Stokes Sounds Off: President Henry B. Eyring Observes His 91st Birthday Today

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Friday, May 31, 2024

President Henry B. Eyring Observes His 91st Birthday Today

Hello again, everyone! On this last day in May, I am grateful for the opportunity I have to pay tribute to President Henry Bennion Eyring, who is celebrating his 91st birthday today. "Hal" as he is known, was born in Princeton New Jersey in 1933, to well-known physicist Henry Eyring and Mildred Bennion. His father's sister, Camilla Eyring, married Spencer W. Kimball, while his father's first cousin was Marion G. Romney. He was generally a very good student. He recounted an experience where his father was helping to explain a scientific concept to him. When Hal still had trouble understanding the material, his father asked him whether or not he wanted to become a scientist. When Hal said he didn't, his father asked him what he thought about when he had nothing else to consider, and told him that he should pursue that subject.

This led young Hal to an eventual career as an educator and academic administrator. His family would later relocate from New Jersey to Salt Lake City, Utah. Although he did not serve a full-time mission, he was an active member of the U. S. Air Force, and was stationed in New Mexico, where he served as a liaison between military officers and scientists, in which capacity he was responsible for analyzing data from tests done on nuclear weapons. Prior to his military service, he had earned a degree in physics from the University of Utah. He also studied at Harvard, where he eventually earned both a masters' and doctoral degrees in Business Administration.

While he was highly sought after by business owners who admired his analytical work, he chose to continue to pursue his education. In the meantime, it was not until 1960 (when Hal was 26 or 27 and serving in a district presidency) that he met Kathleen Johnson at a YSA meeting in New Hampshire. She was born in Palo Alto California, and had studied at Stanford before coming to Harvard. She also spent some time studying at the Universities of Vienna and Paris.

Because Hal was serving as a counselor in the district presidency, his district president (Wilbur Cox) adjusted his assignments to accommodate his desire to date Kathleen. Much of their dating relationship was built through long-distance communication or travel, with Kathleen making several cross-country trips prior to their engagement in the early months of 1961.

They continued their courtship for the next year or so, and were married in the Logan Utah Temple on July 27, 1962, by which time Hal was 29 years old. Their marriage was solemnized by his uncle, then-Elder Spencer W. Kimball of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Their family would eventually include six children (four sons and two daughters).

Two of their sons are Henry J. Eyring (who current serves as an area seventy and who is wrapping up his service as BYU-Idaho's President) and Matthew J. Eyring (who is a Chief Strategy Innovation Officer with Vivint, a company specializing in home automation, who served previously as an area seventy as well.). Hal eventually became a professor at Stanford University. He continued his career as an associate professor at the Stanford School of Business for 9 years (between 1972 and 1981), and went on to be a Sloan Visiting Faculty Fellow at MIT, during which time he also took courses in human behavior.

Sometime between late 1970 and early 1971, his wife asked him if he shouldn't be studying with Neal A. Maxwell, who was serving at that time as Commissioner of Church Education. After considering her question and following a lot of reflection, Hal accepted an offer to become president of Ricks College. Although other job offers came his way during his 6-year tenure at the college, he continued to serve until his release in 1977. His previous Church callings included being a bishop, serving as a member of the Sunday School General Board, and as a regional representative.

In 1980, Hal was called to serve as the Commissioner of Church Education, succeeding Jeffrey R. Holland. He would continue to serve in that capacity until 1986. When the Church reorganized the Presiding Bishopric in April 1985, Robert D. Hales was called as the new Presiding Bishop, and he recommended that Hal serve as his First Counselor. After serving in that capacity for 7.5 years, he was called in October 1992 to serve as a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy.

When he began his new assignment, he was called for a second time to serve as the Commissioner of Church Education, an assignment in which he would continue until 2004. While Hal continued that service, Church President Howard W. Hunter passed away. Following the subsequent reorganization of the First Presidency in March 1995, new Church president Gordon B. Hinckley called Elder Eyring to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

12.5 years later, following the death of President James E. Faust, who had served as Second Counselor to President Hinckley, Elder Eyring was invited to join Presidents Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson in the First Presidency. The way that came about is an interesting story. Elder Eyring had taken the phone call from President Hinckley and had heard his invitation to join the First Presidency, but because he had occasionally taken calls on the Church's phone system that were meant for some of his apostolic colleagues, he asked President Hinckley if he was sure he was talking to the right person. "This is Hal Eyring." he said. President Hinckley quickly responded, "I know who this is." Thus it was that the first apostle appointed during President Hinckley's administration was called to serve in the First Presidency for an almost four-month period prior to President Hinckley's passing.

When the First Presidency was reorganized, new Church President Thomas S. Monson called President Eyring to continue serving in the First Presidency, this time as his First Counselor. While in that capacity, President Eyring dedicated 8 temples (San Salvador El Salvador, Gilbert Arizona, Payson Utah, Indianapolis Indiana, Philadelphia Pennsylvania (for which he had also presided at the groundbreaking), Hartford Connecticut, Paris France, and Cedar City Utah). The dedication of the Gilbert Arizona Temple was an interesting anomaly. Although President Monson presided at all three sessions, he requested that President Eyring read the prayer during the first session, so that was one recent example of how the dedication duties were shared by two apostles.

