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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Major Temple Developments Reported

This weekend, much has changed in terms of temple construction progress. First of all, a photograph submitted to the LDS Church Temples website shows that construction began in earnest last week on the Arequipa Peru Temple. This is an excellent sign, and means that we now only have one temple in the "construction pending" status: the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple. The one and only thing holding up construction there is a really bad Canadian winter. As seasonal changes in Canada coincide with when that happens in the United States, construction in Winnipeg could commence in earnest anytime between now and the end of June. In the meantime, we do also know that the construction of the Arequipa Peru Temple could be concluded in late 2019 or early 2020.

Additionally, I was overjoyed to find out from many sources that the Urdaneta Philippines Temple is no longer stalled in its progress towards a groundbreaking. While some reports indicate a site announcement and groundbreaking could take place sometime later this year, it seems more reasonable to assume that at least the groundbreaking will happen next year. But it does look like the Harare Zimbabwe Temple will be the next to have a groundbreaking, and that the Urdaneta Philippines Temple groundbreaking could follow within fairly short order.

This meant that I had to completely revise my estimates for when future groundbreakings will take place. So what I have done is put at the top of the announced section those temples that either have a site confirmed or a potential site identified, downgrading others for later on. And I am very excited that, contrary to what I had supposed, the Urdaneta Philippines Temple will not be the last one to have a groundbreaking or the last one to be dedicated.

This also meant that I needed to revisit my estimated timeline by which future temple-related events are most likely to happen. I am still working on that, trying my best to research every nuance as thoroughly as I can. And I will do my best to post the results of that research later on this week as I am able to.

Before the day is over today, I also hope to post a long-overdue update on the latest apostolic statistics. I will see how things go. In the meantime, my updated temple construction progress report follows. Enjoy, and let me know what you think. I look forward to the feedback.

Temple Construction Progress Update (current as of 4/16/17)
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; scheduled for dedication9 under construction; 1 more has construction pending, and may commence construction in May or June of this year; scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 6 renovations scheduled; 13 announced. NOTE: With two groundbreakings having already taken place this year, we could see several others before too much longer. For all of the announced temples that have not yet had a groundbreaking, I offer my best-guess estimate for when that might happen, to which I have recently made adjustments and corrections. One correction is noting that we might only see one other groundbreaking this year, though it seems that one is not as imminent as I originally was led to believe.

Dedication scheduled:
156. Paris France Temple: VIP/media tours started April 7; accepting reservations for public open house (which will run from Saturday April 22-Saturday May 13 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 and 30 and May 7)); dedication scheduled for Sunday May 21, 2017.
157. Tucson Arizona Temple: Monument sign being installed; interior finish work underway; accepting reservations for public open house beginning Monday May 15, 2017; (which will run from Saturday June 3-Saturday June 24 (excluding the Sundays of June 4, 11, and 18)); dedication scheduled for Sunday August 13, 2017.
158. Meridian Idaho Temple: Monument sign installed; architectural finishes being installed; dedication scheduled for Sunday November 19, 2017.
159. Cedar City Utah Temple: Planting flowers; interior paint and millwork installation underway; dedication scheduled for Sunday December 10, 2017.

Under Construction:
160. Rome Italy Temple: Angel Moroni installed on March 25, 2017; Christus and apostle statues installed at visitor’s center; installing art glass; completion anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2018.
161. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Concrete block set in place for base of tower; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2018.
162.  Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Exterior walls sheathed with rigid foam insulation; stoe cladding underway; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2018.
NOTE: For the two temples above, they seem to be interchangeable in terms of which one might potentially be completed and dedicated first. I am trying to keep an eye on any and all developments and will adjust these estimates as necessary once more is known.
163. Concepcion Chile Temple: Exterior cladding progressing on north and west walls; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2018.
164. Durban South Africa Temple: Scaffolding erected in preparation for second-level exterior walls; floor slab poured for missionary housing; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2018.
NOTE: For the two temples above, they seem to be interchangeable in terms of which one might potentially be completed and dedicated first. I am trying to keep an eye on any and all developments and will adjust these estimates as necessary once more is known.
165. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Erecting structural framing for temple tower; completion anticipated sometime during early 2019.
166. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Construction barrier erected; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2019.
168.  Lisbon Portugal Temple: Pouring footings for temple foundation; structural framing continues for meetinghouse; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
169. Arequipa Peru Temple: Construction trailers on site; construction barrier erected; completion anticipated sometime during late 2019-early 2020.

Construction pending:
167. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday December 3, 2016; awaiting commencement of full-scale operations, which may occur in April or May 2017 (construction currently delayed by a very bad Canadian winter); completion anticipated sometime during mid-2019.

NOTE: Construction on this temple is expected to begin in earnest anytime within the next two months. That construction is anticipated to last 20 months (1.67 years). Right now, it seems that either this temple or the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple could be interchangeable in terms of their future completion. Once construction commences on this temple, I will feel more confident in trying to figure out which of the two will be completed first. Until that time, since work has begun in earnest on the Rio temple, I have tentatively put it ahead of this one.

Rededication Scheduled:
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Renovation completed; accepting reservations for public open house, which will run from Saturday April 22-Saturday May 20 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 & 30 and May 7 & 14); rededication scheduled for Sunday June 4, 2017.

Undergoing Renovation:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2018.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; building basement addition for new baptistry; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to mid-2018.

Renovation Scheduled:
80. Memphis Tennessee Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2019.
95. Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-2019.
18. Tokyo Japan Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
112. Asuncion Paraguay Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in November 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
13. Oakland California Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in February 2018; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
16. Washington D. C. Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in March 2018; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
NOTE: In view of the fact that we have already had two temple groundbreaking events so far this year, it is entirely possible that we might see site announcements and groundbreakings for other temples in the near future. That said, it is interesting to consider that, while some of those groundbreakings might be more likely than others, ultimately, it is more difficult than I originally believed to try and pinpoint how soon those groundbreakings are likely to take place. Wanting to be as conservative in my estimates as I am able to be, I have adjusted some things. As always, I would be gratified to hear of such events happening much sooner than anyone expects. But for the moment, it seems wise to make some adjustments. Thanks.

170. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Approval and construction preparation phase; official site announcement anticipated later this year; groundbreaking may follow shortly thereafter.
NOTE: While the site announcement is pending, Elder Kevin S. Hamilton, who serves as the president of the Church’s Africa Southeast Area, has said that it will be announced later this year and that a groundbreaking would be anticipated sometime shortly thereafter. It is therefore not impossible to believe that this temple could have a groundbreaking sometime between mid-and-late 2017
171. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
NOTE: On Sunday March 12, while presiding at a stake conference for the area in which the first Haitian temple will be built, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles officially confirmed that, just as members in the area had speculated, the plot of land behind an existing meetinghouse on the Route de Freres (French for “The Route of Brothers”) had been purchased as the official site for this temple. Since site confirmations generally precede groundbreakings by roughly a year, it is more than likely that a groundbreaking could be held sometime during early-to-mid 2018.
172. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Awaiting government approval and official site announcement.
NOTE: Given the fact that the delays preventing this temple from progressing seem to be over, there have been reports that a groundbreaking could happen for this temple as soon as later this year. However, the nature of such reports are vague and uncertain enough that it could be pushed back to next year. Speaking optimistically, I would revise my estimate to say that, if progress continues unhindered, a groundbreaking could happen on this temple by early-to-mid 2018.
173. Brasilia Brazil Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase; site confirmed.
NOTE: As official site confirmations are not now done at the general Church level as much as they used to be previously, it is most likely that the site confirmed by priesthood leaders, which is located in the northern section of the city, near an arm of Paranoa Lake, will be the official site for the temple. This increases the likelihood that a groundbreaking for the temple could be held sooner rather than later, perhaps by mid-2018. If that happens, then it would be the first time in almost 20 years that the Church had three temples simultaneously under construction in Brazil.
174. Greater Manila Philippines Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase; site confirmed.
NOTE: The Church’s Philippines Facebook page has stated that this temple will be built on the southern side of the Manila metropolitan area in Alabang, Muntinlupa City. Because this statement essentially constitutes a site confirmation, it is very possible that we might see a groundbreaking for this temple by mid-2018, if not before. I will be keeping my eye out for developments as they happen and will revise my estimate as I am able to. If this groundbreaking happens as estimated, then we would have two temples simultaneously under construction in the Philippines for the very first time in Church history. Additionally. it is also not unreasonable to believe that the Church will be releasing an official name for this second temple for the capital city of the Philippines, as the official name for the second temple in Lima Peru was released within 3 weeks after it was announced. So I have no doubt that will happen for this temple. More to come once more is known.
175. Pocatello Idaho: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase; probable site identified and annexed into Pocatello City.
NOTE: While many sites are reportedly under consideration for this temple, the most likely one is a 10-acre plot of land next to the Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake Center. If that is determined to be the right site for it, and if that is confirmed, we could see a groundbreaking for this temple by or before mid-2018, especially as US temples usually get started and finished so much sooner than temples elsewhere. Since so much is unknown currently about this temple, this seems like a safe revised estimate.
176. Saratoga Springs Utah: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: As the Church owns several acres of land in Saratoga Springs, there are several sites that might do well for Utah County’s newest temple. Temples in Utah in general and specifically in Utah County are so widely accepted and used that getting them started is just a matter of time. It is therefore entirely possible, especially if a site is confirmed anytime soon, that a groundbreaking could happen by mid-to-late 2018. Again, that will all depend on how quickly things progress with this temple.
177. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: While local speculation is that an existing building that houses Church offices might be renovated and repurposed into a multi-purpose edifice that would house not only Church offices, but a meetinghouse and the temple as well (in similar fashion to what has been done for the Manhattan New York and Hong Kong China temples, it could very well be that we could see a groundbreaking for this temple sometime in mid-to-late 2018, if the site is confirmed through any means anytime soon. I will be keeping an eye on developments with this temple and will revise my estimate if needed once more is known.
178. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: The official name of this second temple for Peru’s capital city (released less than three weeks after it was announced) seems to indicate that it will be built in the Los Olivos district. That being the case, it is not hard to believe that we might see a groundbreaking for this temple sometime during early 2019.
179. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: The Church has seen substantial growth on the African continent in recent years. This is verified by the fact that, with the announcement of the 12 temples over the last three years during April General Conference, 3 (25%) of those have been in Africa. I would therefore hope that this temple, announced in 2015, would not have to wait too long for a groundbreaking, but I could see it happening sometime during early 2019, if not before.
180. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: While the first temple in Ecuador had a 14-year delay between its announcement and the subsequent groundbreaking (the second-longest such period in Church history), this temple is not nearly as likely to see such delays. The Church in South America has grown at an astonishing rate, and that is evidenced by the fact that 4 of the 12 temples announced most recently (25%) have been for South America. With the temples above most likely to have a groundbreaking first, it is very possible that we could see a groundbreaking for this time sometime during mid-2019, if not before.
181. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: South America, as noted above, has been very receptive to the gospel. As a result, more temples are coming to that continent. And while this temple has not yet had a site identified or confirmed, Brazilian temples typically have been built very swiftly. While I am hoping to see it sooner, and while I will be happy to adjust my estimate going forward if that is necessary, it seems wise for the moment to revise my estimate and say that we could see a groundbreaking during mid-2019, which would ensure that we will have at least two temples under construction in Brazil at least for the next couple of years. I will revise my estimate if and when I am able to do so.
182. Nairobi Kenya Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: It is becoming increasingly more likely that this African temple might be the last of the current bunch to have a groundbreaking. That said, with the Church growth that is occurring on the African continent, and with temples having gone up fairly quickly once a site is identified, I will revise my previous estimate and say that we will likely see a groundbreaking for this temple sometime during mid-to-late 2019.

ADDITIONAL GENERAL NOTE: Temple announcements are possible at any time, but the last twelve announcements have taken place during the April General Conference. I never want to rule out the possibility of announcements at other times, but that has been the pattern for the last three years. There have also been reports of several cities that have had a site purchased for a while now, and where an announcement might happen at any time. I know of at least five that have been identified to me by name: Managua Nicaragua, Auckland New Zealand, Port Moresby Papua New Guinea, Bentonville Arkansas, and Missoula Montana. If other potential temples have had a site purchased, they have yet to be identified as such. The following temples have been publicly proposed by apostles at various and sundry times:  New Delhi India (in June 1992 by Elder Neal A. Maxwell; may not happen soon due to intense political and religious obstacles); Vilnius Lithuania (in May 1993 by Elder M. Russell Ballard, which may be more of a long-shot possibility); Maracaibo Venezuela (in August 1999 by President Hinckley, which is just waiting for the right conditions); Singapore (in January 2000 by President Hinckley, and is likely to be announced when the time is right); for the Southwest Salt Lake Valley (in October 2005 by President Hinckley; NOTE: While some contend that this temple announcement has already happened, verifiable sources widely available prove otherwise. It will be announced at the right time); Managua Nicaragua (in January 2012 by then-Elder Russell M. Nelson; very likely at any time due to Nicaragua being the #1 of the top ten world countries without a temple); Missoula Montana (sometime in 2014 by Elder David A. Bednar during a stake conference in the area; while the report of this proposal has yet to be verified, the fact that there has been a purchase of a temple site seems to indicate that it is a most imminent possibility, though perhaps not as imminent as I once believed); and for the Kasai Region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (in February 2016 by Elder Neil L. Andersen). There are likely several other sites that the Church has purchased for a potential temple, but those have yet to be verified.
Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.
Red text highlights changes from the last posted temple progress report.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Yet Another Temple Construction Progress Report

While only minor changes have been noted in the progress of temples worldwide, the changes themselves were sufficient in my mind to warrant posting another copy of the update I post periodically here. With my thanks to those that have so willingly pointed out problems and errors with previous versions, I hope that this list, such as it is, has fixed those issues, and that any others that are detected by anyone else will be reported to me as soon as they are spotted. Thanks to you all for the ongoing feedback.

