication scheduled for Sunday June 4, 2017.
Undergoing Renovation:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime between late 2017 and early 2018.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; some exterior stone removed; foundation exposed; old meetinghouse razed; rededication anticipated sometime between early and mid 2018.
168. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Approval and construction preparation phase; official site announcement anticipated in early 2017, with the groundbreaking anticipated to take place shortly following the site announcement.
169. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Governmental approval phase; preliminary environmental license issued in November 2016; groundbreaking pending.
170. Arequipa Peru Temple: General contractor selected; groundbreaking pending.
171. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
172. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
173. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Stalled in planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
174. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
174. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
175. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
176. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
177. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.
Red text denotes changes from the last posted temple progress update.
ABOUT FUTURE TEMPLE CONSTRUCTION: I have previously referenced the statement made by
Elder Larry Y. Wilson, who serves as the Temple Department Executive Director,
to the effect that 80 temple locations are under active consideration for an
announcement during the next 15 years. That statement, made in late April 2017,
means that we could have around 260 temples in various stages by late April
2032. Whether or not all of those temples are announced by that time, it
appears more than likely that the Church could have 200 of those temples in operation
2 years prior to that, as the Church marks its 200th anniversary (on
Saturday April 6, 2030). The Church would just need to complete the 23 in
various stages and announce and complete 18 others in the 12.26 years between
now and then, which works out to roughly 3.34 new temples that will need to be dedicated
every year. Given the fact that the Church will be maintaining at least that
average for the next 2 or 3 years, it seems very likely that there will be 200 operating
temples by that 200th anniversary, if not more.
TEMPLE STATUS: The Church has 182 temples in various phases. There
are 159 in operation, with an
additional 10 that are in various phases
of construction. There is 1 other
which had a groundbreaking at the beginning of December 2016 and for which
construction is anticipated to begin at some point during the first half of
2018. In terms of temples undergoing renovations, 1 has a rededication scheduled during the middle of next year; 1, which sustained weather-related
damage, was first closed for restoration, which has now become a full
renovation process, with its’ completion and an private dedication anticipated
early next year; 1 other temple is anticipated
to have its rededication next year (likely during its’ final quarter); and 4 additional temples recently closed
for renovation as well. There are also 5
others that are set to close within the first half of next year, all of
which have had their closure dates confirmed. The remaining 12 are announced (with
either a site announcement or groundbreaking pending).
Under Construction; completion estimated during 2018:
160. Concepcion Chile Temple: Finalizing stone cladding; installing
millwork and hanging light fixtures; pouring curbing and parking; completion estimated
sometime during tithe latter half of
NOTE: On December 30, 2017, I once again changed my thoughts about when
this temple’s dedication could be held. I now believe that may occur on either
Sunday September 16 or 23. As the next four or five months pass, we will know
how reasonable that estimate might be, and I will make any subsequent
adjustments that may be needed.
161. Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Erecting decorative
fence; installing lamp posts; adding plants and laying sod; completion estimated
sometime during late 2018.
NOTE: On December 1, 2017, this temple was moved ahead of the Kinshasa
DR Congo Temple. Then its’ construction status was updated on December 27 of
that same year. In view of these developments, I am even more convinced that
the dedication of this temple could (and likely will) occur on either Sunday
November 11 or 18. If the process of finishing this temple’s construction is
delayed for any reason whatsoever, that could push it back to mid-December, but
for now, I feel confident in that estimate, and not just because of what the
study about the DR Congo’s climate showed.
Temples that may be
completed sometime during either late 2018 or early 2019:
162. Rome Italy Temple: Scaffolding removed from towers;
interior work progressing; completion estimated sometime during late 2018-early 2019.
view of my desire to speak and think optimistically on temple time-frames, I
have recently shared my opinion that, with the completion estimate delayed for
Kinshasa until early 2019, we could see this temple dedicated on either Sunday
December 9 or 16. But there is also a more than likely possibility that while
construction on this temple could be completed by the end of 2018, the
dedication might not follow until the early months of 2019. I am keeping my
eyes open for any information in this regard, and I will pass any updates along
construction, completion estimated during 2019:
163. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Hardscaping
underway; plastering exterior walls; moisture barrier added to eaves;
completion estimated sometime during early
NOTE: Based
on the fact that this temple is not anticipated to be dedicated until early 2019,
I have felt that an altered estimate of mid-February would be appropriate for
that event. As 2018 progresses, we will know more about how reasonable that
might be, and any further adjustments can be made as they might be needed.
164. Durban South Africa Temple: Installing and waterproofing roof
decking; backfilling foundation; setting roof trusses on housing facility; completion
estimated sometime during early-to-mid 2019.
