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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Temple District Changes in Utah

I wanted to post about other important news about temples in Utah. Two changes have been made to temple districts here. Wording for these district changes has been taken verbatim from "In preparation for the Payson Utah Temple dedication next month when numerous temple workers will be transferred from the Provo Utah Temple, all of the stakes in Orem have been reassigned from the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple District to the Provo Utah Temple District." That update was posted on May 4, and my mom, who works at the Mount Timpanogos Temple, tells me that this change has taken effect already. All Orem residents serving temple workers at the Mount Timp. Temple had to reapply and be reinterviewed and set apart specifically to work at the Provo Temple. Hopefully the dust has settled there. In the meantime, this update was posted on May 19. "Announcements were made on Sunday [May 17] to Layton congregations that the city's 13 stakes would belong to the Bountiful Utah Temple District which now covers 49 stakes. Layton had formerly belonged to the Ogden Utah Temple District, which now covers 63 stakes." I imagine that the temple workers from Layton who were serving in the Ogden Temple also had to reapply and be reinterviewed and set apart specifically to work in the Bountiful Temple. I imagine we will see many more temple district changes in Utah as the Provo City Center Temple nears dedication and then the Cedar City temple is built and dedicated. I will keep an eye on such developments and keep you all informed. In the meantime, since this weekend is a three-day weekend, I will likely post the long-promised personal update either tomorrow night or sometime Monday. Stay tuned for that. Until I post again, all the best!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Site Selected for the Urdaneta Philippines Temple/Temple Progres (Current and Future) analyzed

I am posting for a very exciting reason. The Church recently (not sure how recently, but within the last week) finally announced a site for the Urdaneta Philippines Temple. According to a new section on that temple's listing on, "The site selected for the Urdaneta Philippines Temple sits off the MacArthur Highway, just south of Urdaneta City." This brings to 9 the total of temples that may potentially have a groundbreaking ceremony either this year or next year, and cuts the number of temples that haven't yet had a site announced to 4. And, as previously noted, six more temples will have their dedication or rededication by the end of this year, although the Provo City Center temple may at any time be added to the list of temples to be dedicated before the end of the year. And nine or ten temples may be dedicated or rededicated next year. With all these temple developments happening so fast, I thought that I would provide an updated list of temple progress, so you can see how the Church is pressing forward in this regard. Here's the list:

Temples Undergoing Renovation:
26. Mexico City Mexico Temple: Scheduled to be rededicated Sunday September 13, 2015.
86. Montreal Quebec Temple: Scheduled to be rededicated Sunday November 22, 2015.
91. Suva Fiji Temple: Anticipated to be completed in early 2016.
33. Freiberg Germany Temple: Anticipated to be completed in mid-2016.
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Anticipated to be completed in late 2016.

Under Construction:
146. Payson Utah Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday June 7, 2015.
147. Trujillo Peru Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday June 21, 2015.
148. Indianapolis Indiana Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday August 23, 2015.
149. Tijuana Mexico Temple: Scheduled to be dedicated Sunday December 13, 2015.
154. Provo City Center Temple: Projected to be completed in late 2015-early 2016.
150. Rome Italy Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2016.
155. Hartford Connecticut Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2016.
156. Fort Collins Colorado Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2016.
151. Philadelphia Pennsylvania Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-to-late 2016. 152. Sapporo Japan Temple: Projected to be completed in late 2016.
157. Paris France Temple: Projected to be completed in late 2016.
158. Meridian Idaho Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2017.
159. Star Valley Wyoming Temple: Projected to be completed in mid-2017.
153. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Projected to be completed in 2018.

160. Cedar City Utah Temple: Local government approval phase; site plan presented at January 2015 meeting; groundbreaking scheduled for Saturday August 8, 2015.
168. Tucson Arizona Temple: Construction approval phase; general contractor selected; groundbreaking pending.
161. Concepcion Chile Temple: Approval phase; temple and site design plans complete; groundbreaking pending.
165. Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Planning and approval phase; temple and site designs complete; groundbreaking pending.
162. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Planning and approval phase; land purchase finalized; groundbreaking pending.
169. Arequipa Peru Temple: Planning and approval phase; final piece of land for temple site acquired; groundbreaking pending.
164. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
167. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
170. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
163. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
166. Durban South Africa Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
171. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
172. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
173. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.

I love to watch the progress of temples. It is wonderful to think that by the end of next year, all temples currently undergoing renovation will likely be finished, and that the number of operating temples will go up to at least 156, if not more. And who knows how soon sites may be announced for Durban, Abidjan, Port-au-Prince, and Bangkok? Not to mention the possibility of groundbreaking for any or all of these temples by then. And now that it appears the hiatus of temple announcements is over, the list of temples could grow any time. I don't think the Church will have any difficulty having 200 temples by April 6, 2030, the 200th anniversary of the Church. I will keep an eye on these most important developments, and pass along any news as opportunity and time allows. Major general update to follow hopefully this weekend. Until then, all the best!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Cordoba Argentina Temple Dedicated

I am posting today for a very important reason. The Cordoba Argentina Temple was dedicated Sunday by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He was accompanied by Elder D. Todd Christofferson, just as I had predicted. Also in attendance were the South America South Area Presidency: Elder Walter F. Gonzalez (President), Elder Jorge R. Zeballos (First Counselor) and Elder Francisco J. ViƱas (Second Counselor). Elder Kent F. Richards of the Second Quorum of the Seventy, who serves as the Executive Director of the Church's Temple Department, was also in attendance. The Church News wrote two excellent articles about the dedication. One of them almost made me cry, because it made reference to how those in attendance felt like Elder Richard G. Scott was with them. As you will recall from earlier posts, Elder Scott served in Cordoba Argentina as a mission president, and one of his missionaries was Elder Christofferson. Elder Scott is, sadly, currently dealing with memory issues due to his advanced age. He is unable to participate in Quorum meetings and business, so he couldn't be in attendance.

