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Monday, June 25, 2018

CORRECTION: Winnipeg Manitoba Temple Status

Hello again, everyone! I am posting right now to correct inaccurate information I provided in an earlier post regarding the status of the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple. The last time I posted an update on that temple, I had reported that a construction fence had been put up in preparation for the commencement of full-scale efforts.

But in double-checking some information today, it appears that the earlier report should have noted that site grading and clearing was underway, and that it was only today that the construction fence was officially installed. I apologize for the unintentional misinformation and will do my best to report future developments correctly going forward. I continue to monitor all such developments and will bring word of those to you ASAP.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next pot, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Additional Church News Reported

Hello again, everyone! There have been several additional Church News stories published within the last 12-24 hours that I have felt may be of interest to some of you. So this post will pass those developments along to you all.

The first piece of news I wanted to pass along relates to updates that have been added to the latest edition of Preach My Gospel. As some of you may recall, that volume was originally published in 2004, and since that time, several Church leaders have given additional insights into effective missionary work that have been included in the new edition of that volume.

The Church News section on has also shared this article highlighting the opening concert held during the Tabernacle Choir's "Classic Coast Tour"/Turning now to articles from the LDS Church News website, there are quite a few to discuss. In a word where there are many voices competing for our attention on a day-to-day basis, at times, it may be easy for some of us to doubt ourselves and the strength and depth of our faith. The Church News shared three responses about how to deal with those feelings when they come.

BYU holds a "Religious Freedom Annual Review" every year. This year, the keynote address was given by Elder L. Whitney Clayton, Senior President of the Seventy, who, as some of you may know, is a descendant of William Clayton, an early Saint and pioneer who wrote the hymn "Come, Come Ye Saints"/

Elder Clayton particularly touched on the importance of our faith in our identities, and discussed why Latter-day Saints have the responsibility to protect religious freedom for those of all faiths. There has also been an article published about the Saints in Rome Italy who are anxiously awaiting the opening of the temple in their city, an event that has been 45 years in the making.

Turning our attention now to the ministry of apostles past and present, Gerry Avant continues her series of articles taking a retroactive look back at her experiences and memories of Church News she has covered over her long and prestigious career. She wrote about how an unexpected comment from President Hinckley during the dedication of the Mexico City Mexico Temple not only changed the spirit of those sessions, but also served to verify that the veil between this world and the spirit world is at times very thin.

And finally, the "Inside the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles" series continued this week with statements and experiences cited from every member of the Quorum which demonstrates what it's like to be a prophet, seer, and revelator, not just to Church members, but to the world as a whole.

I hope that many of you have found this analysis of these developments helpful. That does it for this post, Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

New Presidents Called for Two More Temples

Hello again, everyone! Earlier today, the Church News noted the call of two more temple presidents, who will begin serving later this year in the Asuncion Paraguay and Cordoba Argentina Temples. I was particularly surprised that a new president has been called for the Asuncion temple, since that one is currently closed for renovations that, as far as I have been able to ascertain, have not yet formally begun.

This brings the number of temples which have had a new president announced to a total of 56, and I have 2 or 3 others remaining on my list of those temples for which a new president may be announced, not including the temples that are now scheduled for dedication, or that may soon have a dedication announced.

Regarding those new temples, I should also note that, given that the first new temple dedication this year will be occurring in around 4 months, I am hoping we will shortly hear the first presidents announced for the Concepcion Chile, Barranquilla Colombia, and Rome Italy Temples. But depending on the progress (or the lack thereof) on the Kinshasa DR Congo, Fortaleza Brazil, and Port-au-Prince Haiti Temples, any of them may have a new president announced as well.

