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Sunday, March 25, 2018

A Note on the Latest Apostolic Statistics

Hello again, everyone! As some of you may recall, I last passed along the latest apostolic statistics on Sunday February 11 (six weeks ago today). While that would ordinarily lead me to do so again today, there are two factors that have dissuaded me from doing so. The first is that I had some computer issues that have resulted in such data being inaccessible  to me, which, though unfortunate, is not too devastating, as I found backup copies on other devices and on the websites to which I have posted them. But since they are backup copies, some of those files are outdated anyways, which I continue to work on bringing up-to-date.

The second is the fact that, because General Conference will be next weekend, two new apostles will be called, and barring anything unexpected, I would anticipate that those called would be in their early 50s-mid 60s. So in addition to updating my personal files that keep that data within the next week, I will be adding those newest apostles to my next report, and I would anticipate that those called will likely bring down the average of both the Quorum of the Twelve and the 15 apostles as a group.

I just wanted to note this for any who may wonder why I have not posted such an update recently. But stay tuned over General Conference weekend, when, barring anything unexpected, I will be able to get the latest statistics published here. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Case Study: Will President Nelson's "Old Friend of China" Status Help the Gospel spread there?

Hello again, everyone! As some of you may recall, President Nelson was a regional representative when he heard the 12th Church President, Spencer W. Kimball, talk about how vital it was that some leaders present learn Chinese.

Taking this invitation as a prophetic directive to him personally, President Nelson did learn Chinese, which helped to greatly expand the reputation of the Church and of President Nelson in the eyes of prominent Chinese leaders and citizens. Later on, as an apostle, President Nelson was given the designated title "Friend of China" because they were so impressed with him.

As some of you may also know, around 15 or so years ago, there was a popular Mormon myth going around that certain individuals had been called to serve 3-year missions in China, which was shortly after debunked. As a teen who knew a lot about the Church, I was one who at times found myself facing the question of this myth's truth from many people who knew I would know the answer.

And I recall distinctly that not long after that, the Church officially noted that this "development" was a myth, and reiterated the fact that, until it was the Lord's will and would be allowed by the government, no such  efforts would be made.

Just over two months ago, the "old friend of China" became our Church president. which brings up an interesting question: Would the fact that President Nelson is the senior apostle now potentially result in the Church's ability to expand into China? Naturally, that would depend on when the Lord willed it to be so, if the current Chinese government would recognize our prophet as a friend of China, and if negotiations with the Chinese government yielded that result.

But it is intriguing to think about. As a new apostle in 1984 or '85, he was given permission to perform one last heart surgery on a Chinese opera star, for which he had been specially requested. I honestly don't know how much opportunity he might have had to continue to foster relations with the Chinese. With that said, I can definitely see how his new calling as Church president might be the tipping point to allow a change in how the Church is viewed by China. I will for sure be keeping my eyes open for any news on that.

The fact that one of the stops while he is in Asia will be in Hong Kong indicates to me that he may be in a unique position to enable progress that we have not seen in this regard up to now. I'm sure we all remember how, shortly after President Monson's call to the First Presidency, he went with an apostle (I believe that was then-Elder Nelson, if memory serves) to talk to German leaders about the prospect of missionary work and even a temple behind the Iron Curtain.

President Monson's requests in this regard were granted because those leaders saw that he had been a true friend to the people of Germany, and they believed that if he felt strongly about such a subject, that was enough for them to grant his request. Perhaps with President Nelson now the top Church leader, the walls that have kept the Church from making real progress in that nation might be similarly broken down.

It would not in any way surprise me to learn that this is one of many reasons why President Nelson is now the Church president. If I have learned anything about the Church, it is that the Lord knows what He is doing in leadership transitions, and that at the right time, with the right people involved, such barriers to the spread of the gospel in various nations have been broken down. My prayer is that this will prove true for China now.

But that's just my take on this matter, which I wanted to share with you all. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Changes Made to Frankfurt Germany Completion Estimate

Hello again, everyone! I am back with more temple news. Apparently at some point today, new information came in to many of the sources to which I look for such updates that points to the idea that, instead of being completed at a yet-to-be-determined time-frame during 2019, the Frankfurt Germany Temple is now more specifically anticipated to be rededicated in early-to-mid 2019.

Between this development and those I reported earlier, it is clear that I will need to take yet another look at all of the completion estimates which I have offered here and perhaps revisit many of them. But there is nothing so constant as change, so that's to be expected. I will have the revised estimates put up on this blog ASAP.

In the meantime, I am going to make a prediction right here and now. During the administrations of Presidents Hinckley and Monson, there were a number of instances where a senior member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presided at a temple dedication or rededication. With that in mind, I am thinking that President Nelson will not hesitate to ask Elder Uchtdorf, who has officiated at such events previously and is a German native, to officiate at this rededication.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Progress Reported on the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple; Full-scale construction for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple to Begin Next Month

Hello again, everyone! I am pleased to be able to bring you all a status update on construction efforts for the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple. Before doing so, however, I have discovered from a few of my sources for temple updates that there has been big news for Winnipeg, where construction is anticipated to be fully underway at some point during April.

