Stokes Sounds Off: Temple Construction Updates/Further Adjustments to Specific Estimates Now Necessary

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Friday, November 30, 2018

Temple Construction Updates/Further Adjustments to Specific Estimates Now Necessary

Hello again, everyone! During the time I was stuck at the hospital, a whole new set of temple developments were reported. I have taken time over the last 16 hours or so as my health has allowed to update my temple construction progress report with the latest updates and changes. Due to the extensive nature of the reported developments, I will need to post my entire report this time, for which I apologize profusely. And in view of the changes noted in red text, it looks like another revision will be needed for my more specific estimates for future temple events. Look for that within the next 7-10 days as time, circumstances, and my health allows that to be put together.

I do continue to monitor all major Church news and temple developments and will do my level best to bring word of those to you all here as I receive such information. In the meantime, the updated report follows below. So as to not disturb the flow of that information, I will end here and now as I always do. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, so long as those comments follow the established parameters and guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly-added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Temple Construction Progress (current as of 11/30/18)

Note about future temple construction: I have previously referenced the statement made by Elder Larry Y. Wilson, who serves as the Temple Department Executive Director, to the effect that 80 temples were on a list of locations that would be considered for an official announcement within the 15 years following that statement. And although we may not know whether or not those 80 locations have been announced by late April 2032, it seems reasonable to believe that the Church could (and likely will) have at least 200 operating temples by or before Saturday April 6, 2030 (which will mark the Church’s bicentennial anniversary).

With the 12 temples announced during the October 2018 General Conference, the Church now has a total of 201 temples in any phase. With that and plans to accelerate the temple construction process in mind, it is more likely than not that there will be 200 operating temples by or before Saturday April 6, 2030 (which will mark the Church’s bicentennial anniversary), whether or not an official goal is made to do so. The Church would just need to complete 40 of the temples in various phases in the 11.35 years between now and then, which could be done if 3.52 temples are dedicated each year. Since 6 or 7 more temples will be dedicated within the next year, I can easily see the Church having 200 temples in operation by that date, and would anticipate there being more than that. Time will tell, but it seems to be a safe bet.

Current temple status: The Church has 201 temples in various phases. There are 160 in operation; 1 of which is preparing for its’ dedication; 3 more for which a dedication has been scheduled; 7 others which are currently in various phases of construction; and 2 additional temples for which a groundbreaking has been scheduled. Also, 11 temples are currently closed for renovation (6 or 7 of which are anticipated to be rededicated next year). The remaining 28 are announced, several of which are likely to have a groundbreaking in 2019 and the years following that.

During the October General Conference, President Nelson also announced that many more operating temples will be renovated in the near future, including several pioneer-era temples (most significantly the Salt Lake Temple), and that more information will be released in the coming months about which temples are closing, and what the renovations will involve and entail.

Preparing for dedication:
161.  Barranquilla Colombia Temple: Preparing for dedication, which is scheduled for Sunday December 9, 2018.

Dedication Scheduled:                                                                                       
162. Rome Italy Temple: Interior finish work underway; volunteers being sought for public open house; dedication scheduled for Sunday March 10-Tuesday March 12, 2019.
163. Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple: Landscaping nearing completion; interior finish work underway; dedication scheduled for Sunday April 14, 2019.
164. Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple: Stone cladding continues on exterior walls; open house and dedication dates announced on November 14, 2018; dedication scheduled for Sunday May 19, 2019.

Under construction, completion anticipated during 2019:
165. Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Interior finish work underway; completion estimated sometime during mid-2019.
166. Durban South Africa Temple: Painting, millwork, plumbing, and electrical progressing; information technology equipment delivered; completion estimated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
167. Lisbon Portugal Temple: Angel Moroni installed; stone cladding nearing completion; installation of stained glass windows underway; meetinghouse gardens being planted; completion estimated sometime during late 2019.

Temples anticipated to be completed sometime during 2020:
168. Arequipa Peru Temple: Stone cladding the cupola; completion estimated sometime during early 2020.
169. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple: Scaffolding placed around tower; stone cladding of exterior walls continues; installation of stained glass windows underway; completion estimated sometime during early 2020.
170. Winnipeg Manitoba Temple: Pouring footings for temple foundation; new rendering released; completion estimated sometime during mid-2020.

Temples anticipated to be completed sometime during 2020 or 2021:
171. Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire Temple: Setting piles for construction barrier; completion estimated sometime during late 2020-early 2021.

Groundbreaking scheduled:
172. Urdaneta Philippines Temple: Official rendering released; preparing for groundbreaking, which is scheduled for Wednesday January 16, 2019; completion estimated sometime during early-to-mid 2021.
173. Bangkok Thailand Temple: Site cleared; scaffolding and debris netting placed around old Church office building; preparing for groundbreaking, which is scheduled for Saturday January 26, 2019; completion estimated sometime during mid-2022.

