Stokes Sounds Off: I have a job, which I start on Monday!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

I have a job, which I start on Monday!

It has been a most amazing and overwhelming evening. Because I was not able to get the job with through Kelly Services, I spent most of the day after my talk with the Kelly Services representative being very hard on myself, and taking myself to task for blowing another opportunity. In my despair and frustration, I happened to post on Facebook about what happened and explained that I was really in a bad place and was not handling the situation very well. Instantly, I was flooded with comments of support, compassion, and understanding.

One of the first responses came from Trent Ginnett, who had been my first TL at my former job with ROI. I knew he was managing a new campaign somewhere, but I hadn't heard from him a lot lately. So his comment surprised me. He indicated to me that he was now an account manager at the Lindon branch of ROI and that he could hire me on the spot if I wanted a job. He requested that I call him if I was interested. I sent him a message explaining more about what I was dealing with and letting him know that, if he felt I would still be a good bet with all I was dealing with, as I had lost his number, he could call mine. Less than two minutes later, my phone rang.

Trent let me know about what was involved with the project he had in mind for me. In making further inquiries, I was able to find out about the dress code, when training would be, and more about what the job would entail. He again reiterated the fact that he had the power to hire me on the spot if I wanted the job, and that he would always work with whatever my situation involved. The starting pay was exactly what I was earning in my previous job at the American Fork branch. And he said the nature of the job was such that it was very low stress and that he felt it would be a good fit for me.

I asked if he would mind if I consulted with my wife before making a decision. He said I could take whatever time I might need, and could call him whenever I had reached my decision. It took me less than 10 minutes to explain everything to Amy, to pray about it with her, and for me to determine it would be an ideal opportunity. So I called him back and told him I'd take the job. He let me know that he was looking forward to the opportunity to work with me again, and he restated his intention to do whatever he could to make this work for me. He said I could meet with him anytime before 3 pm tomorrow at the ROI building in Lindon, and mentioned that the paperwork was just a formality. The job is as good as mine.

I am beyond overwhelmed and very grateful for this unexpected turn of events. I will be thanking the Lord for quite a while that He put this opportunity in my path. To top it all off, it is a job I know I will be able to handle, and I have no doubt I can make this work.

Once again, the Lord has proven to me that He is mindful of me. He has shown me that He is a God of miracles. And He, in His infinite wisdom, has placed into my path the very thing I need right when I had all but given up faith and hope that anything would be resolved in this regard anytime soon.

I feel so unworthy of this miraculous turn of events. And it cannot be called anything but that. The Lord must love me very much. I have never considered myself deserving of the lifetime of events that have rolled forward in the form of one miracle after another. It just goes to show that when you least expect it, that which you need most often comes to you in ways that, to the rational mind, cannot be explained.

I honestly don't know what the regulations may be as far as what activities might be allowed during work hours, or when I might have my lunch break or any other breaks during the day. But I know that this will be a most wonderful opportunity for me, especially in being able to work under someone who fully appreciates and understands my situation and will do whatever it takes to make this work for me. And because of the way it has come about so quickly within ten hours of finding out about not getting the other opportunity, it must be right for me to do this right now.

And so, no matter what may happen in regards to this, I know I can make it work. And I am beyond grateful for how well everything came together when the moment was right.

Once again, I feel I can say and mean this with all sincerity: God is in His heaven; All is right with the world.


  1. I pray all goes well. Keep the faith. Take care of each other.

  2. Awesome. It pays to have connections. Good luck and remember the Lord used your friend as an instrument to your progress.

  3. Thanks, Chris! I appreciate your continued concern, compassion, and kind comments.

  4. I will not fail in this opportunity. Of that I am absolutely determined. And, as I stated, I needed things to happen the way they did to give me some perspective and the resolve I needed to make this opportunity work for me at this time. Given the way it all unfolded, I cannot term it as anything but the absolute miracle that it has been. And that will be on the forefront of my mind as I take full advantage of the situation. Thanks again.

