Australia Sydney North, Bulgaria Sofia, California
Modesto, California San Fernando, England London South, Greece Athens, Illinois
Chicago West, México Ciudad Obregón, México Reynosa, Mississippi Jackson, New
York New York South, Ohio Cleveland, Portugal Porto, România/Moldova, Russia
Samara, Spain Málaga, Ukraine L’viv, Utah Logan, and Washington Federal Way.
First, I wanted to note that you can be sure Matthew Martinich, a Church growth expert who always provides such great analysis of such developments, will (if he has not done so already) be putting these changes into context, which you can look for here.
In the meantime, as I have done for the last couple of years, I wanted to post my reaction to some of the things I found interesting about the newly announced mission presidents. First of all, the Church has confirmed today that Matthew S. Holland, the son of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and the current president of UVU, is being assigned to preside over the North Carolina mission based in Raleigh.
Above and beyond that, the Church has continued the recent tradition of assigning a current General Authority Seventy to serve as a mission president. Elder Taylor G. Godoy, called in General Conference last April, will preside over the Nevada Reno Mission.
Additionally, many of those called as mission presidents are current or former area seventies. Last year, the Church began a somewhat unusual tradition of allowing area seventies called as mission presidents to continue serving as area seventies while assuming their new responsibilities.
Based on that occurring, I present the following observations I have put together regarding a few of those current area seventies that may continue to serve as such while taking on the added role of mission president:
Tasara Makasi’s assignment (to preside over the Zimbabwe Harare mission) will likely allow him to continue his as an
Area Seventy in the Africa Southeast Area.
Fred A. Parker, currently serving as an Area Seventy in the
Sixth Quorum (within the North America Southeast Area) will, if he continues
his service as an Area Seventy, be reassigned to the Fourth Quorum (serving in
the Caribbean) while he presides over the Jamaica Kingston Mission.
Miguel A. Reyes, currently serving in the Mexico Area, will
likely continue his service as an Area Sveventy in that same area while he presides over the Mexico Guadalajara Mission.
Just wanted to note all of this, which I hope will be of interest to some of you. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.