Hello again, everyone! In these early morning hours, I have two breaking news developments to report. Firstly, I have previously mentioned that the Church had not yet released a formal schedule of Churchwide events for next year, and as recently as within the last week, I had suggested that the scheduled events being added to the Newsroom events page apparently replaced the formal announcment of events for 2021. Any theories I previously offered in that respect are now incorrect and irrelevant.
This morning, the First Presidency authorized the release of the official list of Churchwide Events for 2021. The lsit of events inluce the following highlights:
January 10, May 2, and September 12: Worldwide Devotionals for Young Adults. Additionally, the speakers for the January 10 event have been announced as Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Susanr, and that the September 12 event will be combined with a Face-to-Face Event.
February 21: New Event for the children of the Church entitled "Friend-to-Friend", the equivalent for Face-to-Face events for Youth and Young Adults of the Church. The event will feature Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, alongside the Primary General Presidency (Sisters Joy D. Jones, Lisa L. Harkness, and Cristina B. Franco).
Parenthetically, I should note that since Sister Jones will have served as Primary General President for five years in April, despite the changes to her First and Second Counselors in 2016 and 2017, some change may be made to the Primary General Presidency during the April 2021 General Conference. With that said, here are some other events that will occur in 2021:
February 25-27: RootsTech Connect (to be held virtually, with Temple and Family History Leadership Training set to occur on February 25, as previously detailed)
,March 17, 2021: Youth Music Festival
March 26-27: Handel's Messiah
April 3-4 and October 2-3, 2021: General Conference Weekend, with the Priesthood Session in April and the Women's Session in October as usual. The April General Conference will again coincide with Easter Sunday, as it did in 2018, so the speaking lineup may be altered from what has been typicl.
April 29-30: 2021 BYU Women's Conference
June 13, 2021: Face-to-Face Event for Single Adults, which is another new event for a specific group in the Church.
July 22 & 23: Music for a Summer Evening (Pioneer Day Commemoration)
November 14: Face-to-Face for Youth
December 5: First Presidency Christmas Devotional
So that is the overview of the 2021 Churchwide events, as provided today. But temple reopenings have been announced this week, with the Newsroom and the Church News have also provided this week's update on temple reopenings, which, given the substance thereof, I thought would be best mentioned in this new post as well rather than the commentsts. 2 more temples will reopen under phase 1 next Monday, which allows husband-to-wife sealings where both have been previously endowed, with limited guests in attendance. The two temples are Barranquilla Colombia and Caracas Venezuuela.
Additionally, one temple (Guatemala City Guatemala) is shifting from phase 1 to phase 2, which allows the performance of all living ordinances, in the following priority order: indviduals preparing to be married who have not yet received their own endowments, missionaries already out in the field who departed before receiving their own endowments, those preparing to enter the mission field who need to receive their own endowments, and then any others who may need that done for any other reason.
And finally, on a not-so-postivie front, the Church has reported thath four temples previously upgraded to phase 2 will be downgraded to phase 1: Calgary and Ednomton Alberta, Baton Rouge Louisiana, and Ceub City Philippines. Additionally, seven other temples have gone back into a "puased" status in their reopenings due to local COVID-19 conditions and govermental regulations. Those seven temples include the following: 3 in California (Fresno, Newport Beach, and Oakland); 2 in England (London and Preston), along with the Haifax Nova Scotia and Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temples.
So, it's a bit of a mixed bag of good news, interesting news, and some difficult news this morning. I continue to montitor all Church news and temple updates and will keep doing my level best to pass word of those along to you all as I become aware of it. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.