  5. Congratulations, James! God is good.

  6. Indeed He is. I have seen that proven over a lifetime of experiences. And because of how this all came about, I cannot and will not term it as anything less than the absolute miracle that it is. And, as I told my sweet wife, this has not come about because of any goodness in me. This is entirely a credit to her faith and the fact that, no matter how badly I messed things up for us, she has not once given up on me. The Lord obviously was very mindful of all she has suffered because of my insensitivity and lack of responsibility sufficient enough to retain my last job. My first supervisor at my former job is now at this other branch of the company, and once I was ready to embrace a new opportunity and give it my best, he offered me the job, making it clear that he wanted and needed me to take it, and that he would do anything he could to make it work in my unique situation, of which he has always been most sensitive. Had I known this outcome was possible or that he had become a project manager at the location that will be much closer to where we live, I would have approached him about taking me on long ago. But I badly and desperately needed events to unfold the way they have this week, and that led to me being ready to embrace this opportunity when it came. I credit my wife for this blessing because she never once gave up on us, and she never lost faith in me. She persevered in preserving our marriage at great personal risk and sacrifice to herself, in spite of everything I unwittingly did to destroy all she built up. She had been encouraging me to talk to someone, anyone, about what properly providing for our family means, but I had put it off until the previous job was offered to me. In discussing my apprehension and hang-ups about my ability to do so with my excellent home teachers, they were able to say inspired things that led me to realize I needed to take the opportunity when one arose. And when the first job offer fell through because the employment agency offering the position believed my situation disqualified me, it was the lowest moment of my life. In my despair, I posted how I was feeling on Facebook, and one of the first responses came from my former TL, indicating he had a position for me, and that I should call him. From the outset, he made it clear that he wasn't concerned about how my health would impact my working on his campaign. He knew enough about my work ethic to know that what he had in mind would be a good fit, and he went out of his way to ensure he could make this work for me, all the while saying that it was not because he personally was anything special, but because he knew I would give the best I had in spite of my health. That was more than enough to convince me to take the job. And it feels right. So I have no doubts I need to do this, and that the Lord will enable me to do so. Thanks, Rick!

  7. Indeed He is. I have seen that proven over a lifetime of experiences. And because of how this all came about, I cannot and will not term it as anything less than the absolute miracle that it is. And, as I told my sweet wife, this has not come about because of any goodness in me. This is entirely a credit to her faith and the fact that, no matter how badly I messed things up for us, she has not once given up on me. The Lord obviously was very mindful of all she has suffered because of my insensitivity and lack of responsibility sufficient enough to retain my last job. My first supervisor at my former job is now at this other branch of the company, and once I was ready to embrace a new opportunity and give it my best, he offered me the job, making it clear that he wanted and needed me to take it, and that he would do anything he could to make it work in my unique situation, of which he has always been most sensitive. Had I known this outcome was possible or that he had become a project manager at the location that will be much closer to where we live, I would have approached him about taking me on long ago. But I badly and desperately needed events to unfold the way they have this week, and that led to me being ready to embrace this opportunity when it came. I credit my wife for this blessing because she never once gave up on us, and she never lost faith in me. She persevered in preserving our marriage at great personal risk and sacrifice to herself, in spite of everything I unwittingly did to destroy all she built up. She had been encouraging me to talk to someone, anyone, about what properly providing for our family means, but I had put it off until the previous job was offered to me. In discussing my apprehension and hang-ups about my ability to do so with my excellent home teachers, they were able to say inspired things that led me to realize I needed to take the opportunity when one arose. And when the first job offer fell through because the employment agency offering the position believed my situation disqualified me, it was the lowest moment of my life. In my despair, I posted how I was feeling on Facebook, and one of the first responses came from my former TL, indicating he had a position for me, and that I should call him. From the outset, he made it clear that he wasn't concerned about how my health would impact my working on his campaign. He knew enough about my work ethic to know that what he had in mind would be a good fit, and he went out of his way to ensure he could make this work for me, all the while saying that it was not because he personally was anything special, but because he knew I would give the best I had in spite of my health. That was more than enough to convince me to take the job. And it feels right. So I have no doubts I need to do this, and that the Lord will enable me to do so. Thanks, Rick!


In addition to my life-long love for the subjects which I cover in the posts of this blog, I have long held the belief that we can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Differences of opinion are natural, while being disagreeable in expressing those differences is not. And in that sense, I have no desire to close the door on anyone who earnestly desires to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on subjects covered in the posts on this blog.

At the same time, however, I recognize that we live in a time when incivility, discourtesy, unkindness, and even cyber-bullying has regrettably become part of online interactions. With that in mind, while anyone who wishes can comment on anything if they choose to do so, I hereby reserve the right to immediately delete any comments which are critical, unkind, lack civility, or promote prodcuts, services, and values contrary to either the Church, or to the rules of online etiquette.

I'd also like to remind all who comment here that I try to respond personally to each individual comment as I feel is appropriate. Such replies are not meant to end the conversation, but to acknowledge earnest feedback as it is submitted.

And in order to better preserve the spirit and pure intentions for which this blog was established, I also hereby request that anyone not commenting with a regular user name (particularly those whose comments appear under the "Unknown" or "Anonymous" monikers, give the rest of us a name to work with in addressing any replies. If such individuals do not wish to disclose their actual given names, a pseudonym or nickname would suffice.

Any comments made by individuals who opt to not give a name by which they can ber identified may, depending on the substance and tone of such comments, be subject to deletion as well. I would respectfully ask that all of us do all we can to keep the dialogue positive, polite, and without malice or ill-will. May the Lord bless us all in our discussion of these important matters.