Stokes Sounds Off: BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Site Locations Confirmed for the Toluca Mexico and João Pessoa Brazil Temples; Exterior Rendering Released for the Barcelona Spain Temple

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Monday, November 20, 2023

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Site Locations Confirmed for the Toluca Mexico and João Pessoa Brazil Temples; Exterior Rendering Released for the Barcelona Spain Temple

Hello again, everyone! More breaking temple news was reported a short time ago. The First Presidency has confirmed locations and preliminary details for the Toluca Mexico and João Pessoa Brazil Temples and has released the official exterior rendering for the Barcelona Spain Temple. Let's get into those details:

The Toluca Mexico Temple was announced in April 2022 as one of four temples to be built in the greater Mexico City Mexico area. A 4.87-acre site at Calle Guadalupe Victoria corner Uruapan, Col. Las Jaras, Metepec, State of Mexico, 52166 will be the home of the single-story temple of 19,000 square feet.

Meanwhile, the João Pessoa Brazil Temple was just announced last month in General Conference. A 3.9-ace site at Rua Paulino Pinto and Avenida Ministro José Américo de Almeida in the Cabo Branco neighborhood will serve as the location for the temple, which is anticipated to be roughly 18,850 square feet. No indication as to whether it will be one or two stories, but I assume that will be clarified later.

On January 9 of this year, the site location and preliminary details were released for the Barcelona Spain Temple. With the release of the exterior rendering for that temple today, it now joins the list of temples for which a groundbreaking might soon be set. Since I was not expecting this additional announcement, I still have a lot to sort out. I will share any further analysis with you all ASAP, including updates on temples with groundbreaking announcements pending, those awaiting an exterior rendering and groundbreaking, and all other announced temples, and where things stand with temples announced by President Nelson.

I continue to monitor any and all Church News, Newsroom, and Church of Jesus Christ Temples updates and will be sure to pass word of those along to you all as they cross my radar. In the meantime, that does it for now. All comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated on any post at any time, as long as the offered feedback is made per the established guidelines. I hope any of you who would like to share anything will take your opportunity to “sound off” in the comments below. Please subscribe if you liked what you read here and would like to be informed of newly added posts and comments. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.


  1. The Church News has shared updates on these other announcements as well. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. The Newsroom has shared how Temple Square will offer Christmas experiences for the 2023 Christmas season, even as renovation work continues on the Salt Lake Temple and on Temple Square. Also, as a result of today's announcements, I have edited my document showing updated sections of my temple construction progress report, which contains information about the 97 announced temples. My thanks once again to you all.

    2. Also, as a result of today's announcements, I have updated my document showing announced temples for which no official information has been confimed yet. I am cautiously optimistic that there will be at least a few more temples knocked off of that document before the end of this year. My thanks once again to you all.

  2. On this Tuesday, the Newsroom has provided another update on the Church's efforts to be good global stewards. The Newsroom has also provided a final report on the 11-day ministry to the Africa West Area undertaken by Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency and Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman. Meanwhile, the Church News has shared several new reports today as well.

    Among those reports are JustServe efforts in Puerto Rico, Nauvoo-era tithing records, the research and real-life events that verify the validity of the recent prophetic promise given by President Nelson regarding seminary and institute, this week's Church News podcast episode with Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, a Portuguese youth devotional featuring Elder Ulisess Soares, also of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and how the Church is responding to torrential rains and flooding in the Dominican Republic.

    My thanks once again to you all.

    1. A number of changes have been noted in terms of both the completion order and the general completion estimates for several temples. Those changes are reflected in this document. Rather than enumerating the changes, I will let that document speak for itself. Suffice it to say, I will have to adjust my temple construction queue and associated estimates yet again. My thanks once again to you all.

    2. In conjunction with the updated general estimates I noted in my last comment, status updates have been reported on the Syracuse Utah, Phnom Penh Cambodia, and Belo Horizonte Brazil Temples. My thanks once again to you alll.

    3. On this Wednesday, the Newsroom has reported on the Church's latest involvement in the "My Hometown" Initiative and also shared how artists are inspired by prophets, apostes, and other leaders. Meanwhile, the Church News shares a link between gratitude and indebtedness.A Latter-day Saint young woman has become the first Samoan to win a golf competion. The Church News also published a final report on the West African ministry of Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency and Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman, and shared a video featuring excerpts from yesterday's Church News podcast, which focused on the Church in Japan and featured Elder Gary E. Stevensons of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. My thanks once again to you all.

    4. Almost 670,000 toured the St. George Utah Temple during its' recently-concluded open house. My thanks once again to you all.

