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Thursday, September 2, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Location, Rendering, Name, and Preliminary Details Released for the Eugene Oregon Temple (Renamed the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple)

Hello again, everyone! Within the last half hour or less, the Church has released initial details on the temple to be built in Eugene Oregon. So let's break down those official details. First of all, the official name by which that temple will now be known is the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple. Those familar with early Church history will note the significance of that name. 

The temple's location has been announced as a 10.5 acre plot of land that is at the intersection of Corporate Way and International Bouelvard in Springfield Oregon.  The temple is planned to be a single-story edifice that will be roughly 30.000 square feet in area. And in contrast to the other US temples for which preliminary details have been announced, this temple has had an exterior rendering released. 

The released rendering in question seems to incorporate similar (if not identical) designs and parameters as the temple currently under construction in Moses Lake Washington. That makes sense because both temples have been planned for construction in the Northwestern United States. Having acknwlwedged that, anyone who knows me knows thatt I have some issues with visual perception problems, so with that in mind, I think I will defer to some of you, my readers, to post any other observations you have about that temple design.

When it comes to past temple plans, longtime follower Jim Anderson, who has also extensively commented on developments I share here, has brought a lazer-like accurate assessment of new temple designs, so I would particularly defer to him. And if he dcides to weigh in here on this, I will warmly welcome any such insights he might have.

I would just add something else here. I had the opportunity to read subsequent comments that have been published on the comment threads of the newest Church Growth Blog's post. I have referred to previous commients which have been part of that discussion, particularly the one that noted that, if the Church utilizes modular components for other US temples and even some outside of the United States, that could speed up construction of all temples.

It was also mentioned that, even when the modular design is not being used, precast concrete paneles are also becoming more widely used. Subsequent comments noted in addition that if the Helena Montana Temple is being used by the Church as a "test case" for modular components, it seemed more likely that temples of a similar size which might also use the modular components, whether inside the United States, or elsewhere in the world, might not have their construction begin until the Church is farther along in the process of seeing how well such plans work with the test case of the Helena Montana Temple.

I can certainly understand the rationale behind those expressed opinions. But in general, based on what we saw last year, it seems more likely that most temples going through the approvals process should have their groundbreakings within 6-9 months of when their site locations and preliiminary information were confirmed. And particularly with the Willamette Valley Oregon Temple, since  so much information has been shared in conjunction with the initial announcement, I would be absolutely stunned if ground was not broken for that temple before the April 2022 General Conference.

In the meantime, with the Church getting further into the construction process for the Helena Montana Temple, the similarly-sized temples announced for Casper Wyoming and Elko Nevada might have renderings released and groundbreakings announced perhaps either just prior to or not long after the October 2021 General Conference. 

And until futher evidence suggests otherwise, I'm also reasonably confident that the number of temples that will have a groundbreaking this year will exceed the number of temples that had a groundbreaking last year (21), which is especially true now that the Church can resume setting specific dates for those events. With only one temple (thus far) set to have its' groundbreaking after the October 2021 General Conference, I anticipate subsequent announcements this month will set other groundbreakings to occur on that same day, or on any of the other 3 Saturdays in October.

I likewise anticipate temple groundbreakings could be set for at least 3 of the 4 Saturdays in November, and that the first 2 or 3 Saturdays in December might also see groundbreakings occur. Additionally, at this point, it's also worth noting that, barring anything every unexpected, I don't see the Church scheduling any other temple dedications or rededications to occur prior to the end of this year. But it does seem likely that subsequent announcements about temple dedications or rededications could be made before the end of this year, with the events themselves set for the early months of 2022.

Right now, there are a lot of moving parts relating to temple construction, and it's interesting to think about all that has happened in that respect up to now. I feel reasonably certain that the remaining 4 months of this year will see a high number of announcements relating to temple construction. It's also worth noting that subsequent comments on the Church Growth Blog have seen quite a few people noting that they don't think as many temples might be announced in General Conference next month as were announced in April and May 2021.

While I also understand the rationale behind that opinion, and while I agree to a certain point, as some of you mgiht recall, in advance of General Conference next month, I identified 24 specific locations throughout the Church's 22 geographical areas wherein new temples could be announced. And given the fact that all but 1 of the temples in the United States which were announced by President Nelson thus far this year have had at least preliminary information confirmed (that one temple is the Ephraim Utah Temple), I anticipate that jaround 30-35% of the temples that might be announced next month could be for locations in the United States.

