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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Temple Construction Progress Update

Due to many milestones marked in temple construction worldwide lately, even though I only two days ago posted a report on temple progress, it has become necessary to do so again. Let me know what you think.

Temple Construction Progress Report (current as of 12/6/16)
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; scheduled for dedication; 11 under construction; 1 scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 10 announced; (NOTE: Up to 2 additional temples may soon have a groundbreaking announced).

Dedication scheduled:
156. Paris France Temple: Interior work underway; open house and dedication dates announced; scheduled to be dedicated on Sunday May 21, 2017.

Under Construction:
157. Meridian Idaho Temple: Exterior lighting tests underway; welcome center reopens in stake center; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
158. Cedar City Utah Temple: Erecting fencing; landscaping progressing; installing window frames and art glass; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
159. Tucson Arizona Temple: Adding landscaping structures and walkways; plumbing water feature; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
160. Rome Italy Temple: Interior work progressing; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
161. Concepcion Chile Temple: Cupola assembly attached to steeple framework; paving main entrance; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
162. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Building the exterior walls; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
163. Durban South Africa Temple: Pouring the foundations; connecting to city utilities; installing sewage lines; landscaping entrance mounds; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
164. Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Exterior walls rising; completion anticipated sometime between 2018 and 2019.
165. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday December 3, 2016; completion anticipated sometime between 2018 and 2019.
165. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Concrete forms going up for second floor exterior walls; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.
166. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Laying meetinghouse footings and foundation; using temple site for staging area; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.

Scheduled for rededication:
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Closed for renovation; finish work underway; rededication scheduled for Sunday June 4, 2017.

Undergoing Renovation:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime in late 2017.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime in 2018.

168. Arequipa Peru Temple: General contractor selected; groundbreaking pending.
169. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Construction preparation phase; plans approved by local government; groundbreaking pending.
170. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
171. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
172. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
173. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
174. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
175. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
176. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
177. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.

Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.

Red text denotes changes from the last posted temple progress update.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Altered Predictions for when the most imminent temple-related events are most likely to be scheduled and to take place

Based on information so graciously provided to me by Rick Satterfield, who keeps the world aware of the latest temple-related news and events and the latest up-to-date Church unit information, I have taken another look at temples whose construction has progressed so rapidly recently. I have, based on his insight and information, altered slightly the timetable of when future temple-related events may occur.

Based on what Rick said to me, it appears likely that no further progress towards a groundbreaking may be made in Arequipa Peru and Rio de Janeiro Brazil until the Church can find adequately qualified people to take on the projects. In light of that, the Port-au-Prince Haiti temple may be the next one to have a groundbreaking scheduled, with such an event announced sometime during the first few months of 2017 and taking place anywhere from one to two months later. I will keep an eye on the developments with Arequipa and Rio and will try to make a more sound prediction about a future groundbreaking when more is known.

At the Meridian Idaho temple, exterior lighting tests are underway, and the welcome center at the adjacent stake center has reopened. Based on this progress update, and because of how soon after such milestones other temples with a similar status have been scheduled for dedication, I am predicting that a dedication date for the Meridian Idaho Temple is likely to be announced within the next 3 or 4 months, and the dedication itself happening in early August.

In Cedar City, fencing is being erected, landscaping is progressing, and window frames and art glass are being installed. In light of the progress there, it is not unreasonable to believe that the dedication for that temple may announced within 6 months or less, and scheduled either for late August or early September.

Tucson, according to Rick, is so close to Cedar City’s level of completion that they are neck-and-neck in terms of a future completion date. In Tucson, landscaping structures and water features are being added, and they are plumbing the water feature on the temple grounds. Based on the information Rick provided to me, it wouldn’t be surprising to me to see the Tucson and Cedar City dedications scheduled for around the same time, with an announcement of these events within 6 months and the actual events in late August or early September.

In the meantime, I can foresee the Church finishing renovation on the Jordan River Utah temple sometime mid-2017, with a rededication announced for either late August or early September. This is in keeping within the timetable Rick indicated may prevail in this temple. I don’t know if the Church would announce the events for Jordan River, Tucson, and Cedar City around the same time, but wouldn’t be surprised if their dedication ceremonies were within weeks from each other.