As many of you are no doubt aware, the groundbreaking for that temple was announced 2.5 weeks prior to being held, so that was a quick turnaround. But construction was first delayed for four months due to the very harsh Canadian winter conditions last year. Once those cleared, the governmental leaders apparently raised some concerns about the site plans, which had to be modified.

And by the time that hurdle was cleared, winter had returned to Winnipeg for this year. Since the winter season this year here in Utah has been unusually mild and dry, whether or not that was the case for Winnipeg this year (which I do not know for sure), apparently all obstacles have cleared, so full-scale efforts can begin there at some point next month.

Still no word on if or how the modified plans will affect the 20-month estimate that was originally provided for this temple's completion, but I am hoping it may turn out to be another Port-au-Prince in the sense that construction will be fast whenever it does start, in which case it may be able to be dedicated in either late 2019 or early 2020. Stay tuned for more on that as I become aware of it.

In the meantime, we turn our attention now to the progress on the temple in Kinshasa. In my last update on that temple (which was posted on March 1), I had noted that roof shingling continued, the driveway and parking areas had been outlined, and where stone and tile work were underway inside the temple.

New information provided today indicates that, while the installation of interior stone and tile continues, palm trees have been planted around the temple grounds. This progress is significant, but I don't currently see anything changing my recently expressed opinion that the dedication of the Fortaleza Brazil Temple and the rededications of the Memphis Tennessee & Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temples may all precede this temple's dedication.

But I continue to monitor all such developments and will also continue to post those here as I become aware of them. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Church News Releases Article Explaining the Principle of Common Consent Prior to the Solemn Assembly

Hello again, everyone! I just wanted to post to pass along this article from the Church News, which sets in context recent teachings of Church leaders regarding what it means to sustain our 13 (soon to be 15 again) in their callings as prophets, seers, and revelators. Among other highlights, it mentions that, as we know, the President of the Church is the only one recognized and sustained to receive revelation for the Church as a whole, although we have also had affirmations that the words of the other apostles likewise constitutes the word of the Lord.

There has seemed to be a mistaken idea put forth by certain individuals that this process is a "vote" and that, if they choose, they are free to vocalize their refusal to sustain the Brethren. There are also those that seem to be under the impression that if they pester the Brethren enough on certain subjects, that will somehow sway them to consider changing Church doctrine and policy.

But both are categorical falsehoods. The Lord has also said that those who refuse to sustain those He has put into place, and who refuse to accept the will of the Lord as expressed by the apostles will one day be held accountable before Him for rejecting those He has called, sustained, and ordained through His prophets and apostles.

So with these ideas in mind, I want to unequivocally testify that I know that the 13 current apostles and the other two that will likely be called within the next week are those the Lord needs in those positions at this time. Whenever there has been a vacancy in the Church presidency or the apostleship, as far back as I can remember, I have prayed in advance to know that whomever was called were the individuals the Lord wanted in those positions at that time.

And each time, as soon as the calls were announced, whether or not it was something I had personally suggested or considered, I have gained the instant confirmation that those calls to those individuals have come from the Lord.

As perhaps a few of you may be aware, I was honored sometime after last General Conference to discover that my thoughts on who might fill the apostolic vacancy were themselves a focus of a post on the Mormon Light blog. Despite my protests to the contrary, the most recent version of that article billed those thoughts as "mere speculation, but [something of which it was] wise to be aware of some of the possibilities".

So I want to clear that point up right now. I never have and never will condone the idea of speculation, and I am just as fully willing to sustain any two Brethren to the apostolic call that may not be on my list as I would be to sustain and support the calls of either or both apostles that did make my list.

This is because I do have that witness, that such calls are divinely directed. President Nelson has been or will be led to the identity of the two men that should be called to the apostleship. And as the Church News article mentioned, although any two Brethren could be called to that assignment at any time, if either or both of those Brethren are not necessarily who anyone expects, that does not mean that any others who may have made the list of anyone else is any less worthy of the calling.

For that reason, I share my absolute conviction that I know the Lord has prepared the Brethren who will be called to the apostleship in just about a week. And there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that He will confirm again to me that those who are called were divinely appointed to join the ranks of the apostleship at this time.

Our current and past apostles and prophets have willingly given up any claim to prestige, acclaim, or success in their professional lives to serve a cause higher than themselves, and what will be said by them next weekend will truly represent the word of the Lord, the will of the Lord, the mind of the Lord, and the power of God unto our salvation.

I know that because I have sought to obtain and have received such a witness, which has sweetly been reiterated to me any time I have asked for such a reconfirmation. My hope and prayer is that all who read these words either have that witness or, if they do not, they will do that which is necessary to obtain such a witness for themselves, and I share these thoughts in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen,