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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Church Announces 8 New Temple Presidents

Hello again, everyone! In an article posted earlier today, the Church News noted that 8 new temple presidents had been called to begin their service later this year. This brings the number of currently-operating temples getting a new president in 2018 to 24, and it slims down my list of those that might to 32 additional temples that are currently operating, and the 6 that may be dedicated within the next 15 months or so. An updated version of that list follows below.

So as not to disturb the flow of that list, I will end now as I always do. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

New presidents have been called for the following temples:
1.      Manaus Brazil
2.      Boise Idaho
3.      Denver Colorado
4.      The Hague Netherlands
5.      Oquirrh Mountain Utah
6.      Helsinki Finland
7.      The Gila Valley Arizona
8.      Brigham City Utah
9.      Stockholm Sweden
10.  Palmyra New York
11.  Accra Ghana
12.  Papeete Tahiti
13.  Sao Paulo Brazil
14.  San Jose Costa Rica
15.  Albuquerque New Mexico
16.  Provo City Center
17.  Recife Brazil
18.  Cardston Alberta
19.  Payson Utah
20.  Porto Alegre Brazil
21.  Brisbane Australia
22.  Kansas City Missouri
23.  Oaxaca Mexico
24.  Regina Saskatchewan

The first presidents will likely be announced for the following new temples:
1.      Concepcion Chile
2.      Barranquilla Colombia
3.      Rome Italy
4.      Kinshasa DR Congo
5.      Fortaleza Brazil
6.      Port-au-Prince Haiti

New presidents may also be announced for the following temples:
1.      Atlanta Georgia
2.      Billings Montana
3.      Boston Massachusetts
4.      Bountiful Utah
5.      Buenos Aires Argentina
6.      Cebu City Philippines
7.      Colonia Juarez Chihuahua Mexico
8.      Cordoba Argentina
9.      Draper Utah
10.  Fukuoka Japan
11.  Guatemala City Guatemala
12.  Helsinki Finland
13.  Hermosillo Sonora Mexico
14.  Houston Texas
15.  Indianapolis Indiana
16.  Laie Hawaii
17.  Las Vegas Nevada
18.  Manti Utah
19.  Montevideo Uruguay
20.  Monticello Utah
21.  Redlands California
22.  Sacramento California
23.  St. Louis Missouri
24.  Sydney Australia
25.  Taipei Taiwan
26.  Tegucigalpa Honduras
27.  Tijuana Mexico
28.  Trujillo Peru
29.  Vancouver British Columbia
30.  Veracruz Mexico
31.  Villahermosa Mexico
32.  Washington D. C. Temple (Note: The Church may opt to wait on calling a new president for this temple until 2020 when it is rededicated)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Additional Temple Updates Reported

Hello again, everyone! Earlier today, I became aware of some updates that had been reported on two of the three temples that have a dedication scheduled, and one of the operating temples currently undergoing renovation, but for a variety of reasons, I was not able to pass those along before now. Let's get right to all of that.

We start first with the Concepcion Chile Temple, which has a dedication set to occur just over six months from today (on Sunday October 28 of this year). The latest information of which I have become aware is that the construction crew is busy finishing the work on the temple's tower, while art glass installation is underway. It has additionally been noted that work on the grounds of the temple is nearing completion.

The other temple set for dedication for which I have an update is the Rome Italy Temple. The dedication of that temple is set for around 10.5 months or so from now, and dedicatory services will last an 8-day period, occurring between Sunday March 10 and Sunday March 17, 2019. The latest update I have for that temple is that the concrete slab for the monument sign (which will feature the name of both the Church and this temple) is now in place, and that the gardens which will surround the monument sign are being planted. In the meantime, many sources available to me continue to list the note that driveway asphalt has been laid.

We conclude with a note on the renovation process for the Memphis Tennessee Temple. As I previously mentioned, since the renovation that is underway on the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple has progressed slightly ahead of that process for the Memphis temple, we will likely see temples rededicated in early-to-mid 2019 in the following order: Frankfurt Germany, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, and Memphis Tennessee. How they will fit in around the dedications of the Rome Italy, Kinshasa DR Congo, and Fortaleza Brazil Temples is still unknown, although I have felt bold enough to offer some thoughts at least in that regard.

That said, the latest update on the renovation process for the Memphis Tennessee Temple of which I have become aware is that the steeple and exterior walls are currently being sheathed. This is a great indicator that this temple is making good progress.

