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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Reminder about Commenting Period for Temple Site Possibilities Post Series

Hello again, everyone! I just wanted to post a brief reminder for you all. While I met my set goal to have the series of posts covering the future temple possibilities within each of the Church's geographical areas before the end of 2017, my intent was never to wrap up the discussions about those posts before New Year''s Eve this year.

So if any of you have any comments on any of the coverage I did for any of the Church's 25 geographical areas, you can feel free to add them at any time convenient for you. My main desire was to open up conversations about such possibilities, in the hopes that doing so would enable me to make any adjustments, including changing, eliminating, or adding potential sites based on the feedback from you all.

And that process will be going forward on an ongoing basis until the final version of the total list is published on this blog just prior to General Conference (which is now just over 15 weeks away). So if any of you have any comments on any of those posts, I want to hear your thoughts on the information I have shared over the course of that post series.

I am particularly interested to know if I have overlooked any promising locations, if there are any I should remove from my list, or what your thoughts are on how soon we might see those temple sites announced that seem most imminent.

I also hope that none of you have been or will be offended in any way if, in the course of such discussions, I reiterate why I feel strongly about the locations currently on my list. In the discussions that have taken place thus far in that series, we have had good back and forth chats about the reasons and merits behind the sites on my list, as well as the reasons why some sites are on that list and others are not.

But there have also been several conversations where someone has brought up a site I had not considered, or had not seen as a strong or immediate possibility, and the results of my research regarding such locations have led to me either replacing others that are less likely or else adding such locations to the others I feel strongly about within that area.

So until the week or so before April General Conference (at which time I will need to finalize the list), any and all comments are, as alyways, welcome and appreciated. That does it for this post. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

More Specific Alterations Done for Future Temple Events between now and the end of 2020

Hello again, everyone! While I was pleased to pass along to you earlier today the changes that were made in the general completion estimates for temple-related events which are anticipated to occur between now and the end of 2020, I had also promised to try and determine more specific windows in which each of those events could potentially take place. I am pleased to bring you now the results of those adjustments I have made. They follow below. That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.

Revised estimated time-frame for future temple-related events:

Sunday January 7: Raleigh North Carolina Temple Renovation Closure (date has been confirmed)
Sunday January 28: Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple Renovation Closure (date has been confirmed)
Monday February 19: Oakland California temple Renovation Closure (date has been confirmed)
Sunday March 4: Washington DC Temple Renovation Closure (date has been confirmed)
April or May: Full-scale construction anticipated to begin on the Winnipeg Manitoba Temple
Sunday March 11 or 18: Houston Texas Temple Rededication (private)
Sunday May 20: Jordan River Utah Temple Rededication/Mesa Arizona Temple Renovation Closure (both have been confirmed)
Sunday August 12 or 19: Concepcion Chile Temple Dedication (160th operating temple)
Sunday September 16 or 23: Frankfurt Germany Temple Rededication
Sunday November 11 or 18: Barranquilla Colombia Temple Dedication (161st operating temple)
Sunday December 9 or 16: Rome Italy Temple Dedication (162nd operating temple)

Mid-February: Kinshasa DR Congo Temple Dedication (163rd operating temple)
Mid-to-late April: Memphis Tennessee Temple Rededication
Late April-early May: Oklahoma City Oklahoma Temple Rededication
Mid-May: Asuncion Paraguay Temple Rededication
Late May-early June: Durban South Africa Temple Dedication (164th operating temple)
Mid-June: Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple Dedication (165th operating temple)
Early-to-mid August: Lisbon Portugal Dedication (166th operating temple)
Mid-to-late August: Raleigh North Carolina Temple Rededication
Early-to-mid September: Fortaleza Brazil Temple Dedication (167th operating temple)
Mid-to-late September: Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple Rededication
Mid-November: Arequipa Peru Temple Dedication (168th operating temple)
Mid-December: Oakland California Temple Rededication
NOTE: While the Church did indicate that this temple is anticipated to be rededicated during 2019, it is one of the older ones, and, as such, if the renovation process is delayed for any reason whatsoever, it could be pushed back into 2020.