    5. A new update on the Salta Argentina Temple indicates that the landscaping and interior finish work have wrapped up. That temple now joins the Puebla Mexico, Layton and Taylorsville Utah, and Urdaneta Philippines Temples in the category of "Awaiting the Announcement of Opening Arrangements", leaving only the Coban Guatemala Temple in the category of "Major Construction Completed", though my personal hope is that work will wrap up on the Casper Wyoming Temple soon as well. My thanks once again to you al.

    6. Here is one new report from the Church News. My thanks once again to you all.

  3. Hello again, everyone! As this Thanksgiving Day draws to a close, I am grateful to each of you for your readership. It means a lot to me to know that what I do here makes a difference. A few new Church News reports have been shared today. A Mali Muslim leader recently visited Church headquarters this week. Teachings from Church leaders relating to gratitutde were also shared. And a special Thanksgiving Day devotional at the Provo MTC featured Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I will post any new temple construction updates, if any, from today shortly. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. An update has been noted on the Mendoza Argentina Temple. My thanks once again to you all.

    2. On this Friday, the First Presidency has shared their annual Christmas message.The Church News shared another story about a football player, the 2023 Provo MTC Thanksgiving Day service project, and updates have been provided on where to see the Christmas lights at visitor's centers around the world and the #LighttheWorld Christmas initiative.

      The final update is the latest edition of "This Week on Social". Featured in the newest installment of that ongoing series were the following general leaders: Elders Dieter F. Uchtdorf, David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Andersen, Ronald A. Rasband, Gary E. Stevenson, Dale G. Renlund, and Ulisses Soares, all of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson and her respective First and Second Counselors, Sisters J. Anette Dennis and Kristin M. Yee; Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, Second Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency; Sisters Amy A. Wright and Tracy Y. Browning, the respective First and Second Counselors in the Primary General Presidency; Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace and his First Counselor, Brother Milton Camargo; and Brother Bradley R. (Brad) Wilcox, First Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency.

      My thanks once again to you all.

    3. Since it is now past 5:30 PM Saturday in Kaohsiung Taiwan, and since we haven't heard otherwise, I am assuming that the groundbreaking for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple took place as scheduled. I will pass along anything official about that as I learn about it. My thanks once again to you all.

    4. On this Saturday, the Church News has published a few new reports. Football and faith have come together in a miraculous way for a University of Michigan lineman. The Relief Society and Primary General Presidents recently ministered in the Philippines. The text of the message that will be delivered in English and Spanish during tomorrow's "Music & the Spoken Word" broadcast has been provided. And Christmas lights and biblical displays highlight the reason for the Christmas season on the grounds of the Mesa Arizona Temple.

      In terms of temple construction, a new photograph from the gallery of the Fort Worth Texas Temple indicates that preparations are underway to begin full-scale construction efforts on that temple. As a result, the temple has been given a preliminary general completion estimate of mid-to-late 2026, and that temple has been moved up into the queue between the Modesto California and Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Temples (the former of which is estimated to be completed in mid-to-late 2026 and the latter of which is estimated to be completed in late 2026-early 2027. The Church Temples site also indicates a general completion estimate of 2027 for the Heber Valley Utah Temple, for which building permits might hopefully be issued early next week. And the site also confirmed that the groundbreaking for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple took place today as scheduled. Hopefully full-scale construction will begin on that temple in the next week or two. My thanks once again to you all.

  4. On this Sabbath Day, the Church News has published a few new reports. The first talks about how open house coordinators plan to help each visitor, especially those not of our faith, to see each temple as the house of the Lord. The latest edition of "In Case You Missed It: Week in Review" recapped the top nine developments covered in the Church News this week. Church leaders and Bible scholars shared their insights about the "Come, Follow Me" passages for this week, which will cover 1-3 John and Jude. And this just in a few minutes ago, in advance of the open house tours for the St. George Utah Temple, a special video shown to participants in the open house features Acting President Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles highlighting the importance of temples. He is one of 2 or 3 apostles featured in the video, which is shown prior to the beginning of each open house tour everywhere in the world. But as that final article explains, then-Elder Holland's poignant message in the video has had a more profound effect on people who attended the St. George Utah Temple open house, especially in light of the health challenges and loss of his wife that Elder Holland has experienced in the last year and longer.

    As I may or may not have mentioned, in his remarks at the funeral services for President M. Russell Ballard, President Holland described his 5-week hospital stay by saying that 3 of those weeks were spent in a semi-comatose, near-death state. I was stunned to hear the extent of his ordeal. At the same time, the fact that he's come back from that, and has once again returned to work and is fully able to fill the assignment as Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles now is for me a personal testament to the truth of the promise of the oath and covenant of the priesthoood, that those who keep it will be "sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewal of their bodies." I testify that President Holland's recovery is a clear indicator that he has not yet finished his work here in mortality, and I am grateful that he has recovered and is able to take responsibility for working with the First Presidency to coordinate the efforts of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in their worldwide ministries, individually and collectively. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. On this Monday, with the next anticipated major temple construction announcement less than an hour away, the Church News has provided a couple new updates. A Church member from California described her personal experience with hope, relief, and forgiveness as found through Jesus Christ. And the Church News also featured information about the light displays on Temple Square. I will be back to cover whatever is reported today in a new post within the hour. For now, my thanks once again to you all.

