Hello again, everyone! After I posted my initial predictions for the October 2024 General Conference, I became somewhat unsettled about one aspect thereof: my predictions for GA Seventy speakers. That feeling led me to do more research, from which I discovered that when 9 or more GA Seventies are called in any given April, less than half of them speak the following October, with many of them waiting until the April or October following and at least one speaking 2 years after their initial call.
Based on that, I reconfigured my speaker lineup projections to reflect the fact that I now believe we will hear from 7 "veteran" GA Seventies and 5 of the 11 "new" GA Seventies sustained last April. If I am correct on that, that will take care of all but two of the "veteran: GA Seventies who last spoke in October 2019 (though it will also take care of all the GA Seventies who last spoke the previous April). As far as how I determined who to put where, that just took a bit of research and thought.
Again, maybe these adjustments won't matter to anyone but me, but if any of you are interested in these readjustments, if you have any questions about them, I'd be more than happy to address those. I continue to monitor any and all Church News, Newsroom, and Church of Jesus Christ Temples updates and will be sure to pass word of those along to you all as they cross my radar. In the meantime, that does it for now.
All comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated on any post at any time, as long as the offered feedback is made per the established guidelines. I hope any of you who would like to share anything will take your opportunity to “sound off” in the comments below. Please subscribe if you liked what you read here and would like to be informed of newly added posts and comments.
Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.