Undergoing Renovation (rededication estimated sometime during 2019):
13. Oakland California Temple: Closed for renovation; Christmas lights on display as work progresses on interior; rededication estimated sometime during mid-2019.
95. Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple: Closed for renovation; baptismal font oxen in place; laying tile; installing millwork; adding hard landscaping elements; rededication estimated sometime during mid-2019.
80. Memphis Tennessee Temple: Closed for renovation; angel Moroni installed on November 29, 2018; rededication estimated sometime during mid-2019.
68. Raleigh North Carolina Temple: Closed for renovation; stone cladding front exterior walls and tower; rededication estimated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
94. Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple: Closed for renovation; process of stone cladding the exterior walls has begun; rededication estimated sometime during mid-to-late 2019.
41. Frankfurt Germany Temple: Closed for renovation; laying pavers for expanded parking lot; renovating exterior walls of villa; completion estimated sometime during 2019.
112. Asuncion Paraguay Temple: Closed for renovation; interior and exterior work underway; rededication estimated sometime during late 2019-early 2020.

Undergoing Renovation (rededication estimated sometime during 2020):
18. Tokyo Japan Temple: Closed for renovation; exterior and interior renovations underway; rededication estimated sometime during early-to-mid 2020.
16. Washington D. C. Temple: Closed for renovation; interior completely dismantled; exterior renovations progressing; rededication may take place sometime during mid-to-late 2020.
8. Mesa Arizona Temple: Closed for renovation; removing windows; grading the grounds; clearing visitors’ center site; rededication may take place sometime during mid-to-late 2020.

Undergoing Renovation (rededication estimated sometime during 2021):
11. Hamilton New Zealand Temple: Closed for renovation; dismantling interior; rededication may take place sometime during early-to-mid 2021.

Note on announced temples: On October 30, 2018, I reviewed the information I had available, and I accordingly reordered the temples in this section splitting them into two sub-categories. The first contains those for which there is sufficient information, based on which I have provided a rough groundbreaking estimate, which will, of course, be subject to alteration in the future as more information is available. The second section contains those temples which are ordered based on the information currently available, but for which more information will be needed before they can join the first list. And for that second list, I do not feel comfortable offering any groundbreaking estimate until more information is available.

Announced Temples (for which sufficient information has me confident enough to venture a general groundbreaking estimate):
174. Pocatello Idaho Temple: Government approval process; streets around temple site opened; groundbreaking anticipated in early 2019.
175. Saratoga Springs Utah Temple: Government approval phase; probable site identified; awaiting official confirmation and artist’s rendering; groundbreaking could occur in mid-2019.
176. Nairobi Kenya Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement; media event held June 14, 2017; groundbreaking could occur in mid-2019.
177. Lima Peru Los Olivos Temple: Planning and preliminary construction phase; awaiting official site announcement; President Nelson visited probable site on October 20, 2018; groundbreaking could occur in mid-2019.
178. Harare Zimbabwe Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement; President Nelson visited potential site on April 17, 2018; groundbreaking could occur in late 2019-early 2020.
179. Brasilia Brazil Temple: Planning and approval phase; site inspected by Church engineers on June 21, 2017; groundbreaking could occur in mid-to-late 2019.
180. Greater Manila Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official name announcement; groundbreaking could occur in mid-to-late 2019.
181. Layton Utah Temple: Planning and approval phase; announced April 1, 2018; awaiting official site announcement; groundbreaking could occur in early 2020.
182. Richmond Virginia Temple: Planning and approval phase; announced April 1, 2018; awaiting official site announcement; groundbreaking could occur in early-to-mid 2020.
183. Managua Nicaragua Temple: Announced April 1, 2018; awaiting official site announcement; groundbreaking could occur in early-to-mid 2020.
184. Salta Argentina Temple: Planning and approval phase; announced April 1, 2018; awaiting official site announcement; groundbreaking could occur in mid-2020.
185. Bengaluru India Temple: Planning and approval phase; announced April 1, 2018; awaiting official site announcement; President Nelson toured potential locations on April 19, 2018; groundbreaking could occur in mid-2020.
186. Phnom Penh Cambodia Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement; groundbreaking could occur in ­mid-2020.
187. Auckland New Zealand Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement; groundbreaking could occur in mid-to-late 2020.

Announced Temples (for which more information is needed before I provide an estimated groundbreaking time-frame):
188. Quito Ecuador Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
189. Belem Brazil Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
190. Cagayan de Oro Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
191. Russia Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official location and site announcement.
192. Mendoza Argentina Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
193. Salvador Brazil Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
194. Yuba City, California Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
195. Praia Cape Verde Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
196. Yigo Guam Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
197. Puebla Mexico Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
198. Lagos Nigeria Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
199. Davao Philippines Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
200. San Juan Puerto Rico Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official site announcement.
201. Washington County Utah Temple: Planning and approval phase; awaiting official city and site announcement.

Bolded numbers and text denote temples whose numbers already exists (for renovations), or is certain due to a scheduled dedication, as well as information that is certain, such as dedication or groundbreaking dates.
Italicized numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on the order in which future dedications and groundbreakings are scheduled.
Underlined numbers and text denote temples whose numbers may change based on progress towards planning, approval, and groundbreaking.
Changes since last report are highlighted in red.

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