    2. While I don't think this is the big temple announcement for this week, the Church has confirmed that the groundbreaking for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple took place as scheduled on Saturday. My thanks once again to you all.

    3. Apparently that was the big temple announcement for the week, unless, due to the holidays, they are switching to Tuesdays. My thanks once again to you all.

    4. Here is one additional update on the Giving Machines. My thanks once again to you all.

    5. The Newsroom shared the same update. My thanks once again to you all.

    6. And a construction status update has been noted for the Ephraim Utah Temple. My thanks once again to you all.

    7. A couple of hours ago, the Church News also covered the groundbreaking ceremony for the Kaohsiung Taiwan Temple. My thanks once again to you all.

  5. On this Tuesday, the Church News has shared two new articles about the Church's Light the World Initiative.New York faith leaders are working together to share joy and light and to help children this holiday season. And the latest edition of the Church News podcast features a Church historian, who provided context into the ongoing legacy of the St. George Utah Temple.

    There may also be a few new temple updates, which will follow shortly. For now, my thanks once again to you all.

    1. Status updates have been provided for the Deseret Peak Utah and Freetown Sierra Leone Temples. My thanks once again to you all.

    2. Here is one more report from the Church News. My thanks once again to you all.

    3. And yet another widow of an emeritus General Authority Seventy has passed away. My thanks once again to you all.

    4. The Newsroom has provided one additional report. My thanks once again to you all.

    5. My son is in the North Carolina Charlotte mission, one of the locations of the Light the World Giving Machines. In our weekly calls yesterday, he reported that he will be involved in service opportunities regarding those machines. He has a special training this week to learn more what that may mean.

    6. That's awesome, Chris! Thanks so much for sharing that. I have been impressed by the way the Church has steadily increased the number of those machines around the world. And I was likewise impressed that this year, there's even an option to donate online for those who aren't physically close to those machines. Let us know more as you find out about it.

      In the meantime, Chris, for you and anyone else who may be interested, it appears from a new report from the Newsroom that Elder Quentin L. Cook is currently in New York City, where he helped kick off one of many service projects that the Church will be involved in during this holiday season. I'm excited for the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional on Sunday. Anyways, Chris, thanks again for stopping by to share this. I always appreciate hearing from you, my friend. Stay safe out there.

  6. On this Wednesday, the Church News has shared a few new reports, covering the recent BYU-Provo forum, humanitarian efforts in Europe, BYU Football service projects, and Bishop L. Todd Budge's address to missionaries at the Provo MTC. From the Newsroom, Elder Dale G. Renlund and a government official from the Philippines helped launch the Festival of Lights at the Washington D.C. Temple. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. A new update on the Cody Wyoming Temple indicates that district court cases (which the Church filed to recover the loss of time and resources when the permits for that temple were not being granted) are under litigation now. This article explains where things stand in regards to that litigation. The judge in the case stated his intent to make a decision on the matters at hand before Christmas, so hopefully the relevant matters will be resolved before the end of the year, which would allow the Church to break ground for that temple in early or early-to-mid 2024, if all goes well. My thanks once again to you all.

    2. And here is one new report from the Church News. My thanks once again to you all.

    3. One additional report has been provided by the Newsroom. My thanks once again to you all.

    4. On this Thursday, the development I reported from the Newsroom in my comment at the top of this thread was also covered by the Church News today. Also, I have put in some thought into who might speak during Sunday's First Presidency's Christmas Devotional, and you can find that at the bottom of this document. The Christmas Devotional speakers are harder to predict than General Conference speakers, and I don't know at this point whether or not the prophet will be able to attend, speak, or prerecord a message. So I gave it my best shot. We'll know in four days how right or wrong I am in my projections this time around. My thanks once again to you all.

    5. As some of you might recall, earlier this year, Elder David A. Bednar shared a video on his social media channels that gave an overview of what his typical day was like. He has followed that up today with part two, a video in which he shares highlights of a weekend ministry trip. My thanks once again to you all.

    6. A new update on the Coban Guatemala Temple indicates that, with work concluded on the landscaping and interior, it joins the other 5 temples I have previously mentioned in the queue of those awaiting the announcement of opening arrangements. So I assume the next few weeks will be focused on announcing temple openings, though other announcements could be included as well. The Church Temples site has also made another adjustment in the queue. The Deseret Peak Utah, Tallahassee Florida and Abidjan Ivory Coast Temples are all now expected to be completed in early 2024 in that order. Status updates have been noted on each of these temples as well. And another status update has been provied on the Smithfield Utah Temple. My thanks once again to you all.