Here's the updated report:

Temple Construction Progress Update (current as of 4/13/17)
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; scheduled for dedication; under construction; 2 more have construction pending, and both are anticipated to commence construction before (or at least by) the start of summer 2017; scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 6 renovations scheduled; 13 announced. NOTE: With two groundbreakings having already taken place this year, we could see several others before too much longer. For all of the announced temples that have not yet had a groundbreaking, I offer my best-guess estimate for when that might happen, to which I have recently made adjustments and corrections. One correction is noting that we might only see one other groundbreaking this year, though it seems that one is not as imminent as I originally was led to believe.

Dedication scheduled:
156. Paris France Temple: VIP/media tours started April 7; accepting reservations for public open house (which will run from Saturday April 22-Saturday May 13 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 and 30 and May 7)); dedication scheduled for Sunday May 21, 2017.
157. Tucson Arizona Temple: Monument sign being installed; interior finish work underway; accepting reservations for public open house beginning Monday May 15, 2017; (which will run from Saturday June 3-Saturday June 24 (excluding the Sundays of June 4, 11, and 18)); dedication scheduled for Sunday August 13, 2017.
158. Meridian Idaho Temple: Monument sign installed; architectural finishes being installed; dedication scheduled for Sunday November 19, 2017.
159. Cedar City Utah Temple: Interior paint and millwork installation underway; dedication scheduled for Sunday December 10, 2017.

Under Construction:
160. Rome Italy Temple: Angel Moroni installed on March 25, 2017; Christus and apostle statues installed at visitor’s center; installing art glass; completion anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2018.
161. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Concrete block set in place for base of tower; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2018.
162.  Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Sheathing exterior walls with rigid foam insulation; steel framework for cupola installed; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2018.
NOTE: For the two temples above, they seem to be interchangeable in terms of which one might potentially be completed and dedicated first. I am trying to keep an eye on any and all developments and will adjust these estimates as necessary once more is known.
163. Concepcion Chile Temple: Exterior cladding progressing on north and west walls; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2018.
164. Durban South Africa Temple: Scaffolding erected in preparation for second-level exterior walls; floor slab poured for missionary housing; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2018.
NOTE: For the two temples above, they seem to be interchangeable in terms of which one might potentially be completed and dedicated first. I am trying to keep an eye on any and all developments and will adjust these estimates as necessary once more is known.
165. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Erecting structural framing for temple tower; completion anticipated sometime during early 2019.
167. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Construction barrier erected; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2019.
168.  Lisbon Portugal Temple: Pouring footings for temple foundation; structural framing continues for meetinghouse; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.

Construction pending:
166. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday December 3, 2016; awaiting commencement of full-scale operations, which may occur in April or May 2017 (construction currently delayed by a very bad Canadian winter); completion anticipated sometime during mid-2019.
NOTE: Once construction commences, it is anticipated to last around 20 months (approximately 1.67 years.) It is a smaller edifice that is being built to at the moment serve just the one stake in Manitoba. So it might be completed sooner than that. It all depends on how soon construction will be able to start, and how quickly it progresses after that.
169. Arequipa Peru Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday March 4, 2017; awaiting commencement of full-scale operations (which is anticipated ASAP); completion anticipated sometime during late 2019-early 2020.
NOTE: Once construction commences, it is anticipated to take roughly 28 months (2.25 years) to complete. This is because there are neighboring construction projects involved that will all be worked on simultaneously.

Rededication Scheduled:
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Renovation completed; accepting reservations for public open house, which will run from Saturday April 22-Saturday May 20 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 & 30 and May 7 & 14); rededication scheduled for Sunday June 4, 2017.

Undergoing Renovation:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2018.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; building basement addition for new baptistry; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to mid-2018.

Renovation Scheduled:
80. Memphis Tennessee Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2019.
95. Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-2019.
18. Tokyo Japan Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
112. Asuncion Paraguay Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in November 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
13. Oakland California Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in February 2018; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
16. Washington D. C. Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in March 2018; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
NOTE: In view of the fact that we have already had two temple groundbreaking events so far this year, it is entirely possible that we might see site announcements and groundbreakings for other temples in the near future. That said, it is interesting to consider that, while some of those groundbreakings might be more likely than others, ultimately, it is more difficult than I originally believed to try and pinpoint how soon those groundbreakings are likely to take place. Wanting to be as conservative in my estimates as I am able to be, I have adjusted some things. As always, I would be gratified to hear of such events happening much sooner than anyone expects. But for the moment, it seems wise to make some adjustments. Thanks.

170. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Approval and construction preparation phase; official site announcement anticipated later this year; groundbreaking may follow shortly thereafter.
NOTE: While the site announcement is pending, and while it may be a while before it happens, it does not seem to be unreasonable to anticipate that the groundbreaking might still take place sometime between mid-and-late 2017.
171. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
NOTE: On Sunday March 12, while presiding at a stake conference for the area in which the first Haitian temple will be built, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles officially announced and confirmed that, just as members in the area had speculated, the plot of land behind an existing meetinghouse on the Route de Freres (French for “The Route of Brothers”) had been purchased as the official site for the first Haitian temple. While such site announcements generally signal that a groundbreaking might shortly follow, there is reason to believe that it will take the Church at least a year to plan and design the edifice to conform to government regulations and to be acceptable to the locals. It therefore makes sense to adjust my estimate here and to say that a groundbreaking could happen by early-to-mid 2018.
172. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: There is more than sufficient reason to believe the current speculation being perpetuated to the effect that, in the mold of the already-existing multi-purpose buildings that house not only an office building but a meetinghouse and a temple as well (they are now known as the Hong Kong China and Manhattan New York Temples), a similar renovation and rebuilding might happen to a Church-owned office building in Bangkok. If it happens that way, we could see construction there commence with a groundbreaking by early-to-mid 2018 as well.
173. Brasilia Brazil Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: A site has been identified by priesthood leaders as being located in the northern part of the city. This makes me believe that we might have a groundbreaking sooner than I anticipated, perhaps as soon as mid-2018. I will keep an eye out for developments on this front and report that information ASAP. In the interim, I also learned that the Church has discontinued the practice of public confirmation of temple site purchases, except to local members who have a vested interest in temples in their area. For that reason, his site identification by priesthood leaders is all we need. I also know that we will not be seeing a groundbreaking any sooner than next year, as it has generally taken a year following a site confirmation for such events to happen.
174. Greater Manila Philippines Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: The Church’s Philippines Facebook page has identified the site for this temple as being located on the southern side of the Manila metropolitan area in the area known as Alabang, Muntinlupa City, which may mean a groundbreaking could happen very quickly once the site is confirmed. For that reason, it is not impossible to believe that a groundbreaking could happen as soon as mid-to-late 2018, if not indeed before. And in this case, this appears to be the way that the Church has chosen to confirm this information, so it should be taken as official.
175. Pocatello Idaho: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase; possible temple site identified but not yet confirmed.
NOTE: The most likely site for this temple is a 10-acre land parcel that neighbors the meetinghouse on which the Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake Center sits. CGiven the fact that this land plot was officially annexed into the city of Pocatello on April 6, 2017 (on the 187th anniversary of the Church’s restoration) makes that site even more likely. Please also note that this is land that had been deeded to the Church by the family of the man who maintains the LDS Church Temples website. For these reasons, a groundbreaking could take place as soon as mid-to-late 2018 depending on what happens between now and then, since identifying a site for any temple is the major first step towards getting it built.
176. Saratoga Springs Utah: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: While a specific site for this temple has yet to be confirmed, it has been reported that the Church owns several acres of land in the community, and that one of those Church-owned sites could be used for the temple. If an official site confirmation happens anytime soon, since temples in Utah are often built very easily, it could very well be that a groundbreaking could take place sometime during late 2018-early 2019. I am keeping my eye out for any developments and will refine this estimate as I am able to do so.
177. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: The name of this temple indicates that it will likely be built in the Los Olivos district of Lima. That puts it ahead in many respects than other temples might be. For that reason, I am refining my prediction to say that a groundbreaking might time place during early 2019.
178. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: Growth of the Church in Africa has really taken off, as evidenced by the fact that the last three years of temple announcements has seen one per year for that continent. For that reason, the groundbreaking might take place during early-to-mid 2019.
179. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: I am not in any way anticipating that the delays that prevailed between the announcement and groundbreaking of Ecuador’s first temple in Guayaquil will hinder construction commencing in its’ capital city. The temples announced during the April General Conference this year and their near-likely possibility of having a groundbreaking prior to others has delayed the process somewhat in my mind. However, I still have reason to believe that we could see a groundbreaking here during mid-2019.
180. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: While the other temple announced for Brazil (for the capital city of Brasilia) has already had a possible site identified, and while that makes it more likely that the groundbreaking there will happen sooner than this one, there is still reason to believe that a groundbreaking for the Belem temple could take place during mid-to-late 2019.
181. Nairobi Kenya Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: Temples in Africa, a continent that is growing well in Church membership, seem to go up fairly quickly once their ground is broken. That said, it generally takes around 3-5 years between a site announcement and groundbreaking, except in rare occasions. Wanting to be as careful as I can with such estimates, I would say that we might see a groundbreaking for this temple sometime during late 2019-early 2020.
182. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Stalled in planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: While this temple was announced almost seven years ago in October 2010, the commencement of construction there has been delayed. We have even had another Philippines temple that was announced during the April General Conference this year that has already had a site identified and is therefore much more likely to have construction commence much sooner than this one. While I personally hope that we will never again see future delays to the extent of those that prevailed between the announcements of the temples in Guayaquil Ecuador and its groundbreaking and the Los Angeles California Temple and its groundbreaking (with those 14+ year periods being the longest in Church history), the fact that construction has been delayed on the Urdaneta temple for almost half that long already makes me think that we are not likely to see a groundbreaking for this temple any sooner than early-to-mid 2020. I am hoping for it to happen before then, but want to be as realistic as possible. Again, I will post updates as I receive them.

