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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

List of Temples That Will Close for an Extended Period of Time in 2018

Hello again, everyone! As some of you may be aware, an earlier report on this blog provided confirmation of the extended closure of the Edmonton Alberta Temple later this year. Then late last week, as I intended to start my second series of posts on potential future temples, my research led me to several temples that would also have an extended closure period at various points during 2018.

Note that I am only including those temples that will be closed for five weeks or longer. While 3- or 4-week closures are somewhat uncommon and therefore significant, a period of 5+ weeks indicates major work is being done that cannot occur during typical maintenance closures, which are generally only 2-3 weeks in duration.

The complete list of those extended periods of closure follows below. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Edmonton Alberta Temple will close for 19 weeks (from Monday June 25-Monday November 5)
Salt Lake Temple will close for 5 weeks (from Monday July 2-Monday August 6)
Accra Ghana Temple will close for 11 weeks (from Monday July 23-Monday October 8)
St. Louis Missouri Temple will close for 10 weeks (from Monday July 30-Monday October 8)
Johannesburg South Africa Temple will close for 8 weeks (from Monday July 30-Monday September 24)
Bountiful Utah Temple will close for 6 weeks (from Monday August 6-Monday September 17)
Hermosillo Sonora Mexico Temple will close for 5 weeks (from Monday August 13-Monday September 17)
Seattle Washington Temple will close for roughly 12.5 weeks (from Sunday August 26-Thursday November 22)
Nauvoo Illinois Temple will close for 13 weeks (from Monday September 17-Monday December 17)
Aba Nigeria Temple will close for 10 weeks (from Monday October 22-Monday December 31)
Recife Brazil Temple will close for 12 weeks (from Monday September 3-Monday November 26)
San Antonio Texas Temple will close for 6 weeks (from Monday September 24-Monday November 5)
Billings Montana Temple will close for 10 weeks (from Monday November 5, 2018-Monday January 14, 2019)

Monday, June 4, 2018

Positing a Theory Regarding the Likely Groundbreaking Time-frame for the Bangkok Thailand Temple

Hello again, everyone! As I am currently working on a handful of projects for this blog (at least one of which I hope to be able to post later this evening), I have also, as time has allowed, looked into some other things I have been considering. One of those paid off in a big way yesterday. As some of you may be aware, once an artist's rendering and site information are released for a temple, a groundbreaking generally follows within the next few months.

As you may also recall, the artist's rendering and site location was released for the Bangkok Thailand Temple on March 19 of this year. This indicates to me that a groundbreaking is just a matter of time. With that in mind, I have looked into the history of the Church in Thailand. In doing so, I was reminded that then-Elder Gordon B. Hinckley dedicated Thailand for the preaching of the gospel in November 1966. So that leads me to believe that the Church may hold the groundbreaking ceremony for that temple in November of this year. The exact date of Elder Hinckley's prayer of dedication was November 2, but I am sure that it could happen anytime during the month of November, if not sooner.

I would love to hear from any of you that might have thoughts on this theory. Whatever might occur in that regard, you can count on my posting about it here as soon as I can after learning of it. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everytihng you do.

BREAKING NEWS: Church Pulls All Remaining Missionaries Out of Nicaragua

Hello again, everyone! Less than an hour ago, KSL's website reported that the Church has, in further consideration of the political unrest in Nicaragua, pulled all remaining missionaries out of that nation. While one mission president (who has young children in his family) has been sent home, the other mission president and his wife will stay and oversee remaining ecclesiastical duties for Nicaragua.

The Church noted in Mormon Newsroom's official release on this subject that the Church continues to make the safety and well-being of its' missionaries and Saints worldwide a high priority, and that evaluations will be made on an ongoing basis as far as when and how soon missionaries might be able to return.

In the meantime, those missionaries that have been removed will either be sent home (for those nearing the end of their service periods) or reassigned to other Central or South American countries, North America, Africa, or elsewhere.

I appreciate this move on the part of Church leadership, to recognize a potentially dangerous situation and take steps to ensure that those who are giving of their time to share the gospel will be safe wherever they serve.

My heart also goes out to the Nicaraguan Saints, who rejoiced so greatly when a temple was announced for that nation two months ago. My hope is that all of us will unite in prayer for all those affected by the current political unrest in Nicaragua. I will continue to monitor the developments in this regard and will do my level best to pass those along as I receive word of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

New Blog Layout

Hello again, everyone! This is a personal post to share some news and to pass along plans for content that will be coming over the next four months. Over the last couple of months, I have been toying with the idea of tweaking the layout of this blog to try and make it more user-friendly, and to make particularly relevant content easier to find. Today I was able to make those adjustments. To me personally, those tweaks do make the sidebars easier to follow, and this new arrangement should allow all of my readers to more easily find content that is of interest to them. But that is just my opinion. I am inviting your feedback on these changes, and look forward to your thoughts, which are always welcome and appreciated.

I also wanted to just put this out there as well: Because I am still looking for ways to expand this blog's readership and audience (though I am continually impressed with how quickly the numbers of those reading these posts has gone up lately), there may be individuals who are newcomers to this blog. For that reason, I wanted to reiterate something I have said previously: Because of current health challenges that prevent me from working at the moment (which I hope will change in the next few months, or possibly sooner), blogging is one of many ways I fill my time.

So I do keep fairly close tabs on developments here on my blog, with particular attention to those comments that are being made. Since I have previously had experience moderating online discussions, my general practice has been to personally reply to every comment made on this blog. But I do worry that my doing so may be misunderstood. With that in mind, I wanted to just again let all of you know that I do appreciate any comments made on this blog.

Since I do personally reply to most comments made here, I hope that everyone understands that I do not mean to cut off future comments on these posts. If someone has provided insightful feedback here, I want to show my appreciation for those thoughts, and I also want to take time to address questions and corrections, and to clarify anything I have said that I have worried may be misunderstood.

So if any of you see one (or more) comments from me personally on these threads, I hope you all know that I am not trying to end feedback on the posts. If there are things I need to clarify, amend, or correct, I want to make sure that takes place. If anyone has felt that one or more comments from me in response to other comments made on the posts here are meant to either end the dialogue on these posts, or are meant to discourage future comments on them, that was never my intention, and if that is the case for any one of you, I sincerely apologize.

My hope is that, as people read the posts here and the conversations that take place in the comments (both by me and by others here), that "all may be edified and rejoice together." I also wanted to announce that, within the next month or two, as time, circumstances, and available information allows me to do so, I will likely be gathering data to begin a second round of posts on the most likely near-future temple prospects for each of the Church's geographical areas.

While I welcome any comments on any post at any time from anyone, for the posts about temple prospects, the intent will be to have an open commenting period for the next 3.5 months or so, which I hope will allow ample time for discussion of my thoughts (and your comments in response) on the most likely prospects for temples that may be announced in the October General Conference.

That is the intent, but if I am unable to track down information on the sizes of current temple districts, or other pertinent information that may factor into those discussions, that will be a challenge to work around when the timing is right. Stay tuned for more on that as I figure all of that out. I cannot say for certain, but if all goes well, I will hope to start on that series within the next couple of weeks or so.

That does it for this post. As mentioned above, and as always, any and all comments are welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, June 1, 2018

"Be One" Celebration Held

Hello again, everyone. The "Be One" Celebration, which, as previously mentioned, was held tonight to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the landmark revelation that extended the priesthood to all worthy males, wrapped up about half an hour ago. And what a celebration it was! In music and spoken word, the history of many Saints of African and other descent was reviewed. Among those highlighted were Elijah Abel, who was the first black man to join the Church, and who served as a seventy in the early Church, Jane Manning James, a faithful black woman who was shown great kindness by the prophet Joseph Smith and his family, and Elder Helvecio Martins, who was the first general authority of black African descent.

The celebration began with President Eyring conducting and noting that the event had been planned by a committee chaired by Elders Claudio R. M. Costa (of Brazil), Edward Dube (the first Zimbabwean general authority seventy) and Joseph W. Sitati (who is the first Kenyan general authority seventy).

The event also featured addresses from Presidents Dallin H. Oaks (to open the event) and Russell M. Nelson (to conclude it). President Oaks focused his remarks on both the personal impact the announcement had on him and on Presidents Nelson and Eyring, and by sharing his hope that all Church members will focus less on the problems of the past and more on moving forward in the future. President Nelson endorsed President Oaks's remarks and provided his own message of hope that the Church will work towards greater unity, and also reiterated that the blessings of the gospel are available to everyone, because all are equal in the eyes of God.

I was very impressed with and touched by this event, which at times brought tears to my eyes. But I was also suitably impressed by how quickly reports of the event came in. You can find an article from the Church News here, and the one from Mormon Newsroom here. I am also pleased to provide links to the full text versions of the addresses from President Dallin H. Oaks and President Russell M. Nelson which speak for themselves.

I continue to monitor all Church news and will pass updates along to you as I become aware of them. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.