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Sunday, June 20, 2021

UPDATED: Current Apostolic Data

Hello again, everyone! As most of you are almost certainly aware, I have provided updates on the latest apostolic data (specifically relating to tbeir lifespan or tenure length milestones) roughly every seven weeks. Having last done so on  May 2, it is time to publish the newest data on th. As with that last update, the first part contains updated data about the age and tenure length records for all 17 Church Presidents, along with updated information on the tenure length records for each of the 28 Presidents of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

The first document also shows information on three sets of apostolic groups: the longest-serving First Presidencies (which will not be updated with the First Presidency as presently constituted until 2024), in addition to the longest-serving groups of members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and groups of all ordained apostles (the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles).  

The latest version of that document also shows when the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles as currently comprised will move up on the list of the longest-serving Quorums of the Twelve Apostles, in addition to specifics on when the current members of that Quorum, along with the current First Presidency, will reach the next milestones on that list.

Meanwhile, the second part of today's update shows the long-form and decimal ages for the members of the current First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and the apostolic groups overall, in addition to the average ages of each group and apostolic nonagenarians (with 2 of the current 15 apostles being on that list, and the timing noted for when each of the other 13 apostles will join that list).

Hopefully this shared data will be of interest to you all, and again, I offer an open invitation to anyone who has any questions about those documents to ask them here. I will, of course, conFitinue to monitor all Church news updates and temple developments, and will do my level best to bring word of those to you all as I become aware of all such reports.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Opening Dates Announce for Pocatello Idaho Temple

Hello again, everyone! Breaking temple news has just been reported by the Church. The opening dates have been announced for the Pocatello Idaho Temple Given the fact that COVID-19 transmission rates have been considerably lowered and that vaccination numbers are up in Idaho, it is fully safe for the Church to plan this temple opening. And barring something extremely miraculous, I imagine that this may be the first temple dedication, if not the first temple reopening, for this year.

I say that because regardless of what happens with COVID-19 elsewhere, New Zealand also has the virus well under control, and that could mean the Hamilton temple will be the first to reopen after the pandemic. As I've previously observed, when the Church has set temple dedications in the past, it's not unheard of for rededications to be subseuqnetly announcced and scheduled to occur before temple dedications. My gut feeling is that the Church may be able to rededicate the Hamlton Temple in the weeks after the October 2021 General Conference, but we will see what happens there.

Either way,  this officially bumps the Pocatello Idaho Temple ahead in the queue of  both Rio de Janeiro Brazil and Winnipeg Manitoba, and I wouldn't be shocked if Winnipeg were scheduled wither for the end of this year or early next year. From what I understand, Brazil is still a mess in terms of the pandemic, so it could be the early months of next year before the Rio de Janeiro temple is finally able to reopen. But determinations on both temples, or any of those for which renovations have been completed, will come at another time. With those preliminary musings out of the way, let's jump right into the details on the opening arrangements for Pocatello.

The temple in that city will host public tours in the open house, which will occur from Saturday September 19-Saturday October 23, with the obvious exception of the dates for the relevant Sundays and General Conference weekend. The specific dates on which tours will not occur are September 19 and 26, and October 2-3, 10, and 17. Following the conclusion of the temple open house and a 2-week final cleaning of the temple, a yoouth devotional will be held on the evening of Saturday November 6, followed by the dedicated on Sunday Novembeer 7 by Acting President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. There will be three dedcatory sessions for that temple, which will be held at 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 3:00 PM.

Barring anything unexpected, the Pocatello Idaho Temple will thus become the 169th operating temple of the Churb. I continue to monitor all Church news and updates and will be sure to pass along that informaton to you all here as I become aware thereof.That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Phased Reopening of Temples Continues with Additional Adjustments Announced Today

Hello again, everyone! Within the last few minutes, I have been able to confirm that the the Newsroom has provided this week's updates on temple reopenings. But in what I believe is a first for me, I am sharing the Newsroom updates before today's updates are reflected in the Church News or shown in the status tracker by the same source. This post will be updated to include those resources as they are made available. 

Additional note (updated at roughly 10:40 AM): While I was making preparations to publish updates on this post, the Church News covered that as well, in addition to updating their weekly status tracker. Those updates reflected the changes I noted later in ths post. Having acknowledged that update, we now reutrn to the previoously-composed content of the post.

As has become a weekly tradition, I will detail those adjustments in this post. Before speaking in terms of the specifics regarding today's announcement, I did want to note that the Church continues to use a measured and cautious approach in the weekly determinations that are made and announced. So when our prophet notes that the safety of Church members around the world is foremost in their minds as they consider how to safely reopen tesmples on a week-to-week basis. 

I am grateful for the way those reopenings have been allowed to occur, and I testify that the Lord knows what needs to be done, and inspires His servantss the apostles and prophets Having acknoleged that right at the outset, we now explore the specifics of the temple status changes announced by the Church this morning.

Effective next Monday  (June 21), the following  10 temples will begin phase 2-B, allowing all living ordinances in priority order, in addition to limited proxy baptisms as scheduled: Ciudad Juarez, Colonia Juarez Chihuahua, and Villahermosa Mexico; Fort Lauderdale and Orlando Florida; Detroit Michigan; Manhattan New York; St. Paul Minnesota; Freiberg Germany; and Lima Peru. 

Meanwhile, the following 11 temples have moved to phase 3 this week: Bountiful, Cedar City, Logan, Provo City Center, Provo, and St. George Utah (the latter of which is closed for renovation, but for which the Church's page for that temple can schedule phase 3 ordiances at the nearest phase 3 temple open to them); Dallas and San Antonio Texas; Albuquerque New Mexico and Twin Falls Idaho. And due to changing conditions in Peru and Chile, the temples in Arequipa and Santiago will be pausing in their phased reopening.

The changes that will be effective on Monday will result in the following dmographic changes: 1 temple (Kyiv Ukraine) has not reopened in any phase since last year; 8 others are closed for major renovations (with 2 given phase 3 status, and 4 others given phase 2-B status); 8 temples paused (3 in phase 3; 2 in phase 2-B; and 3 in phase 2); 2 in phase 1; 18 in phase 2; 80 in phase 2-B; and the remaining 51 in phase 3.

With these updates having been detailed, I continue to monitor all other Church news and temple updates, and will be sure to pass word of those along to you alll as I become aware thereof. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.