ADDITIONAL GENERAL NOTE: Temple announcements are possible at any time, but the last twelve announcements have taken place during the April General Conference. I never want to rule out the possibility of announcements at other times, but that has been the pattern for the last three years. There have also been reports of several cities that have had a site purchased for a while now, and where an announcement might happen at any time. I know of at least five that have been identified to me by name: Managua Nicaragua, Auckland New Zealand, Port Moresby Papua New Guinea, Bentonville Arkansas, and Missoula Montana. If other potential temples have had a site purchased, they have yet to be identified as such. The following temples have been publicly proposed by apostles at various and sundry times:  New Delhi India (in June 1992 by Elder Neal A. Maxwell; may not happen soon due to intense political and religious obstacles); Vilnius Lithuania (in May 1993 by Elder M. Russell Ballard, which may be more of a long-shot possibility); Maracaibo Venezuela (in August 1999 by President Hinckley, which is just waiting for the right conditions); Singapore (in January 2000 by President Hinckley, and is likely to be announced when the time is right); for the Southwest Salt Lake Valley (in October 2005 by President Hinckley; NOTE: While some contend that this temple announcement has already happened, verifiable sources widely available prove otherwise. It will be announced at the right time); Managua Nicaragua (in January 2012 by then-Elder Russell M. Nelson; very likely at any time due to Nicaragua being the #1 of the top ten world countries without a temple); Missoula Montana (sometime in 2014 by Elder David A. Bednar during a stake conference in the area; while the report of this proposal has yet to be verified, the fact that there has been a purchase of a temple site seems to indicate that it is a most imminent possibility, though perhaps not as imminent as I once believed); and for the Kasai Region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (in February 2016 by Elder Neil L. Andersen). There are likely several other sites that the Church has purchased for a potential temple, but those have yet to be verified.
Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.
Red text highlights changes from the last posted temple progress report. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Temple Construction Progress Update

Hello, all! Here I am again with another temple construction progress update. Don't know if I mentioned this, but work began in earnest on the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple late last week. And there have been enough developments in the last little while to warrant posting such an update. Feedback is always needed, and most welcome and appreciated. Thanks.

Temple Construction Progress Update (current as of 4/12/17)
Current Temple Status: 155 operating; scheduled for d/edication; under construction; 2 more have construction pending, and both are anticipated to commence construction before (or at least by) the start of summer 2017; scheduled for rededication; 2 undergoing renovation; 6 renovations scheduled; 13 announced. NOTE: With two groundbreakings having already taken place this year, we could see several others before too much longer. For all of the announced temples that have not yet had a groundbreaking, I offer my best-guess estimate for when that might happen, to which I have recently made adjustments and corrections. One correction is noting that we might only see one other groundbreaking this year, though it seems that one is not as imminent as I originally was led to believe.

Dedication scheduled:
156. Paris France Temple: VIP/media tours started April 7; accepting reservations for public open house (which will run from Saturday April 22-Saturday May 13 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 and 30 and May 7)); dedication scheduled for Sunday May 21, 2017.
157. Tucson Arizona Temple: Pergola added to grounds; interior finish work underway; accepting reservations for public open house beginning Monday May 15, 2017; (which will run from Saturday June 3-Saturday June 24 (excluding the Sundays of June 4, 11, and 18)); dedication scheduled for Sunday August 13, 2017.
158. Meridian Idaho Temple: Monument sign installed; architectural finishes being installed; dedication scheduled for Sunday November 19, 2017.
159. Cedar City Utah Temple: Interior paint and millwork installation underway; dedication scheduled for Sunday December 10, 2017.

Under Construction:
160. Rome Italy Temple: Angel Moroni installed on March 25, 2017; Christus and apostle statues installed at visitor’s center; installing art glass; completion anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2018.
161. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Concrete block set in place for base of tower; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2018.
162.  Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Sheathing exterior walls with rigid foam insulation; steel framework for cupola installed; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2018.
NOTE: For the two temples above, they seem to be interchangeable in terms of which one might potentially be completed and dedicated first. I am trying to keep an eye on any and all developments and will adjust these estimates as necessary once more is known.
163. Concepcion Chile Temple: Exterior cladding progressing on north and west walls; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2018.
164. Durban South Africa Temple: Scaffolding erected in preparation for second-level exterior walls; floor slab poured for missionary housing; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2018.
NOTE: For the two temples above, they seem to be interchangeable in terms of which one might potentially be completed and dedicated first. I am trying to keep an eye on any and all developments and will adjust these estimates as necessary once more is known.
165. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Erecting structural framing for temple tower; completion anticipated sometime during early 2019.
167. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Construction barrier erected; completion anticipated sometime during mid-2019.
168.  Lisbon Portugal Temple: Pouring footings for temple foundation; structural framing continues meetinghouse; completion anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.

