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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Miscellaneous Temple Developments and Church News Reported

Hello again, everyone! This will be a multi-subject post to cover the latest temple developments and some Church news which has been reported. Let's talk about all of that. First, the temple developments. I was pleasantly surprised to hear of another update relating to the Durban South Africa Temple. The latest information I have indicates that poles for the security cameras have been installed, while the process of sandstone cladding the entrance walls and the fountain continues, as does the interior millwork, tiling, painting, plumbing, data, electrical, and fire suppression systems and equipment.

From this update, it appears that the construction of that temple may be back on track. With that said, I still believe that the dedication for the Arequipa Peru Temple will be set to occur first. And there is a possibility (however slight) that the Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple could likewise be dedicated before the Durban South Africa dedication as well. But I am watching for information on that subject, and will bring word of it to you all here if and when I find out anything.

In the meantime, while framing continues for the meetinghouse adjacent to the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple, work on the temple proper currently involves pouring the main floor slab. The one other temple update I have relates to the Raleigh North Carolina Temple, where decorative fencing is being installed, trees and shrubs are being planted, and walkways are being poured. As I mentioned previously, the renovation process for this temple will likely be completed and the open house and private rededication information announced before the end of June, but I still believe that the open house and rededication will not occur until August, following the annual July recess for the General Authorities.

I also continue to work as I can on updating my previously-offered thoughts about temples for which a groundbreaking is anticipated to occur within the next year or so, and a reordering of announced temples due to new information of which I have been made aware. Having noted that, I'd like to pass along some additional Church news items. The first relates to the subject of temples.

The Church News shared information today that Brother Craig P. and Sister Linda K. Burton (as you may recall, Sister Burton served as Relief Society General President from 2012-2017 have been called to serve as the president and matron of the Jordan River Utah Temple, replacing the current president and matron, who have served since 2014 (with the latter part of their service interrupted slightly by the renovation of that temple).

This brings the total number of new temple presidents announced this year to 9, leaving 55 currently-operating temples on my personal list of those which might have a new president called, along with the 3 or 4 presidents which will likely be called for temples that will be dedicated within the next year or so. There have been other Church news stories reported recently which may be of interest to many of you, and a general mention of those here would seem to suffice for now.

The final development about which I want to report here today is from the Church's Newsroom, to cover the details of the new name which will be used going forward, and how that change relates to the other changes the Church has seen within these first 14 months of President Nelson's prophetic administration. The video accompanying that article is well worthy of your time and attention.

I do continue to monitor any and all other Church news and temple developments, and will keep doing my level best to bring word of those to you all here as I become aware of them. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines.

Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly-added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.