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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Updated Estimates for Future Temple Events

Hello again, everyone! I wanted to post right now to share updated estimates which I have put together for future temple events. As we have seen so far in the first four months of 2018, lots of things have happened in terms of temple news and developments. I have the utmost confidence that such progress will continue to be reported on a regular basis. The updated estimates below reflects the best information I could put together from a wide variety of sources.

A disclaimer before I post those updates: I do not in any way claim to have access to official information from the Church about how likely these estimates might be. The timing of any temple event is up to the Lord (and, in some cases, the diligence of those working on such projects for the Church), and as such, any or all of these estimates are subject to change once any new information comes in.

That said, what I have been able to do is to look at different factors (such as the climate of areas in which such temples are built, a comparison of the current status of these temples with the timing of dedications or rededications of other temples that at one point had a similar or identical status, and anything else from which I could make any type of conclusion) and make the best determination about how those factors might expedite or delay such events.

It is not by any means a perfect process, and anyone else who has observed temple progress could likely do just as well as (if not better than) I myself have done. And I'm sure it goes without saying that these estimates are always subject to change based on how quickly or slowly progress is made on each of these temples.

With that in mind, for what it may be worth, the updated estimates I have put together follow below. So as not to disturb the flow of those estimates, I will close now as I always do. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilegeFuture estimates for known temple-related events

First half of 2018:
April: Full-scale construction anticipated to begin for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple
Note: A Church member in Winnipeg has confirmed that construction of this temple is anticipated to begin this month.
Sunday April 22: Houston Texas Temple Rededication (private; date has been confirmed; President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, will preside at this event)
Sunday May 20: Jordan River Utah Temple Rededication/Mesa Arizona Temple Renovation Closure (both have been confirmed)
Note: Since the rededication Jordan River Utah Temple is the first public temple event of President Nelson’s administration, it seems to be a given conclusion that he will preside at this event, if only the first one or two sessions. Since this temple is in the Salt Lake Valley, it seems entirely likely that several Church leaders will be in attendance at this event as well.

Second half of 2018:
Monday July 23: Hamilton New Zealand Temple Closes for Renovation
Sunday October 28: Concepcion Chile Temple Dedication (160th operating temple; confirmed)
Sunday December 9: Barranquilla Colombia Temple Dedication (161st operating temple; confirmed)

Final note on 2018: I have heard that 2018 could potentially be a big year for groundbreakings of temples currently announced. We have had an artist’s rendering and site announced for the Bangkok Thailand Temple, so that temple could have a groundbreaking in the near future. We also know that the contractor for the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple indicated a year of pre-planning would be needed on the site before a groundbreaking could occur, so I am watching that one as well. With sites having recently been confirmed for the Urdaneta and Greater Manila Philippines and Brasilia Brazil Temples, I am watching those locations as well. And if the probable location for the Pocatello Idaho Temple is confirmed in the near future, a groundbreaking for it may just be a matter of time. I received additional reports that the Saratoga Springs Temple is currently being designed, and have heard that members in Harare Zimbabwe and Nairobi Kenya have been informed of the site locations for temples in their cities. If those locations are confirmed by the Church in the near future, groundbreakings could occur for both temples sooner rather than later. It will be interesting to see what happens in that regard.

First half of 2019:
Sunday March 10-Sunday March 17: Rome Italy Temple Dedication (162nd operating temple; confirmed)
Mid-April: Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple Rededication
Mid-to-late April: Frankfurt Germany Temple Rededication
Early-to-mid May: Fortaleza Brazil Temple Dedication (163rd operating temple)
Mid-to-late May: Memphis Tennessee Temple Rededication
Early-to-mid June: Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple Dedication (164th operating temple)

Second half of 2019:
Early-to-mid August: Raleigh North Carolina Temple Rededication
Mid-to-late August: Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple Dedication
Early-to-mid September: Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple Rededication
Mid-to-late September: Lisbon Portugal Temple Dedication (166th operating temple)
Mid-October: Durban South Africa Temple Dedication (167th operating temple)
Mid-November: Oakland California Temple Rededication
Note: Since this is an older temple, if anything delays its’ completion, that might cause it to be pushed back into 2020.
Mid-December: Asuncion Paraguay Temple Rededication
Note: Although this temple closed for its’ renovation around the same time as the temple in Memphis Tennessee did, the renovation process has yet to begin. With that in mind, while I hope to be able to move this estimate up, I will not in any way be surprised if this temple is only rededicated towards the end of next year.

