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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Updates Provided on Cagayan de Oro Philippines, Vancouver Washington, and Tallahassee Florida Temples

Hello again, everyone! As I was reminded in this comment on Saturday, Monday's Labor Day observance in the United States meant Church headquarters was closed. Therefore, the usual Monday major temple construction announcement was pushed to today. The First Presidency today confirmed that the groundbreaking for the Cagayan de Oro Philippines Temple took place as scheduled on Saturday.

Further, they released a rendering for the Vancouver Washington Temple, The first update speaks for itself. If any of you reading this update know more about temple architecture and design than I do, please feel free to make any comments you like about this newest rendering. It reminds me a lot of the Burley Idaho and Temples. I will restrict my own comments on that rendering to that observation.

Finally, a change was announced to the previously scheduled dedication of the Tallahassee Florida Temple. While the open house and dedication dates remain the same, the dedication will now consist of a single session at 10:00 AM EST rather than two sessions at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM EST. As I mentioned in my original report on the Tallahassee Florida Temple's dedicatory arrangements, the dedication in question comes on the same day as the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional. 

While the previously announced arrangements wouldn't have allowed Elder Kearon to attend or speak at that devotional, the new arrangements might. Something I will definitely take into consideration when making my predictions for that devotional later this year. So, the only really "new" news was the updated arrangements for the Tallahassee dedication and the exterior rendering for Vancouver.

Since the finishing touches are still being added to the Antofagasta Chile Temple, I assume the earliest the temple could be dedicated is February or March of next year. I was also somewhat disappointed by the lack of temple groundbreaking announcements, more exterior renderings released, or site locations confirmed. Hopefully, those will come next week. I will also correct what I said elsewhere about there likely not being such an announcement next week since the Church will, at minimum, cover the media day for the San Pedro Sula Honduras Temple.

Stay tuned here for all updates from the Church News, Newsroom, and Church of Jesus Christ Temples sites, as I’ll be sure to pass word of those along to you all ASAP after I learn about them. In the meantime, that does it for now. All comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated on any post at any time, as long as all such feedback is made per the established guidelines.

I hope any of you who would like to share anything will take your opportunity to “sound off” in the comments below. If you liked what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added posts and comments, please subscribe for the applicable updates. If you would like to support the work done on this blog, donations in any amount are always welcome and appreciated but never required. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Monday, August 26, 2024

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Casper Wyoming Temple Open House Commences; Dedication Arrangements Updated (2,400th Blog Post)

Hello again, everyone! On this Monday, the open house for the Casper Wyoming Temple has commenced. Elder Randall K. Bennett, North America Central Area President, Elder James R. Rasband, Assistant Executive Director of the Temple Department, and Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson were on hand to welcome guests.

Ordinarily, that update would not require a new post and a comment on my previous post would suffice. But with this media day being held, the dedication arrangements for the Casper Wyoming Temple have been updated. Previously scheduled to occur on October 13 in two sessions at 10:00 AM and 1:30 PM MDT, the dedication will now occur in one session at 10:00 AM MDT on Sunday, November 24. 

No reason was given for the adjustment to the dedication arrangements. But what this means is that the dedications of the Salvador Brazil and Deseret Peak Utah Temples will actually precede the dedication of the Casper Wyoming Temple. And this also means that the Deseret Peak Utah Temple will be the 200th dedicated temple of the Church rather than the Salvador Brazil Temple.

Since the open house commencement was reported during this 10:00 AM hour, I fully expect and believe that an additional major temple construction announcement will be made as usual during the 2:00 PM hour. I will have another breaking news report on that announcement as soon as possible after it is made. 

I also continue to monitor any and all other Church News, Newsroom, and Church of Jesus Christ Temples updates and will be sure to pass word of those along to you all as they cross my radar. With that in mind, while this post was being prepared for publication, the Church News also covered this update.

That does it for now. All comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated on any post at any time, as long as the offered feedback is made per the established guidelines. I hope any of you who would like to share anything will take your opportunity to “sound off” in the comments below.

If you liked what you read here and would like to be informed of newly added posts and comments, please subscribe. If you would like to support the work done on this blog, donations in any amount are never required but are always welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Monday, August 12, 2024

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Site Location and Preliminary Information Released for the Tulsa Oklahoma Temple

Hello again, everyone! In a comment I posted earlier today, I noted the open house commencing for the Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Temple and theorized that it would not be the only major temple construction announcement today. As it happens, I was correct. The First Presidency has confirmed the site location and preliminary information for the Tulsa Oklahoma Temple. Let's get right into the details:

As you might recall, the Tulsa Oklahoma Temple was announced by President Nelson last October. Unless I am mistaken, Tulsa is the first US temple originally announced at that time to have a site confirmed. At the northwest corner of a 25.7-acre site at 51st St. and 136th E Avenue, Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, the Church plans to build a single-story temple of approximately 29,600 square feet.

As a result of this update, the Church now has 105 announced temples, 5 of which have groundbreakings scheduled (with 3 of those groundbreakings set to take place this weekend). Of the remaining 100, sites have been confirmed for 54 others (with renderings having been released for 22 of those 54), and the remaining 46 lack official information.

Those numbers are getting better all the time. I am grateful for today's announcement and the opportunity to share it with you all here. I continue to monitor any and all Church News, Newsroom, and Church of Jesus Christ Temples updates and will be sure to pass word of those along to you all as they cross my radar. In the meantime, that does it for now. All comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated on any post at any time, as long as the offered feedback is made per the established guidelines. I hope any of you who would like to share anything will take your opportunity to “sound off” in the comments below. Please subscribe if you liked what you read here and would like to be informed of newly added posts and comments. Thank you for the privilege of your time.

Until my next post, I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.