And given the fact that the Church was able to move so many US temples from an announced status into the construction queue last year, I am hopeful that several more US temples and hopefully a good number of temples outside the US might also have groundbreakings occur. I continue to monitor all such developments and will bring you all word thereof here as I am able to discover all such updates.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Phased Reopening of Temples Continues Into September

Hello again, everyone! A short time ago, the Church released the latest information in the ongoing process of reopening all temples Churchwide, which continue to bring more temples worldwide yet another step closer towards resuming normal operations. The latest changes have, as always, been detailed in the latest update from the official Newsroom, with updates also mentioned by the Church News, and reflected in the latest updates to the temple reopening status tracker, The strategy observed by the Church remains the same: focus on a cautiously-coordinated carefully-planned approach to changes in temple reopening stauses, and adapt to circumstances as necessary.

The results of that strategy speak for themselves. Let's now explore the changes that have been most recently announced this morning. The Church has announced updates that will impact the status of 8 temples in total, with 6 that will now offer proxy ordinancces in either phase 2-B or phase 3, and the remaining 2 unpausing and resuming an operational phase. 1 of those 2 is retruning to the same phase it had been in, while another is tranisitioning to a different phase.

Now, regarding specifics: As soon as one week from today (Tuesday September 7), 5 Brazilian temples (Campinas, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre, Recife, and Sao Paulo) and 1 European temple (The Hague Netherlands) are expected to tranisition to phase 3, and offer all proxy ordinances on a limited availability basis, so that the Church can thus ensure that they are doing their best to keep Church members who are able to work in and attend the temple ast patrons are safe. 

I am not sure how temples elsewhere in the world might work, but I do know that when I worked at the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple for 6 years (2006-2012), although a fair porition of the workers there were older retired individuals and couples, there were also a fair number of young adults, both single and married, who rounded out the workforce for the temple. 

I imagine that age, health, and likely susceptibility to COVID-19 would factor into the decisions each temple makes about who staffs the various areas  Most temples are probably using the proverbial "skeleton crew" and having areas staffed by individuals who are either younger, not as susceptible to catching the virus, or those that have been fully vaccinated.

In the meantime, the other two temples having changes announced are the two in South Africa (Durban and Johannesburg). Both have come out of recent pauses in their reopening process. For Durban, the unpausing also involves a shift to phase 2-B, which will allow limited proxy baptisms to occur, in addition to all living ordinances in priorirty order. And with the Johannesburg South Africa Temple, following the conclusion of its' recent pause, it's going back to phase 3, which will allow all living and proxy ordinances by appointment.

Additionally, the Church had previously noted that the Medford Oregon Temple was anticipated to transition to  phase 3 at some point this month, but that change has not yet been able to occur, likely because the Church prefers to be cautious in that temple's particular case, but hopefully, during any one of the 4 Tuesdays in September, that change might be able to go into effect. And the Church News again shared the list of 10 temples that have not been able to offer any proxy ordinances yet, with no phase designation given to the Hong Kong China and Tokyo Japan Temples (both of which are closed for renovations).

6 others are in Latin American nations, and 1 of those 6 remains in phase 1, while 1 other had reached phase 2 but has since paused. And the remaining 2 temples are in Eastern Europe and Asia. In view of the changes announced today, the Church has the 8 temples closed for renovations (all but the previous 2 Asian temples I mentioned above have had a phase 3 designation given to the patrons in their districts). And in view of updates announced today, 5 temples remain "paused" in their reopening due to local COVID-19 conditions (of which 3 had reached phase 3 at the time of their pauses, with 1 each in phases 2-B and 20.

Of the temples not closed for renovation or currently impacted by a pause in their reopening statuses, only 1 remains in phase 1, with 6 in phase 2, 10 in phase 2-B, and the remaining 138 are now in phase 3. I willingly and gratefully testify to the inspired nature of the latest announced adjustments, and am grateful that process continues to go as well as it has. For my part, I continue to monitor all developments announced by the Church News and the Newsroom, and remain committed to continuing to provide those reports as I become aware thereof.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Revised Opening Arrangements Announced for Winnipeg Manitoba Temple

Hello again, everyone! Just over 1 year ago, on September 1 of last year, the Church postponed the opening arrangements for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple.. With the mid-June announcement of opening arrangements for the Pocatello Idaho Temple in mind, I had offered my opinion just recently that that temple would be the only one de/dicated this year

As the Lord often deoes, He has proven me wrong yet again. This morning, the First Presidency announced revised opening arrangements for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple. And not only will the dedication of that teemple occur by the end of the year, but with today's announcement, the Church will actually be dedicating the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple prior to the previously-announced dedication for the Pocatello Idaho Temple. Let's break down the details.