Final note on 2019: As with 2018, I have heard that 2019 could potentially be another big year for temple groundbreakings. If that proves to be the case, there will be other temple-related events to add to this list for subsequent years.
First half of 2020:
Mid-March: Arequipa Peru Temple Dedication (168th operating temple)
Mid-to-late April: Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple Dedication (169th operating temple)
Mid-May: Winnipeg Manitoba Temple Dedication (170th operating temple)
Early-to-mid June: Tokyo Japan Temple Rededication
Mid-September: Mesa Arizona Temple Rededication
Mid-December: Washington DC Temple Rededication

Mid-to-late April: Hamilton New Zealand Temple Rededication

Final note: If, as noted above, several temples have a groundbreaking during the next two years, that in turn would necessitate adding their completion estimates to the list above. I continue to monitor all temple-related developments and will pass news of them along as I receive word of them.
 of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Updated Chart Showing General Authorities and Officers of the Church Has Been Released

Hello again, everyone! This will just be a very brief post to note that the Church, in accordance with their usual practices, has released an updated version of the chart showing the General Authorities and General Officers of the Church.

Unless I have miscounted, this chart also shows 90 General Authority Seventies, which, when added to the 25 men that comprise the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Presidency of the Seventy, and Presiding Bishopric, brings the total number of General Authorities to 115 rather than the 116 that President Oaks referenced.

At this point, it's not impossible to believe he could have made an error, perhaps by failing to account for Elder Keetch's passing. We also know that in the press conference in which our new First Presidency took media questions, they directly addressed the issue that leaders make mistakes, and that no Church leader, themselves included, is infallible.

I personally know of only one perfect Man who ever lived upon this earth. For the rest of us, we are all prone to error. And when mistakes are made at any level (for example, President Oaks mentioning mid-way through the Saturday Afternoon Session that he had inadvertently omitted some of the names he was supposed to read), I would hope that, rather than criticizing the leaders who make them, all of us would recognize that their need to have a cloak of charity over their errors is just the same as the need all of us have to have those we know throw a cloak of charity over our errors.

Anyone who therefore finds fault with our leaders when such errors occur are clearly missing the fact that, while they have been prepared by the Lord for their current positions, that does not mean that they are any less human or less likely to make mistakes. Until any or all of us are made perfect in Christ, I would hope that we would all keep that in mind when issues such as this come up.

Enough said. You can find a PDF version of the the chart (as published on the Church's website) here. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Completion Estimate Slightly Altered for the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple; More Specific Alterations for All Estimates Pending

Hello again, everyone! This is just a quick post to note some updates and changes that have come to my attention regarding temples now under construction. First, I wanted to note that there has not been any progress reported on either new temples or those being renovated. With that in mind, I did want to note that many of the sources I have available for temple-related information have altered the completion time-frame for the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple.

As many of you may recall, for a while now, that estimate has shown that this temple was anticipated to be completed in early 2019. Given the lack of consistent progress on this temple and the somewhat more consistent progress that has been reported for the Fortaleza Brazil Temple, I would not in any way be surprised if the Fortaleza Temple was dedicated before the one in Kinshasa. I am evaluating these developments and the information I have available to me, and I will post any alterations I feel may be appropriate for the estimates on both temples ASAP.

In the meantime, while we are 11 days in to April, I have not yet heard anything to indicate that construction has formally begun on the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple. I know that there are still 19 days left in this month, and I hope that within that time, we do hear that full-scale construction is underway, but I wanted to note that for any interested.

I have said this many times before, and it bears repeating: It is amazing to see the way that temples progress so swiftly in some locations while there is more of a wait in others. As I also recently observed, while some have expressed hope that President Nelson could, during his time in Thailand, Zimbabwe, and Kenya, break ground for the temples in those nations, since nothing has been officially announced in that regard, that is likely not part of the plan for this trip.

With that said, I cannot rule out the prospect that each of those temples could have a groundbreaking at some point later this year. Nor would I be surprised if several others were to have a groundbreaking this year as well. As I have also noted many times in the recent past, I heard from many sources that 2018 and 2019 could both be big years in terms of temple groundbreakings taking place. I continue to monitor developments in that regard and will pass those along to you all as I hear of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

1,200th Blog Post: BREAKING NEWS: May 2018 Ensign Supplement Published for President Nelson

Hello again, everyone! In this, my 1,200th blog post, I am pleased to bring you some breaking news from the Church. As some of you may know, it has been customary for Ensign articles or supplements to be written for new Church leaders by other apostles. When President Monson became Church president in February 2008, the reorganization of the First Presidency was the subject of an article written by Adam C. Olsen, which was featured in the April 2008 Ensign. When the May 2008 Ensign came out, a supplement to it included a tribute & introduction to President Monson, which was written by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.

As you are also probably aware, President Nelson requested that his remarks given from the temple on January 16 of this year would be reproduced in full in the April 2018 Ensign. This appeared to replace the traditional introduction to the new First Presidency. With General Conference having passed, I have periodically checked in the last few days for anything new from the Church, and just now, it paid off.

