Stokes Sounds Off: BREAKING NEWS: Multiple Church and Temple News Developments Reported; Changes in Area Seventies Quorums to Go Into Effect Today

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Monday, June 1, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Multiple Church and Temple News Developments Reported; Changes in Area Seventies Quorums to Go Into Effect Today

Hello again, everyone! As you'll notice from this post's title, multiple developments have been noted by the Church today. Let's get right into all of those developments. Firstly, it appears that around 5 days ago, the Church noted in some respect that the groundbreaking for the Salta Argentina Temple will occur on Saturday August 15, with Elder Bejamin De Hoyos, president of the Soutth America South Area, presiding. The Newsroom had published that release on their main page earlier today to note that officially, but it appears that the release has since been taken down from its' original location on the website. 

As a result, in order to confirm this information, I refer you to the relevant news page for that temple from the Church Temples site. Hopefully the Church will fix that release at some point later today, and when that happens, I will provide that update through an edit to this post or through a comment hereon. Based on the rendering provided on that page, I am estimating that construction will take 2.5-3 years or so. That news will necessiate another revision to any previous thoughts about temple events this year that I have provided up to this point. Stay tuned for more on that as I figure it all out. In the meantime, the Church News website has reported that the phased reopening of temples will continue, with 11 more temples set to reopen next Monday. 

This latest announcement will bring the number of temples open under phase 1 to a total of 77 by Monday June 8. Among those reopening next week will include the sole temples in Ghana, Nigeria, Portugal, and Tahiti,  and the temples in Sapporo Japan; Fort Lauiderdale Florida; Meridian and Rexburg Idaho; Indianapolis India; Lubbock Texas; and Reno Nevada. I love to see how the Church is truly being cautious when it comes to the approach towards reopening temples. Hopefully in the coming weeks, others will move into phase 1, while some which have successfully been in phase 1 for a while may be able to go to phase 2. Stay tuned for more information as I become aware of such newsx on that front.

Let's turn now to the last new development. Earlier today, the Newsroom announced a streamlining to the process whereby Church news will be covered thereon. The previously-separate News and Events page has been absorbed into the Newsroom page, where all News and Events will now be featured. Additionally, some coverage provided by the Church News will be shared in that central Newsroom page, which will now in essence become the main hub for all such developments. The image posted with this announcement showed Elder Soares, apparently seen somewhere in Latin America. I am not sure if that is meant to indicate that Elder Soares now has some role in the Church Public Affairs Department, but that is a possibility.

And the final item I wanted to mention in this post is regarding a previously-announced development.  On May 19, the First Presidency had announced changes in the demographic composition of Area Seventies' Quorums, along with the creation of 4 new Quorums of the Seventy. Since that announcement noted that those changes would take effect on June 1, they have now become official. Although the Church website staff may be busy making other updaites that are needed relating to the other developments reported in this post, it's my hope that the official list of area seventies might soon be updated.

In conclusion, I want to note that when President Nelson mentioned things moving foroward at an accelerated pace, he was definitively not kidding. I look forward to seeing whatever may be next in that respect.  


  1. Hello again, everyone! As I have mentioned a few different times in the last couple of years, among the many Nelsonia reforms, we have seen top Church leaders, specifically the apostles, and particularly President Nelson himself, utilize social media to more widely disseminate official Church information, including statements on public issues.

    A short while ago, as the new reported here in the United States, an unarmed black man was mistreated by police officers who had arrested him, and the elements specific to that misteatment led to his death. Since that time, what was seen as a recial injustice, and a gross miscarriage of justice, led just this weekend to mass protests all across the nation. Here in Utah, what had started as a peaceful protest on Saturday blossomed into a riot due to the actions of people who wanted to stir up trouble more than they wanted to join in the protests about the relevant issues. As a result, several police officers, who had been hesitant to make an appearance, had to go and restore order. In that process, the Utah Capitol building was defaced, public property was vandalized and broken, a few cars wsere overturned, several reporters on the scene were put into danger as they strove to provide coverage on the incident, and the police had to arrest multiple people. Similar instances of peaceful rallies devolving into mobs whose throngs vandalized, defaced, and destroyed pubblic property, and where police personnel and on-scene reporters were put in harm's way as a result occurred throughout various major cities nationwide.