NOTE: According to new information
I found about the year-round climate, and because of the many temples estimated
to be rededicated during this same time period following their renovation, I
have changed my estimate for this temple’s dedication to either late May or
early June. I will post any further revisions to this estimate as I make them.
165. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Site grading and
excavating for foundation; completion estimated sometime during early-to-mid 2019.
NOTE: With
full-scale construction now underway, and knowing that a 12-18 month time-frame
has been suggested for the completion of this temple, I have felt that the
dedication could follow in mid-June 2019. If this temple consistently
progresses in its’ construction, that would obviously necessitate an adjustment
to that estimate, but for now, it seems to be a safe initial projection.
166. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Steeple base walls poured; meetinghouse
cladding progressing; completion estimated sometime during mid-2019.
NOTE: With
this temple having been moved up twice on this list in the last couple of weeks,
after reevaluating the potential time-frame for its’ dedication, I now offer
early-to-mid August as a revised estimate for that event. As 2018 progresses,
we will know how reasonable that might be, and I will make any adjustments that
might be needed.
167. Fortaleza Brazil
Temple: Cupola framework installed atop temple; planting palm trees around
temple parking; completion estimated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
NOTE: Given the need to reevaluate
the potential time-frame within which this temple could be dedicated, I have
felt that could occur in early-to-mid September. Within the next year, more
will be known about how accurate that might be, and any adjustments can be made
as they are needed.
Temples estimated to
be completed sometime during late 2019-early 2020:
168. Arequipa Peru Temple: Interior work started; steeple
framework being assembled; completion estimated sometime during late 2019-early 2020.
NOTE: Given
the fact that this temple has been progressing fairly steadily, I feel
confident that its dedication could occur prior to the end of 2019, and if that
does happen, I have felt it could occur in mid-November. As the next 18 months
pass, more will be known about how reasonable that might be, and any
adjustments can be made as they are needed.
Temples estimated to
be completed sometime during 2020:
169. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Pouring upper walls of temple;
completion estimated sometime during early 2020.
NOTE: When
this temple’s completion estimate was changed yet again on December 28, 2017,
that made it necessary for me to rethink what I have previously shared in terms
of a more specific time-frame. Based on that adjusted estimate and what I have
found in studying the Rio de Janeiro climate, I now believe we will see the
dedication in mid-March 2020. As the next 18-20 months pass, we will know more
about how reasonable that estimate might be, and any further adjustments can be
made as they are needed.
170. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday
December 3, 2016; plans being slightly modified; full-scale operations estimated
to begin sometime during the first half of 2018; completion estimated sometime during
early-to-mid 2020.
NOTE: This
temple has not progressed since its’ groundbreaking over a year ago. It is
currently estimated that full-scale efforts could begin once winter 2018
clears, perhaps in April or May. And while it is unknown if the modification of
the plans for this temple will change the 20-month estimate the Church provided
for this temple, if all goes well, I could see the dedication of this temple
taking place during mid-May 2020. I will be keeping an eye out for developments
related to this temple and will post any adjustments I make to this estimate as
that becomes necessary.
for rededication:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; open
house tickets available beginning Monday February 12 @ 10:00 AM MST; rededication
scheduled for Sunday May 20, 2018.
Undergoing renovation (in view of damage
incurred by a natural disaster; estimated to be reopened in a few months):
97. Houston
Texas Temple: Closed for renovation (following damage incurred by flooding); estimated
to reopen in early 2018, following a
private rededication ceremony.
NOTE: Based
on the fact that this temple’s renovation is primarily for the completion of
restoration efforts following flooding, and because the First Presidency has
indicated the process will only take a few months to complete, it is my feeling
that the private rededication could take place on either Sunday April 15 or 22.
I will be posting any updates to this estimate as they are needed.
Renovation (rededication estimated within the next year or so):
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation;
basement addition concrete waterproofed; rededication estimated sometime during
late 2018.
view of the completion estimate for this temple being pushed back yet again on
December 30, 2017, it appears that the earliest we could see this dedication is
the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2018. With that in mind, I am revising
my estimate for that event, which I now believe could be held on either October
14 or 21. I will keep an eye on these developments and will pass along any
additional adjustments to this estimate as they are needed in the future.
Renovation (rededication estimated sometime during 2019):
80. Memphis Tennessee Temple: Closed for renovation; structural
framing installed for steeple; rededication estimated sometime during early-to-mid
NOTE: With
the other adjustments I have made, it seems wise to adjust this temple’s
completion estimate to sometime during mid-to-late April. But that will depend
on how things progress. If I see anything that gives me a reason to adjust my
thinking on this, I will pass that along.
95. Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple: Closed for renovation; marble
cladding removed; rededication estimated sometime during early-to-mid
NOTE: With
the confirmed alteration of this temple’s exterior look (which will match that
of the Memphis Temple), it seems entirely possible that a rededication could
take place sometime during late April-early May. As this renovation progresses,
I will pass along any alterations to this estimate.
112. Asuncion Paraguay Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication
estimated sometime during early-to-mid 2019.
NOTE: With
the confirmation that this temple has closed and that its exterior look will
likely be altered in a similar way as in Memphis and Oklahoma City, I am
reasonably certain that the rededication could take place in mid-May. Ass with
anything else, I will be sure to pass along any adjustments I make to that
Undergoing Renovation (rededication estimated
sometime during 2020):
18. Tokyo Japan Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication estimated
sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
has been noted previously regarding this temple, it is undergoing renovation
primarily to upgrade and update electrical and mechanical systems. Since it is
also a comparatively smaller one from the Kimball-era of small temples, it is
easy to assume and to assert that a dedication could happen in mid-to-late
April 2020. As with everything else, I will be sure to pass along any updates
to this estimate as I make them.
Scheduled for Renovation (scheduled to close during 2018; closure dates
68. Raleigh North Carolina Temple: Scheduled to close for
renovation on Sunday January 7, 2018; rededication may take place sometime
during mid-to-late 2019.
NOTE: Through a comment on my blog on December 5, 2017, the exact
closure date for this temple was confirmed. Additionally, while I also know
Church members in North Carolina who said that this temple’s renovation will
not involve an expansion, it is possible that part of the renovation process
will be changing its exterior to look like the temples in Memphis and Oklahoma
City. If that is the case, then the rededication may be held sometime during
early-to-mid September 2019. I will pass along any new information as I find
out about it.
94. Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple: Scheduled to close for
renovation on Sunday January 28, 2018; rededication may take place
sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
NOTE: On December 4, 2017, I was able to confirm the date above as the
official date for this closure. While much is unknown about what this process
will involve, if this temple’s exterior look is changed to what has already
been confirmed for the Memphis and Oklahoma City Temples, a subsequent
rededication could occur during mid-to-late September 2019. As the renovation
process gets started, we will know more about how reasonable that estimate
might be, and any subsequent adjustments that are needed will be made.
13. Oakland California Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation
on Monday February 19, 2018; rededication may take place sometime
during mid-to-late 2019.
NOTE: With
this renovation process for this temple set to begin in less than two months,
we know that the primary purpose of it is to upgrade electrical and mechanical
systems and bring them up to code. Until the renovation process is well
underway, we may not know for a while when to anticipate its completion. With
the Church’s statement that this temple will be dedicated before the end of
2019, I feel safe in estimating that the rededication could take place in
mid-November. If that process is delayed at all, I could also see the
rededication pushed back into early 2020. I will keep an eye out for
information in this regard and will pass along anything I find out.
16. Washington D. C. Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation
on Sunday March 4, 2018; rededication may take place sometime
during mid-to-late 2020.
NOTE: With
what is currently known about this temple’s renovation (having confirmed the
exact date, and also knowing that it is mainly to upgrade and update the
mechanical and electrical system), in taking the larger size of this temple
into account (which will extend the process), a 32-month estimate seems
appropriate. That would put this temple’s rededication sometime during
mid-November 2020. As the next year unfolds, more will be known, and any
adjustments will be provided.
7. Mesa Arizona Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation on
Sunday May 20, 2018; rededication may take place sometime during mid-to-late
December 5, I was able to confirm the official date for this temple’s
renovation closure. Because this temple has been previously renovated, I am
sticking with my initial estimate of 26 months for that process, which would
put its rededication at some point in early-to-mid September 2020. Within the
next year, this process will be well underway, and more will be known about any
adjustments that may need to be made. Until then, it seems to be a sound
adjustment to what I have previously stated.
ANNOUNCED TEMPLES: While I once felt confident in projecting potential
groundbreaking estimates for these announced temples, on October 28, 2017, I
determined that it would be best to simplify this section by listing these
temples in their announced order, with the exception of those that are farther
along. Then on November 10, 2017, I took another look at new information on
these temples and reordered them further. I will keep an eye out for any
developments and reorder this list again as often as that becomes necessary
going forward. Additionally, where I have felt it would be appropriate, I have
provided notes about some of the factors that may affect how soon future
groundbreakings will occur. Since we already know that 2018-2020 are going to
be busy years for temple-related developments, it would not surprise me at all
if, in view of Elder Wilson’s statement referenced above, we have at least ten
more announced during that same time, nor would it surprise me if many of the
temples in this section progress to a groundbreaking (and perhaps even a
dedication) during that time as well. I am keeping an eye on all of this and
will let you know once I find out more information.
171. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning and preliminary
construction phase; awaiting official site announcement.
previously noted, the contractor for this temple said that a year of
preliminary work would be needed prior to this temple’s groundbreaking. If, as
previously indicated, that year began in March 2017, this temple could easily
have its groundbreaking in the early-to-middle part of next year.
172. Brasilia Brazil Temple: Planning and approval; site inspected
by Church engineers on June 21, 2017.
NOTE: This
temple is this far up on the list because it has had a site identified and
inspected. How soon a groundbreaking might happen is unclear. But since a site
has been identified and inspected, it may be sooner rather than later.
173. Greater Manila Philippines Temple: Planning and approval;
awaiting official name announcement.
with the Brasilia temple, this temple is in this position on this list because
a site has been identified. An official name is estimated to be announced for
this temple at some point in the near future. How soon a groundbreaking might
happen is anyone’s guess. But with a site identified already, it may be sooner
rather than later/
174. Pocatello Idaho Temple: Planning and approval; awaiting
official site announcement.
mid-November, I learned more about the process this temple is undergoing. While
the planning and zoning commission voted in favor of the proposed land and
subdivision development, the city council will also need to vote on that
decision. And until the Church announces something officially, the actual site
location is anyone’s guess, with three or four potential sites that could
easily accommodate the temple. I am keeping my eye on all of this and will post
an update as I become aware of more information.
175. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning and approval; awaiting
official site announcement.
as some members have speculated, an existing Church office building is
reconstructed into a multi-purpose building that will serve as not only an
office building, but a chapel and the temple as well, and if that is confirmed,
we could easily see a groundbreaking for this temple sooner rather than later.
176. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Awaiting government approval
and official site announcement.
NOTE: This
temple, announced in October 2010, has been subjected to numerous delays. While
I hope to see a groundbreaking for it sooner rather than later, there could be
more delays in store for this temple. That said, the reports I have received
indicate that a site announcement and groundbreaking could occur in short order
next year. If that does happen, we could see a groundbreaking sooner rather
than later.
177. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning and approval; awaiting
official site announcement.
178. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning and approval; awaiting
official site announcement.
NOTE: While
the first Ecuadoran Temple had a 14-year waiting period between its announcement
and its subsequent groundbreaking, this temple is not estimated to take
anywhere near that long between its 2016 announcement and whenever its
groundbreaking occurs. As with everything else, I am keeping my eye out for
179. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Planning and approval; awaiting
official site announcement.
Shortly after this temple was announced (in April 2016), Elder Kevin S.
Hamilton, who presides over the Church in the Africa Southeast Area, stated
that a site announcement and groundbreaking would occur in short order during
2017. Since that time, no progress has been made in that regard. Hopefully that
will change soon.
180. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning and approval; awaiting
official site announcement.
181. Nairobi Kenya Temple: Planning and approval; awaiting
official site announcement; media event held June 14, 2017.
NOTE: While
the media event is a good initial step for providing information on this
temple, in his remarks at this event, Elder Sitati (our native Kenyan GA
Seventy, who also has a role as an Assistant Executive Director of the Temple
Department (both of which make it understandable that the Church would ask him
to represent them for the event), Elder Sitati indicated that it usually takes
the Church 2-3 years after an announcement to locate a suitable site (whether
owned by the Church or not) plan and conduct a groundbreaking, and start the
construction progress. With that in mind, it may be 2019 or 2020 before the
groundbreaking occurs for this temple. I hope we will not have to wait that
long to have all of that happen for this temple, but time will tell.
182. Saratoga Springs Utah Temple: Planning and approval;
awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: Though Utah temples
(particularly those in Utah County) have been known to have a site
announcement, groundbreaking, and construction process much more quickly than
temples elsewhere, until a site is announced, it has felt wise to have this
temple at this spot on this list. As soon as anything changes in that regard, I
will pass such news along.
have repeatedly emphasized, Elder Wilson stated in late April 2017 that the
Church had a list of 80 potential temple sites that are under active
consideration for a subsequent announcement during the 15 years following that
Unless the First Presidency
elects to do so between now and then, General Conference in April 2018 would be
the next opportunity for such announcements. And though not all of the 80
currently on the list will go on to be announced within that time, and while
others may be added to that list in the coming years, with 14 years remaining,
if anywhere close to 80 temples are announced, that works out to around 6 new
temples per year. I am keeping an eye on all of this, and will be sure to post
any additional news once I hear of it.
numbers and text denote temples whose
numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled
dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or
groundbreaking dates.
numbers and text denote
temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications
and groundbreakings are scheduled.
numbers and text denote temples whose
numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and
Special note regarding this report: Because of the numerous
temple developments which have occurred this year, none of the elements included
in the first report still applied for this last one.

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