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Friday, July 21, 2017

Church News Update (includes article about Christina B. Franco, new Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency)

Hello, all! This blog post will highlight some Church News items that I have not posted about previously. These items may not be new as of today, but they are significant.

As the final article on new Church leaders sustained last April, the Church ran this one about Christina B. Franco, who is the new Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency. As she had been serving with her husband in a mission presidency until the beginning of this month, she is just now starting her service in the new assignment. Her story is quite unique. It was good to get to know her better. Enjoy!

The Church News also gave us a little insight into the question of how Elder Robert D. Hales is doing in terms of his health by publishing this article to describe his reaction to being honored as a pioneer of progress. It sounds like he is having more difficulty but continues to soldier through. No indication on whether or not he will be well enough to speak during this next General Conference, but I imagine if he can, at any length, the Church will give him the opportunity to do so. Nice to see him up and about.

The Church News also ran this article to summarize counsel given by the leaders of the women's auxiliary presidencies to new mission presidents and their wives. Unless there are address we don't know about, this seems to complete the Church News report of that seminar. Again, for an overview of the seminar addresses as a whole, click here. Please note that a link to this newest address has not yet been added to that overview article, but it likely will be soon.

The Church News continued their series of articles leading up to Pioneer Days with this article highlighting the legacy of faith left to all of us by early pioneers, and this article detailing how miracles experienced by the pioneers helped them to overcome the obstacles they faced. At a time when Pioneer Day is just around the corner (it will be celebrated on Monday here in Utah), it is wonderful to consider the sacrifices these early Saints made to trek to Zion.

As we consider those sacrifices and the pioneer legacy of these early Saints, my prayer is that we will always remember that we too can be pioneers in our own right. As we continue to live the gospel daily and strive for righteous goals, we can, with that pioneer spirit, make choices about our lives that will be a blessing to the generations that will follow us. And it will be up to each of us to determine how that will happen in our own lives. May the Lord bless us all in our endeavors to do so.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Getting my writing career off the ground

Over the last 10 days or so, the Lord reminded me that, since so many have said that I have a gift for writing things, He needs me to turn my full-time attention to writing. In the last few days, I have researched ways to make money blogging, which I am working on. I will also be working on finding outlets to get my written work more into the public (including submissions to various magazines). All of this will be with the end goal of being able to get my first actual book published, and to turn that into a series. I did want to note that it took me being taken to my worst point physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally before I realized the Lord was moving me in that direction. But after taking stock of where I am now versus where the Lord, Amy, and I myself need me to be, I have realized more and more what I need to change and do differently, and where my focus should lie. In the coming days, I will speak more of this change in mindset and more of what will be involved in making a career out of something I enjoy doing (as there is much unknown presently), but I just wanted to note that, for what it may be worth. Thanks to you all for your interest and support.

I have fixed the commenting issue once and for all (finally!)

Hello, all! It took me way too long to get this figured out, but I finally got Disqus removed permanently from my blog, and I have confirmed that comments can now be posted again without issue or incidence. I apologize for all the problems I had in this regard. I look forward to the comments beginning anew again. Thanks.