    So today, as one who is ever mindful of and concerned regarding instances and issues such as this that have a global impact, our beloved prophet took to social media again today to provide as strong a statement as I have ever heard on such an issue. In it, he condemned any kind of intolerance, prejudice, and mistreatment of anyone, saying any who engage in such conduct need to repent. But he also made it clear that fighting a wrong with another wrong action, especially when those actions infringe on the rights of others or put others in danger, where vAndalism occurs, property is destroyed or defaced, and innocent people are placed in harm's way unnecessarily is something that cannot and should not be tolerated either. He added an expression of love and support for all imapcted by the original tragedy, or the ensuing afthermath that followed. You can read that statement in full through the following article:

    The post in question was also covered by the Newsroom:

    My thanks once again to you all.

  2. Hello again, everyone! A few new Church News stories have been published:

    My thanks once again to you all.

  3. Hello again, everyone! I have a late-night update on the Salta Argentina Temple matter. Earlier today, when I still could find no trace of the groundbreaking announcement on the website for the Church Newsroom, I reached out via e-mail to the staff there. Hopefully I will have more information about what happened with that vanished news release that did exist earlier but of which there is no current trace. In the interim, it appears that the Church Temples page for the Salta Argentina Temple still notes the information about the groundbreaking arrangements and the release of the rendering, but that the rendering has been removed from the article pending the rerelease of that information, and it has been removed from the queue of temples for which a groundbreaking has been scheduled for now. Hopefully we'll get some clarification on the status of and information for that temple, but that is the information I have for now. In the interim, since I acknowledge the unofficial nature of information not directly verified through official information, until further notice, I have chosen to keep the information about the groundbreaking intact on my temple construction progress report.

    As I said, hopefully later this week (if not sometime within the next 24 hours) we may learn more about all of this and/or have the official information rereleased and thereby confirmed. Stay tuned for further details as I learn more about them. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. Additionally, since posting the above comment, it appears that the Church Temples site has removed all infot about the groundbreaking, the artist's rendering, and the site location. I may opt to wait a day or two before I take action regarding my own files. Stay tuned, and thanks again.

  4. Hello again, everyone! The following additional Church News reports have been shared:

    My thanks once again to you all.

  5. Additional reports:

    Thanks again, everyone!

  6. Seems October general conference will be the same format as the April General conference


In addition to my life-long love for the subjects which I cover in the posts of this blog, I have long held the belief that we can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Differences of opinion are natural, while being disagreeable in expressing those differences is not. And in that sense, I have no desire to close the door on anyone who earnestly desires to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on subjects covered in the posts on this blog.

At the same time, however, I recognize that we live in a time when incivility, discourtesy, unkindness, and even cyber-bullying has regrettably become part of online interactions. With that in mind, while anyone who wishes can comment on anything if they choose to do so, I hereby reserve the right to immediately delete any comments which are critical, unkind, lack civility, or promote prodcuts, services, and values contrary to either the Church, or to the rules of online etiquette.

I'd also like to remind all who comment here that I try to respond personally to each individual comment as I feel is appropriate. Such replies are not meant to end the conversation, but to acknowledge earnest feedback as it is submitted.

And in order to better preserve the spirit and pure intentions for which this blog was established, I also hereby request that anyone not commenting with a regular user name (particularly those whose comments appear under the "Unknown" or "Anonymous" monikers, give the rest of us a name to work with in addressing any replies. If such individuals do not wish to disclose their actual given names, a pseudonym or nickname would suffice.

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