The Church will offer open house tours for that temple from Saturday October 9-Saturday October 23, with the exceptions of the Sundays of October 10 and 17, in addition to Monday October 11, which marks the day people throghout Canada celebrate Thanskgiving. Aside from the open house dates, the Church has announced a youth dvotional to be held prior to the dedication. 

But rather than having that devotional the nigth before the dedication, Church leaders announced today that the youth devotional will cocur on Sunday October 24. No reason was given for the devotional occurring a week in advance, so if any of you know the reason for the devotional being held a week in advance, please let me know.

In the meantime, in another surprising update, rather than having the traditional 3 temple dedication sessions, the Church has announced that up to five such sessions could be held. 4 will take place every 2 hours at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM, with the Church reserving the option to hold a fifth such session if need be, which would probably occur at arounf 4:00 PM. Those sessions are set to be hell on Sunday October 31, which coincides with the observation of Halloween here in the United States.

If you'll pardon the pun here, it will be all treats and no tricks for this scheduled event. This does mean that the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple will be the 169th dedicated temple in the world, with the Pocatello Idhao Temple now becoming the 170th. I shold also note that I anticipate the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple will not open until early next year at soonest, and that the dedications for both the Yigo Guam and Quito Ecuador Temples might likely be similarly delayed into next year.. 

The same holds true for the likely rededication windows for both the Tokyo Japan and Hamilton New Zeland Temples, though the Lord mght prove me wrong on that as well. In any case, I am grateful to have learned about this report so that i could pass that along to you all here, It's worth noting that the Church News also provided coverage on this. I continue to monitor all such developments and remain committed to bringing those to you here as I become aware of all such updates.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Additional Temples to Change Phases As Reopening Process Continues

Hello again, everyone! Tuesday has again rolled around, and with it has come the latest announcements in the week-by-week process to reopen temples worldwide. The most-recently announced changes have been shared within the last half-hour or so. The Church continues to detail them through the official Newsroom release, with more in-depth coverage from the Church News, and an area-by-area update of the latest changes as detailed in the temple reopening status tracker

As I have customarily done each Tuesday in recent weeks, let me now share additional analysis on the temple reopenings. First, the Church announced this morning that 4 temples in South America (Concepcion and Santiago Chile, Asuncion Paraguay and Cordoba Argentina) will move to phase 3, allowing all living and proxy ordinances, as early as next Tuesday (August 31). And although the Medford Oregon Temple was announced to reopen in phase 3 at some point before the end of August, that has not yet officially occurred, so hopefully the Church will announce that happening among next week's changes.

In last week's update, I mentioned the details about 10 temples which have not yet opened for proxy work.  This week's update did not affect any of those 10, but hopefully, at least a few of those will transition to proxy work in the next several weeks. With the updates announced today, by next Tuesday (August 31), the Church will have 8 temples closed for renovation (all but two of which, Hong Kong China and Tokyo Japan) have been granted phase 3 designations, which allows the patrons residing in the districts of those temples to schedule limited proxy work at nearby temples which are also in phase 3).

7 other temples remain "paused" in their reopenings (of which 5 were in phase 3, with 1 each in phases 2-B and 2). Only 1 temple is currently in phase 1, with 6 remaining in phase 2, 15 others offering living ordinances and proxy baptisms in phase 2-B; and the remaining 131 have been given phase 3 status, allowing living ordinances and all proxy work by appointment, with limitations and protocols in place. 

As I read about and pass along these reports on this blog, I'm continually blown away by how well the Church is monitoring COVID-19 conditions around the world and making weekly adjustments as necessary. I remain grateful for the moderate, measured, and cautiously-coordinated way in which the Church continues to reopen temples, and to move each temple that much closer to resuming normal operations. We are blessed to see the Lord's hand directing this process every step of the way. 

I continue to monitor all Church news reports and temple updates, and will be sure to bring you all word of those as I become aware thereof. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

UPDATED: Predictions for the October 2021 General Conference

Hello again, everyone! Within the last couple of months, the First Presidency initiallydiscontinuedthe Priesthood and Women's Sessions (which had respectively been held in April and October on the Saturday Evenings of General Conference weekend). That was done in early June. Roughly 6 weeks later (towards the end of last month), that session wasreinstated, though a change to its' format was announced. Prior to both announcements, I had repeatedly mentioned that each General Conference held under President Nelson has been uniquely different in various ways.