Given what I have read about the temples to be completed in 2018, added to what I have picked up on by closely watching how the Rome Italy temple construction has spanned such a long period of time, I believe it is safe to predict that the Concepcion Chile temple will be the next completed temple, with an open house and dedication date announced in either late 2017 or early 2018 and set for around April 2018.

The rededication of the Frankfurt Germany temple could be announced around the first quarter of 2018 and scheduled for around June of that same year. Rome could have an open house and dedication announced in early 2018 and set for around August 2018.

The Kinshasa DR Congo could follow, with an announcement of opening dates during the first two-thirds of 2018, and a dedication set for October. Durban is on track to have construction completed within the same amount of time, and could also have a dedication announced and scheduled for October as well, though it is anyone’s guess if those announcements could be made within near proximity of each other. 

Barranquilla would be my next pick for completion, with a dedication announced during August, and the actual dedication date in November or December. Because the temple in Winnipeg is so small and is the only building involved in the project, it could also well be that construction in Winnipeg could be completed around August and a dedication scheduled for November or December.

If progress and plans hold and all these temples are dedicated, the Church will add 3+ new temples by the end of 2017, and have a booming year for dedications (with a possibility of at least six more being completed) during 2018. This would almost completely reduce and eliminate any semblance of a backlog in temple progress, and makes it extraordinarily more likely that many more temples could be announced within the next two years. The exact number of those announcements remains to be seen, though I have given my feelings on what I feel are the most likely and most imminent picks.

Future groundbreakings may be more unpredictable to anticipate than I originally thought. I look at the groundbreaking in Winnipeg, and it happened much faster than usual. However, in addition to Port-au-Prince, it is possible we could see the Arequipa, Rio, Bangkok, and Urdaneta temple groundbreakings scheduled during next year. If the problems in Rio and Arequipa can be easily remedied, a groundbreaking for both temples could take place within the first six months of 2017. As for Bangkok and Urdaneta, those could happen by the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018. But with there being one year (for Bangkok) and over six years (for Urdaneta) since their announcements, I don’t feel safe making any definite predictions about when those events might take place.

One other thing I wanted to mention as far as future temple announcements go. It was suggested on Matthew Martinich’s excellent LDS Church Growth blog that there have been rumors that a temple is being planned in Waynesboro Virginia. I will keep my eyes and ears peeled for news on that point. I have always felt that if a temple was built in Virginia in the future, the capital city of Richmond would be the most likely possibility. But there is a strong case for a future temple in Waynesboro. So, as part of trying to fine-tune my list of likely future temple announcements, I wanted to get a sense of your thoughts. Would Richmond or Waynesboro be more likely for a temple? Which might be more imminent? Let the discussion begin!

Thanks, as always, for taking time to read and (if you feel so inclined) respond to this post. It is your feedback that allows me to fine-tune my predictions. And I will always try to keep an eye on temple-related progress and will do my best to report that news and any updates just as soon as I become aware of them. Thanks again.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Important Posts by Matthew Martinich

Matthew Martinich has done two significant posts on his blog in the last little while. This post is to draw attention to those monumental posts. As with any of Matt's posts that I make mention of on this blog, I would much prefer that any comments on these posts be made on the LDS Church Growth Blog at the addresses of the original posts featured below, instead of so commenting here.

That said, here's the details on these two posts. The Church has reestablished a stake in Liberia. What wonderful news! It is marvelous to see Church growth, and it is especially good to have heard of this reestablishment, especially as the stake was just disbanded about a year or two ago due to political unrest. The problems in Liberia must have cleared up enough to warrant reinstating that stake. Great news!

Matt's second recent significant post focused on the creation of new stakes in Brazil, Iowa, Nigeria and Thailand. In that same post, he reported the creation of new districts in the Ivory Coast, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Click here to read that post.

With the report of new stakes created recently, the number of stakes either organized or yet to be organized this year now number 97. A mere 3 stakes need to be created to reach the 100 Matt has been projecting all along would be created by the end of this year. Stay tuned for all the latest updates.

