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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Update Provided for the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple

Hello again, everyone! With the research I did to verify the closure of the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple, it slipped my mind until now that I had found another update on the construction process for the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple. Let's talk about what has changed.

I last provided an update on that temple just four days ago. At that time, I noted that hard landscaping was making progress and that the paint being applied to the exterior of the temple was nearing its completion.

While the process of painting the exterior white has not yet fully completed, it has made progress. Roof shingles are also being laid, while the hard landscaping continues to progress as well. The final update to this temple's status is that the ceiling ductwork is being installed. It was wonderful to learn of those updates.

As with everything else related to Church and temple news, I continue to keep my eyes open for developments on any front and I will continue to do my level best to bring those to you all as I become aware of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple Closes For Renovation

Hello again, everyone! I wanted to post here again to confirm that the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple has (or shortly will be) closed for its' renovation process. Its' last endowment session was scheduled for 1:00 PM today Louisiana time, and since that was almost 3 hours ago. it seems safe to assume it has since closed.

After consulting the many sources to which I look for temple-related information, it would appear that that temple is anticipated to be rededicated in mid-2019, rather than mid-to-late 2019 as I originally projected.

What that means is that the revised estimate for that rededication which I recently provided (mid-September) may or may not need to be changed based on how quickly this process moves along. It will be interesting to see what happens in that regard.

I am grateful to have been able to share this news with you all. You can depend on my continuing to monitor all temple-related developments and on my bringing those to you here as soon as I can after learning of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Elder Christofferson Provides Counsel About Truth to Seminary and Institute Instructors Worldwide

Hello again, everyone! This crossed my radar several hours ago, but I had to delay posting about it for several hours. Yesterday (Friday January 26), Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles provided counsel about truth to seminary and institute instructors in a broadcast that was carried worldwide. You can find a summary of his address here, and it is well worth the read, so I definitely recommend it to you all.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.