Construction pending:
166. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday December 3, 2016; awaiting commencement of full-scale operations, which may occur in April or May 2017 (construction currently delayed by a very bad Canadian winter); completion anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2019.
NOTE: Once construction commences, it is anticipated to last around 20 months (approximately 1.67 years.) It is a smaller edifice that is being built to at the moment serve just the one stake in Manitoba. So it might be completed sooner than that. It all depends on how soon construction will be able to start, and how quickly it progresses after that.
169. Arequipa Peru Temple: Groundbreaking held Saturday March 4, 2017; awaiting commencement of full-scale operations (which is anticipated ASAP); completion anticipated sometime during late 2019-early 2020.
NOTE: Once construction commences, it is anticipated to take roughly 28 months (2.25 years) to complete. This is because there are neighboring construction projects involved that will all be worked on simultaneously.

Rededication Scheduled:
8. Idaho Falls Idaho Temple: Accepting reservations for public open house, which will run from Saturday April 22-Saturday May 20 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 & 30 and May 7 & 14); rededication scheduled for Sunday June 4, 2017.

Undergoing Renovation:
20. Jordan River Utah Temple: Closed for renovation; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2018.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; building basement addition for new baptistry; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to mid-2018.

Renovation Scheduled:
80. Memphis Tennessee Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2019.
95. Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-2019.
18. Tokyo Japan Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in October 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
112. Asuncion Paraguay Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in November 2017; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
13. Oakland California Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in February 2018; rededication anticipated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
16. Washington D. C. Temple: Scheduled to close for renovation in March 2018; rededication anticipated sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
NOTE: In view of the fact that we have already had two temple groundbreaking events so far this year, it is entirely possible that we might see site announcements and groundbreakings for other temples in the near future. That said, it is interesting to consider that, while some of those groundbreakings might be more likely than others, ultimately, it is more difficult than I originally believed to try and pinpoint how soon those groundbreakings are likely to take place. Wanting to be as conservative in my estimates as I am able to be, I have adjusted some things. As always, I would be gratified to hear of such events happening much sooner than anyone expects. But for the moment, it seems wise to make some adjustments. Thanks.

170. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Approval and construction preparation phase; official site announcement anticipated later this year; groundbreaking may follow shortly thereafter.
NOTE: While the site announcement is pending, and while it may be a while before it happens, it does not seem to be unreasonable to anticipate that the groundbreaking might still take place sometime between mid-and-late 2017.
171. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Planning and approval phase; groundbreaking pending.
NOTE: On Sunday March 12, while presiding at a stake conference for the area in which the first Haitian temple will be built, Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles officially announced and confirmed that, just as members in the area had speculated, the plot of land behind an existing meetinghouse on the Route de Freres (French for “The Route of Brothers”) had been purchased as the official site for the first Haitian temple. While such site announcements generally signal that a groundbreaking might shortly follow, there is reason to believe that it will take the Church at least a year to plan and design the edifice to conform to government regulations and to be acceptable to the locals. It therefore makes sense to adjust my estimate here and to say that a groundbreaking could happen by early-to-mid 2018.
172. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: There is more than sufficient reason to believe the current speculation being perpetuated to the effect that, in the mold of the already-existing multi-purpose buildings that house not only an office building but a meetinghouse and a temple as well (they are now known as the Hong Kong China and Manhattan New York Temples), a similar renovation and rebuilding might happen to a Church-owned office building in Bangkok. If it happens that way, we could see construction there commence with a groundbreaking by early-to-mid 2018 as well.
173. Brasilia Brazil Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: A site has been identified by priesthood leaders as being located in the northern part of the city. This makes me believe that we might have a groundbreaking sooner than I anticipated, perhaps as soon as mid-2018. I will keep an eye out for developments on this front and report that information ASAP. In the interim, I also learned that the Church has discontinued the practice of public confirmation of temple site purchases, except to local members who have a vested interest in temples in their area. For that reason, his site identification by priesthood leaders is all we need. I also know that we will not be seeing a groundbreaking any sooner than next year, as it has generally taken a year following a site confirmation for such events to happen.
174. Greater Manila Philippines Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: The Church’s Philippines Facebook page has identified the site for this temple as being located on the southern side of the Manila metropolitan area in the area known as Alabang, Muntinlupa City, which may mean a groundbreaking could happen very quickly once the site is confirmed. For that reason, it is not impossible to believe that a groundbreaking could happen as soon as mid-to-late 2018, if not indeed before. And in this case, this appears to be the way that the Church has chosen to confirm this information, so it should be taken as official.
175. Pocatello Idaho: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase; possible temple site identified but not yet confirmed.
NOTE: The most likely site for this temple is a 10-acre land parcel that neighbors the meetinghouse on which the Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake Center sits. CGiven the fact that this land plot was officially annexed into the city of Pocatello on April 6, 2017 (on the 187th anniversary of the Church’s restoration) makes that site even more likely. Please also note that this is land that had been deeded to the Church by the family of the man who maintains the LDS Church Temples website. For these reasons, a groundbreaking could take place as soon as mid-to-late 2018 depending on what happens between now and then, since identifying a site for any temple is the major first step towards getting it built.
176. Saratoga Springs Utah: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: While a specific site for this temple has yet to be confirmed, it has been reported that the Church owns several acres of land in the community, and that one of those Church-owned sites could be used for the temple. If an official site confirmation happens anytime soon, since temples in Utah are often built very easily, it could very well be that a groundbreaking could take place sometime during late 2018-early 2019. I am keeping my eye out for any developments and will refine this estimate as I am able to do so.
177. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: The name of this temple indicates that it will likely be built in the Los Olivos district of Lima. That puts it ahead in many respects than other temples might be. For that reason, I am refining my prediction to say that a groundbreaking might time place during early 2019.
178. Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: Growth of the Church in Africa has really taken off, as evidenced by the fact that the last three years of temple announcements has seen one per year for that nation. For that reason, the groundbreaking might take place during early-to-mid 2019.
179. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: I am not in any way anticipating that the delays that prevailed between the announcement and groundbreaking of Ecuador’s first temple in Guayaquil will hinder construction commencing in its’ capital city. The temples announced during the April General Conference this year and their near-likely possibility of having a groundbreaking prior to others has delayed the process somewhat in my mind. However, I still have reason to believe that we could see a groundbreaking here during mid-2019.
180. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: While the other temple announced for Brazil (for the capital city of Brasilia) has already had a possible site identified, and while that makes it more likely that the groundbreaking there will happen sooner than this one, there is still reason to believe that a groundbreaking for the Belem temple could take place during mid-to-late 2019.
181. Nairobi Kenya Temple: Announced April 2, 2017; planning phase.
NOTE: Temples in Africa, a nation that is growing well in Church membership, seem to go up fairly quickly once their ground is broken. That said, it generally takes around 3-5 years between a site announcement and groundbreaking, except in rare occasions. Wanting to be as careful as I can with such estimates, I would say that we might see a groundbreaking for this temple sometime during late 2019-early 2020.
182. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Stalled in planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
NOTE: While this temple was announced almost seven years ago in October 2010, the commencement of construction there has been delayed. We have even had another Philippines temple that was announced during the April General Conference this year that has already had a site identified and is therefore much more likely to have construction commence much sooner than this one. While I personally hope that we will never again see future delays to the extent of those that prevailed between the announcements of the temples in Guayaquil Ecuador and its groundbreaking and the Los Angeles California Temple and its groundbreaking (with those 14+ year periods being the longest in Church history), the fact that construction has been delayed on the Urdaneta temple for almost half that long already makes me think that we are not likely to see a groundbreaking for this temple any sooner than early-to-mid 2020. I am hoping for it to happen before then, but want to be as realistic as possible. Again, I will post updates as I receive them.

