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Friday, March 17, 2017

Construction Progress on the Concepcion Chile Temple

While nothing else has changed in terms of temple construction progress since I last posted my report, for what it's worth, I have had a reason to make a minor update to that report today due to progress that has been made on the Concepcion Chile Temple. My last report showed that exterior cladding was going up on the north wall and that the interior walls were being framed. The update today shows that the afore-mentioned cladding is progressing, that palmtrees are being planted on the west side, that the monument sign is being poured, and that a waterproofing membrane is being attached to the east wall.

As nothing else has changed, I won't post an updated copy of my report today. But I did want to note that change, for what it's worth. Thanks to all of you for your continued readership and support. I appreciate knowing that my lifelong love of temples and everything related thereunto is so widely shared by so many. And I hope that, even if it is in the smallest way possible, my reports on these developments are proving helpful, informative, and even inspirational.

I have not forgotten my previously made promises which I have yet to keep regarding posting an update of the timetable within which I believe we will see future temple-related events announced and scheduled, as well as posting a delayed report on the Church's seminar for New Mission Presidents (which was held as 2017 commenced), and to post the latest apostolic statistics. I will do my best to get all three posts done this weekend. Thanks for your patience.

I appreciate your readership and any and all feedback I receive. Without those insights and discussions, I would not be able to do anything that I have done to any degree of success whatsoever. Thanks again.