I am pleased to note that I have found a supplement to the Ensign that will be distributed with the May 2018 Church magazines, which has been written in tribute to new Church President Russell M. Nelson. In an unusual but not entirely unexpected move, that supplement article has been written by President Nelson's apostolic seatmate and now First Counselor, President Dallin H. Oaks.

I was pleased to see that, because someone who has sat side-by-side with President Nelson in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for 34 years would obviously  be the one most qualified to put such a tribute together. You can find a copy of that supplement here. Hopefully this information is helpful to most of you.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Church Provides Statement on Medical Marijuana Use

Hello again, everyone! Earlier today, the First Presidency released this statement about a ballot initiative under consideration in Utah, which would legalize the regulation of medical marijuana use. It has been my experience that such statements are not officially released until extensive study and consultation with those involved in such issues (in this case, medical professionals) allows the Brethren to make a formal statement on the Church's position.

It is amazing to see how the word of the Lord has been expressed in this and all other issues of importance, and I am grateful for the First Presidency's statement that demonstrates their concern on this issue. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Update Provided on the Rome Italy Temple; President Nelson and Elder Holland Embark on World Tour

Hello again, everyone! I am pleased to bring you in this post a combined update on the Rome Italy Temple and a report on the world tour upon which President & Sister Nelson and Elder and Sister Holland embarked earlier today.

For the Rome Italy Temple, new information has come in that a visitor's information center has been opened to field questions from anyone visiting the temple grounds between now and the time the open house begins. In addition, progress continues to be made on landscaping and interior work. These are important milestones towards this temple's completion, and it was wonderful to hear of that update.

In the meantime, as most of you might already be aware, the Nelsons and Hollands departed earlier today for their worldwide ministry tour. Mormon Newsroom has shared this report of their departure, and other updates will, of course, be provided during the course of the tour. The interesting thing that stuck out to me about that departure is the fact that Presidents Oaks and Eyring unexpectedly showed up at the airport to wish them well as they set off for the trip.

It is interesting to see how, even on a daily basis, monumental developments happen to further the work of the Church. There will be many more wonderful things reported during the tour, I am sure, and I will try to stay on top of it all.

In the meantime, unless something unexpected happens, since nothing has been officially announced, we may, in my opinion, safely assume that groundbreakings will not be taking place for the Bangkok Thailand, Nairobi Kenya, or Harare Zimbabwe Temples during the tour, although I would not be surprised in any way to find out that groundbreakings will take place for all three later this year.

And it is also a near certainty that President Nelson may use some of his time in Bengaluru, India looking at potential temple sites. As I have previously noted, there is a lot that has gone on just so far this year in both general Church developments and, more particularly, in temple-related developments. I continue to do my level best to stay on top of it all, and will pass along any further developments as I learn of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Monday, April 9, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: First Presidency Announces Celebration in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of the Revelation on the Priesthood

Hello again, everyone. I am currently watching the 6:30 PM newscast on KSL, and they just passed along some big news from the Church. The First Presidency has announced a celebration to be held in the Conference Center in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Revelation on the Priesthood. That revelation was announced in a letter dated June 8, 1978, with the signatures of the members of the First Presidency at that time (Spencer W. Kimball, N. Eldon Tanner, and Marion G. Romney), and that revelation was sustained as the word and will of the Lord during the General Conference that followed roughly 4 months later.

The celebration honoring the 40th anniversary of that announcement will be held on June 1 of this year, the details of which will be released at a later time. I, of course, was not born yet when this revelation was accepted as the word and will of the Lord, but I have read firsthand accounts in the biographies of many of the apostles that were involved in the process that led to that revelation.

Some are quick to accuse the Church of being racist, and in a way, I understand people who feel that way. The practice of ordaining all worthy males to the priesthood was established from the Church's foundation, and at some point, under the leadership of prophets who succeeded Joseph Smith, the decision to exclude some individuals from priesthood ordination was made.

There are wide-ranging disputes between scholars over who is to blame for making that change, and also why it took so long for this revelation to come. Some have tried to assign such blame to apostles that didn't feel right about a policy reversal prior to 1978. While I don't know or understand all the reasons things happened the way they did, I firmly believe that it took the right group of apostles who were in the right mindset to receive and act upon the direction from the Lord in the matter that directly resulted in the revelation being received at that time.

As that 40th anniversary celebration approaches, it is interesting to note that none of the apostles involved in the deliberations that led to this revelation are still alive (as President Monson was that last living apostle involved in that process). But we have seen the direct result of that revelation, particularly in the fact that so many internationally-born men are now among the Church's general authorities.