As I stated during my first post made this morning, I had originally planned on doing four posts today. This post makes three. The remaining one was to be a Church news conglomeration. But because I feel so absolutely physically spent by all I have done since waking up for the day about 12 hours ago and by my attempts to recover from the after effects of the lumbar puncture, it will have to wait until I have gotten some sleep, perhaps twelve or so hours from now. Until I can do that post, I welcome your feedback on what I have done so far since my last updates, and I will do my best to read and (where applicable) respond to comments made on anything I have lately posted. Thanks.

Apostolic Age Averages

As of about an hour ago, here are the latest apostolic age averages. The average age of the First Presidency is 82.96 years. The average age of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is 74.51, and the average age of the 15 apostles is now 76.2. Nothing has changed with the tenure rank of President Nelson as Quorum President or where he sits in terms of nonagenarian rank, or with President Monson's tenure or age ranks as prophet. And nothing has changed in terms of which apostles are closest to those averages for their separate groups. Hope these periodic updates have proven interesting for you. Thanks, as always, for your kind attention.

Winnipeg Manitoba Temple Groundbreaking Held Yesterday/Temple Construction Progress Update

Yesterday (Saturday), the groundbreaking ceremony was held for the Winnipeg Manitoba temple. While it was initially reported that Elder Ulisses Soares of the Presidency of the Seventy (who oversees the administration of the area in which this temple is located) would preside at the event and that Elder Larry Y. Wilson, General Authority Seventy and Executive Director of the Church's Temple Department, would accompany him, for whatever reason, those plans changed, and Elder Wilson was the one who actually presided at today's event. According to reports, construction of this temple is anticipated to last around 20 months. This puts it in contention for completion in late 2018 or early 2019, ahead of other temples which had a groundbreaking earlier this year.

Given the fact of the groundbreaking and the resulting necessary change in estimated construction completion order, in addition to the progress that has been made in temple construction since my last such posted report on Monday last week, I thought I would include such an update in this post today. As always, comments and feedback of any kind are welcome.

Temple Construction Progress Report (current as of 12/3/16)
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; scheduled for dedication; 11 under construction; 1 scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 10 announced; (NOTE: Up to 2 additional temples may soon have a groundbreaking announced).

Dedication scheduled:
156. Paris France Temple: Interior work underway; open house and dedication dates announced; scheduled to be dedicated on Sunday May 21, 2017.

Under Construction:
157. Meridian Idaho Temple: Exterior lighting tests underway; welcome center reopens in stake center; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
158. Cedar City Utah Temple: Installing sprinkler systems and planting bushes; installing window frames and art glass; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
159. Tucson Arizona Temple: Adding landscaping structures and walkways; plumbing water feature; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
160. Rome Italy Temple: Interior work progressing; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
161. Concepcion Chile Temple: Cupola assembly attached to steeple framework; paving main entrance; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
162. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Building the exterior walls; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
163. Durban South Africa Temple: Pouring the foundations; connecting to city utilities; installing sewage lines; landscaping entrance mounds; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
164. Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Exterior walls rising; completion anticipated sometime between 2018 and 2019.
165. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday December 3, 2016; completion anticipated sometime between 2018 and 2019.
165. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Concrete forms surrounding main floor exterior walls; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.
166. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Pouring meetinghouse footings; clearing temple site; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.

Scheduled for rededication:
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Closed for renovation; finish work underway; rededication scheduled for Sunday June 4, 2017.

Undergoing Renovation:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime in late 2017.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime in 2018.

168. Arequipa Peru Temple: General contractor selected; groundbreaking pending.
169. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Construction preparation phase; plans approved by local government; groundbreaking pending.
170. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
171. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
172. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
173. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
174. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
175. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
176. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
177. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.

Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.

Red text denotes changes from the last posted temple progress update.

Report on the Lumbar Puncture and Results

Hello. This will be the first in a series of several rapid-fire posts that I will be doing over the next few hours to bring you all up to speed on the latest in personal and Church news. First is this post regarding personal news.