I am again posting an updated list of temples for which a new president has been or may be announced, which follows below. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next pot, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

New presidents have been called for the following temples:
1.      Manaus Brazil
2.      Boise Idaho
3.      Denver Colorado
4.      The Hague Netherlands
5.      Oquirrh Mountain Utah
6.      Helsinki Finland
7.      The Gila Valley Arizona
8.      Brigham City Utah
9.      Stockholm Sweden
10.  Palmyra New York
11.  Accra Ghana
12.  Papeete Tahiti
13.  Sao Paulo Brazil
14.  San Jose Costa Rica
15.  Albuquerque New Mexico
16.  Provo City Center
17.  Recife Brazil
18.  Cardston Alberta
19.  Payson Utah
20.  Porto Alegre Brazil
21.  Brisbane Australia
22.  Kansas City Missouri
23.  Oaxaca Mexico
24.  Regina Saskatchewan
25.  Cebu City Philippines
26.  Boston Massachusetts
27.  Colonia Juarez Chihuahua Mexico
28.  Billings Montana
29.  Houston Texas
30.  Sydney Australia
31.  Guatemala City Guatemala
32.  Hermosillo Sonora Mexico
33.  Montevideo Uruguay
34.  Indianapolis Indiana
35.  Laie Hawaii Temple (the new president of this temple is the older brother of General Authority Seventy Elder Donald L. Hallstrom)
36.  Las Vegas Nevada
37.  Atlanta Georgia
38.  Buenos Aires Argentina
39.  Redlands California
40.  Draper Utah
41.  Tijuana Mexico
42.  Sacramento California
43.  Monticello Utah
44.  Bountiful Utah
45.  Freiberg Germany
46.  Oakland California
47.  Villahermosa Mexico
48.  Manti Utah
49.  Suva Fiji
50.  Vancouver British Columbia
51.  Tegucigalpa Honduras
52.  Fukuoka Japan
53.  St. Louis Missouri
54.  Trujillo Peru
55.  Asuncion Paraguay (not anticipated)
56.  Cordoba Argentina

The first presidents will likely be announced for the following new temples:
1.      Concepcion Chile
2.      Barranquilla Colombia
3.      Rome Italy
4.      Kinshasa DR Congo
5.      Fortaleza Brazil
6.      Port-au-Prince Haiti

New presidents may also be announced for the following temples:
1.      Taipei Taiwan
2.      Veracruz Mexico

3.      Washington D. C. Temple (Note: The Church may opt to wait on calling a new president for this temple until 2020 when it is rededicated)

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Church News Updates

Hello again, everyone! There have been a few new articles published on the Church News website and on Mormon Newsroom which I wanted to pass along. So let's get right into those. First, the Church News continued its' series of articles on the new leaders called during the April General Conference. Mot recently, an article was published about Elder Takashi Wada, and it was interesting to learn more about him and the path that led to his current assignment.

The Church News and Mormon Newsroom's blog both provided similar information about how the volume featuring discourses by Latter-day Saint women has now been made available in Spanish and Portuguese, which, after English, are the second and third most common languages spoken by Church members worldwide. And the translations of that volume are the first non-English volume published under the trademark Church Historian's press. This is yet another example of how the Church has expanded on a global scale.

I continue to monitor all Church and temple news and will do my level best to continue bringing word of those developments to you all as I receive them. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next pot, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Temple Updates Provided

Hello again, everyone! Some additional temple updates have been brought to my attention which I wanted to pass along today. So let's get right into those. I first wanted to provide an update on where the Church stands in terms of having 200 operating temples by Saturday April 6, 2030. Between today and that date, there are now 11.79 years remaining. With only 11 other temples needing to be announced for the Church to have 200 in any stage, and the 30 temples currently in various stages of construction, that will be possible as long as the Church dedicates roughly 3.48 temples per year.

Just to reiterate, the 2 temples that will be dedicated later this year will be below that average. But, as I also have previously noted, there are a total of 6 temples that will likely be dedicated next year (1 of which already has a dedication announced), which will be above that average.