    7. A new report from the Church News highlights a Ukrainian group formed in Austria in the wake of refugees relocating there. My thanks once again to you all.

    8. And the Church News has also shared Elder Bednar's video. The Newsroom has shared articles from Albania and New Zealand. My thanks once again to you all.


      This is huge news. If I'm reading correctly this could potentially add up to 1,000 new Stakes in the US.

    10. The Church News has noted a change in Church policy relating to creating and adjusting unit boundaries. And a couple who was sealed in the St. George Utah Temple 80 years ago returned to it for its' open house. My thanks once again to you all.

    11. Noah, I didn't see your comment before I posted mine. My apologies. Thanks for making sure that everyone knew about this.

    12. A new Church News video has been released. My thanks once again to you all.

    13. On this Friday, the Newsroom and the Church News have highlighted the beginning of the #LighttheWorld Initiative. And the latest edition of "This Week on Social" has been published.

      The newest installment highlighted posts from the following general Church leaders: Elders Dieter F. Uchtdorf. David A. Bednar, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Andersen, Ronald A. Rasband, and Ulisses Soares, all of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson and her First Counselor, Sister J. Anette Dennis; Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman (who did a joint post with Sister Tamara McFadden of the Young Women General Advisory Council); Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency; and Young Men General President Steven J. Lund.

      My thanks once again to you all.

    14. The Church News has shared where to see Christmas lights and how to watch Sunday's First Presidency's Christmas Devotional. My thanks once again to you all.

    15. The Church Temples site has noted changes in the general completion estimates and completion order for temples anticipated to be completed within the next 12-15 months, as follows:

      Late 2023-early 2024: Casper Wyoming
      Early 2024: Mendoza Argentina
      Early-to-mid 2024: Abidjan Ivory Coast; Desert Peak Utah; Tallahassee Florida;
      Mid-2024: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania; Salvador Brazil; Antofagasta Chile; San Pedro Sula Honduras
      Mid-to-late 2024: Farmington New Mexico; Alabang Philippines
      Late 2024: Syracuse Utah
      Late 2024-early 2025: Auckland New Zealand; Burley Idaho; Harare Zimbabwe; Elko Nevada

      The latest changes to my estimates for the dedications of these temples will be featured on my final 2023 temple construction progress overview, which will be posted here late on New Year's Eve 2023. My thanks once again to you all.

    16. It appears that all major construction has now been completed for the Casper Wyoming Temple, which now brings the number of temples with major construction completed to 7. An update on the Heber Valley Utah Temple indicates that a lawsuit is now underway in continued efforts to prevent construction on that temple. And the Austin Texas Temple now bears the distinction of being the only temple with a specific groundbreaking window (mid-2024) identified. That is further verified here and here, with the latter link suggesting that the groundbreaking could specifically take place in June of next year. So a mix of good and troubling news. My thanks once again to you all.

  7. On this Saturday, the Church News has shared a couple new reports. The first looks back at the original dedication of the St. George Utah Temple, which will be rededicated a week from tomorrow by President Jeffrey R. Holland. The next shares how the Church stepped in when a fire destroyed a Salvation Army unit in Florida. And the text of the message that will be delivered during tomorrow's "Music & the Spoken Word" broadcasts in English and Spanish has also been released.

    And a surprising development has come with the newest update on the San Pedro Sula Honduras Temple. It looks like construction has accelerated there, as that temple is close to completion. As a result, the Church Temples site has shifted the 2024 completion estimates for temples as follows:

    Early 2024: Mendoza Argentina
    Early-to-mid 2024: Abidjan Ivory Coast; Desert Peak Utah; Tallahassee Florida; San Pedro Sula Honduras
    Mid-2024: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania; Salvador Brazil
    Mid-to-late 2024: Antofagasta Chile; Farmington New Mexico; Alabang Philippines
    Late 2024: Syracuse Utah
    Late 2024-early 2025: Auckland New Zealand; Burley Idaho; Harare Zimbabwe; Elko Nevada

    My thanks once again to you all.


In addition to my life-long love for the subjects which I cover in the posts of this blog, I have long held the belief that we can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Differences of opinion are natural, while being disagreeable in expressing those differences is not. And in that sense, I have no desire to close the door on anyone who earnestly desires to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on subjects covered in the posts on this blog.

At the same time, however, I recognize that we live in a time when incivility, discourtesy, unkindness, and even cyber-bullying has regrettably become part of online interactions. With that in mind, while anyone who wishes can comment on anything if they choose to do so, I hereby reserve the right to immediately delete any comments which are critical, unkind, lack civility, or promote prodcuts, services, and values contrary to either the Church, or to the rules of online etiquette.

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