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Saturday, January 27, 2018

BREAKING NEWS: Elder Von G. Keetch Passes Away at age 57

Hello again, everyone! I am saddened by some late breaking news of which I just became aware. Elder Von G. Keetch, who was called as a General Authority Seventy in April 2015, has passed away as the result of a brief and sudden illness at the relatively young age of 57. Since his call as a General Authority, Elder Keetch has served with the Church Public Affairs Department, and, at the time of his passing, was serving as the executive director of the same

Since the flu season has been particularly bad here in Utah (especially throughout the Salt Lake and Utah Valleys), that could have been the cause, but that has yet to be either confirmed or denied. . Funeral arrangements are pending, and the First Presidency has sent out their condolences to his family. I will share more about this as that becomes available.

It seems to be the season for actively-serving general authorities to pass away. Elder Bruce D. Porter did so in December 2016, and his death was preceded by that of Per G. Malm in July of that same year. And we have also, of course, seen the recent passing of two beloved apostles, Elder Robert D. Hales in October of last year, and President Thomas S. Monson at the beginning of this month.

It is always sad to hear of these beloved leaders passing away. But the one consolation we have is our knowledge that their work continues beyond the veil, unhindered by those factors that led to the deaths of their physical bodies.

Though they may never read this personally, I take this opportunity to extend my condolences to the families of these deceased Church leaders, and especially in this case to the family of Elder Keetch, and to thank them for letting the rest of the Church share him for a time. Elder Keetch's legacy will live on as all of us live as he taught. In reference to that subject, since his call as a general authority came less than 3 years ago. he only had one opportunity to speak in general conference, and you can read that powerful sermon here.

As one who has read some things that have been written of Elder Keetch's ministry, I can say without hesitation (or fear of contradiction) that he practiced what he preached. May God bless his memory, and his family as they mourn his passing at this tender time, that they may be comforted by the knowledge of a future reunion with him.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Ensign Supplement Pays Tribute to President Monson

Hello again, everyone! This is just a brief post to inform all who are interested that the Church has released this supplement to pay tribute to President Monson, including the text of the addresses given at his funeral by Ann M. Dibb, then-President Uchtdorf, and Presidents Eyring and Nelson. I hope all of you enjoy reading it as much as I did. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Major Church News Update

Hello again, everyone! Having put my recent focus on more pressing matters, there were major Church news stories which I missed reporting on. The Church reported one week ago today that a new full-time organist had been appointed to assist the Tabernacle Choir. Dr. Brian Mathias joins the other three full-time organists (Richard Elliott, Clay Christiansen, and Andrew Unsworth) and two part-time organists (Linda Margetts and Bonnie Goodliffe), where he will rotate duties with the others in playing during General Conference, Music & the Spoken Word, other Choir concerts and events (including tours, daily organ recitals, and other public appearances. You can read more about Dr. Mathias here.

Meanwhile, the Philippines Mormon Newsroom has published an article about how the China Conference on Religion and Peace (CCRP) sent a delegation to the Philippines Area Office to promote understanding between that organization and the Church. Representing the Church at that gathering were Elders Evan A. Schmutz, who serves in the Philippines Area presidency, and Elder Randy D. Funk, who serves as the president of the Church's Asia Area. A summary of the CCRP delegates present and the Church buildings and grounds they toured can be found here.

As my US readers may be aware, there has been a lot of talk about how President Trump is choosing to approach the so-called "Dreamers", who remain in the US under the DACA program which was established by his predecessor, President Obama. The First Presidency released this statement earlier today, which speaks for itself.

Turning now to the Church News website, Sister Sharon Eubank gave a forum address at BYU, a report of which can be found here. Meanwhile, Elder Gary E. Stevenson spoke at a BYU-Idaho devotional recently, during which he shared his first-hand experience that occurred in the Salt Lake Temple on January 14 to reorganize the First Presidency. You can find the summary of his address here.

The Primary General Presidency and Board released this article to share guidelines for planning the newly-announced Temple and Priesthood Preparation Meeting for 11-year-old Primary children. The Church has also announced a new style of temple garments for women. Gerry Avant, the retired editor of the Church news, has continued her series of articles about her many experiences covering the Church and its' leaders, and she shared this account of riding horses with President Spencer W. Kimball.

And rounding out the Church news coverage are some articles about President Dallin H. Oaks, this one to highlight how he and his wife are speaking at the annual Family Discovery Day for the RootsTech Annual Family History Conference, and this one for Church members wanting to learn more about the new First Counselor in the First Presidency.

Sorry about the length of this post. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.