It is therefore altogether fitting and proper that such a monumental anniversary for such a significant and life-changing revelation should be celebrated, and I will be anxious to learn the details of that celebration, which I will be sure to pass along as I receive them. For the moment, I refer you to the Church's official announcement about the celebration, which contains what is currently known about it.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Temple Updates (Including Reported Progress on the Barranquilla Colombia Temple)

Hello again, everyone! I first became aware of an update on the status of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple a day or two ago, but in view of some personal circumstances and more pressing developments that needed my attention, this is my first opportunity to post about it. The update shows that work on the interior is progressing, that the landscaping around the temple grounds is closer to its' completion, and that the exterior of the housing facility on the temple lot has been finished. With its' dedication set to occur exactly 8 months from today, it is great to hear of the progress that has been made on this temple..

The day-to-day milestones that are marked in temple construction are wonderful indeed to observe. While we are still waiting for news that full-scale efforts are underway for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple, and while there has not been any other progress reported on any temples under construction, undergoing renovation, or announced, I did want to note that, with the Church being 3 days past April 6, which marked the 188th anniversary of the gospel's restoration, there are now 11.99 years in which the Church would need to announce and complete 11 temples, in addition to completing the 30 in various phases (which includes the 7 announced 8 days ago by President Nelson during General Conference) in order to have 200 operating temples dedicated by the Church's 200th anniversary (which will, as noted, occur on Saturday April 6, 2030).

By extension, that means that the Church will need to dedicate 3.42 temples per year during those 11.99 years between now and then. Since we know that 2 temples will be dedicated by the end of this year (which is slightly below that average), as we look to the years ahead, we already have seen the announcement of the first temple dedication planned for next year, and in addition to that, we have 5 others that will likely be dedicated next year, which is above that average. With two others already anticipated to be dedicated in 2020, if, as anticipated, full-scale construction begins in Winnipeg at some point this month, and if any other temples have a groundbreaking within the next 8-12 months, they may go on to be dedicated during 2020 or within the years following.
I know that I heard from a lot of people their opinion that President Nelson would not announce temples during his first General Conference. I felt confident enough in the results of my research on the subject to suggest that he could do so, and likely would, and I was very gratified when he announced 7 new locations in which future temples would be built. I don't know if any of you noticed this (I may be one of the few who did), but the number of temples announced by President Monson in 2015 and 2016 (the third-to-last and second-to-last occasions during his presidency when he would do so) were exactly equivalent to the 7 announced by President Nelson during his first General Conference.

I may be incorrect in this assessment, but that fact suggests to me that President Monson's health struggles during the last 3-5 years of his life may have impacted his ability to determine the timing of such announcements and to announce those locations in General Conference. Between the April 2017 General Conference and President Monson's passing on January 2 of this year, he may have been unable to approve the announcements for any other temples.

With all of that in mind, and based on the fact that the announcement of 7 temples in the first General Conference of any Church president before now has almost been unheard of, and with all we have seen President Nelson do regarding temple announcements in the less than 3 months of his presidency so far, and also in view of President Nelson's good health and extreme vigor, I have no doubt we will see multiple temples announced on other occasions. What will be really interesting to see is whether or not President Nelson will announce a few during every General Conference over which he presides, or if he might opt to keep those to a once-a-year thing, as President Monson did for the last 3 years of his presidency.

Whatever might occur in terms of continuing temple developments, you can count on my reporting on such news here as I learn of it. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Elder and Sister Gerrit W. Gong Asked to Speak at Women's Conference

Hello again, everyone! There has been a prime example today of how the apostles are assisting the First Presidency in the work of the Church. As some of you might recall my mentioning, President and Sister Nelson were going to be the keynote speakers at the annual BYU Women's Conference, which will be held next month. Due to a scheduling conflict (whatever the details of it might be), the Nelsons will not be able to do that. So they reached out to Elder and Sister Gerrit W. Gong and asked them to take that assignment.

As some of you might recall, prior to Elder Gong's service as a General Authority, he was an Assistant to the President for Planning and Assessment, so it makes sense that he, as one familiar with the BYU campus, would be asked to substitute at this BYU gathering since the Church president cannot be there himself.

I was grateful to have learned of this development. The Church News additionally provided these details about the featured speakers at this year's Women's Conference, which I hope will be helpful to some of you.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

BREAKING NEWS: Closure Date for the Hamilton New Zealand Temple Confirmed

Hello again, everyone! As implied by the title of this post, the Church has officially confirmed the exact closure date for the Hamilton New Zealand Temple. As I hope some of you might recall, one of the first major temple announcements of President Nelson's administration was this temple's renovation, and was announced 5 days after his ordination and set to occur in July. A few moments ago, I found official confirmation of the exact closure date.

It has been customary for all such closures to occur between Friday & Monday, so I am pleased to share that this temple's 3-year renovation is set to begin on Monday July 23.

I continue to monitor such developments and will do my best to pass them along as I hear of them. That does it for this post. Any & all comments are, as always, welcome & appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best & pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.