That was certainly true of last April'sGeneral Conference.4 General Officers of the Church spoke. For the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 3 spoke in the first and last sessions, 4 others in the Saturday Afternoon Session, and the remaining 2 speak during the Priesthood and Sunday Morning Sessions (1 each). The 3 Saturday Sessions featured 3 General Authority Seventies, 2 of whom pre-recorded their remarks while serving outside the United States.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Sessions included 6 GA Seventies in the Morning Session (3 of whom pre-recorded their remarks). Included among those 6 were also one current member of the Presidency of the Seventy (Elder Jose A. Teixeira) and 1 other GA Seventy who began serving in the Presidency of the Seventy at the beginning of this month (Elder S. Mark Palmer). And the Sunday Afternoon Session featured 2 more GA Seventies, 1 of whom pre-recorded their remarks. With a total of 11 GA Seventies speaking, that marked the highest number of GA Seventies speaking in a single General Conference within the last couple of decades.

It's also worth noting that no representatives from the Presiding Bishopric spoke. Having now laid out what occurred in the last General Conference, I wanted to note I have gotten to the point of reworking my predictions for the October 2021 General Conference that I can now share what I've got so far with you all here. A couple of preliminary notes: Since the Saturday Evening Session has been reinstated and opened to all Church members and friends of other faiths, I've surmised that the entire First Presidency will speak in reverse-seniority order to close out that session, and that 1 member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and 2 other General Authorities or General Officers might also speak then.

With the process of sustaining the general Church leadership during each General Conference having been shortened, I then determined that the Church would most likely have 4 members of the Quorum of the Twelve speak on Saturday Afternoon, which would allow 2 other general leaders to speak as well. And since the average number of members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the Saturday Morning Session has been just about 3 every time, I think that will also continue.

So, with 3 Quorum members predicted to speak on Saturday Morning, with 4 more that afternoon, and 1 in the evening, that's a total of 8. For Sunday's sessions, my research shows that having 2 apostles speak in each of those sessions, with President Nelson closing out both, and with his counselors alternating as the first speakers ion Saturday Afternoon, that would open the prospect that more non-apostolic speakers would be able to address each General Conference, particularly the last two sessions.

I apologize for that lengthy introduction, but I wanted to set the background for my predictions. I suppose there is more than a slight chance that the speaker lineup in all General Conferences might be more in line with what happened inApril 2019andApril 2020. The biggest question mark will be how and to what extent the new Saturday Evening format might affect the rest of the conference. All that remains now for this post is for me to share the specific predictions I have assembled. First up is theprojected speaker lineup(with notes providing additional context, when needed), the anticipated changes ingeneral Church leadership, and my revised list of locations in which I have felt a new templecould be announced.

Regarding the last item on the list, I have some additional information to share. Followers of theChurch Growth Blogknow that the blog author, Matthew Martinich, offers his list of the top ten locations in which a temple could be announced just before each General Conference. While I'm not comfortable narrowing my list to the top ten candidates, what I have done is created a breakdown of the most likely places in which a temple could be announced this time around based on the geographical area of the Church under which each location falls.

Unless I have miscounted what's on my list, I have a total of 24 candidates that seem most likely to have a temple announced. Here is a copy of that list:

October 2021 Top Temple Candidate Locations (projected):

Africa Central—Kampala Uganda
Africa South—Antananarivo Madagascar
Africa West—Monrovia Liberia<
Asia—Jakarta Indonesia
Asia North—Ulaanbaatar Mongólia
Brazil—Florianópolis João Pessoa/Ribeirão Preto Brazil
Caribbean—Kingston Jamaica<
Europe—Edinburgh Scotland
Mexico—Durango Mexico
North America Central—Green Bay Wisconsin & Wichita Kansas
North America Northeast—East Brunswick New Jersey
North America Southeast—Jackson Mississippi
North America Southwest—Queen Creek Arizona
North America West—Fairbanks Alaska & Bakersfield California
Philippines—Tacloban & Angeles Philippines
South America Northwest—Iquitos Peru & La Paz Bolivia<
South America South—Osorno Chile
Utah—Herriman & Lehi Utah

So those are my updated predictions for the October 2021 General Conference. An open commenting period remains in effect on these predictions until 10:00 PM on Thursday September 30, which will allow me roughly 36 hours to carry out any needed updates. I look forward to any feedback any of you have on these predictions. I continue to monitor all Church news and temple updates and will be sure to bring word of those to you all as I become aware thereof.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.