President Eyring also rededicated seven temples (Ogden Utah, Buenos Aires Argentina Mexico City Mexico, Montreal Quebec, Suva Fiji, Idaho Falls Idaho, and Jordan River Utah Temple). The Ogden Utah Temple rededication is another interesting case. President Eyring conducted all three sessions and presided at the final two sessions, in which he also offered the dedicatory prayer, with President Monson having presided at and offered the dedicatory prayer in the first session. As we also know, roughly 5 years ago (on May 23, 2017), the Church announced that President Monson would be stepping back from an active role in the day-to-day administration of the Church.

Following the release of that statement, Presidents Eyring and Dieter F. Uchtdorf assumed oversight of all decisions except for those requiring the prophet's direct approval. Following President Monson's death on January 2, 2018, the First Presidency was reorganized on January 14, at which time President Eyring was called to continue his service in the First Presidency, and is serving as Second Counselor a second time, working with Church President Russell M. Nelson and his First Counselor, President Dallin H. Oaks.

Because President Eyring has a familial connection to both Presidents Spencer W. Kimball and Marion G. Romney, who were both involved in the 1981 dedication of the Jordan River Utah Temple, President Nelson asked President Eyring to preside over that temple’s rededication on May 20, 2018. As noted in an earlier post, President Eyring drew heavily on the original dedicatory prayer in composing the dedicatory prayer for that temple. Just about one year later, he was asked to preside over the one-session private rededication for the Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple, since he also has ancestral connections to that temple. As we also know, in July, he will preside at the rededication of the Tokyo Japan Temple, which was also originally dedicated by President Spencer W. Kimball.

In the last year or so, his health has begun to decline, as evidenced by the fact that he has periodically not been present when the First Presidency has met with dignitaries at Church headquarters, and as shown by the fact that he prerecorded his General Conference remarks last April, and that he was seated to conduct the Sunday Morning Session and was wheeled to and from his seat in the Conference Center. Despite what I felt as he spoke during the last General Conference (that he might not live much longer), he is still alive and actively serving to the best of his ability. His lifelong devotion to education and his decades of committed Church service is an inspiration to all. I had the opportunity to attend a stake conference around 20 years ago, over which then-Elder Eyring presided. His message to us at that time focused on unity. It is a message he has since shared repeatedly in several General Conference addresses, a focus that has since been adopted by the current First Presidency, with multiple efforts underway to unify the Church on a global scale and to streamline and standardize policies and procedures.

That message of unity was particularly poignant during the October 2017 General Conference, when he, as First Counselor to the ailing President Monson, served as the de facto presiding authority, since his talks highlighted the important concept that the Lord is at the helm of His work, and that, regardless of the health of His chosen prophet, He continues to move the work forward. To date, President Eyring has given a total of 117 addresses in General Conference.

Of those, 5 were given during his 7 years in the Presiding Bishopric (including his first which, for unknown reasons, is not in the main repository page where his other talks can be found), with 25 others given during his 12.5 years in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and the remaining 84 since he was first called to the First Presidency in October 2007. During his apostolic tenure thus far, he has served as a counselor to 3 Church Presidents. Aside from his being the junior and youngest member of the current First Presidency, he is the fifth-most senior apostle and the fourth oldest overall. Among his fellow apostles, President Eyring has been one who has clearly shown when the feeling behind the message he is giving during each General Conference has had a direct impact on him. We are blessed to see how deeply he wants to convey such ideas, thoughts, and feelings to each of us.

I am grateful for the life, ministry, and service of this amazing man, whom I sustain with all my heart, and for the opportunity I have had in this small way to pay tribute to him on this day as he celebrates his 91st birthday.

I continue to monitor all Church News and Newsroom updates, and the latest temple construction developments, and will bring word of those to you here as I receive them. In the meantime, that does it for now. All comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated on any post at any time, as long as the offered feedback is made per the established guidelines.

I hope any of you who would like to share anything will take your opportunity to “sound off” in the comments below. Please subscribe if you liked what you read here and would like to be informed of newly-added posts and comments. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.


  1. The Church News provided this tribute to President Eyring for his birthday today. My thanks once again to you all.

  2. The Church News has shared plans for a "Friend-to-Friend" event featuring Acting President Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the Primary General Presidency (President Susan H. Porter and Sisters Amy A. Wright and Tracy Y. Browning). And the latest edition of "This Week on Social" has been published. The newest installment in that ongoing series featured social media content from the following general Church leaders:

    Elders David A. Bednar, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil L. Andersen, and Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles; Sisters J. Anette Dennis and Kristin M. Yee, the respective First and Second Counselors in the Relief Society General Presidency (the latter of whom posted via Relief Society Worldwide); Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman (via Young Women Worldwide); and Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. A few changes have been noted in the queue of temples under construction. this document shows where things stood as of yesterday. This document shows where things stand with the changes that have been made.