ADDITIONAL GENERAL NOTE: Temple announcements are possible at any time, but the last twelve announcements have taken place during the April General Conference. I never want to rule out the possibility of announcements at other times, but that has been the pattern for the last three years. There have also been reports of several cities that have had a site purchased for a while now, and where an announcement might happen at any time. I know of at least five that have been identified to me by name: Managua Nicaragua, Auckland New Zealand, Port Moresby Papua New Guinea, Bentonville Arkansas, and Missoula Montana. If other potential temples have had a site purchased, they have yet to be identified as such. The following temples have been publicly proposed by apostles at various and sundry times:  New Delhi India (in June 1992 by Elder Neal A. Maxwell; may not happen soon due to intense political and religious obstacles); Vilnius Lithuania (in May 1993 by Elder M. Russell Ballard, which may be more of a long-shot possibility); Maracaibo Venezuela (in August 1999 by President Hinckley, which is just waiting for the right conditions); Singapore (in January 2000 by President Hinckley, and is likely to be announced when the time is right); for the Southwest Salt Lake Valley (in October 2005 by President Hinckley; NOTE: While some contend that this temple announcement has already happened, verifiable sources widely available prove otherwise. It will be announced at the right time); Managua Nicaragua (in January 2012 by then-Elder Russell M. Nelson; very likely at any time due to Nicaragua being the #1 of the top ten world countries without a temple); Missoula Montana (sometime in 2014 by Elder David A. Bednar during a stake conference in the area; while the report of this proposal has yet to be verified, the fact that there has been a purchase of a temple site seems to indicate that it is a most imminent possibility, though perhaps not as imminent as I once believed); and for the Kasai Region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (in February 2016 by Elder Neil L. Andersen). There are likely several other sites that the Church has purchased for a potential temple, but those have yet to be verified.
Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.
Red text highlights changes from the last posted temple progress report. 

Thanks/Personal Update

Hello, all! I wanted to give you a brief update on what is going on with me personally. Before doing that, though, I want each of you to know how much I appreciate you all who so willingly read these posts and who comment as much as you do. I would not be able to make these reports as regularly as I have been if I wasn't so sure that my doing so is important to you all. Any success I have had as a blogger has been because of your interest in and comments about the things I feel a need to "sound off" about.

I know that some people on blogs and forums that cover Church-related topics have the idea that my time would be better served in other pursuits, and that is their right. But at the end of the day, I can only do what my physical capacity will allow. With the fact that I have been battling a couple of long-term infections for two months now, which was one of the many reasons I lost my job, my doctors have recommended that I should not work until medically cleared to do so. I am getting plenty or rest and fluids, but part of the problem is that my immune system has been somewhat compromised. At this point, I am not eating well during the day nor sleeping well on any given night. I am, quite literally, feeling more ill right now than I ever have at any previous time in my 30 years of life, and that is saying something. Another major piece of the puzzle I found out about just recently is that I am experiencing major depression and anxiety issues. So I am currently not functioning at my best. In these trials, I have felt strongly that this is my personal Gethsemane or Liberty Jail experience. So I feel I understand the Savior and Joseph Smith's experiences much better now than I did a year ago.

As my wife has been unable to do all she has wanted to since the last job she had took such a toll on her until her health necessitated her quitting the job, she is also not well enough to work. It is absolutely heartbreaking for us to realize that, under normal circumstances, we would be considered lazy for not having done more than we are currently doing. As it is, all we can do is try and get our situation resolved in the best possible way, and leave the rest to the Lord.

And at times, especially lately, it seems as though even those who should have our backs and should be doing all they can to help us successfully get through these difficult times are criticizing us for not doing enough for ourselves, and are all too quick to imply that one of us should be working (generally those assertions are made in reference to me by everyone, and at times, even members of our family who do not fully grasp the gravity and intensity of our trials have said something thoughtless in this regard).

The main problem with which we are still grappling is that we are not getting the benefits we should be getting from the government, and it seems like whenever we challenge them on their conduct, the situation just gets worse. Case in point, two fiascoes we are currently dealing with: the SSA has been repeatedly advised that my February pay stubs from my last job were turned in, that my last day working was February 10, and that my last paycheck was issued on February 17, with my job being terminated about 2-1/2 weeks later on March 1. I should by all accounts have received the full SSI amount for this month as a result of that, but my caseworker doesn't seem to grasp the facts, and she recently asserted that I had not sent in my February pay stubs, despite my having done so the week after my last check. And she seems to be deliberately looking for reasons she can legally deny me what I should be getting. I filed an appeal with the SSA generally, but it hasn't yet paid off.

Adding insult to injury is the fact that some of my other benefits, which are managed by the DWS, were abruptly stopped at the end of last month, in spite of my having set in all the paperwork they requested in advance of the set deadline to do so by the end of last month. I had been repeatedly informed that my benefits either would not be terminated or that they would be promptly restored once all that was requested had been handed in. But then it turns out that the DWS couldn't bother to tell me I had a review month this month for some of my other benefits, so I had to scramble to get that done before the deadline they set for that as well.

It is sufficient to note that though there have been obstacles, as there always are, we have been able to take comfort in the fact that, even if no one else in the world or in our families understand what we are going through, at least the Savior does. And He has brought us through similar experiences in the past, though admittedly we have never had something quite like our current situation to contend with.

That is why it always bugs me when people who do not know, understand, or comprehend the full extent and impact of what we are dealing with try to tell us how they think we should run our lives. Since they are not in our shoes, they have no right to presume to tell us what we should be doing. Thankfully, those people are few and far between compared to the number of people we have who have expressed their support and offered prayers in our behalf.

I know some of you whose comments always make my day. And I appreciate your ongoing interest in how we are doing. I hope this update has served to keep you informed about what we are dealing with. For now, any comments are welcome and appreciated. Thanks again.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Yet Another Update to the Timeline for Future Temple-related Events

Given the announced temple renovations today, and given that I have had a couple of people who have been kind enough to point out errors with the last version of this timeline, I had a lot to fix and adjust. The results of my labor follow. Let me know what you think. I look forward to the ongoing discussion. Thank you!

PRELIMANARY NOTE: Due to the errors which others have so kindly pointed out to me in my work on the previous list, and in light of the announcement of the four renovations coming up, it has become necessary to once again revise this timeline. My efforts to do so follow below. Enjoy! I welcome the feedback.