Ongoing temple developments continue to be inspiring and amazing to me, and I was grateful to have been able to bring you this update. I will do my best to keep track of future developments and bring those to you all ASAP.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Additional Church News Reported

Hello again, everyone! The Church News recently posted a few news items that I thought are worth sharing with you all. So let's get right into all of that. First, on January 26 of this year, I provided a link to a post which had been published one week prior to that on the Mormon Newsroom blog. That post had detailed the appointment of a fourth full-time Tabernacle organist, Dr. Brian Mathias. It has been somewhat of a tradition in recent years to only have three full-time appointees, so I found that surprising.

Then today, I learned more about all of this. It would appear that Brother Mathias's appointment was announced with a view to preparing for the day when another full-time organist, Brother Clay Christiansen, would retire. The Church News has published this article to announce that his retirement will soon be effective, which will then leave the standard three full-time male organists, and two female organists that both serve on a part-time basis. On a personal note, I remember being given a tour of the Tabernacle organ with my family, and if my memory is serving me correctly, Brother Christiansen was the one who led that tour for us. I was impressed with his warmth, love for his work, and vast knowledge of the history of that organ. So I certainly wish him well in his retirement.

The other two stories I wanted to pass along in this post relate to the ministry of our apostles. The Church News shared a text copy of the rededicatory prayer for the Houston Texas Temple offered by President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, last Sunday. It is very powerful, and it is fitting that now-President Ballard returned to rededicate this temple in an area that then-Elder Ballard had toured following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey.

And the final article I wanted to pass along serves as the Church News summary of President Nelson's global ministry tour, which concluded with his return to Church headquarters in Salt Lake City Utah at some point yesterday. That tour can, according to the article, be summed up in two words: "the temple."

My biggest takeaway from that article, which is well worth reading in its' entirety, was a first-hand dual witness from Sister Nelson. She stated first that she has, time and time again in the last three months, seen the mantle of Church president clearly on her husband, and that she could share her witness of that divinely-inspired call in any venue in the world.

Her second statement was that, while President Nelson had habitually been known to get up in the middle of the night as an apostle and later as President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, primarily to jot down thoughts about some insights he wanted to share in his address for the next General Conference, those "rushes of revelation", as many people have described them, have come increasingly more frequently since President Nelson took the mantle of the Church presidency in mid-January.

She fervently shared her witness that President Nelson knows how to receive revelation, and that she has witness how diligent he has been at writing down the impressions he has received, a process that has only increased in its' frequency within the three months he has been Church President.

Now, while I don't know how much of what he writes down has been or might eventually be passed along to the Church, if the General Conference we experienced at the beginning of this month and all we have seen President Nelson do in the three months of his administration thus far is any indication, then not only is he going to be determined to be out among the people as long as he can, but I am equally as certain that he will regularly continue to encourage temple preparation, worthiness to enter there, and the importance of having a valid recommend, no matter how far away any of the Saints might be from their assigned temple.

But I am equally as certain that President Nelson will continue to do whatever he can to continue to bring temples to the people by announcing new locations where such temples will be built, and also by doing whatever he can on his end to hasten the process whereby announced temples are built. That is one of many reasons why the list of potential locations for future temples, which I posted on this blog yesterday, includes a number of long-shot possibilities, and perhaps even a few that seem like they have little to no chance of actually being announced anytime soon.

The list includes such locations primarily because, as the Lord reminded Isaiah in Old Testament times, His ways and thoughts are higher than our ways and thoughts. I therefore fully believe that the Lord will continue to surprise us with temples in locations that we cannot now anticipate. So even if a location on my list has a likelihood of slim-to-none that it might go on to be announced, if I have found a compelling reason to include it, it appears on that list.

And in case I did not emphasize this sufficiently, I will be just as overjoyed for any temples announced for any location I have not considered as I will be if I find that those that are announced are in the general or exact locations I have specified.

The Lord knows where He needs His temples to be built, and when the time is right to have such locations identified. I had shared my thoughts prior to General Conference at the start of this month that temples in Russia or India were likely possible, but perhaps not as imminent as many people thought. And I was overjoyed to find both nations had a temple announced this go-round.

To the best of my ability, I am committed to continuing to bring you the latest Church and temple developments, including, where possible, updates on construction efforts, and updated lists of potential locations. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.