As many of you who regularly follow this blog know, I have been having some physical symptoms that I suspected may have been the result of a problem with my shunt, the device used to regulate the flow of my cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). After a lengthy debate with my neurosurgeon's nurse, we finally got a procedure scheduled for me to be checked out. Though not a new procedure by any means, it was new to me. My doctor recommended a lumbar puncture.

I spent the days prior to the procedure not being able to do much of consequence. We had several doctor's appointments this week. On Tuesday, we met with my allergist, who told me that as long as I was sick, we needed to hold off on allergy shots. Not a big surprise. She also mentioned that, because I had not received treatment from my ENT, the infection or virus was likely to linger until it either left on its own or was driven out by some form of treatment. She recommended that I schedule a visit with my ENT to follow-up on this matter. Fortunately, my ENT had an appointment available the next day. So, on Wednesday, we met with her. She gave me further recommendations for treatment, including approving an antibiotic. I have taken that for the latst several days and am feeling a little improved.

Finally, the day of the lumbar puncture arrived. I had to get up several hours earlier than I have been accustomed to for a while, and it didn't help that my apprehension, concern, and worry about having the procedure done, I only got a very limited amount of sleep. We got up, got ready, and headed out. It was a stormy day. While I was offering a prayer on our trip, someone brought to Amy's attention that we had a flat tire and needed to get it fixed. So Amy had to get out in the cold during the next rest stop and change it. Because I had never learned how to do that myself, I had to stand helplessly and watch her tend to it on her own. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Then, we resumed our journey. We got to Salt Lake in plenty of time for our appointment. They prepared me for the procedure by briefing me fully on what they were doing and what to expect as a result of having the procedure done. Then, all too soon, it was time for me to have the proceudre done. Due to my startle reflex in my muscles, I had some difficulty with the preparation process. I was glad when I heard that they were using something I use daily for pain to numb the injection site. It must have been done very effectively, because when the needle went in, I barely felt it. All through the procedure, the caring professionals with Huntsman Cancer Institute made sure that I was comfortable and that they were explaining every part of what they were doing. We made plenty of small talk and found a surprising connection because they knew Dr. Weinstein, my neurologist that works at that same facility, at least by reputation. So we were able to talk about that common connection. All too soon, the examination was over. They had me lying on a bed in the hallway for half an hour after the procedure. They then said we were free to go.

We were able to find a good lunch at a restaurant that we had never before heard of or tried. The food was very good. All too soon, it was time to go to my follow-up appointment with my neurosurgeon's nurse, Joan.

When we were ushered back to see her and she came into the room, she was delighted to tell me that there seemed to be no apparent problems with my shunt. We also asked for confirmation that the setting had been confirmed and was correct, and she assured us on this point. She then took great care to take down a complete list of my symptoms, and her recommendation to us was to either ask Dr. Weinstein if these physical complaints could be medication-related, or to follow up with as many doctors with as many specialties as we have on board to find out fi any of these symptoms might be related to another yet-to-be-diagnosed problem with me. We were happy to eliminate a problem with my shunt, but feel frustrated that we are no closer to answers about what is ailing me than we were before the exam was done. So now the real fun begins.

In the meantime, I did feel a little better physically after the examination, and that lasted most of the day Thursday. But I have spent the last two days in absolute misery because the pain and swelling around the injection site is horrendous, and I have had a sharp, dramatic, and extreme increase in my head pain and neurological symptoms.

My physical status is why I have, with some small exceptions, been off the radar as far as blogging or doing anything normal for the last couple of days. I feel utterly helpless and hopeless because I don't know how long this intense pain will last, and because we are no closer to figuring out what's wrong with me. I have been doing everything I can to treat my pain. Last night was another night in which I got little or no sleep, and, having been inactive since coming home on Thursday, I doubt we will be able to resume completely normal conditions until sometime next week.

Through all that I have been experiencing, I have to say that my best confort has come from my wife's presence and willingness to do even simple things I am not currently able to do post-exam. This absolute commitment and support is not something foreign to me. She has always been there and gone the extra mile for me without complaint. She constantly has put aside her own comfort and well-being to drop everything and help me with whatever I might need.

