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Sunday, January 14, 2018

How Dieter F. Uchtdorf was introduced at the Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults

Hello again, everyone! I am posting with the answer to the anomaly I noted in how different Church resources referred to Dieter F. Uchtdorf in preparation for tonight's Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults, which is now in progress. In the introduction of the Uchtdorfs, the former Second Counselor to President Monson was introduced by the honorific title of "Elder", and it was mentioned that he was there as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

And while it might have been easy for him (had he been given leave to do so) to mention how and if the First Presidency has been reorganized, he neatly sidestepped any mention of that by saying that he brought with him the love and greetings of all the other members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He then offered another beautiful tribute to our beloved prophet, and went on to testify and reemphasize to all in attendance that the Lord controls who comes to the Church presidency and when that occurs. And that was just about all he said, which, in my opinion, was very nicely done. Clearly the Church has been very careful about revealing any specifics until Tuesday, and that is as it should be.

So that settles the question for now. While I anticipate blogging again on Tuesday with the specific report of President Nelson's address and my reaction to the press conference that will follow, if anything else comes up in terms of Church and temple news between now and then, I will be sure to pass that along as well.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

A Note on the Readership of This Blog

Hello again, everyone! I wanted to post today to send a special message of thanks to my international readers. I was surprised (and gratified) to discover yesterday that my thoughts published on this blog have, in addition to reaching so many in the United States, have included page views from Spain, Portugal, Venezuela, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, the Philippines, and Canada. As I have previously noted, my original intention in starting this blog was to keep family & friends informed about what was happening in the lives of my wife and myself (we just celebrated 7 years of marriage).

But then, I began to slowly shift the focus to the day-to-day news and developments relating to the LDS Church in general, and on the subject of temples particularly. And it has been that shift whereby I have found whatever degree of success I have achieved. Ongoing Church history has long been a passion of mine, and it means a lot to me to know that I can pass such things on to all of you who are kind enough to read (and respond to) those thoughts as they come to me.

I consider it a great obligation to keep current on such things, and am blessed beyond measure to have found that my thoughts, which are just as imperfect as I myself am, matter to so many of you. Even if several posts are put up with no comments, I know they are being widely read because each post has been showing double-digit views just hours after I put them up. And that is something I never could have imagined occurring.

Thank you all for bearing with the way my posts get sidetracked so easily, and for wading through the more massive posts, which is not a task for the faint of heart. Thank you for proving to me that what I post here has value, and is of interest to so many of you. And thanks especially to those who have posted questions or comments to clarify or correct things I have said here. As we continue this journey together, I hope the content of this blog and the discussions we have here continue to prove illuminating and inspiring.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Another Update Provided on Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple Renovation Process

Hello again, everyone! While I have no desire to overshadow the news about the address from President Nelson and the press conference on Tuesday, I did want to pass along an update of which I have become aware relating to the progress on the renovation of the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple. That update is that structural framing is being put up for the new tower. It is good to see these day-to-day milestones, and if President Nelson does only half as much for temples as President Monson has (we went from having 124 temples in operation at the beginning of 2008 to 182 in various constructional phases as of April 2017), it will be awesome to see the progress that occurs. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

President Nelson Announces Press Conference/Message to Church Members

Hello again, everyone! I am posting with some interesting news. In this article, President Nelson announced he will be giving a special message over the internet and all Church-owned radio and television stations at 9:00 AM MST this Tuesday, followed by a press conference at 10:00 AM. I may be wrong in saying this (please let me know if I am), but I cannot recall a time in Church history where a senior apostle gave a special one-hour message to the entire Church like this one hour prior to a press conference in which he will likely take questions from the media and introduce his new counselors in the First Presidency. This was amazing to hear about. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, January 12, 2018

A Note on President Nelson's Appearance at the Funeral for President Monson

Hello again, everyone! While I don't know how many of you may have been able to watch President Monson's funeral services today, I wanted to note something that I found understandably significant. When President Nelson spoke in General Conference last October, he looked vibrant and healthy. During the funeral for his predecessor today, he looked tired, worn, and much older. I would assume that this is simply because he had likely prayed very fervently that President Monson, who was just less than 3 years younger, would outlive him, and with the passing of President Monson and the fact that he was now the senior leader and has yet to go through the process of reorganizing the First Presidency following the death of his mentor. the process of being involved in the final part of President Monson's life and the prospect of the upcoming mantle may have him feeling worn out at the moment.

Since I was born, I have not personally witnessed a time when a younger prophet has died, leaving an older man to succeed him. But it is plain that, for the moment, President Nelson is worn down by the load he is getting ready to bear.  I would, however, anticipate that when he and his counselors meet the press (which will, barring anything unexpected, occur Monday morning), the settling of the prophetic mantle will compensate for any feelings he currently has of being worn down and overwhelmed. I would also anticipate that once that mantle settles, he will be serving as the Church President for at least the next 2-3 years.

As I have previously noted, we have seen varying lengths of prophetic tenures over the history of the Church, and perhaps even more so in recent years. The presidency of Spencer W. Kimball, the last prophet to pass away before I was born, spanned just 6 days more than 11 years and 10 months. Ezra Taft Benson, who died in the summer before my baptism, served just short of 8 years and 7 months.

Howard W. Hunter, who was the prophet at the time I was baptized, had the shortest presidency of all, serving several days short of just 9 months. President Hinckley became Church President a few years before my ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood, and when he died in January 2008, I had been a Melchizedek Priesthood holder for 3 years, and his tenure had lasted the longest of any Church President since my birth, with his death occurring a couple of weeks after he had marked 12 years and 10 months as Church President.

While President Monson was 17 years younger than his predecessor, his nearly 10 year tenure of service saw him taking on less responsibility for the final two years of his life, and him stepping away from active involvement in the day-to-day government of the Church about 5.5 months prior to his passing . As I previously noted, I was married during his time as Church president.

President Nelson becomes the first Church President to outlive his younger predecessor since President Kimball, who was exactly 4 years to the day older than his predecessor (both were born on March 28, with President Kimball's birth in 1895, and President Lee's in 1899).

I just wanted to share these observations to note that, even though the responsibility likely very much weighs on him for now, not just because he has outlived President Monson, I fully anticipate that when he and his counselors (whomever they may be) meet with the press on Monday, the prophetic mantle will have settled on him to sustain him for that task. That has been seen at other times when an older prophet succeeded a younger one (as has occurred previously with Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, and Spencer W. Kimball).

And while President Nelson may not have a particularly long tenure as Church President, he has been well prepared to take the mantle through almost 34 years of dedicated apostolic service, the last 2 or so of which have been as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.