2017—Events already scheduled:
Now: Reservations being accepted for the Paris France and Idaho Falls Temple Open Houses
Anytime soon: Construction expected to begin in earnest for the Rio de Janeiro Brazil and Arequipa Peru Temples, which both had a groundbreaking ceremony on March 4.
Saturday April 22-Saturday May 13 (excluding the Sundays of April 23  30 and May 7): Paris France Temple Open House
Saturday April 22-Saturday May 20 (excluding the Sundays of April 23 & 30 and May 7 &14): Idaho Falls Temple Open House
Monday May 15: Reservations will begin to be accepted for the Tucson Arizona Temple Open House
Saturday May 20: Paris France Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday May 21: Paris France Temple dedication (the Church’s 156th operating temple)
NOTE: I am anticipating that President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, our European apostle, will preside at this event and be accompanied by Elder Neil L. Andersen, who served his mission in France, and Bishop Gerald Causse, our French Presiding Bishop.
May or June: Construction expected to begin in earnest for the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple, following the conclusion of the really bad Canadian winter.
Saturday June 3-24 (excluding the Sundays of June 4, 11 & 18): Tucson Arizona Temple Open House
Saturday June 3: Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday June 4: Idaho Falls Idaho Temple Rededication
NOTE: It is my belief that President Henry B. Eyring or Elder David A. Bednar, who have ties to Idaho, may preside at this event, and that either or both will be accompanied by Elder Neil L. Andersen, an Idaho native.
Saturday August 12: Tucson Arizona Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday August 13: Tucson Arizona Temple Dedication (157th operating temple)
NOTE: Since President Dieter F. Uchtdorf broke ground for this temple, it is not unreasonable to assume that he will return to dedicate it.
Monday August 21: President Monson’s 90th birthday
NOTE: While this is not, strictly speaking, a temple-related event, it is on this list because of President Monson’s extensive contribution to the worldwide number of temples. With the 124 that were operating when he became Church President, and, noting that the total number of temples in any phase is now 182, it is fitting that the milestone birthday of this Church President, who has so well carried on the legacy of his predecessor President Hinckley, should be included on this timeline.
September 23 and 30 and October 1: 187th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: This event made the list since there is every possibility that new temples could potentially be announced during this time.
October (most likely Monday October 3): Memphis Tennessee, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, and Tokyo Japan Temples will close for extensive renovations
NOTE: These renovations, all announced on Monday April 10, will be mostly for seismic and systemic upgrades. All of these renovations will take various lengths of time. I will be offering my best predictions for when we might see those renovations completed, but there it is, such as it is.
Saturday October 21-Saturday November 11 (excluding the Sundays of October 22 and 29 and November 5): Meridian Idaho Temple Open House
November (most likely Wednesday November 1): Asuncion Paraguay Temple will close for an extensive renovation
NOTE: This renovation, announced on Monday April 10, will be mostly for seismic and systemic upgrades. All of these renovations will take various lengths of time. I will be offering my best predictions for when we might see those renovations completed, but there it is, such as it is.
Saturday November 18: Meridian Idaho Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday November 19: Meridian Idaho Temple Dedication (158th operating temple)
NOTE: It would not surprise me, as I have before noted, if President Eyring, Elder Bednar, and Elder Andersen were all in attendance at this event
Friday October 27-Saturday November 18: Cedar City Utah Temple Open House
Saturday December 9: Cedar City Utah Temple Cultural Celebration
Sunday December 10: Cedar City Utah Temple Dedication (159th operating temple)
NOTE: With this event being the dedication of a Utah temple, it is anticipated that several general authorities will be in attendance. I have felt that the temple will be dedicated by either President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, or Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a native of St. George, a close sister of Cedar City.

Likely to be scheduled later this year:
November 2017: Groundbreaking for Harare Zimbabwe Temple

2018—Exact event timeline unknown, but I offer my best estimate
Late January or early February: Rededication of the Jordan River Utah Temple
Early February (likely Thursday February 1): Renovation begins on the Oakland California Temple
NOTE: This renovation, announced on February 23, 2017, will serve as a way to upgrade and update seismic and systemic elements of the temple that are now outdated. More coming later on in this document about when this temple might be rededicated.
Late February or early March: Dedication of the Rome Italy Temple (160th operating temple)
Early March (likely Thursday March 1): Renovation begins on the Washington DC Temple
NOTE: This renovation, announced on February 23, 2017, will serve as a way to upgrade and update seismic and systemic elements of the temple that are now outdated. More coming later on in this document about when this temple might be rededicated.
March 24 and 31 and April 1: 188th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid May: Rededication of the Freiberg Germany Temple
Late May or early June: Dedication of the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo (161st operating temple); groundbreakings for the Port-au-Prince Haiti and Bangkok Thailand Temples
NOTE: As Winter 2018 ends in the northern hemisphere near the end of March, it is my feeling that we might see the groundbreakings for the temples in Port-au-Prince Haiti (where a site has already been confirmed) and Bangkok Thailand (where an existing building might be rebuilt and renovated into a multi-purpose edifice) during this time. That said, with so much unknown about future temples, it is only my best-effort prediction.
Early August: Dedication of the Barranquilla Colombia Temple (162nd operating temple)
Mid-to-late August: Groundbreaking for the Brasilia Brazil Temple
NOTE: Though this temple was just announced this past weekend and the temple site has yet to be officially confirmed by the Church, local leaders have identified where it will likely be located, opening the possibility that the groundbreaking could happen at around this time, especially if that site confirmation happens soon.
September or October: Groundbreakings for the Greater Manila Philippines and Pocatello Idaho Temples
NOTE: While the official sites have yet to be confirmed, the Facebook page for the Philippines indicates that the newest Filipino temple will be built on the southern side of the Manila metropolitan area in the area known as Alabang, Muntinlupa City. And while many options are under consideration for the next Idahoan temple, one of the most likely locations is the 10-acre land parcel that neighbors the meetinghouse on which the Pocatello Idaho Highland Stake Center sits. So it is very likely that these two groundbreakings could happen around this time, as identifying a site is half the battle. It all depends on how quickly the Church is able to confirm these sites. But it wouldn’t surprise me.
September 29 and October 6 & 7: 188th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid November: Dedication of the Concepcion Chile Temple (163rd operating temple)
Late November-Early December: Groundbreaking for the Saratoga Springs Utah Temple
NOTE: As the Church reportedly owns several acres of land in this community, the temple could be built on any of those developments. It is not impossible to believe that a groundbreaking could happen by the end of 2018, but I could see the Church pushing that back perhaps to sometime early in the year following. I will keep an eye on all of that and try to make a better prediction later on when more is known.
Early December: Dedication of the Durban South Africa Temple (164th operating temple)