I post a link to both of those articles for your edification:

Cordoba Argentina Temple: Already uplifting spirits, changing lives
Cordoba Argentina Temple: Apostle returns 'home'

The Church now has 145 operating temples, with six or possibly seven to be dedicated or rededicated by the end of this year. I love to monitor the progress of temple building! And rest assured, all temple-related news will be posted on this blog. If you would like to visit the following website, it will have all the latest information on temples around the world:

LDS Temples - Mormon Temples

It should be noted that the site above is not an official Church website, but it does have information which has been made available to the webmaster by the Church. I go there first whenever I am looking for information about any of the temples, and I can recommend it highly.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Cordoba Argentina Temple to be dedicated this Sunday/BYU-Haiwaii gets new president

Just a reminder to those who may have forgotten: The Cordoba Argentina Temple will be dedicated this Sunday after a cultural celebration the night before, which follows a 15 day open house. The big question now: Who will be sent to dedicate this temple? President Monson may be struggling with some health issues, so he may not feel up to the trip to Argentina. President Eyring might be sent to do it. He's the most likely choice. He's only dedicated one temple, the San Salvador El Salvador Temple. President Uchtdorf might be asked to do it. He has dedicated four temples: the Tegucigalpa Honduras Temple, the Quetzeltenango Guatemala Temple, the Manaus Brazil Temple, and the Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple. Typically, members of the Twelve only rededicate temples. The obvious exceptions to this are the Regina Saskatchewan and Brigham City Utah Temples, which were dedicated by President Boyd K. Packer as Acting President and President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. So my vote's with President Eyring or President Uchtdorf. Of all the apostles, it is most likely that Elder D. Todd Christofferson will accompany whomever dedicates the temple. This is because Elder Christofferson served as a missionary there. Elder Richard G. Scott, who served as Elder Christofferson's mission president in Argentina, will more than likely not be there, as he is dealing with some health and memory issues. Another possibility for the accompanying apostle is Elder Neil L. Andersen, who presided at the temple's groundbreaking in 2010. These are the top two candidates to accompany whoever will preside at the dedication.

This seems to be a season for dedicating temples. Sunday's dedication in Cordoba will be followed three weeks later by the Payson Utah Temple dedication, which precedes the dedication of the Trujillo Peru Temple by two weeks. After that, the next temple dedication is in August. More to come on each of these dedications as information becomes available,

In other news, Elder Russell M. Nelson, who chairs the Executive Committee of the Church Board of Education, announced on May 12 that John Sears Tanner, currently serving as First Counselor in the Sunday School General Presidency, will become the 10th President of  BYU—Hawaii. It is unclear whether or not he will be released from his Sunday School Presidency assignment, but it is more than likely, since he'd have to otherwise split his time between Hawaii and Utah. While that would not be unheard of,it makes more sense to me to allow him to focus his entire energy on the assignment as a university president. But I will keep my eye on developments in that regard, and you can be sure to find the updates here.

Still need to write that update I've been promising for a month now, but time and circumstances have left me unable to do more than quick updates. Perhaps this weekend, without the stress of work, I can finally take care of that. Until I write to you again, all the best!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Apostolic Health Update

The Church has issued an update on the health of two apostles, Elder L. Tom Perry and Elder Richard G. Scott. According to the update, Elder Perry was able to resume his workload this week and attend both meetings of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles this week, though he continues to receive treatment for his cancer. In the meantime, Elder Scott is at home after being hospitalized with gastrointestinal bleeding. An ulcer was found in his stomach. The bleeding appears to be under control without surgery. Elder Scott is unable to participate in meetings of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, though, due to experiencing a fading memory as a result of his advanced age.

I didn't know how to feel about this update. On the one hand, I am ecstatic that Elder Perry has resumed his workload. On the other hand, I am very worried about Elder Scott, particularly because he is having some memory loss issues. I still am keeping these brethren in my prayers. It will be heart wrenching for me when each of the apostles is called home. But I will be comforted by the knowledge that they will no longer suffer and that the Lord's pattern of succession allows for men equally as qualified to be called in their stead.

There is another bright side to this issue. I mentioned in another post the apparently endorsed "update" on President Thomas S. Monson's health. The update the Church provided on Elder Perry and Elder Scott contained a picture of President Monson with his counselors, President Henry B. Eyring and President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, visiting Elder Perry at his home. President Monson looks very healthy. So I'm sure the "update" exaggerated the prophet's health. That was encouraging to see.

Some have speculated who might be called to succeed any apostles that pass on. I will not participate in such speculations unless and until an apostolic death takes place. And even then, I will be very careful to make it clear that these are merely my own thoughts and conjectures and do not represent an official Church-endorsed post. You can count on any further apostolic health updates to be featured on this blog. And I can assure you, this weekend at some point, I will be posting a much-needed general update on our lives, as I havenot done so in a while. Until I write again, "may peace be with you this day, and always."