Because she has been so supportive of me throughout all our marriage, and especially after this exam, and because I have not reciprocated well at all, I have felt incredibly guilty and down on myself about all I have to burden her with, especially now in having to do things for me I would ordinarily handle myself. But she has hugged me tightly as many times as that has happened, and she has never ceased to let me know that she doesn't blame me, either for my present condition, or my past failings, which have been many and very grievous in nature.

But that's who Amy is. Without my even having to ask her, she has willingly picked me up time and time again and has done many things that I could not or would not do myself. Time and again, she has selflessly put her own concerns aside to deal with my needs and concerns. I could not ask for a more amazing or more worthy and wonderful companion. It is my hope that, once we get my physical health squared away, I can be even 10% as compassionate and helpful to her as she has been to me. I I will, always and forever, be eternally grateful and irredeemably indebted to her for all she has done for me.

Now the waiting game begins. As soon as I recover from the present ordeal, I will have to expend a great deal of time and effort to get to the bottom of whatever else might be wrong with me. So the fun and games continue.

Thanks for your interest and concern. Please let me know if you have any feedback for me. Thanks, and stay tuned for the next post coming up in just a few minutes.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Church News Conglomeration

This will be a massive post to highlight Church News which, if not mentioned before, is still very significant for the Church.

On November 25, the Church flipped the switch to turn on the light display on Temple Square. The light and decor is, as always, amazing. Click here for more on that.

The Draper Utah South Mountain Stake was rocked with tragedy recently as a fatal car accident claimed the lives of two of the stake's youth, injuring three others that were also in the vehicle. To honor them, the youth in the stake went to the temple. More details here.

On the morning of Thanksgiving Day, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles delivered an address to missionaries spending the holiday in the MTC. The details are well worth reading.

To mark the Worldwide Day of Service that will take place on December 1, the First Presidency has encouraged members of the Church to find someone to serve on that day, and to do as much service as possible to commemorate the Christmas season. They said, as they have repeatedly stated before, that the best gift we could give the Savior is to spend His birth month in serving. It is a call that appeals to me personally. I recall many Decembers between 2006 and 2012 when I was serving in the temple and (for two years) with Welfare Services. Our hearts were always humbled by the circumstances of those who came to assist those less fortunate. It is natural that the Christmas season can and should revolve around service. It makes my heart ache to think that I may not be able to serve very well this Christmas season because I honestly don't know what will happen on December 1. If future surgery becomes necessary, I may not be good for much during the holiday season. I only hope I can keep the spirit of the holidays, even if I cannot be out there benefiting my fellow man. To read more about this Christmas initiative, click here.

New Zealanders displaced by the massive earthquake in that nation were benefited by the assistance of the Mormon Helping Hands. Click here to read about the relief efforts.

As a sidenote, I am amazed continually by the number of centenarians there are in the Church, and the number of couples who are marking 70+ years of marriage. The Church highlights such milestones each week. The Church News website is an excellent resource to visit to read of these remarkable milestones.

This is the text of the Hartford Connecticut temple. A recent decision was made that the Church would no longer provide self-pack services. Want details?

The First Presidency's annual Christmas Devotional is coming up on Sunday. As per the tradition, I am anticipating a member of the First Presidency (In their rotation pattern of the last few years, it is President Monson's "turn", but he may elect to ask someone else to speak.), a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (since they have been including the apostles, we have heard from Elder Bednar (2015), Elder Christofferson (2014) and then-Elder Nelson (2013)), a member of the Presidency of the Seventy (we have heard from Elder Clayton (2015), Elder Maynes (2014), Elder Rasband (2013, three years prior to his apostolic call)) and an auxiliary presidency member (we have heard from Sister Burton (2015), Sister Oscarson (2014)), and Sister Wixom (2013)).

With these past speakers, and no set pattern for choosing speakers or establishing the order in which they will speak, it is anyone's guess who will represent the Church. I will be particularly interested to see if any of the newer apostles, Presidency of the Seventy members, or male auxiliary presidents will be asked to represent their tiers at the devotional.

BYU is seeking qualified individuals to teach in China. It sounds like an excellent opportunity for someone to gain experience in a unique way. It's not my thing, but it is worth a mention.