2019 (NOTE: This gets more speculative as it is two years out, but again, I offer my best estimate based on the information I have)
Late January or early February: Groundbreaking for the Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple
NOTE: While the site for this temple has yet to be confirmed, the official name of it seems to indicate that it will be built within the district of the same name in the Peruvian capital city. If a site confirmation happens between now and then, I could definitely see a groundbreaking at this time. But that will largely depend on what happens between now and then. More to come once more is known.
Late March: Dedication of the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple (165th operating temple) and groundbreaking for the Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple
NOTE: If construction for the Winnipeg Temple starts as anticipated in May or June of this year, with the 20-month estimated timetable for construction, the dedication could happen there. As for the groundbreaking for the Ivory Coast’s first temple, while I recognize that an official site has not yet been confirmed, temples in Africa are having construction commence in relatively short order. I have mentioned above the likelihood that the Church will break ground for the first Zimbabwean temple by the end of this year. And given that that temple was announced one year after this one, it is not hard to believe that Abidjan could have a groundbreaking by this time, especially since this projection would allow for it to happen during the final days of the summer season for Africa.
March 30 & April 6 & 7: 189th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Early-to-mid May: Dedication of the Fortaleza Brazil Temple (166th operating temple); rededication of the Memphis Tennessee Temple
NOTE: If the completion of the Fortaleza Brazil Temple conforms to the usual pattern for the time frame within which most Brazilian temples are dedicated, it is very likely that we will see this dedication at this time. Right now, with the renovation of the Memphis Tennessee Temple anticipated to take at least a year, and with so much unknown about how long this renovation might take, this seems to be a pretty safe initial prediction.
Late May: Groundbreaking for the Quito Ecuador Temple
NOTE: We have had two temples whose time span between the announcement and the subsequent groundbreaking have spanned 14+ years, and one of them was Ecuador’s first temple in Guayaquil. With that in mind, I don’t think such a delay will apply in any way to this temple in the capital city. If the groundbreaking happens here at this time, it would hold true for the latest patterns in that regard for South American temples.
Early-to-mid September: Rededications for the Oakland California and Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temples
NOTE: As noted above, renovation is anticipated to last roughly a year for the Oakland California Temple, so 1.5 years seems to be a very good initial estimate for that rededication. And with the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple renovation starting in October 2017 and anticipated to take roughly two years, this seems to be a pretty safe initial prediction. I will be adjusting this estimate when I am able to find out more.
Mid-to-late September: Dedication of the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple (167th operating temple) and groundbreaking for the Belem Brazil Temple
NOTE: Brazil seems to be highly favored of the Lord due to the wide-spread reception of the gospel by its citizens. Temples in particular are important to the Saints there, and the many announcements of Brazilian temples in the last few years has been amazing to see. With some exceptions (the Fortaleza Brazil temple being one), it has generally be the case that Brazilian temples progress fairly swiftly from announcement to groundbreaking to construction to dedication. It is therefore not only possible but highly probable that both of these events could take place at around this time, especially in light of the fact that they would be held during the Brazilian spring.
September 28 & October 6 & 7: 189th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
Late October or early November: Rededication of the Asuncion Paraguay Temple
NOTE: With the announcement made earlier today of this planned renovation, it seems apparent that, depending on what is involved in the renovation process for this temple, a rededication could easily take place at around this time. I will be keeping an eye out for ongoing developments and will readjust this estimate as that is needed.
Early December: Dedication of the Lisbon Portugal Temple (168th operating temple)

2020 (NOTE: With this being 3 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
March: Dedication of the Arequipa Peru Temple (169th operating temple); Groundbreaking for the Nairobi Kenya Temple
NOTE: Temples in Africa always take a little while between announcement and groundbreaking. While I am hoping and praying that Kenya’s first temple has its construction commence sooner than this, it may not happen that way.
March 28 & April 4 & 5: 190th Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
June: Rededication of the Washington DC and Tokyo Japan Temples and groundbreaking for the Urdaneta Philippines Temple
NOTE: The renovation on the temple of the US capital is anticipated to take two years, as is the temple in Tokyo, so this is a very conservative estimate on my part. And while I certainly hope it will not take another three years to see the groundbreaking for this Philippines temple that will have had almost ten years since its announcement by this time, there are no clear signs that it will happen any sooner than this. I will monitor that situation closely and go from there.
September: Dedication for the Harare Zimbabwe Temple (170th operating temple)
NOTE: The completion timeline for this temple will depend entirely on how soon we see a site announcement, when ground is broken, what the design entails, and how swiftly construction progresses. But it seems to be a safe initial prediction.
September 26 & October 3 & 4: 190th Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
December: Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple Dedication (171st operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. The only other Caribbean temple was completed within a similar time frame to what I have suggested here.

2021 (NOTE: With this being 4 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
February: Pocatello Idaho Temple Dedication (172nd operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which temples in Idaho are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
March: Saratoga Springs Utah Temple Dedication (173rd operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Utah temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
March 27, April 3 & 4: 191st Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
May: Greater Manila Philippines Temple Dedication (174th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for the dedication of this temple will depend entirely on when we see a groundbreaking (as there has already been a site confirmation). If the groundbreaking happens as indicated above, it is very possible that we will see this dedication happen at around this time, as it would conform to the general pattern by which has prevailed for the completion of temples in the Philippines.
September: Bangkok Thailand Temple Dedication (175th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Asian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
September 25 & October 2 & 3: 191st Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
December: Abidjan Ivory Coast Temple Dedication (176th operating temple)
NOTE: If the groundbreaking for this temple takes place as estimated earlier, this, according to my calculations, would become roughly the time within which other African temples have been completed, opening the likelihood that this temple dedication could take place at around this time.

2022 (NOTE: With this being 5 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
March: Brasilia Brazil Temple Dedication (177th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Brazilian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
March 26 & April 2 & 3: 192nd Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
June: Quito Ecuador Temple Dedication (178th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Ecuadoran temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
August: Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple Dedication (179th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Peruvian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
September 24 & October 1 & 2: 192nd Semiannual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.

2023 (NOTE: With this being 6 years from now, with the exception of General Conference dates, which are easily predicted, it is anyone’s guess how or if the events proposed here will take place as I am estimating they will. I will make adjustments when more is known.)
March: Nairobi Kenya Temple Dedication (180th operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which African temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
March 25 & April 1 & 2: 193rd Annual General Conference
NOTE: While this is yet-to-be confirmed, it does conform to the general timeline under which previous general conferences have taken place. Temple announcements are always possible during General Conference.
June: Belem Brazil Temple Dedication (181st operating temple)
NOTE: The timeline for this dedication will depend on whether or not a groundbreaking takes place at the time indicated above. And things might happen sooner than indicated here, all going well. But I have noted the general timeline in which Brazilian temples are usually completed, and will readjust my timeline as needed for the future.
September: Urdaneta Philippines Temple Dedication (182nd operating temple)
NOTE: As this temple is currently stalled in the planning and approval phase, it is anyone’s guess as to when a site announcement and groundbreaking will happen. That said, if a groundbreaking can take place according to the timeline suggested above, it is very possible that this temple will be completed within the general time frame in which other temples in the Philippines have been known to be completed.

FINAL NOTE: Any other temple-related event is too far distant to be predicted, as the dedication above will mark that of the last temple we currently have announced. While I have based the timeline above on my observations for the timelines of temples worldwide, it is by no means a perfect or infallible system. With that in mind, I hope to see events happen much sooner than indicated here. And it is sure that I will make every effort to report any changes as more information comes to light. Thanks for reading this. Any comments are welcome and most appreciated.