And although it is rare to get through the first half of any year without a temple groundbreaking occurring, I would anticipate that the Church will announce the groundbreaking for at least the Bangkok Thailand Temple prior to the end of this year, and I have offered my opinion that it could occur in November. The Lord has also been known to surprise us with temple groundbreaking announcements that were not anticipated, so I am not ruling that out as a possibility either.

That said, let's officially get to the updates. The Facebook page for the LDS Church Temples site posted some photographs earlier today showing progress on the Rome Italy Temple, which can be found here.

The other two updates I wanted to note in this post relate to temples undergoing renovations. A report has come in noting that scaffolding is now in place around the exterior of the Oakland California Temple. In the meantime, the renovation process for the Mesa Arizona Temple has progressed as well, with demolition activities officially underway.

I continue to monitor all temple developments and will, to the best of my ability, pass word of those along to you all as I receive them. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

First Presidency Announces New Guidelines for Youth Interviews

Hello again, everyone! In this report released by Mormon Newsroom around half an hour ago, the First Presidency announced revised guidelines for youth interviews. As some of you may recall, in an earlier news release, the Brethren noted that these updated guidelines would shortly be published. And with the news release today, we got a look at what has changed.

Hopefully these revisions will enable the youth of the Church to be more comfortable and confident when such interviews are conducted. The guidelines also emphasize the importance of greater preparation on the part of youth, their parents, and the leaders who are conducting these interviews. There is also a specific paragraph advising all Church leaders to avoid circumstances that might be misunderstood.

I continue to monitor all Church news and temple updates and will continue to bring those to you all ASAP after I learn of them. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Church Issues Statement on Families Separated at the Border; Tabernacle Choir Embarks on "Classic Coast Tour"

Hello again, everyone! The Church News reported just a short while ago that the Church has issued an official statement on the separation of families at the US border. The full text of that statement can be found here. It is my fervent hope that the leaders of all governments, especially here in the US, will heed the petition for reason and fairness in this matter.

While Church leaders are typically neutral on political matters, they are justified in expressing their view that the separation of families at the border should not be occurring. It is my personal and fervent hope that both major parties in the US and their leaders will unitedly work to correct a situation that should never have arisen. It seems that the current approach, at least here in the US, is for both sides to shift blame onto the other side, while neither takes responsibility for affecting real change. And that is certainly not an ideal situation when families are needlessly separated from each other.

I would invite all my readers to join with me in praying for those who are making the decisions in this regard, that reason and compassion will prevail, and that efforts will be made by all concerned to cooperate rather than continuing to squabble and play the blame game.

In happier news, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir embarked today on their 2018 "Classic Coast Tour", and the initial report on that can be found here. I continue to monitor all Church news and will do my level best to pass word of developments along as I receive it.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray thaat the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Temple Updates Provided

Hello again, everyone! I wanted to post again now to pass along some temple updates. To start off our discussion of those developments, I wanted to first note an update on something which I have referenced repeatedly on this blog. As long-time readers of this blog may recall, I have previously offered my opinion that the Church will likely have a minimum of 200 operating temples by or before Saturday April 6, 2030, which will mark the Church's bicentennial celebration.

As I have also noted, there are 30 temples currently scheduled for dedication, under construction, or announced, and the total number of temples in any phase has now reached 189. This means that, for the Church to reach 200 temples in any phase, only 11 others need to be announced. The amount of time between today's date and the date mentioned above is now 11.80 decimal years. That means that the Church would need to dedicate an average 3.47 temples per year.

By way of reminder, there will only be 2 temples dedicated prior to the end of this year (unless something unexpected occurs), which is below that average I mentioned. But next year, the Church has already scheduled one temple dedication, and 5 others will likely be dedicated during 2019 as well. So 8 temple dedications in a 2-year period of time puts 2018 and 2019 above that average.

And that is, of course, not taking into account that 3 temples so far are anticipated to be dedicated in 2020. Additionally, any announced temples that have a groundbreaking within the next 18 months may be dedicated in 2020 and in the following years, so I have no doubt that, whether or not the Church makes an official goal to do so, there will be a minimum of 200 temples operating by that time, or perhaps even more than that.

