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Thursday, September 26, 2019

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Feather River California Temple Location; Renderings Released

Hello again, everyone! The last few days have been remarkable ones for temple developments. Today was no different. Earlier this morning, the Newsroom reported the release of renderings and preliminary plans for the Feather River California Temple. The temple, which will be built in Yuba City California at 1470 Butte House Road, will be just over 38.000 square feet, and preliminary plans include a new meetinghouse and distribution center next to the temple, with an existing meetinghouse by the temple site being razed as part of this project.

This temple is another scenario like we saw yesterday, with the Church still working with city leaders on designs and specific concept plans, and constrcution to begin as soon as approval can be granted by city leaders and the various departments. So again we see that President Nelson is very serious about bringing the temples to the people, and is taking action to the fullest degree he can to move temples swiftly from being announced to under construction. The Feather River California Temple will be the fifth temple originally announced in October 2018 to have construction begin, whenever that occurs.

And if I may do so, I'd like to just comment on the Church's strategy here: It is obvious in places like Mexico or the United States where the value of temples to a community are clearly understood that some temples can and will be fast-tracked in those locations. Other temples in locations outside the United States may take slightly longer than that to get started, but from what I can ascertain, President Nelson's strategy will be three-fold. By that I mean he continues to be focused on announcing temples, many of which can be fast-tracked to have construction begin within the next 0.5-2 years, focusing on announcing several smaller ones for remote areas (many of which may also similarly be fast-tracked), and also on doing what he can to clear the queue of all temples announced before he became Church President, of which there are only 4 left (Harare Zimbabwe, Nairobi Kenya, Brasilia Brazil, and the temple for the Greater Manila area, for which an official name announcement is still pending.

With how methodical President Nelson has been over the last couple of months (by which I am referring to the many temple-related announcements he has made), it is clear that 2020 and the years beyond that will be filled with many temple events. And if several of the Nelsonian-era temples are similarly fast-tracked, we may be well past the days when more than 5-6 years pass before Nelson-era announced temples are able to have a groundbreaking occur. I would similarly anticipate that the next year and beyond will be filled with several temple groundbreakings, which in turn will multiply the number of temples dedicated each year, and that, as the queue is cleared between each April, October, and subsequent April, more room will be created for additional temples to be announced.

I will double-check this later today, but I believe this brings the total number of temples for which a groundbreaking can be safely anticipated to 12 or so. As always, I continue to monitor all Church news and temple updates and will be doing my level best to bring word of those to you all as I become aware of such developments. That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do. 


  1. We had three days in a row of temple news this week.

    1. Yes, we have, Chris. In between taking time to catch my breath after reporting each new development, I have also taken some time to reanalzye the timing for future temple groundbreakings. Based on my initial efforts there, at this point I can say that, by this time next year, it appears more likely than not that a minimum of 12 currently-announced temples (in addition to Saratoga Springs Utah and Puebla Mexico) could have their groundbreakings. That in turn will affect the timing of future temple dedications, and will have another impact as well. If all 12 of those temples do have a groundbreaking within that time, then the queue of temples which have not yet had a groundbreaking by this time next year will be down to 15. And based on what President Nelson and his apostolic colleagues have said on the subject of temple construction, we are likely to see the number of new temples announced each year total at least 19-20.

      And although 8 temples being announced last April would mean the minimum number of temples announced in General Conference next weeked will be 11-12, I have a feeling the total number of temples announced may be closer to a minimum 14-16. Additionally, as I will explain more fully in a new blog post whenever I have the chance to compose and publish it, I imagine that in addition to new temples and anything else he wants to announce, President Nelson may opt to at least share the preliminary details and steps that will be taken towards fulfilling his goal of a ten-fold increase in the number of temples. He could also possibly explain the plans in full in addition to whatever else is on the docket for this General Conference, but at minimum, I now fully believe he will be providing some details on the plans. We may be in for quite a few temple developments before the end of the year, in addition to more such events occurring next year.

      It will be interesting to see it all unfold, and for my part, I will do my level best to stay on top of it all. Thank you again, Chris, for taking time to comment. I always appreciate hearing from you.

  2. While I have a little breathing room for the moment, I wanted to pass along some additional Church news which has been reported, with the articles speaking for themselves:

    My thanks once again to you all for your continued interest and ongoing support.

  3. And as the Church continues to follow President Nelson's inspired directive to emphasize the correct usage of the Church's name, the official Newsroom has reported the completion of the next step in that process:

    Thanks again, everyone!

  4. That article is from last March. It is not new.

    1. Check carefully where it says updated 26 September 2019

    2. Hello/ Thank you both for taking time to comment. Nigel, you are correct. The date listed at the top of the article is the date of its' original publication. Right below the original publication date, the title of the article, and the social media sharing buttons is the date of September 26, 2019, with the new information included under that.

      The Church does that because it is easier to keep all develoopments relating to the name change in one story rather than to publish a new article for each change in that respect and provide links to them all. It's a common device used in journalism when a story is updated mulitiple times with additional details as they are released. Again, thank you both for taking time to comment.

  5. Hello again, everyone! A little later than I'd hoped to be able to do so, I have some additional Church news to report. First, here are the stories that do not require any additional context and will therefore speak for themselves:

    Next, the latest edition of "This Week on Social" has been published, and this week's edition featured posts from the following general Church leaders:

    President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency; Acting President M. Russell Ballard and Elders David A. Bdnar and Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (from whom 2 new posts were shared); Sister Reyna I. Aburto, Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency; Sister Michelle D. Craig, First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency.

    You can find those posts in the following article:

    And the Church's official Newsroom also released another edition of "Latter-day Saints Around the World", which featured articles from the following locations: India; Venezuela; Southeast Texas and Baltimore Maryland, USA; Tonga, Pacific Islands.

    You can review the summaries of those stories and find links to each on the local Newsroom:

    It is also worth noting that the open houses for both the Raleigh North Carolina and Frankfurt Germany Temples will be wrapping up tonight (Saturday September 28). I continue to monitor all Church news and temple updates and will bring you all word of those as I become aware of it. In the meantime, my thanks once again to you all.


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