      But let me break down those changes more specifically. The Fort Worth Texas Temple has been moved from being between the Torreon Mexico Temple (which shared Fort Worth's previous completion estimate of late 2026) and the Bengaluru India Temple (with a completion estimated of late 2026-early 2027). With the Fort Worth Texas Temple's general completion estimate moved up to mid-to-late 2026, it now sits in the queue between Modesto California (with the same general completion estimate) and the Torreon Mexico Temple (with a general completion estimated of late 2026).

      The Torreon Mexico Temple also has moved ahead of the Freetown Sierra Leone Temple, though both still retain the general completion estimate of late 2026. Here's the biggest shocker: The Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo Temple has been moved way up on the queue to between the Freetown Sierra Leone Temple and the Bengaluru India Temple (the latter of which has a general completion estimate of late 2026-early 2027). The status of the Lubumbashi Temple has also been updated as a result of the move.

      Also, as a reminder, the groundbreakings will be held tomorrow for the Cleveland Ohio and Teton River Idaho Temples. That will be followed on Sunday by the dedication of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. Count on my sharing reports on each of those events as they cross my radar. For now, my thanks once again to you all.

    2. The Newsroom and the Church News have shared one new update apiece. My thanks once again to you all.

  3. In 100 days, our beloved prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, will celebrate his 100th birthday and will this become the first centenarian apostle and prophet. He has issued on the best gift Church members can give him. May we follow his prophetic counsel. Also, the Church News has shared the biographical introduction to Elder Karl D. Hirst. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. The links above were broken. Here is the link to the prophetic invitation, and here is the link to Elder Hirst 's biographical introduction. My thanks once again to you all.

    2. Also, ground was broken this morning as scheduled for the Cleveland Ohio and Teton River Idaho Temples. I watched the latter love myself. So hopefully the two will begin full-scale construction later this week. My thanks once again to you all.

    3. The Church News has provided the text of the message that will be delivered in English and Spanish during tomorrow's broadcast of "Music & the Spoken Word". My thanks once again to you all.

    4. And the Newsroom also shared President Nelson's birthday invitation. My thanks once again to you all.

    5. The Church News has reported on the Teton River Idaho Temple groundbreaking. Hopefully a report on the Cleveland Ohio Temple will follow shortly. My thanks once again to you all.

  4. On this Sabbath Day, first, a personal note: A few of you may have seen my published post about Elder Neil L. Andersen's birthday. As Scott S. pointed out in a now-deleted comment, his birthday is not until August. I have been pre-composing future posts for a while now. I inadvertently neglected to set that post to publish on August 9, which is his actual birthday. I apologize for that error on my part. I'm still having some rough health days which sometimes affect my efforts here, so such errors may occur again in the future.

    We now move on to the news of the day. Since it is half-past 2:00 PM, I am assuming that the Taylorsville Utah Temple was dedicated this morning by Elder Gerrit W. Gong as scheduled. It now has become the 192nd dedicated temple of the Church. I have mentioned my belief that the Church will likely have 300 temples by the bicentennial anniversary of the Church's reestablishment (on Saturday April 6, 2030). With 5.84 years in which the Church will need to dedicate the remaining 108 temples, the Church will need to dedicate roughly 18.49 temples per year to make that goal. And with 3 more temples set to be dedicated in the next two weeks alone, that average will likely lower quite a bit.

    I will bring reports on the Taylorsville Utah Temple dedication here as they become available later today. In the interim, the Church News has shared a brief introduction to 10 new stake presidencies that were recently called, including for 2 new stakes and 8 reorganized stake presidencies.

    Applications opened yesterday for the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. "In Case You Missed It: Week in Review" recapped the top 9 updates reported by the Church News within the last week. And with the "Come Follow Me" study for Sunday School focusing on Mosiah 29-Alma 4, read what Church leaders have said about those chapters. My thanks once again to you all.

    1. The Newsroom and the Church News both covered the dedication of the Taylorsville Utah Temple. My thanks once again to you all.

    2. The Newsroom shared this report on the two temple groundbreakings held on Saturday. I don't know yet if this is the only temple update we'll get today. My thanks once again to you all.

    3. On this Monday, the Church News has shared two new reports. My thanks once again to you all.

    4. The Church News has sharedone new report. My thanks once again to you.

    5. The Church News has released the text of the prayer offered yesterday by Elder Gerrit W. Gong to dedicate the Taylorsville Utah Temple, and also provided a report on the Cleveland Ohio Temple groundbreaking. My thanks once again to you all.


In addition to my life-long love for the subjects which I cover in the posts of this blog, I have long held the belief that we can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Differences of opinion are natural, while being disagreeable in expressing those differences is not. And in that sense, I have no desire to close the door on anyone who earnestly desires to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on subjects covered in the posts on this blog.

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I'd also like to remind all who comment here that I try to respond personally to each individual comment as I feel is appropriate. Such replies are not meant to end the conversation, but to acknowledge earnest feedback as it is submitted.

And in order to better preserve the spirit and pure intentions for which this blog was established, I also hereby request that anyone not commenting with a regular user name (particularly those whose comments appear under the "Unknown" or "Anonymous" monikers, give the rest of us a name to work with in addressing any replies. If such individuals do not wish to disclose their actual given names, a pseudonym or nickname would suffice.

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