That said, let's talk about some updates on the status of a couple of temples. The Church has identified 11 stakes, 1 district, and 2 missions throughout Italy and the surrounding nations that will be served by the Rome Italy Temple once it is dedicated next year.

And there has also been a change in the status of the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple renovation, where recent reports indicate that the spire is being sheathed. It appears that this temple is definitely on track to have its' renovation process completed within the first half of next year, and that a dedication will likely follow sometime between the beginning of May and the end of August.

While the LDS Church Temples site continues its' restoration process, all of us can easily keep up-to-date on temple developments via the Facebook page for that site. In the meantime, I continue to monitor all temple updates and Church News to the best of my ability, and I will pass those updates along to you all ASAP after I become aware of them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

BREAKING NEWS: Church to Publish Unified New Editions of The Hymnbook and Children's Songbook

Hello again, everyone! Big news from the Church today. It has been announced that, in an effort to more fully unify Church members worldwide, plans are underway to completely revise both the hymnbook and the children's songbook. The intention is to provide one unified book of each that will have the same hymns or songs with the same numbers in all nations where the Church is established.

This also means that some of the lesser-known and more infrequently used hymns may be omitted in favor of hymns that are popular all around the world, and opens the possibility of some hymns and songs that are international staples being added to the new editions for all Church members.

For the first time ever, the Church is inviting feedback from members worldwide about this process. You can read more in this article, which was published by the Church News about 3.5 hours ago. I continue to monitor all Church and temple developments and will pass those along to you as I receive them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Additional Temple Updates Provided

Hello again, everyone! As some of you may be aware, although the LDS Church Temples site is still undergoing a restoration and redesign process, updates have continued to be published periodically on the site's Facebook page. So I am pleased to be able to pass these updates along to you all now.

First, I wanted to note that there are now 11.81 years remaining between today's date and April 6, 2030, when the Church will celebrate its' bicentennial anniversary. Although there has been no change in terms of the number of temples which, on average, would need to be dedicated between today and that day in order for the Church to have 200 in operation by that time, I hope that this update may be of interest to some of you.

That said, let's talk about the updates I mentioned. To commemorate the start of the season within which the Mormon Miracle Pageant will be held in Manti, two articles have been shared, and you can find links to those on the aforementioned Facebook page. Next, I wanted to note that scaffolding has come down from the exterior of the Concepcion Chile Temple.

 Additionally, on that same Facebook page referenced above, you can view a panoramic video for the Barranquilla Colombia Temple, which was shot to show how it looked at night. And the final update I have found is that, although the extent of the progress is unclear, recent photographs, which were also posted on Facebook, show that work on the Fortaleza Brazil Temple continues at a steady pace.

It is worth noting here that, although I have taken more time in recent days to keep tabs on the aforementioned Facebook page so I can pass these temple updates along to you all, I have been giving myself an extended break from Facebook as part of my efforts to deal with some significant health issues I have been working to resolve. Some of those issues have included anxiety and depression, which I am working through to the best of my ability.

But long before President Nelson issued a challenge to youth worldwide to "take a break from fake" by participating in a seven-day "social media fast", I made the determination to cut back substantially on the amount of time I spend on Facebook. As a consequence, I have only been logging on to Facebook once or twice a month, if it has even been that frequently, and generally only long enough to pass along links to these blog posts. So if any of you have connected with me through Facebook and have wondered why I have not been on there recently, that is the reason.

I have found, however, that keeping tabs on Church and temple news and sharing those developments to the extent that I can has helped me in dealing with the anxiety, depression, and other health challenges. And I have certainly experienced more difficult things previously. So I am well enough for the moment, if not as well as I would like to be. And I will do my level best to continue to bring you all word of Church news and temple developments as I am able to learn more about them.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.