The Church has called eight new visitor's center directors. A BYU Symposium was held to honor Alexander Doniphan. For those who don't know who he is, he was a soldier serving in the United States army at the time that Joseph and Hyrum Smith, along with many others, were illegally held in Liberty Jail. Doniphan, assigned to guard the men, refused point-blank to obey an order from his superior to kill Joseph and those captured with him. He said it was cold-blooded murder, that he would not follow the order, and that if he found out these men had been killed without due process, he would hold his superior responsible before a tribunal. His courage saved the lives of those men. It made such an impact on Joseph that he named one of his sons after this courageous, noble, and most honorable man. The Prophet found in Doniphan a sympathetic ear and the protection he needed to foil the attempts at falsely charging and trying him, all through Doniphan's permitting him to escape. As long as his story keeps getting passed along, Doniphan's memory will not be forgotten. This article says it all.

Colombia has marked 50 years that the Church has grown and progressed there. Their celebration was marked by service. The Church has announced a new Book of Mormon video series.

I mention my final news item reluctantly. The Church has updated its resources for members who struggle with same-sex attraction. While this is wonderful to hear, I have a member of my extended family who is a staunch defender of the practice of homosexuality, having a brother who deals with this. I have delayed posting about this Church milestone out of my concern that she will feel like I am attacking her and her beliefs. I have no desire to do so. Coming from a Church that, in its early years, was viciously and vituperatively attacked by those who wanted to deny our right to believe and practice the way we would like to, I can well understand how it might seem that all the Church is doing is to hurt those who deal with this. I have avoided goling in-depth on my beliefs regarding this practice in consideration of how it might affect my family. But it is awesome that the Church is doing more to help those who deal with this. Much like their resources for those dealing with pornography, addiction, or any other problem arising from living in a far-from-perfect world, their resources for those dealing with same-gender attraction are becoming ever more widely available. The latest resources to come from the Church are highlighted here.

It is my firm belief and testimony (because I have witnessed this firsthand) that there is no earthly problem, temptation, trial, or tribulation of any kind for which the Church is not prepared to offer support and resources. My personal study of the gospel of Jesus Christ and my adherence to the principles I have so willingly embraced and so fervently cling to are the only reasons I am able to deal with all that my situation entails. There is no wound that the gospel cannot heal. There is no challenge anyone can ever grapple with that is so far-reaching the gospel and the joy thereof cannot help them handle. And it is only because of my beliefs that I am able to be of any influence to anyone. I hope others will see in me the light of Christ, and that I can be successful in bringing even one person closer to the Savior. If I can do that, my life, no matter the length or the impact, will not have been wasted. Thanks for wading through this.

Important posts by Matthew Martinich

I wanted to use this post to weigh in on some important posts done by Matthew Martinich, the blogger of the LDS Church Growth blog.

This one discusses potential new missions that may be announced and created next year. There follows in the comments an excellent and instructive series of comments regarding the growth in the Church resulting from the creation of new church units.

This one was supposed to highlight the creation of new stakes recently in Arizona, Brazil and Utah, along with the creation of a new district in the Ivory Coast. For some reason, and for the first time in all the time I've followed Matt's blog, the information about the new Utah stake was not included in that post. At the risk of tooting my own horn, I only mention this next part reluctantly. Since the new stake was in St. George, the birth city of my father, and since I was curious about the new stake that was referenced, I dug as deeply as I could. It occurred to me after a few minutes that I could find the information on Rick Satterfield's excellent LDS Church Temples site by looking under the St. George Temple District. There I found the information on the wards in that stake, and I reported my findings in my next comment on that post. Matt initially promised to include the information in the post later last week, but he must have decided against doing so.

As Matt noted in an earlier post this month, the Church is well on track to have created 100 stakes this year. That's the most stake creations in a single year within the past decade. And as has been noted on Matt's blog itself, only nine more stakes need to be created in the four weeks between now and then. With about 3 weeks to get those stakes created (no stakes are likely to be created on Christmas Day), only 3 per week is the magic number to reach that milestone.