Mid-March: Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple Dedication (169th operating temple)
Mid-to-late April: Tokyo Japan Temple Rededication
Mid-May: Winnipeg Manitoba Temple Dedication (170th operating temple)
Early-to-mid September: Mesa Arizona Temple Rededication
Mid-November: Washington DC Temple Rededication
NOTE: I heard that 2018 and 2019 could be big years for temple groundbreakings. If that proves correct, then many other temples could also be dedicated during 2020 and 2021. As the next two years unfold, I will have a better idea of when such events may occur, and they can then be added to the other estimates above.

Adjustments Made to Several Estimated Time-frames for Future Temple-related Events

Hello again, everyone! As 2017 comes closer to its' conclusion, I have continued to check diligently for any Church news, particularly those relating to temple developments. About a week ago, I noted that several of the estimated time-frames for temple-related events had been slightly altered. So I made adjustments to my thoughts about the potential time-frames for such events.

Then today, in checking the sources I have for temple-related information, I was amazed to discover that several other adjustments had been made. Let's take a look at what those adjustments are and how that will impact the potential sequence of temple-related events between now and the early months of 2020.

Although there could be numerous ways to pass along these changes, I hope that the way I have opted to do them makes sense to all of you reading them. If any of you need clarification on anything you see in the list below, please let me know.

So let's get specific. First of all, the private rededication for the Houston Texas Temple that was (up until today) initially anticipated to occur in mid-2018, may now occur in early 2018, which would mean it will probably happen sometime between January and May.

Next, as previously reported, the Concepcion Chile Temple, which was anticipated at the beginning of this month to only have its' dedication occur in the final quarter of next year (sometime between the beginning of October and the end of December), has had an adjustment made to its' estimate which indicates it could be dedicated during the latter half of 2018 (which would expand the window for that completion to anytime between the beginning of July (or August, in view of July being the month in which our Church leaders have their annual recess) to the end of December.

As as noted previously, that is similar to the time-frame within which the rededication of the Frankfurt Germany Temple is anticipated to take place (mid-to-late 2018). One thing which I am in the process of evaluating is whether the dedication for the Concepcion Chile Temple or the rededication for the Frankfurt Germany Temple will occur first, and I will post more on that once I am able to make that determination.

Since the Barranquilla Colombia Temple's estimate has not changed, its' dedication is still anticipated to occur in late 2018. Here's where the changes come in. As recently as yesterday, I anticipated that the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple would be the last one dedicated during the final months of 2018 and that the Rome Italy Temple would have its dedication in the early months of the following year.

But today, new information I received points to the fact that, of the two, the Rome Italy Temple is now anticipated to be dedicated first, and that that could occur either near the end of 2018 or in the early months of the following year.

Meanwhile, the Kinshasa DR Congo Temple's estimated completion has officially been pushed back to early 2019. That switch truck me as a bit odd, since Rome has not seemed to progress as consistently as Kinshasa, but I trust there is a reason for the change.

The next big adjustment is that the Lisbon Portugal Temple, which appears to be progressing more consistently than the two temples of the Church under construction in Brazil (Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro), has now had its' completion estimate changed to mid-2019. As a result of that change, it is now anticipated that the Fortaleza Temple will be dedicated in mid-to-late 2019.

And the final adjustment that has been made is that, while the Arequipa Peru Temple is still anticipated to be dedicated in either late 2019 or early 2020, there is now reason to believe that the Rio de Janeiro Temple will not be dedicated until early 2020.

Of course, there are other factors to consider here, such as whether or not any of the temples that are or will be undergoing renovation will have a change in their estimates in the near future as well. I will be keeping an eye out for information on that, along with any additional updates to the estimates of those under construction, and will pass along any further updates ASAP after I hear of them.

And obviously, since these changes have so recently been reported, I have not yet had a chance to determine how to alter the more specific estimated time-frames which I have previously offered on this blog for temple events anticipated to occur between now and the end of 2020. I will be working on that as I am able to later on today, and will hope to have those updates posted on this blog before the end of today.

That does it for this post. Any and all comments are, as always, welcome and appreciated. Thank you for the privilege of your time and for wading through this lengthy update. Until my next post, I wish each one of you all the best and pray that the Lord will bless you all in everything you do.