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Saturday, December 12, 2020

BREAKING TEMPLE NEWS: Groundbreaking Held for the Harare Zimbabwe Temple; Groundbreaking Likely to Occur for Mendoza Argentina Temple

Hello again, everyone! I have breaking temple news to report. Per information provided just over an hour ago by Nigel, my Church member contact living in Africa, ground has been broken for the Harare Zimbabwe Temple. Official Church confirmation of the particulars through a news release is still pending, but will likely be available through the Zimbabwe edition of the Church's official Newsroom within the next several hours or so. 

Update (added at 2:00 PM Utah time): An official confirmation of this temple's groundbreaking was provided by the Newsroom a short while ago. In addition to Zimbabwean native Elder Edward Dube, who presided at this temple's groundbreaking, Elder Ciro Schmiel, who serves as Second Counselor in the Africa South Area presidency, was also present, along with the president of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Official resources, including photos and videos, will be released at a later time.

Given the fact that it is past 4:00 AM here in Utah, this post will be updated later this afternoon or evening once I can find the report, analyze the information from it, and pass my observations along here. Based on what I can ascertain from the temple's rendering and planned size, I am setting an initial completion estimate of early-to-mid 2023 for that temple, assuming there is no inordiante delay in getting it under construction.

In the interim, as many of you may also be aware, although the Church had originally planned to break ground for the Mendoza Argentina Temple last month, insofar as I have been able to ascertain, that has not yet occurred. According to a few more official Church sources I have found in the interim, it appears that that temple groundbreaking is still anticipated to take place before the end of this year, which leaves the Church around a week or so to take care of that without detracting focus from the Christmas and New Year's celebrations worldwide.

So I will keep my eyes open for any word on that tegmple. I'm hoping we will have official resources noting that both groundbreakings have taken place before the end of the day today (Saturday December 12) here in Utah. I will be sure to bring you all word on the confirmation of these events as they are provided. 

Update (added at 2:00 PM Utah time): There has still been no word on the Mendoza Argentina Temple groundbreaking having taken place. Given the fact that it is now roughly 6:00 PM on Saturday evening in Mendoza, it appears that the groundbreaking for that temple might not have occurred today after all. I am still reasonably certain, however, that that will have occurred at some point within the next week, unless we hear anything otherwise.

That does it for now. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated, on any post at any time, as long as such comments are made in accordance with the established guidelines. Thank you for the privilege of your time. If you enjoyed what you read here and would like to stay informed of newly added content, please feel free to subscribe. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.


  1. Hie Brother James
    Herewith the link in the Zimbabwe newsroom in regard to the Harare Zimbabwe Temple groundbreaking

  2. Nigel, I came across that information within the last 15 minutes or so myself, and was working on adding that to my post above when your comment came in. Thanks for making sure I saw that. Nice to have that officially confirmed.

  3. The Church News has also provided coverage on the temple groundbreaking:

    Just one quick note on the Church News article: It incorrectly identifies Elder Dube as "an Area Seventy", when he has been serving as a General Authority Seventy since April 2013:

    My thanks once again to you all.

  4. Hello again, everyone! As this Saturday winds down into the late evening-early night hours here in Utah, the Newsroom and Church News have shared the following additional reports:

    And an update has been provided on the Brasilia Brazil Temple:

    My thanks once again to you all.

  5. Hello again, everyone! The following additional Church News stories and temple updates have been provided:

    Also, it appears that the Praia Cabo Verde Temple has again been moved ahead of the Pocatello Idaho Temple in the construction queue.

    My thanks once again to you all.


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