Church growth is significant, of that there is no doubt. And we are blessed to live in a time when the growth of the Church can be found at the click of a button. Matt's strength seems to be noting overall Church growth. With Rick's excellent site, you can easily learn of the latest Church units created, and especially the latest in temple news. I hope this blog is one that can also be looked to for the latest news, whatever it is, about the LDS Church. If that can be my lifelong labor of love, and if I can make a difference for just one person by blogging about such things, I will count myself most lucky.

Thanks for reading and (if you feel so inclined), giving me your feedback on my posts. It always helps to hear about people who follow this blog and to have their insights into what I have to report. Thanks to you all.

Apostolic Age Averages

With the next apostolic birthday on Saturday (Elder Holland will be 76), this second post shares the latest apostolic age averages.

These averages are current as of yesterday.

With the updates I made to my tables, I am pleased to report that the average age of the First Presidency is 82.94. That average is getting closer to the age of President Eyring. President Eyring is 83.94 years old, while President Monson is 89.21 and President Uchtdorf is 76.06.

The average age of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is 74.49. President Nelson is 92.22 years old. Elder Oaks is 84.29, while Elder Ballard is 88.14. Elder Hales, younger than Elder Oaks by just twelve days, is 84.26.

Elder Holland, with his birthday just days away, is 75.98. Elder Bednar, the oldest and most senior of our 3 youngest apostles, is 64.45. Elder Coo, the oldest and least senior of the three apostles born in 1940, is 76.22. Elder Christofferson is 71.84 years old.

Elder Andersen is 65.80. Elder Rasband is just over six months older than Elder Andersen and is 65.81. Elder Stevenson is the very youngest at 61.30. The next youngest and least senior Elder Renlund is 64.04.

With these average ages, the easy calculation of the average age of the group of 15 apostle is 76.18.

Hope this information is helpful and informative to you. Thanks for your readership and for any and all feedback that may be provided.

Temple Construction Progress Update

This will be the first in a series of four posts created one after another today because Church News and Events have warranted it. This first post is to inform you of important developments in temple construction progress.

Here is my latest report. As always, any and all comments are appreciated.

Temple Construction Progress Report (current as of 11/28/16)
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; scheduled for dedication; 10 under construction; 1 groundbreaking scheduled; 1 scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 11 announced; (NOTE: Up to 2 additional temples may soon have a groundbreaking announced).

Dedication scheduled:
156. Paris France Temple: Interior work underway; open house and dedication dates announced; scheduled to be dedicated on Sunday May 21, 2017.

Under Construction:
157. Meridian Idaho Temple: Installing interior and exterior light fixtures; interior work and landscaping progressing; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
158. Cedar City Utah Temple: Installing sprinkler systems and planting bushes; installing window frames and art glass; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
159. Tucson Arizona Temple: Pouring concrete parking lot; adding landscaping structures; completion anticipated sometime in late 2017.
160. Rome Italy Temple: Interior work progressing; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
161. Concepcion Chile Temple: Cupola assembly attached to steeple framework; paving main entrance; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
162. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Building the exterior walls; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
163. Durban South Africa Temple: Pouring the foundations; connecting to city utilities; installing sewage lines; landscaping entrance mounds; completion anticipated sometime in 2018.
164. Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Exterior walls rising; completion anticipated sometime between 2018 and 2019.
165. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Concrete forms surrounding main floor exterior walls; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.
166. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Pouring meetinghouse footings; clearing temple site; completion anticipated sometime in 2019.

Groundbreaking scheduled:
167. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Plans approved September 12, 2016; groundbreaking scheduled for Saturday December 3, 2016 @ noon (11 am MST).

Scheduled for rededication:
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Closed for renovation; finish work underway; rededication scheduled for Sunday June 4, 2017.

Undergoing Renovation:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime in late 2017.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime in 2018.

168. Arequipa Peru Temple: General contractor selected; groundbreaking pending.
169. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Construction preparation phase; plans approved by local government; groundbreaking pending.
170. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
171. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
172. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
173. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
174. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
175. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
176. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
177. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.

Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.

Red text denotes changes from the last posted temple progress update.