Stokes Sounds Off: Apology and Personal Update

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Apology and Personal Update

Hello again, everyone! As this post title indicates, I have felt a need to share a personal update and to issue a general apology. I want to first explain some personal circumstances I have had to which I have previously alluded, but the details of which I have not shared here.

The best way I can describe things is to note that, in November, I had learned that my insurance would no longer cover one of my major medications, and the four months since then have involved my doctor approving a slight increase in another of my medications to compensate for this loss, only for my wife and I to find out that my insurance needed additional information from both my doctor and myself before they would cover the increase of the other medication.

So within the last four months, in addition to the general illnesses with which my wife and I are still struggling, I have had to spend a lot of time every week for at least three days per week doing everything of which I could think to get this situation figured out.

When not trying to settle that fiasco, I have continued to use my enthusiasm for Church and temple news to pass along the updates I have done within that same time. And I have also worked as I can on looking into increasing the number of views and comments on this blog and the amount I am able to earn from it. As part of that process, I have focused some efforts into increasing my blog's visibility in Google search results within the nations from which most of my page views come.

That brings me to my reason for wanting to apologize. I have been very gratified to see the number of views and comments increase on my blog during this time, in addition to seeing an increase, however slight, in my blog earnings as a result of my efforts to expand the reach of my blog.

But I am ashamed to realize that there have been a number of times within the last few months while all of this has been going on that my frustrations over the stress of this situation may have boiled over into my response to comments made here, and for that, I apologize to you all.

I am very much grateful to all who have been gracious enough to comment up to now, and I hope you will all continue to let me know your thoughts going forward. The conversations here make my day more often than not, and I appreciate the ongoing dialogue regarding those things about which I have "sounded off".

But I worry that I don't do as well as I should in showing the genuine appreciation I have for such insights, and I would like to commit here and now to doing that to a larger and more full extent going forward. Together with you, I hope to continue to celebrate all the wonderful Church and temple news that will occur for several years to come.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.


  1. Hope it gets better. Insurance and cost is a frustration for many of my clients.

  2. It has been frustrating, Chris. And since you were kind enough to comment, I don't mind reiterating that the reason this has dragged on for four months is because the only contact I have to relay messages to and from the doctor in question is completely incompetent at doing her job. Before I got word last Friday that the medication in question was approved, I had reached out at least three times to let this individual know that a new prescription was needed, and I had to reach out to her repeatedly since I got word of the approval on Friday before I got news today that the prescription I needed had finally been sent. So in addition to everything this individual did not do that would have shortcut the process substantially, I now have the additional fact that she was told repeatedly that a new script would be needed as soon as the medication was approved. Just another in the series of examples about how she absolutely stinks at doing the job they pay her for. The arrangement to get messages to this doctor has been a problem for a while, which I keep bringing up, but this latest example means that when I see my doctor a week from Friday, I will need to be very clear about all her assistant is being paid for that clearly is not being done. The lack of timely resolution to this issue aside, as I noted above, it took me making calls at least three times a week every week to make any headway, and two or three weeks ago, I had to register a formal complaint with my insurance before I was able to make any headway on this. So I am done dealing with the misconduct of this assistant. Hopefully when I explain to my doctor how fully her assistant messed up this process for the last four months, that will be enough t o get the arrangement fixed. Suffice it to say, it has been a very rough 4 months, which will also need to be discussed with my doctor. I hate speaking in an uncomplimentary way about anyone to anyone else, but if this person is not doing what she is being paid for, then the doctor definitely deserves to know. Thanks for your comment, Chris.


In addition to my life-long love for the subjects which I cover in the posts of this blog, I have long held the belief that we can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Differences of opinion are natural, while being disagreeable in expressing those differences is not. And in that sense, I have no desire to close the door on anyone who earnestly desires to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on subjects covered in the posts on this blog.

At the same time, however, I recognize that we live in a time when incivility, discourtesy, unkindness, and even cyber-bullying has regrettably become part of online interactions. With that in mind, while anyone who wishes can comment on anything if they choose to do so, I hereby reserve the right to immediately delete any comments which are critical, unkind, lack civility, or promote prodcuts, services, and values contrary to either the Church, or to the rules of online etiquette.

I'd also like to remind all who comment here that I try to respond personally to each individual comment as I feel is appropriate. Such replies are not meant to end the conversation, but to acknowledge earnest feedback as it is submitted.

And in order to better preserve the spirit and pure intentions for which this blog was established, I also hereby request that anyone not commenting with a regular user name (particularly those whose comments appear under the "Unknown" or "Anonymous" monikers, give the rest of us a name to work with in addressing any replies. If such individuals do not wish to disclose their actual given names, a pseudonym or nickname would suffice.

Any comments made by individuals who opt to not give a name by which they can ber identified may, depending on the substance and tone of such comments, be subject to deletion as well. I would respectfully ask that all of us do all we can to keep the dialogue positive, polite, and without malice or ill-will. May the Lord bless us all in our discussion of these important matters.